제 5 회

Another Distinctions

after 3 months ....


" krystal-ssi... " called kris when krystal already in his room.
" yes? " she answered
" i'll give you a task... " he paused
" haha, yes of course you must give it to me... " krystal said
" no, but this one is more difficult i guess.. do you mind? " kris asked
" of course not, inspector.. i will do it. " krystal answered in smile
" good. you must go to japan next week... " kris said
" what? japan? ah... okay... but, with whom I'll go there? " she asked in curious
" haha, of course with your partner..." he chuckled. krystal widing her eyes. 
" ehm.. wi...with, sehun? " with stammer
" yeah? any problem?" kris asked in worried. krystal shook her head." okay, i guess you can back to work... " he said. then, krystal walk out 
"ah... krystal-ssi..." he called. " don't forget to tell your partner.." krystal nodded.


" sehun-ssi.." krystal called

"no..no.no... don't you remember that we already partnered since 3 months ago? so, don't use your formal language for me, moreover, we are friends,right,soojung-ah?! " sehun complained

"khm.. yeah.. sehun-s..sehun-ah... " krystal paused in gulp. " next week we scheduled going to japan..." she explain

" what? just two of us...?" sehun gasped. krystal nodded

' oh gosh, it will be awkward ' sehun thought

" sehun-ah? " krystal said

" ah, yeah, okay! work hard, soojung-ah! " sehun said  awkwardly.




" sulli-ssi... " kris said

" yes, inspector? " sulli asked

" next week you and your partner going to japan with krystal and sehun... " kris explain

" what? with chanyeol? " sulli asked

" yes, of course.. who else? and please tell him..." kris said. 

"o..okay, inspector.. " sulli said. 




" krystal-ah... " sulli called
" what? " krystal answered
" next week, we will go to japan... " sulli sighed
" we? " krystal asked
" yeah, you, me, sehun and that idiot one, chanyeol! " sulli annoyed
" hahaha.. you looks so frustrated... it's okay, don't you have a feelings at him, right?" teased krystal
" hya! of course not!! he's idiot! " sulli annoyed
" hhaha look! your face is redder...hahaha don't lie sulli-ah..." krystal teased again
" hey, you two... what's wrong? " luna asked in curious
" haha, sulli,chanyeol, sehun and i will go to japan next week...you'll come right? " krystal explained
" what? no.. kris inspector doesn't tell us, right kyungsoo-ya?! " luna asked
" yeah... you guys so unfair... " kyungsoo said jealously
" what? oh gosh.. that because you're work inside this building maybe, actually, we were outside workers..kekeke" sulli said
" ah,, now,you already think of me,right sulli-ah?" chanyeol said from behind.
" ah! you scared me idiot! " sulli hit chanyeol left hand. 
" you right, sull... ah, i hope i can go to japan or somewhere else... huh.." luna sighed.
" it's okay, luna-ya... maybe next time, we can go.. " kyungsoo smirked

' what does he meant? what does his smirk meant? kyungsoo is so creepy..' luna thought then she nodded without knowing what their purpose to nodded.

" soojung-ah... " sehun called
" yeah? " krystal said
" we have to hurry! " sehun said as he take the car's key
" where we will go, sehun-ah? " krystal asked in panic as she stood up
" prepare your stuffs... i'll wait you in the car.." sehun said as he leave her
' actually, where we will go to? ' krystal thought and she preparing her stuffs.
krystal run out towards the car. " actually, where we will go, sehun-ah? " krystal asked as she normalize her breath
" someone told me, Jang In Soo a.k.a Mario Jang, the drugs dealer already arrived in Korea after he went from England... this is the right time to us to catch him immediately.." sehun expalined
" oh i see... okay let's go..." krystal said. sehun started to plugging the gas. " now, where is Mario Jang? "
" Incheon airport..." sehun said. " he will arrive in here in 15 minutes again... i'm sorry if i drive the car fastly.. " sehun explained
" what? 15 minutes? we need 30 minutes to go to incheon ... " krystal panic
" don't panic, soojung-ah..." sehun smiled. krystal frozen. 
' gosh, why he must smiled at me? you know that my weakness is his smile ' krystal paused


after 10 minutes....


" soojung-ah... come with me, we must walk slowly.." sehun said. krystal nodded and she walk slowly behind sehun. " and don't look so panic if we be caught.." sehun continued, cause he knows, that krystal always panic in this situation.
" sehun-ah.. should we pretending? i mean, pretending like we are not a spies.. pretending that we're another passengers.." krystal said
" but too late...we don't have any suitcases..." sehun said
" okay, let's do with your plans..." krystal smiled.
finally, they entering the airport. it's their first time to see that drugs dealer, Mario Jang. so, they must observe him first before do another step to catch him.
after 5 minutes left, Mario already arrive in the airport with his janitors. they wearing black clothes, creepy. but, they haven't seen mario jang in there.
" where is mario? " sehun whispered
" wait up.. big boss usually comes in the end " krystal answered. sehun nodded indicate ' oh, you're right '
and krystal right! in the end of the 'black clothes', there's someone who wear sunglasses. " i thought he is mario.." sehun whisper. " soojung-ah.. remember his face or capture his face from your phone" sehun directing her. she immediately take her phone from her pocket.
gotcha! she got the picture. " great! now, let's go back to the car.. " sehun said. krystal nodded
" soojung-ah, give that picture to Luna or kyungsoo, because they will draw mario's face" sehun explained.
" you right! ah, why i didn't think of that... " krystal tapped her forehead
" don't do that, you'd be a fool.. " he teased.
" what? ah, i know, you're smart...." krystal said
" hahaha... kidding, soojung-ah... " sehun chuckled and krystal did it too. they laugh together.
after they arrived in the office, they immediately go to kyungsoo's and luna's tables. 
" luna, kyungsoo..." sehun called
" yeah, where have you been? " kyungsoo asked
" operated our first step to catch our target all this time.." krystal answered
" overkill.. " luna said
" haha, soojung-ah, give it to them... " sehun said
" ah yes... " krystal said as she take her phone. " here, draw his face and give it to the inspector.." she explained
" who is this? " kyungsoo said when luna try to see it
" Mario jang a.k.a Jang In Soo, the big drugs dealer in korea" sehun said
" ah, but i'm sorry.. i guess i can't draw it exactly like in the picture" kyungsoo said
" it's okay, most importantly, we have an illustration of that person's face.." sehun said.
" okay, we will do our best, right, luna?! " kyungsoo said, luna nodded


it's already in 7 P.M. Krystal and her friends not home yet. 
" guys, back to home.. it's already 7 P.M, don't you miss your home? " kris joked.
" of course inspector, i miss my mom's foods" kyungsoo said
" Do not confide in! " luna teased.
" hahaha... now, let's go home... " kris said
" yeah, you go first, inspector..." krystal said
" okay,, see you guys!! " kris
" hey, kris inspector is not cold as his face... he's caring one..." sulli said
" yeah, i thought that he's a cold person.." luna said
" hoam~ i'm sleepy.. guys, i'll go first" sulli said as chanyeol walking behind her
" hey, idiot? why you always following me? " sulli annoyed
" too confident.. i also wanna go home, you fool! " chanyeol smirked. sulli embarassed. and the others just laughing inside.
" don't laugh! " sulli said as she leave.
" hahahahaha... i also wanna go home..." kyungsoo said.
" hey, kyungsoo, can i join? my brother can't pick me today..." luna said
" of course,, lets go! " kyungsoo said


and here they are, sehun and krystal. what makes them are not go home ?
" not go home yet, huh? " sehun said as he walk to krystal's table
" uhm.. my father hasn't called me, i guess he still in the meeting with his client..." krystal sighed.
" wanna go home with me? " sehun offered. 
" no,.. I'm afraid my father would later pick me..." krystal said
" really? " sehun asked 
then, krystal's phone, ringing.
" yes, dad? " krystal said
" where are you? still in office?
" yeah.. why? " krystal asked
" i guess i will pick you up at 9 P.M , cause my client still questioned the orders "
" what? 9 P.M ?? " krystal gasped
" yeah, do you mind to go home by yourself? i'm sorry....
" alone? oh okay dad... see you.." krystal hang up the phone, then she staring at sehun indicating that she wanna go home with him.
" I guess, there are any functions I'm still here " sehun chuckled
" sorry... " krystal said
" no problem... let's go... " sehun said.


#at the outside building#
" where's your vehicles? " krystal asked
" sorry, i used a bus to take me here... do you mind? " sehun feels guilty.
" ah, it's okay..." krystal said.
after wait for 10 minutes, the bus arrived. this is the final stop of the bus around there. then they walk in and take a seat, side by side, krystal near the window.
" ah! tired! " she sighed.
" me too.." sehun said
" haha.. " they laugh together aimless
" where will you go home, soojung-ah..? " sehun asked
" about 15 km from here..." she said
" ah, you'll go down first, i'm still need 5 km again" sehun said
" oh, i see.." krystal said.
there's silent. krystal fell asleep and sehun too. they looks tired.
" excuse me, where will you go? " the driver asked. krystal woke up.
" uhm... right there.." krystal said. then she turning her head towards sehun's face.
' oh gosh, he looks cute when he sleep... ' krystal thought. then, the bus stopped.
" sehun-ah.." she waking him up
" ah, yes?" sehun gasped.
" i'll go down first..." krystal said
" oh, yeah.. be careful! " sehun said and smiling
" haha, that should be me, to said that.. see you, be carefull sehun-ah.. don't you fell asleep or you'll be missed your way back home" krystal chuckled
" haha.. see you!! " sehun said as he tapped krystal shoulders, don't know why he did that.






hello guys! this is the 5th chapter, sorry for update it so long, but hope you still read and enjoy my story! recently, i'm busy with my tasks ㅠ_ㅠ and for the next week, i guess i will not update my stories, cause i've my final test of this semester. Fighting! and see you in the next story/chapter!!!! 


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soojungie94 #2
Chapter 10: Please update soon
Illeneroset #3
Chapter 10: Please update soon! Your story was great
Chapter 10: Finally an update! It's been a long time
mwohae #5
Chapter 9: update soon author!!
dhilsk123 #6
Chapter 9: authorrr,please updateee
i love this ff,sestal must be together
thanks thor^^
HaeStal #7
Chapter 9: this story is fantastic ! I loving it
I am love sestal cp !!! author-nim please update
sndrfebriana #8
Chapter 8: Geeez cool! Update lagi yaa^o^
helloimyna #9
Chapter 7: well done hehehe i like sestal moment in here xD aw update sooooooonnnnn :D
jungli29 #10
Update soon love yowwwww author-nim