Some secret *memories*

He or he ?

Well , Hi my readers :)

Since you already read the title *if you didn't read , please read it* , it's about CHANYEOL , TIFFANY and D.O memories .

I'm just gonna make a short story . but not only on this chappie .

Since this story are already in a quater way , I'm gonna open a big secret about TIFFANY and CHANYEOL .

I think most of readers think how TIFFANY can couple with CHANYEOL ?

Well , this is the short story :3


" CHANYEOL ! HELP ME ! IM SCARED ! " , I yelled inside the forest . Huoooooo , it's dark and scary . *they just 13 y/o*

" Teacher , may I walk with Tiffny ? She call my name . She might be so scare inside the forest . Teacher , may I ? " , Chanyeol ask the teacher .

" Well , yeah . You can go . Mybe she needs your help " . So Chanyeol go inside the forest and sing RING DING DONG song , from SHINee . 

I know tht voice . I know that song .

" Chanyeol ! Here !!! Over here ! " , I waved to CHANYEOL . Ahh , he looks so worry about me .

" Jagiya , why you at here ? Why you didn't walk haa~ ? Waiting for me ahh~ ? "

" Absolubtely yes ! I'm scared ! :( *crying* " .

" Hey ! Stop crying like a baby laa~ . Ok2 lets walk :) " He hold my hand . His hand is warm . I feel save :) I'm so glad .

Suddenly .....

" Chanyeol ? "

" What ? "

" Why you didn't couple with someone meh ? You're caring , cute , handsome , happy go lucky . "

" Because I'm waiting for someone . Someone that you know her very well "

" Suzy ? "

" Nope . :) "

" Tell me who ! "

" It's you . I'm waiting for you ."

" Why me ? You know me only on this year . "

" I know a lot of things about you . D.O told me before . I know the moment you cheatting with Yong Kim . Hahaha , you hug him and crying like a cute angel " .


" Oh yeah ? erm , hahaha " .

" So ? .... "

" So ?? "

" So , what is your answer ? You're gonna accept me or what ? "

" Urm , yeah :) Cause 143 " .

" 1 4 3 ? "

" Yeah , 1 (I) 4 ( LOVE ) 3 (YOU) "

" You're so sweet . I'm 486 :) "

So we hugged and continued our walking by singing LOVE LOVE LOVE , by ROY KIM .


I know it sorrry :(

I'm on tuition time . Since the teacher it's not coming yet , I'm typing a ittle bit about this chappie .

Thnaks to Baddie cause ask me to do this chappie .

*YOURE MOS WELCOME* <- the hell ?

Well , yeh . My teacher is comeing already :) *sleepy*

So bye :****** 


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Well guys :) Check my new fanfic " Don't ask me"


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itjustmewithkai #1
Chapter 5: Nice story !!! i love it <3
Chapter 4: Grammar mistakes :/ but nevermind at least I still can understand . Nice story :)) Yeah , agree with HyoVan . Cn you make a long chapter :) ? Thanks :))
Chapter 4: grammer mistakes .__. but i love your story line c; update soon and would you mind to write a long chapter next time kno
ilabya2 #4