「 6 」




Myungsoo sighed as he sat awake, peering down to Sungjong who'd fallen asleep in his arms; his cheek gently with a small frown. The need for sleep wasn't as important now that he was a vampire but even if he wanted to--he couldn't do that. He felt too uneasy as he watched over him; His colour was returning to his cheeks and he was starting to look better now and that made his worries settle down some but he couldn't fully relax until awake and clearly better; He was warmer though but Myungsoo naturally connected that with Sungjong being curled up in his embrace.  The knock at the door startled him some but he sighed, reluctantly letting Sungjong out of his grasp before heading to the door with a sigh. Opening the door, he was faced with Hoya and honestly, Myungsoo could honestly say he was tired of seeing him, sighing deeply. 
"Hey--I won't bother you long I just wanna see him." he spoke and Myungsoo nodded, moving out of the way to let Hoya in who seemed to head over to Sungjong and get a look at him but kept his distance now. "Yeah, he's getting better, I could feel it." Myungsoo was confused now, "What do you mean you can feel it?" Hoya sighed now, "Being a maker to someone is a scared bond and they become a part of you . . . essentially. You can tell if they're in danger--Like a sixth sense or something." He responded with an annoyance to his tone but he could hear that his tone was kinder now before he sighed and made his way out the door once more to leave without much else. 
"Sorry for coming at you before, I thought you'd forced yourself on him, Sungjong doesn't let anyone touch him." Hoya simply spoke as he walked on; Myungsoo was curious though, closing the door behind him and following behind Hoya."Isn't that what you did?" Hoya stopped walking just for a moment and he could see his hand curling up into fists before he continued walking without a word.
"Why did you do that to him?"  Myungsoo suddenly asked, his feet and lips were moving on their own now. Hoya stopped in his steps and turned to him with a curiousity. "Turned him against his will." Myungsoo explained in response to the raised eyebrow that Hoya had given him. Hoya sighed at this before pursing his lips together. "Follow me." he simply spoke and Myungsoo let his curiousity lead him--following close behind him till they reached a room on the opposite side and Hoya pulled keys to open the room. "I really don't see the need for keys while we are supernatural beings who can easily remove this piece of wood from its hinges."  he murmured aloud to himself as he rattled through the selection of keys before finding the right one and opening the door.  If this was Hoya's room, why did he walk such a long way to get to Sungjong's? 
Entering inside, Myungsoo cringed at the overzealous amount of Purple things inside the small room. "Jeez." he muttered under his breath and Hoya snorted to himself and pulled out a Trublood for the too of them, offering one to Myungsoo. This kind actions torwards him suddenly were making him uncomfortable and uneasy as the two sat down. 
"So, Are you gonn answer?" Hoya only snorted as he took a swig of the drink. "Hmm . . . maybe you are a good match for him, both impatient children." He teased calmly as he placed the bottle onto the table and leaned back into the chair. "I'm sure he was probably honest and told you everything; about what and I did and what I didnt tell him." He cleared his throat a bit as he tapped his foot. "I got into the bad crowd before and Sungjong was always innocent and didn't realize that his brother was doing bad things." Myungsoo narrowed his eyes, cutting him off. "What bad things?" Hoya seemed to sigh, he wasn't going to tell him that, but it wouldnt hurt to tell. 
"You know about those hunters people talk about?" Myungsoo shook his head and Hoya sighed, "Oh yeah, Forgot you're brand new--They basically hunt us, for different reasons but most of it is for blood traficking. For humans our blood is like a super great drug--s'called 'V'. A vial is real small, costs about the same as. . .eh, what would you know. . . tickets to a boyband concert? I dont know." he spoke in a slight mocking fashion which made Myungsoo roll his eyes but he kept quiet. "I didn't really know what i was getting into honestly, I just knew the boxes were confidential and all I do is drop em off--get a buttload of money and so I said 'Hell yeah' to that type of job." he snorted quietly at this before taking another swig.
 "One day though, some vampires came to the headquarters and found us--from the Sabbat--they're ussually the more wreckless type and they came in and thought they'd teach us a lesson." He explained before shrugging to himself as if it wasn't a big deal at all. "Killed most of them, turned half of us into vampires--no matter what our story was." he seemed to be bored as he was telling this story and Myungsoo had the right nerve to say something to him but didn't just because he wanted to hear the story--curiousity getting the better of him.  Hoya grinned lazily, "Bet you can guess which side I was on, heh?" 
"I was gone for a long time, maybe half a year and I was here--learning what I will and they all warned me, don't go home, Dont go home." He tipped the bottle, distractedly letting it softly clank against the table. "I didn't listen though, I wanted to see my family and thats quite fine. You can see them a few times, but I became paranoid and anxious--What if they came after my family too?" He finally stopped the clanking to take another drink. "So I stayed closed by for a while, watching them and making sure they were okay; but you cant do that because those people you surround--" He seemed to stop to think of the proper words for this. "they get ... a scent." He spoke with uncertainty if that was the right words but continued eitherway. "Other vampires take notice to this and normally they get curious and take a trip by--unluckily that trip isn't always a peaceful one." Hoya his lips, taking another swig as if he was trying to hide some discomfort. 
"Now, vampires aren't stupid. If its your house, you have to agree to let them inside or otherwise they'll be booted out, or even worse they start bleeding from every orifice. Real dramatic type ." Hoya shrugged to this. "so what is it you do if you can't come in without a invitation? Work your way in the old fashioned way, or simply deal with them out in the open and the open has its risks." He sighed now, "So, I start letting my guard down, go back to where i'm supposed to--but by that point a little group set its eyes on my family. Those Psychotic motherers. What's their names?" Hoya asked him with an annoyed face, unable to think of the words. "Tzimisce?" Myungsoo spoke with some suprise now and Hoya  nodded now, "Yeah that sounds right, them." He sighed now, "Got my parents and when I heard about it I thought everyone was dead and was infuriated but Sungjong was okay, Sungjong went to a friend's house and missed everything and I just . . . Paniced--I guess..." He took another swig. "i'm sure you know what comes after that." 
Myungsoo sighed now, leaning forward some to rub at his temples, taking in all this information. "So why didn't you just explain that to Sungjong? before and after?" He slowly spoke after a moment of letting it sink in. "Well if Sungjong was okay, he wouldn't have been for long and so i had to act fast  and also-- you didn't know Sungjong before all this. he was a really timid kid, quiet and did everything he was told; Stubborn and a little sassy but he was that kid that got pushed around and simply dealt with it and would come to me and cry for hours about it." Hoya sighed at this, "Really, I dont think he could take it. . . So what is it to let him hate me? He's alright." Myungsoo took another moment to let these words sink in, "You  . . . you do know he thinks its his fault? He thinks he killed them?" Myungsoo asked slowly and Hoya's facial expression seeemed to contort together in a mixed emotion. 
"What. . .?" he muttered quietly before letting it seep in, processing this and finally sighing as he leaned forward into his hands. "." He muttered to himself now rubbing at his face. "What did you expect him to think when he finds out his family is dead and you won't tell him the reason why?" Myungsoo asked with some annoyance to his voice and Hoya sighed quietly. "I hadn't--I didn't think." he mumbled quietly and Myungsoo clicked his tongue and looked elseword, "Tch, You really messed him up, you know that?" Myungsoo sighed now standing up, realizing that he'd heard the full bit of the story now. 
"I'm not here to call you out on what you did, but if it really happened like you said, i'd suggest you fix it." Hoya snorted now, laughing bitterly. "How am I gonna do that? You see how he looks at me, how he talks to me--He doesn't like me being even in the same vicinity much less does he want to listen to what I have to say." Myungsoo pursed his lips, "You love him, I can see that--but you ruined that kid and you need to fix it. I'm sure deep down somewhere in there he still loves you and--Yeah, he's afraid of you--Yeah, he hates you. But, Really hoya? Thats no excuse not to try." and with this said, Myungsoo made his leave. Hoya chuckled to this quietly as he left, a quiet 'thanks.' was heard.
Myungsoo wasn't so sure when he started playing family therapist--he was tired now.  
When he arrived back to the room, Sungjong seemed  to have woken up, looking around but was in relief as he walked in and simply laid back down and rolling over to sleep more. "What is it?" Myungsoo questioned as he moved over beside Sungjong who'd turned away and simply shook his head. "Bad dream." he murmured softly and Myungsoo laughed quietly, suprised that Sungjong hadn't even asked him where he'd gone--but he figured it'd probably be for the best that way as he moved his arms around Sungjong--hugging him from behind. Sungjong seemed to be stiff from the action but soon relaxed into the touch. "Thanks." Sungjong mumbled almost in audibly "For?" Well, he could think of a few reasons but--, Sungjong decided not to answer that and only turned over in the embrace to hug Myungsoo. A part of him wondered what that bad dream was as he Sungjong's hair, falling to sleep.


A/N: Suddenly got a bit of writers block  v 3 v so might be slightly slower updates!



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everyone was like noo for what I had planned soo im gonna try to think of a way to end it next chapter, sorry for delay ;;/


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32bella #1
Chapter 17: Love the story, beautiful and those moments MyungJong, the best. I've read it several times and I still love. Thanks for such a beautiful story
bine84 #2
Chapter 17: i luv infinite vampire storys...this one was pretty good too. thank you for writing it.
Chapter 17: I loved this story author-nim! The fluff was such great~~
Chapter 17: im confused >__< what happened to their vampire life? its like un-complete ending~ what happened to you author-nim~ its a good story but its like you rush things. kick that author block!
Chapter 17: I was shocked when i see 'complete' sign :(
Well actually i don't really like the ending author-ssi..
But i like jealousy myungsoo ㅋㅋ
Thanks for the fic and make more! :)
Chapter 17: aawchi I have tbh, im dissapointed...sorry :( 6-10 more chapters O.o that was alot...I'd love to read some dramas involving that Jongsuk guy in between MJ but oh well its your fic anyway. thank you :)
InspiritYuki #7
Chapter 17: Cute>< I really enjoy your fluffy endings! they are the best
InspiritYuki #8
Chapter 16: I really hope you don't have another writer'a block. If you do I can wait though...