B.A.P - DaeHyun

Imagines - A One Shot Collection

NaEun and DaeHyun were walking, hand in hand, down one of the quieter streets in the heart of Seoul, when someone called out for NaEun. The duo spun around to face the voice, only to see a boy about their age jogging down the street toward them, waving.

"YoungJae?" NaEun gasped, a smile breaking out on her face, "YoungJae-oppa!"

"Naeunnie!" he smiled, reaching them and giving her a big hug, resting his arms around her waist, "It's been too long."

"I've missed you," she smiled, not even noticing that YoungJae's arms were still around her waist. But Daehyun noticed. Boy, did he notice.

"Ah, YoungJae," Naeun smiled, twisting in YoungJae's embrace to face Daehyun, "This is my boyfriend, Daehyun."

"Nice to meet you," Youngjae smiled, good-naturedly, shaking Daehyun's hand. But his other hand, must to Daehyun's displeasure, was still. On. His. Girlfriend's. Waist.

Daehyun smiled at the male that was currently touching his girlfriend, but his smile was thin and forced, "Nice...to meet you too."

"So, Naeun," Youngjae smiled, "How have you been?"

"Ah good, good," she smiled brightly, "How about you?'

"It's been really good, but I've missed you! We need to meet more!" he cooed and leaned in closer to Naeun as Daehyun cringed.

"I've been busy," she pouted, "With school and work and everything."

"Ohh, poor baby," Youngjae nuzzled the top of her head. Daehyun stiffened, again and his face completely dropped.

Naeun pouted, but her eyes travelled to Daehyun's face, which, at this point, was thoroughly unamused. His usually smiling eyes were dull and empty and his lips were pursed in a thin line.

She frowned a bit and pulled away from Youngjae slightly, and he noticed. "What's the matter Naeun?"

"It's just...Daehyun-oppa and I were going to go to see a movie..."

"Oh," Youngjae frowned, but brightened quickly, "I see. It was good to see you though! We need to meet soon!"

"See you, yeah?" Naeun smiled, hugging him again.

"It was nice meeting you, Daehyun-sshi. Bye!" he smiled as he turned and began to walk away, waving.

Naeun smiled and waved, then turned to face Daehyun, "Oppa..." His face remained a steely calm and Naeun began to get worried. "Daehyun-oppa..."

"Who was he?" Daehyun asked with a forced calm.

"Youngjae was my high school friend," she smiled, "But more importantly, he's my sister's fiancé."

"I didn't know BoMi was getting married!" Daehyun gasped.

"Yeah, they've been engaged for about eight months now," Naeun smiled, before giving Daehyun a hug and looking up Daehyun, "Better now?'

"Not that much," he frowned playfully.

Naeun pouted, "Meanie."

Daehyun chuckled and hugged Naeun tighter, kissing the top of her head, "But now you can't leave."

"Saranghae," she mumbled, her voice muffled by DaeHyun's shirt.

"I love you too," he smiled as they began walking back down the street.


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Chapter 1: so jihae ex girl's day? Nice ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)