죄인 -Sinner/Prisoner-

Angel in the Fire

Sooyun’s eyes fluttered at the feeling of something on her cheek, she brought her hand up to brush the burden away and then falling back into a peaceful sleep. Jongsuk just loved to tease the girl, she always took it and never got defensive with him and while Woobin was holding the camera, failing to hold in his chuckles, as Jongsuk sprayed the whip cream in her hand. The said man brought his finger to her face not pressing down too hard, but enough to tickle her. She twitched a bit, but when the long digit made small circles her hand came up again trying to slap away the invader. Jerking from the sudden outbursts of laughter and mess splayed across her face, Sooyun finally caught on to the situation when she saw Woobin and the camera.


“Oppa!” It wasn’t like she was mad just shocked and the tiny cry out was to stop her from laughing herself. She pushed the cocoon of blankets from around her and ran to the bathroom leaving the two tricksters. After her face was washed she shooed her brother and his best friend out of her room. She went to her closet and looked for her school uniform, pulling it out and going into her bathroom.


When she finished taking a shower, putting on her products and her uniform, she went to her dresser and grabbed her watch as well as schoolbag. Casually walking down the hallways, she heard a couple of the housemaids giggling and it really wasn’t all that uncommon. Jaebum was seemingly popular with taking the lovely young ladies into his chambers and having his way with them. She only smiled at the women as they bowed out of her way, she paused for a moment and let her hand out to gain their attention.


“Please. . .stop bowing to me.” Sooyun’s voice was light and soft, she didn’t want the women to think she was angry.


“Yes, Lady Sooyun,” They said in chorus, though no matter how many times she tried to convince them to address her otherwise they would continue this. As each woman stood straight she gave them an encouraging smile, bringing her fist up.


“Fighting!” With that she rushed downstairs, everyone would probably be waiting for her and their tranquility must be running thin. Practically bolting to the dining room, she came to a halt. Large dark oak double doors were open, giving her a view of everyone in the room. She tried to silently slink into the room taking her rightful seat next to Jinho, though her father could have spotted her miles away watched in amusement as his daughter tried sneaking in the room.


“Sooyun-ah you may be successful in hiding from others, but you can never hide from me.” Sooyun pouted and took her seat, look at her father from at the head of the table.


“So you’ll always find me? No matter what?”


“No matter.”




“I promise, sweetie.” Sooyun was content with that and let Jaebum lead the family into prayer.


“Dear heavenly father, we thank you for giving us another day of life and blessing us with the luxurious materials we have now. Thank you father, amen.”


With a chorus of ‘amens’ they began eating. Jinho grabbed Sooyun’s forearm and jerked his head in the direction of the door. She sighed and took what she could, she wasn’t a waster and maybe that’s why Yunhee always made her work out. To keep in shape.


“Don’t forget after school you both will be practicing with me.” Yunhee called out to the duo before they could sneak away from her. Jinho waved his hand in approval and acknowledgement, while Sooyun made a face. Jinho lead the way to his car, a limited edition Lamborghini Veneno, and it never failed to impress Sooyun. It was by far one of the most beautiful cars she’s seen and the ride was smooth, almost as you floating.


They arrive at school in no time and she could tell something was off about her brother today.


“Jinho. What’s wrong?” Jinho straighten and looked at his sister immediately a frown appearing on his features. She would be the only one to ever see a crack in front, sometimes she wouldn’t comment on it and other times she would.


“It’s about Bora and Tao,” he sighed and leaned back in the leathered chair not really wanting to talk right now. He was still thinking about everything and if he didn’t go through every detail of his situation he’d feel a growing knot in his mind.


Sooyun sensing his dilemma turned towards the back of the seat and pulled her bag towards her. She leaned over giving her brother a kiss on the cheek and a delicate hand ruffling his thick raven hair.  


“I’m sure Tao and his crew are waiting for you, same with Bora.” He was reluctant to getting out of his car, his safe haven, but he gathered his things and stroded off with Sooyun at his side.


It was only 7:30 and classes started at 8:10, they had a good amount of time to hang around with their friends and Sooyun had plenty of time to think of how she wanted to confess her feelings to Sehun.


They met up with Bora at the entrance, Sooyun running towards Bora immediately. There was one thing Sooyun hated most in the world. Math. It was of the most vile things on the planet, in her opinion. Bora was like a mathematical genius in her eyes, in actuality Bora just paid attention. Just as she was about to go over their homework, someone started pulling her away from the group by her bag. Her feet trying to find a comfortable pace for walking backwards.


"Yah!" She tried to twist her body in a way to look at whoever it was dragging her from behind.


"Calm down, you idiot." The was soft it sent a familiar warmth throughout Sooyun's body. The girl's grip loosened on her bag and it allowed her to turn around, letting her walk next to his side. They walked like that in silence until they reached the hall their lockers where at.


Sooyun shoved her Algebra 2 and Government book into her locker, taking out her English book. She turned her attention towards her sister and gave her a knowing look.


“Here to see Suho-ssi?” She wiggled her eyebrows in emphasis of her tone, dancing around as she poked her sisters arm. Yunhee giving her a pointed look, but she really couldn’t deny it and the idiocy of her sister sometimes appalled her.


“Who wants to see me?” The two girls quickly turned towards the source of the voice.  Said man stood there with Tao and a boy she’s never seen, at his side. Sooyun waved happily to the other boy as he started to pass her. He gave her a small smile and left, soon to meet up with Jinho and Bora.


“No one,” she mumbled to the president and faced her sister again, “you forgot this, .” With that she shoved the girls report in her arms, flicked her on the forehead and nervously passed the boy she had a crush on.


“Unnie!” Sooyun pouted as her sister traveled away, rubbing her forehead. The hall became quiet again and she was getting rather uncomfortable with the stares from the two boys. Sooyun never really knew what to make out her president, but she really didn’t mind him. Bowing and getting ready to turn and leave, the boy spoke up again.


“Sooyun-ah, we need your help actually. I found Jo Kwon-ssi beaten pretty badly.”


“I’ll do it! Where’s Kwon-ah?” Kyungsoo only study Sooyun, she was definitely the weakest at heart. She was too good, it maddened him to a point because she was so pure. She was born unfortunate in his eyes, but he couldn’t deny the automatic attraction he felt for her. Maybe it was because she was so soft hearted.


“Follow us.”


Student Council Room- 409; 10 minutes before meeting Sooyun and Yunhee; 7:26


Kwon heaved against the floor until he received another kick to his broken ribs.


“You’re lucky another isn’t here, he’d have so much fun with you.” Suho sneered grabbing the boy by his hair and sending another punch landing square on his temple. The eldest in the room pulling away to get a break, it was too early for him and this is precisely why he dropped out years before. Tugging his tie loose, his face stayed calm as he place his foot on the boys chest. Adding pressure and taking it away, adding more pressure than he did before and ect. . .


Frustration was really the only thing coursing through out him, his pale hand running through his dark styled hair. This kid was getting on his nerves and was hard to break, his loyalty to tyrant unbreakable. For now at least. Jo Kwon, the son of the head maid in the Park mansion, knew everything about that house; every secret passage, the schedules of family and workers and where everything was located at. Today, though, his only was going to get all the information from him.


“Jo Kwon-ah, you might as well speak up.” He knew he wasn’t going to, once they patched him up and they were going to deceive little Sooyun. Finally they could get the information and hold Shihoo’s precious daughter against him. He let a rather hard kick to Jo Kwon’s head knock the boy out cold, fixing his tie into place and smoothing down his hair. Today was going to be simply eventful.


Nurses Office- 258; exactly 15 minutes later; 7:41


Sooyun repositioned her dongsaeng on the small bed, swiping the blood from his face.


“You really don’t know who did this?”


“Sehun,” Kyungsoo said it and Suho only looked at him, but the evaluating gaze he was giving the girl he said nothing.


Suho watched as her hazel eyes grew bigger and her teeth tugging at her lower lip, he saw similarities to her and her older sister. Both outrageously beautiful, gifted and talented in many ways each from the far end of each other. He knew Sooyun was climbing the ladder of self-defense, he knew her technique hence for Kyungsoo. He was perfect.


Kyungsoo watched her reactions; the way her pupils dilated and the shifting of her eyes, her body posture and the way she was biting her lip. He made his way forward, eyes never leaving her movements.


“You’re problem, Sooyun-ah, is that you trust so blindly into believing in the good of everyone. We are all wicked. We are all evil.”


He was fast, but if anything her sister taught her it was to be quicker. She was still a novice and he was a trained fighter, she knew in the end they’d get her. And as his hands were squeezing the day from her she brought her fist back and punch the boy. Her fist making contact with his full lower lip, the darkness consuming her slowly.


Dang it! I didn’t even get to confess yet, she wasn’t going to believe this Kyungsoo guy until she confronted Sehun herself, but it didn’t look like that was going to happen anytime soon.


Back of the school- 28 minutes later; 8:09


Kyungsoo gently laid the two bodies in the backseat, his lip still gushing with blood. She was going to be a handful when she gained consciousness again. He got in the drivers side and turned the car on, Suho turning his head to look at the nasty cut on his lip.


“I’d expected her to fight, but this is nasty,” he paused for a moment, “I wonder what Yunhee-ah and Sooyun-ah can really do. . .’Soo. . .I think we can brainwash her.” As the said younger man began to pull out from back of the school lot and onto the main road he gave Suho a crazy look.


“What do you mean?”


“Turn her against her own father. She’s innocent enough to believe anything. . .she’d be a good asset. Jinho wouldn’t want to hurt, Yunhee couldn’t kill her baby sister, no of them want anything to happen to her because she’s the one that keeps the house apart from the geondal life. Except the money.” His idea was crazy, but Suho was known for being rather rash and imaginative. They would only have to come up with a plan that was thorough enough, one with the least amount of flaws possible.


“Alright, but we all really need to think this through. Make a plan with little flaws possible, that’s the only way it might work.”


Suho grinned as Kyungsoo drove to their warehouse, everyone was up for a surprise and this definitely was not going to be as boring as he first thought. It was going to be so much better, just so much more entertaining. He could almost see Shihoo’s face when realizes his precious Sooyun has turned against him. Sometimes life really was good.

First Chapter done. I hope you like it. . .I haven't actually edited it because I have a bad habit of not doing so, but please enjoy. 

I look forward to your comments and ask any quesions if you're confused about thing. So yeah, enjoy! 

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LKM_98 #1
Chapter 3: Thanks for the update!!! I REALLY LOVE IT!
ilabya4 #2
LKM_98 #3
Looking forward to your story!!!!