✳ Chapter 6 ✳

Tic Toc [On Hold]

* Jae's POV *


"Me? I'm here to take my precious boy back home. I can't leave him here, can I?" I chuckled looking at all the helpless human being who is curious about me. Xiumin being the fast servant he was, he carried Sehun on his shoulder like as if he weights nothing. "Hey! Wait we can't just let you take Sehunnie away!" a guy with tanned skin was about to touch me when I dodged his touch. He raised his eyebrow.


"Why hello there, Kim JongIn - sshi ~ I'm Sehun's mother and it's a pleasure to meet you. As you can see here, I'm busy taking care of my precious boy. So if you excuse me, we will run along" I smiled. If Sehun knew this, he is going to kill me. The look of his friend's expression is just too priceless! I was going to burst out laughing but Xiumin just had to nudge me and we're about to leave when the scent is back again and I know who it belongs to. Without looking back, we were scurrying out from the cafeteria. When we were in the safe zone which is in the middle of the hallway, I laughed out loud.


"Sehun will kill you for that, Jae. And besides, looks who is here ~" Xiumin smirked. I just nod. "An annoying one on top of that ..."


"That wasn't a nice way to greet me. I guess you could say your plan fail, huh? Come on out now Tao, Luhan. I know you guys are here ~" I crossed my arms and leans against the locker. I know they were right at the end of the hallway. "Still not going to show up?" I asked loudly then turned my attention to Xiumin, "Bring him back home, you know what to do right?" I whispered to Xiumin. As fast as he could, he run towards the entrance and I know those idiots are going to stopped him but ha! That's not going to happen.


As soon as Xiumin crossed out of the hallway entrance, I clapped my hands and the door slammed shut. Then I heard a loud thud. Guess what? They didn't expect it to happen. Ouch ...


"It must have hurt, huh?" I shuddered. Now, I could see two figures getting up and red aura was surrounding them. I pushed myself off from the locker and dangerously walking towards them. "Now that Xiumin has gone, what do you think you're doing!?" my voice boomed loudly through the silence hallway.


"If it means for you to go home, I will gladly kill him!" Tao hissed. "Do you think by killing him can bring me back to the boring place called demon realm? I don't think so. You just made a grave mistake, Huang ZiTao!" I could feel the things in my surroundings started to float. I know it's dangerous for me to fight in a human school but these idiots just hurt Sehun. I can't forgive that!


"You don't want to do this, Jin Ae. You could hurt the humans here. We just want to bring you back home without inflicting anything" Luhan was calmly talking. "Well, do you want me to say right in your face? You guys just hurt someone precious to me and you know I don't like people touching my things!" I clenched my right fists towards Luhan's direction and the next thing he was choking. Tao was charging towards me but I swing my left hand, a locker just came and rammed into him, hard.


"STOP!" a low voice commanded. I looked behind me and throw Luhan at his direction. He quickly caught him and growled at me. "You should have taken better care of them ... The next time, I'm just going to kill them ..." I glared at him. He didn't back down either.


"Jin Ae, it's time for you to return ..."


"I don't have to"


"You got to. Dad is looking for you! "


"Then tell him yourself, I refused ..."


"Will you please stop being so stubborn and listen to your brother just once!?"


"No and neither I will ever return. If you ever tell your friends to hurt Sehunnie again, siblings or not, I will kill you just like I will kill them ..."



Woah, I think I kept delaying to update this story. You guys must have waited long, huh?

Sorry my bad. Didn't know what to write for chapter 6 to be honest. But here you go ~

So what do you think of this chapter ? ^^

Comments, subscribe and votes ~ Don't forget !!!!

Finally the beginning of March and a new chapter ~

Enjoy reading, love ma' readers ~! ❤

skull_candy ✌


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y_girl #1
Chapter 10: Woahhhh, finally you updated, author-nim. Oh boy am i so grateful!!! :D

Don't do cliffhangers!!! I'm going crazy because of that! HAJIMA JEBAL!!! T-T

Anyway good story! I love where the story is heading! Author-nim, hwaiting! Update soon! ^^
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 10: eeyyyyy~ don't do cliffhanger~~~
your whole story is good and understandable XD
StarTravelMallow #3
Chapter 8: yayayayayay~~~~~~~~~
you finally updated~!!!!
totally love this!
StarTravelMallow #4
Chapter 7: Hope you can update again soon ^^
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 7: new reader!!!
Chapter 7: Thank you very much for the update ^-^
Chapter 6: Hi author-nim thanks for the update :)
ceejayaustria #10