The Get-Together

Our Long Distance Relationship

 "Ahhh"  you yawned as you turned to look at your clock. 9:13 a.m. Was what showed on the clock. You almost forgot about last night because everything went so fast, it seemed like a dream. You then saw the huge teddy bear that Chanyeol won for you and it assured you that it wasn't a dream.

You thought to yourself, "wow what just happened yesterday?" You then recalled everything. That part you remembered the best was when you guys kissed on the Ferris Wheel, and when he asked you to be his girlfriend. You blushed as you kept thinking about last night.
Finally you got out of your bed and went to wash your face and brush your teeth.

After you washed up, you called Kathy to get ready for the get together later in the evening. You knew Kathy wasn't doing anything that day so you didn't even ask if she could go, you just told her to get ready.

"Yah! Guess what?" You asked Kathy over the phone.


"Take a GUESS!"

"Hmmmm you got a new shoe?"

"No! Well, that too, but something else."

"I don't know! Just tell me!"

"Okay, but you must not tell anyone at our school, only you, me and Linda can know about this." You told Kathy in a half serious and half playful tone. "Me and Chanyeol are official!"

"What the heck?! Already?!" Kathy quickly answered back.

"Uh huh,"

"Why so fast?"

"I don't know, it just happened that way."

"But you barely know him."

"Yeah, I know, but something about him just makes me feel like he's trust worthy."

"Well congratulate to you, I hope you guys last long, and get to know each other better before even doing anything else."

"What are you trying to say?"

"You know what I mean."

"Haha don't worry, we won't do anything crazy....... YET!!" You said sarcastically. "We'll enough about me and Chanyeol. What about you and Lay huh? Tell me everything about last night that you guys did. Did you guys do anything crazy yet?!"

"Well, not really. We just talked, ride on the rides and played some games."

"Did he win you anything?"

"Hehe. Yeah he won me a medium size of the minion in Despicable Me."

"Awwww how cute!"

"It wasn't anything big." Kathy said, trying to not sound excited, But she really was.

"Did he hold you hands or kiss you?"

"Pshhh heck no! I wish!" Kathy giggled.

"Haha! ert!" You joked and you both laughed.. "Well I'ma go make breakfast so get ready and come over later, Chanyeol will pick us up at my house okay?"

"Okay, see you later."

The call ended and you worked your way to the kitchen, searching your fridge looking for something to cook. You found sausage and egg. You the fried the egg and sausage and woke Linda up to eat breakfast with you.

After breakfast, it was 10:28 a.m. You decided that you wanted to listen to songs and browse the net so you got on the computer and did whatever you needed to. By the time you finish what you wanted to do on the net, it was already 12:34

You went to your closet and look for something to wear, but you weren't sure what to wear so you called Kathy.

Ring ring*
"Hello?" A voice on the other side picked up. It was Kathy's mom.

"Hello, may I speak with Kathy?" You replied in a very well mannered voice.

"Okay, just a moment." Then she handed the phone to Kathy.

"Yah! What are you gong to wear?"

"I don't know, what should I wear?"

"Let's all wear something similar yeah?"

"Okay, what colors and style do you want us to wear?"

"Hmmm let's wear black and a little of gold. Okay?"

"Okay then. I'll come over in a bit." She reminded you.

"Okay, see you in a bit." You both then hung up.

You then walked to Linda's room and knock on her door to open up. She then opened the door.

"What do you want?"

"We are wearing black and a little bit of gold okay? Understand?"

"Okay okay, now go away,"

"What you doing?"

"Watching movie on my iPad."

"Ohhh, well hurry up and get ready! It's already 1:00 and you know doing make up takes a long time!"

"Okay, okay."

You three were busy getting ready.......

Finally the door bell ring and you ran to the door, thinking it was Kathy so you went to open the door prepared in your full outfit to show her. You were so confident that it was Kathy that you didn't even bother to look through the peek hole. You quickly opened the door and turned around to walk and model your outfit. After taking a few modeling steps you turn back around and pose.

"Oh my Gosh! Chanyeol!" You blushed. "Wha.. What are you doing here so early? It's barely 3:00."

"Ohhh well, I wanted to visit your house before going so I decided to stop by earlier.." Chanyeol replied as he stared at you with his eyes wide open.

"Oh, okay, well come in."

He then stepped into your house.

"Have a seat on the couch." You said leading him to the couch.

You watched him as he sat down. And you joined him. As you sat next to him, the moments of last night flashed through your head. Suddenly it got awkward. Everything grew quiet. It lasted for a few minutes.

"Ahhhhhh......... So where's your parents?" Chanyeol asked breaking the silence.

"Well they are on vacation and they won't be back for another month."

"so it's just you and your 2 sisters home alone?"

"Uh huh," you murmured as you nodded.

Ding dong*
You ran to open the door to let Kathy in.

"Yah! You so pretty!" You said as you touched Kathy's hair.

"You too!"

"Linda! You ready?" You yelled down the halls.


"Hurry! We're waiting for you!"

"Hi Kathy." Chanyeol greeted Kathy

"Hi Chanyeol." Kathy waved.

As you guys waited for Linda, you guys talked about random things.

"Ahh pretty,!" Kathy said out of the blue.

Both you and Chanyeol turned to look at Linda.

Your outfit: 

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Kathy's outfit:
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Linda's outfit:

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"Ahhhh okay! Everyone is ready so lets go!"

While getting in the car, Linda and Kathy took the back seats and you were on the passenger seat and Chanyeol was the driver.

During the ride you can hear Linda and Kathy giggling as if they were talking about you and Chanyeol.

"Oh stop it you guys!" You said as you turn to look at them.

And they just laughed and high five each other.

After a while, you guys stopped in front of a mansion.

"We're here" Chanyeol said as he turned off the engine. "Let's go?"

You all got out of the car and followed him to the mansion.

"Where is this?" You asked

"The house that I bought for my parents."

"How nice!" Linda and Kathy said at the same time.

As you guys made you way into the mansion, people started to appear. There was the other guys from the night of the fair such as Lay, Kai and the other Exo members. There were also other girls there too.

As Lay saw Kathy, he approached Kathy and took Kathy away from you guys. Linda left you and Chanyeol alone and went to the karaoke room.

Chanyeol lead you to his room. You felt awkward when you entered his room.

"Soooo..... This is my room." He said kinda blushing.

You looked around. It was huge and very clean for a guys room.

"Wow! Nice room.... Ahhh how about we go back down and look for Kathy them yeah?"

"Aww okay."

As you guys worked your way to find Kathy and Linda, their were girls who were saying hi to Chanyeol and giving him flirty looks. It made you feel uneasy but because you barely know Chanyeol, you just let it go.

Finally you found Kathy and Linda in the dance hall. Kathy was slow dancing with Lay, and Linda was dancing with D.O. Instead of D.O. Twirling Linda, Linda was twirling D.O. Instead.

"Haha Linda would do that!" You thought to your self.

Just then Chanyeol walked up in front of you and handed you red rose. "Will you dance with me?" He asked

You blushed and took the rose. He took your hand and escorted you to the dance floor. He turned to face you while holding your right hand and pulled you closer to him. He wrapped his other arm around your waist and lead the steps.

You followed his steps from side to side. Then twirled you and side to side. Then twirled you again. And side to side. He then dipped you and pulled you back up. Your faces were so close.

You closed your eyes as he lips kept coming closer to yours. You waited for him to kiss you until you heard him laugh. You opened your eyes and saw him laughing at you teasingly. You felt so embarrassed. You pushed him away from you and you walked away. Just then he pulled you into his arms and hugged you tightly. You tried to break away from his hug but it didn't work cause he was too strong for you.

"Yah, let go of me." You pouted

"Nope. I'm not letting my babe go. If you want to go, you must break out of my arms."

"Did he just called me his babe?" You thought to yourself and blushed.

You loved the way he held you tightly, and so you hugged him back. You guys stand there hugging each other for a long while.

After a long while you needed to go use the restroom. So you went to use the restroom. While you were using the restroom a girl and her friend came up to you. They seemed to be a few years older than you.

"Yah." One of them said as she touched your hair and the other watched her bully you. "You better stay away from Chanyeol, you hear me?"

You grabbed her hand off your hair and bravely stared into her eyes. "Don't touch my hair!" As you ignored her warning to you.

"Haha did this just ignore what I just said?!"

You turned away to leave just then you felt the girls hand pulling your wrist to not leave.

"Yah! You think you can just leave huh?" As she were pulling you back.

"Hpmmm," you smirked and rolled your eyes. "So let me guess. You're a girl who Chanyeol use to talk to but Chanyeol stop talking to you and you can't get his attention anymore huh? So I'm the one to blame for your unhappiness right?"

"Hah! This be acting like she knows it all!" She cursed at you

"Ahhh so what I said was true. Well I don't have time for people like you and if you don't let me leave peacefully, you might regret it."

You turned away and suddenly she pulled you by your hair. Her grip wasn't firm enough so you slipped away. You didn't like to hit people so you just pushed her really hard till she fell. You then grabbed your phone and called Linda and Kathy to come over. They were close by so within seconds they showed up.

The girl then got onto her feet. She was going to hit you and Linda they knew it was coming so Linda pinned her hand to her back.

You looked at her friend who was already scared to death and told her to get lost. And she disappeared lighting fast!

"Hahaha" you three laughed. Then you went up closer to her face near the wall and looked at her.

"You know, I don't want to hurt you. So either we let you go peacefully, or you can fight your way out."

"Ahhhh ahh" she wined her pain. "Okay okay I'll leave peacefully!"

"But why should I let you leave peacefully when you didn't let me leave peacefully?" You said sarcastically.

"Please let me go!" She begged

"If we let you go, you better get lost cause if I see you again, Something serious may happen to your face!" Linda said. "And don't you ever lay a finger on any of my people you hear me?!"

She nodded and Linda let her go. She ran as fast as she can and disappeared.

The 3 of you returned to the dance floor. You went to Chanyeol and explained to him what happened.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked you while fixing your hair.

"No. I'm just annoyed."

"Well I'm glad you thought before hitting her."

You knew Chanyeol wouldn't like it if you were to beat up people. And you didn't even like it yourself. But you hate it when people try's to bully you. And when they try to bully you, you would show them wassup without fighting them.

After what happened Chanyeol help take you, Linda and Kathy back home. When you guys arrived Linda and Kathy left the car leaving the to of you alone in the car.

"Thank you for tonight" you leaned in to kiss his check, but he turned his face and you end up kissing his lips.

"Yah!" You yelled deadly as you pulled away

"Thank you for the kiss." He smirked.

"Be safe on your way back home okay?" You told him as you were stepping out of the vehicle. But then he pulled you back into a hug again.

"What now?" You said in his arm.

"Can I spend the night with you?"

"What?!" You pulled away from his hug and looked him in the eyes.

"Please let me stay with you tonight." He said as he pulled you back into his arms.

"Ahhh," you didn't know what to reply to him. You wanted him to stay but you felt awkward to let him stay. "Fine, but you must promise me one thing."

"Yes!" He cheered. "What is it that you want me to promise?"

"Never mind, lets just go in."

"Yay!" You both got out of the car and went inside.

-Sorry for updating so late. I've been busy with the fair around and my tennis practices and games :) and school. Hope you guys enjoy. Please leave comments because I love to read them :) don't forget to subscribe. :)


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Ahaha i like it very much Muahaha <3
Chapter 1: Nice! Do update soon. I wonder where the get-together will be at. XD