BTS - Jin & Jungkook

Imagines - A One Shot Collection

"Sojin-ah!" Minah squealed, skipping up to Sojin and Jin in the hallway, with HyeRi and Yura following behind, "We still on for tonight?"
"What's going on tonight?" Jin questioned.
"Sleep over~" Yura smiled.
"Can I-?"
"It's girls only, Jin." Sojin said.
"Fine..." Jin pouted as he excused himself and started walking down the hallway, before bumping into his dongsaeng, Jungkook.
"Jungkookie!" Jin brightened suddenly, "Wanna come to a sleep over with me tonight?"
"Maybe..." Jungkook said cautiously, "Why is there an evil look in your eyes?"
"What evil look?" Jin questioned, trying to look innocent.
"Hyung," Jungkook said seriously, "Where is this sleepover?"
"You'll find out," Jin laughed, walking down the hallway, "Just meet at my house tonight at eight!"
Jungkook sighed, shaking his head slightly at his crazy Hyung before walking to class.
"Hyeri-ah!" Sojin yelled from her bedroom, "Bring up the popcorn! We're going to start a movie!"
"Get it yourself!" Hyeri yelled back.
"We're comfy! You're in the kitchen! Just get it!" Yura yelled back down.
It was about 8:30 and Yura, Hyeri and Minah were at Sojin's house, getting ready to have a marathon of anything with Lee Jong Suk or Kim Woo Bin in it, when the doorbell rang.
After a yell from upstairs, Hyeri went to answer the door and when she did, her jaw dropped. "Sojin! Come down here! Now..!"
"What?" Sojin whined, stomping down the stairs in her pajamas, but what she saw at the door made her scream. It was Jin and Jungkook, standing at her front door in their pajamas, with a tub of ice cream.
"Hey," Jin smiled naturally, walking into the house with Jungkook following behind with a small greeting of 'hello'.
"Y-Yah!" Sojin screamed after her initial shock wore off, "Jin! What-what are you doing here?"
"I'm here for the sleep over, duh," he smiled, poking her forehead and walking into the kitchen.
Minah and Yura rushed down stairs to see what all the commotion was, only to find Jin and Jungkook making themselves at home in the kitchen.
"Sojin!" Minah, Yura and Hyeri hissed, rushing over to her as they began talking at once.
"I don't know!" she whined, answering all questions - asked and not asked.
"So then what-?" Yura asked.
"Just go with it I guess," Sojin sighed, "Jin is really stubborn, and besides, it's getting late."
The girls sighed and walked over to where the boys where, only to find Jin sprawled out across Sojin's bed and Jungkook kneeling in front of the TV in her room.
"Yo," Jin greeted, "So what're we doing tonight?"
"Lee Jong Suk and Kim Woo Bin marathon." the girls said in unison.
"No buts," Sojin scolded, "You invited yourself over, so you're doing what we want."
Jin frowned, "Fine..."
"Good," Sojin smiled brightly, "Now get off the bed."
"Why would he do that?" Jungkook gasped as Kim Woo Bin's character in Heirs trapped Park ShinHye's character.
"Because he likes her," Sojin explained. Everyone else had fallen asleep, leaving Sojin and Jungkook sitting side by side on the floor, hugging pillows, watching the dramas that the girls had planned.
"But aren't there nicer ways to show it?" he asked innocently.
"Oh, you're so young," Sojin cooed, pinching his cheek. 
Jungkook blushed slightly and pouted, "What do you mean?"
"Some girls..." she explained delicately, "Some girls like guys who they feel are...more powerful than them. Since WooBin-oppa looks like a pretty boy, he needs to show ShinHye-unnie that he is a man and not a boy compared to MinHo-oppa."
Jungkook nodded, still not completely understanding, but not wanting Sojin to know. She stood up and stretched, "I'm going to go get some water. Go to sleep, okay?" She ruffled his hair before going down stairs into the kitchen.
Sojin shuffled around downstairs for a couple minutes before finally entering the kitchen and grabbing a glass off one of the selves. Being half-asleep, on her way to the sink, she accidently dropped the glass, causing it to shatter on contact - shards of glass scattering across the floor.
"Damn," Sojin swore quietly, trying to see where to step to get out of the kitchen without cutting her foot when someone hissed, "Stop!" Sojin looked up, only to see Jin standing at the edge of the kitchen with a broom.
"I said," Jin repeated, as he began to sweep the glass into a pile while wearing slippers, "Don't move."
Sojin nodded, standing completely still as Jin continued sweeping all the glass away. He quickly finished sweeping and sighed, "Okay, you can move now."
Sojin nodded again, quickly shuffling over to where Jin was standing and he pushed her head back lightly, "You have to be more careful."
"Sorry," she mumbled as Jungkook rushed down the stairs, concern written across his face, "What happened?"
"I dropped a glass," Sojin sighed, rubbing the back of her head.
"Ah, Noona, you're too clumsy," Jungkook scolded lightly, helping her away from the kitchen.
Sojin laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of her head and was about to go upstairs when Jungkook called out, "Don't bother."
"Yura-noona pushed me off the bed, and Hyeri-noona and Minah-noona are covering the floor. There's nowhere to sleep," Jungkook pouted.
"Ahh, again?" Sojin sighed, her whole body slumping.
"What now?" Jin asked.
Sojin walked to the couch, and pulled off the cushions - revealing a pull-out couch. "Tada," she sang with fake enthusiasm, "Our bed for tonight."
"Looks comfy," Jin joked, jumping on it and spreading himself over the top.
"Move over Hyung," Jungkook whined, pushing him over a little.
"Honestly, you two," Sojin sighed, tossing a blanket and some pillows on the couch before pushing them both over and making a spot for herself in the middle, "You guys are worst than the three upstairs."
"It's not fair..." Jin whined as Jungkook pouted, "This bed is smaller."
"Shut up," she yawned, snuggling down into the couch and finally, falling into a deep, peaceful sleep in between Jin and Jungkook.



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Chapter 1: so jihae ex girl's day? Nice ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)