Chapter 3

I'll Be



With the windows rolled down, at the top of our lungs we sang as we cruised down the road. The occasional driver stared at us like we were lunatics and drunk, but infact neither of us had any alcoholic beverages that night. We were high on happy. And I was in love.


Seunghyun allowed me to take the passenger seat of Jiyong's black Denali. My hand was in Ji's, resting on the middle consil as the three of us sang with the new, autographed CD we had been given, all smiles the whole time. I didn't care if he ever let go of my hand. It was his shy, subtle gesture of affection. Jiyong never was the very affectionate type, especially in public. That's more Tabi's job. I would occasionally look back to see if Tabi felt like a third wheeler, but he was leaning forward, rockin', having too much fun to even think about that. 


"I don't want to go home yet! Where else can we go?" I asked, lowering the music down.


"You have a game tomorrow. And I hear the Princeton coaches will be there, so you need to rest. You're lucky I even took you out tonight." Ji reminded me.


I felt Seunghyun's weight lift off my headrest and I looked back to see him pout. "Kill joy." he muttered.


"Do you want her to make the basketball team or not?"


"Who said anything about not making the team?" I scoffed, crossing my arms. "I'm starting three guard, I think I'll manage."


He didn't seem phased, boredly looking at my from the corner of his eye and back at the road.


"Kill joy! Kill joy! Jiyong is a kill joy!" I chanted. Tabi laughed and joined in.






His jaw clenched, hand loosening on mine and moving away slightly. Pouting, I quickly grabbed it back and brought it to my lips, kissing it slightly.


"Plsase, Jiyongie-oppa?" I bat my eyelashes at him. He pursed his lips and looked at Seunghyun who only mirrored my expression, causing him to snort in amusement.


"Late night burger run?"


"YAY!" Tabi and I cheered, throwing up our hands and doing out silly secret hand shake.




"I spy with my little eye... Something round." I smirked. They would never get this one, I was determined.


"The moon?" Tabi guessed. I shook my head. 




"The steering wheel." Jiyong chimed.


I sipped on my milkshake and jabbed my thumb downward.


Tabi tapped his chin curiously, eyes wandering. "The radio dial?"


"Try again." I grinned.


"Tch, I give up!! Do a different one!" Tabi whined.


"Fine! I spy something UGLY!" I stock my tongue out at him, and he mocked my expression.


"The mirror?"


I turned to Ji with a fake appalled, hurt expression while he saw straight through me and smirked. Seunghyun laughed and slapped Jiyong's hand that briefly left mine for a high five. It quickly found it's place back into my palm. I quickly forgot about the joke once he eye smiled at me and his brown orbs twinkled. 


I sipped on my strawberry milkshake and began to attack the animal fries. Half of my burger had already been devoured and I didn't hesitate to move on.


"Yah, slow down, it's not running away! Leave some for us!" Seunghyun whined, trying to jab at me with his fork.


"Hey, I AM sharing! Quit trying to stab me!!"


"Make me!"


"Make me!" I mocked, trying to poke him with my messy fork. We snickered as we fought. Next thing we knew the car ran over a bump and a cheesey, sauce-covered fry hit the floor.


I covered my mouth to stop myself from gasping. Our eyes met, both wide with terror.


"Oh, !" Tabi mouthed, mouth gaping open. 


I motioned for him to pick it up quickly. Hastily, he scooped it up with a napkin and put it into my hand, panicking.


Now what?


'YAH! Pabo! What the heck am I supposed to do with it now? We'll surely die if Ji finds out!' I thought, rolling down the window and tossing the dirty fry out. I looked as Seunghyun and we both smiled, Laughing quietly.


"It's quiet. What happened?" Ji looked at Tabi through his rear view to see cheese and sauce all over his mouth. He laughed and realizing what he was looking at I had to as well. I was so panicked before I didn't realize his messy face.


"Hyung, you have a little something..." he pointed to the little corner of his mouth. Tabi grabbed for a napkin and wiped just the corner and grinned.


"Did I get it?"


Ji and I nodded. I bit my cheeks to keep from laughing. I smiled like a fool to myself and saw that we were still deep in downtown. We had already heard enough Paramore for one night so I thought up another game we could play.


"Let's play sweet and sour." I suggested.


"I'm down." Ji grinned.


"I'll go first." Seunghyun rolled down his window and we stopped at a red beside a biker with long, nappy, blonde hair. Tabi flashed a smile and waved enthusiastically. The man raised a dirty, blonde eye brow and looked to see if he was waving at anyone else. I covered my mouth to stiffle a laugh and sunk in my seat to hide my smile. After realizing he was being waved at by a teenage stranger, he slowly waved back, showing his teeth in what was supposed to be a smile. I heard Ji laugh behind me as the light went green and biker's shoulders relaxed in relief before speeding away. All three of us laughed and Ji continued to drive.


"His face! Oh my, that was beautiful!!" I exclaimed, laughing, holding my stomach as it began to cramp.


"Game over, you win already! I surrender." Jiyong added, laughing with me. Seunghyun only smiled with pride. "You try to beat that one, D."


"Okay, next light-- JI!"


Red light flashed before my eyes and I looked up. Everything changed in these split seconds. Just like on stage, everything began to move in slow motion, but this time, the feel was different. So different. My heart stopped and prayed that the car would stop and the truck would speed by. I looked to Tabi, who sat back in his seat, eyes wide with fear as he clung to his seatbelt. A hand squeezed mine and I clutched it back, holding on for dear life. I looked to see panic in those chocolate eyes I found love in. My chest ached and I couldn't remember how to breathe as the face I wanted to see the most at that moment was covered as I was blinded by the two approaching lights from the large truck, red under the traffic light we were fast approaching.


I don't even remember feeling anything hit. I remember the light quickly vanishing and a loud horn sounding as our car tumbled, once, twice, three times, and I stopped counting. My hand was in Ji's and I remember thinking as long as I can feel him holding onto me, we're okay. My head spun and I remember trying to scream, but I couldn't find my voice. I thought of Tabi, and Omma, and Appa... All of my friends.


"Dara!" I heard Ji call as we tumbled. I couldn't answer. My voice vanished and only came back when we were toppled over, upside down on the ground. Then, I began to scream. I could hear Tabi mumbling something but I couldn't stop to listen. There was a sharp pain in my legs and arms and I smelt the wreaking stench of metal, blood and oil before everything I knew vanished and all I saw was black.

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peppiwelsh1 #1
Chapter 6: Ya! The fic ended but I'm still bawling like crazy! You better give us a happy fic next time!
ItssCheska #2
Even though this is a tragedy, you really can't deny that this is a really good fic! <br />
Ahhh~ I cried while reading it. <br />
I'll surely read your other fics
Dorkhiem #3
Ohh gosh. You got me with the last chapter!! And yeah, i think this is somehow a very good way to end it.<br />
<br />
if there is an alternative ending, i think the feeling would be different. i prefer like this. oh and one more,<br />
OMG I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOUR NEXT FIC <3 and MF is just daebak <3<br />
<br />
i'm your greatest fan! :)
BlackFlower29 #4
God, this fic really made me cry!!! The last chapter ;__; <br />
It's so early in the morning and my eyes are puffier, lol.<br />
I was still hoping by some miracle that Dara would reappear, but... Sigh.<br />
I guess life is not made only of rainbows and unicorns eh? Sigh.<br />
<br />
Well I'm looking forward to your new school fic if ever you post it soon ^^<br />
And the next update for Mere formalities that I super love!! :D
curiousoystersss #5
Darling, i don't have many subscribers to this one. It's fine ^^; your enthusiasm makes me giddy though!!<33
Dorkhiem #6
Why isn't anyone commenting this awesome fic?<br />
<br />
Dorkhiem #7
oh my god.<br />
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tabi with memory loss is so much worse than death! aigoo. omg. you make me cry! gaaah. I can't bear to think the guilt Ji have now. Its double-ing it up to see Tabi like that, and of course it will remind him of what happen. huwaa.<br />
<br />
but at least he remembers Ji even in the form of 11 y/o. <br />
<br />
Gaaah. Please update <3 :)
curiousoystersss #8
@nameveryouth<br />
<br />
^^; see, I was sort of afraid this would happen.<br />
<br />
Since where I broke the stories is like kind of a mix of some of the chapters, because one focuses on directly after the crash and the other on the overall result, there isn't really a definite chapter.<br />
<br />
I am going to write it this way, where I just finish the story through Jiyong.<br />
<br />
THEN, I will post a break explaining this all over again, followed by the alternate ending.<br />
<br />
Make sense? It will once you read the alternate ending, you won't have to go back and read.<br />
<br />
Sorry for the confusion! Thanks for reading!!
Dorkhiem #9
WAIT!! how can she died????!!<br />
or wait. is the alternate ending starts at chappy 3? first ji and then dara?<br />
<br />
i'm confused. XD lol. but omg!! this is heartbreaking! i wonder what happen with top.
Dorkhiem #10
Oh no..<br />
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NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO! tears. i cant say anything more. *sobs.<br />
Ji! :'( he was driving right?