A Bloody Situation


      One beautiful Monday, Junhong walked to school alone. He was on his way to class when Youngjae and Daehyun showed up.

      "Hey, I don't think we're done yet after that day, Choi. Jun. Hong." Daehyun sounded deadly serious. Junhong turned around to face both of them. Youngjae was approaching him and he saw Daehyun dragging a piece of wood in his hand.

      ~. This is gonna be bloody~ Junhong cursed. He ignored both of them but end up got hit by the side. Junhong was on his knees, holding the pain. "What the do you guys want?!" Junhong was loosing his temper.

      Daehyun approached him slowly, grabbed him by his collar, "I told you, I'm not done with you, bastard." Junhong spits on Daehyun's face. Daehyun stood up, hitting Junhong with the piece of wood on the head. Youngjae gladly punched him on the stomach. Junhong was a total mess. He got bruises everywhere but he strongly stood up and punched Youngjae back and kicked Daehyun hard.

      Ohyoung came to school and coincidentally saw the incident. ~two against one? . Junhong's gonna be dead meat~ Ohyoung ran towards their direction and she saw Daehyun picking up a wood with a sharp end. He was going to stab Junhong...




      "Ohyoung! No! Please! Look at me!" Junhong was crying and panicking when he saw blood was sreading on Ohyoung's school uniform. Youngjae and daehyun bailed when they saw this and panicked.

      Ohyoung puts on hand on Junhong's cheek, "I'm sorry I lied to you, Hongie" and smiled.

      Junhong quickly bring her to the hospital and he was still crying, "Youngie, hold on okay? Please don't leave me. I love you" tears fell onto Ohyoung's cheek hearing that 3 words from the man she loves too.

      "I love you too"...




      "babe, you're gonna mess up our kid's brain if you keep telling them our love story" Junhong chuckled.

      "Omma, what does it feels like when you were stabbed?" Jun Hyun, their child, asked.

      "It was really painful but your appa is always there to support omma" Ohyoung replied with a warm smile.


When Ohyoung was brought to the hospital, she survived the stabbed. She woke up after the surgery and Junhong was extremely happy.


      "Ohyoung, you're awake." Junhong stood up and kissed her forehead. "I thought I was gonna loose you"

      "I thouht about that too. I love you Hongie" Ohyoung smiled warmly.

      Junhong kissed Ohyoung gently and asked, "Park Ohyoung, will you marry me and be my first and last love?" 

      Ohyoung cried and noded, "yes." Junhong was overwhelmed and kissed Ohyoung pasionately.



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AppleParsleylace #1
this one also had she commented and didn't even bothered to update her stories haha >< she's funny
loyalberries #2
My bb is a bad boyyy ^^
ooow :3 so sweet! <3
Yoe_chan #4
Chapter 6: Woaaa.... Really.... Really nice ending author-nim...
It's your first fanfic?? I think it's the hundred times you write fanfics...
Maybe at first i think it's a typical fanfic...
But it's obviously wrong ^^
Thank's for the story author-nim
Yoe_chan #5
Chapter 3: Junhongg...... Comeback to korea nowwww..... She needs you!!!!
Aish... That bad Daehyun.... I really wanna punch his beautiful face....
Nooo i can't....... >.<
Yoe_chan #6
Chapter 3: Junhongg...... Comeback to korea nowwww..... She needs you!!!!
Aish... That bad Daehyun.... I really wait punch his beautiful face....
Nooo i can't....... >.<