The Night At The Fair

Our Long Distance Relationship

On the phone with Kathy*
"Yah! Let's dress up, yeah?" You asked Kathy

"Okay, but I don't know what to wear." Kathy replied

"Hmmm wear your black collar shirt with your black and white tights/legging and wear your heels with it."  You suggested

"Okay, I'll come to your house in a bit, and we'll go to the fair together."

"Okay see you in a bit."

30 minutes later*
Ding Dong*
You ran to the door and let Kathy in,
"Wow! You looks gorgeous!" Kathy exaggerated

"Thank you, you do to."

You were wearing a casual, nice looking dress you recently bought from Forever 21 with a light brown heel, and because your dress was red, you couldn't wear it school so you decided to wear it to the fair.

You and Kathy was in the living room and Linda was still in her room getting ready.
"Yah, Linda lets go!" You screamed to Linda

Linda was wearing a similar dress to yours and the same heels as Kathy's

It was 6:30 p.m.
You had your other sister, Shelly to drop you guys off at the entrance, although you only lived 3 blocks away, because you guys were all in heels and it would just be faster to get a ride their.

When you 3 got to the fair, you guy went to buy wrist band because their wasn't many people at the fair that night.

"Maybe because it is Asian Night," you thought to yourself.

It's a good thing their wasn't too many people at the fair because that way you guys could get on the rides faster. The first ride you guys got on, was the roller coaster. After a few rides you guys needed a break so you guys walked around. While walking around, a group a men came in front of you guys and introduced themselves and tried to start a conversation with you guys.

"Hi, I'm Chanyeol!" The guy in front of you said while looking right into your eyes, "what's your name?"

"Hi, nice to meet you Chanyeol, I'm Ginny, that's Linda, and that's Kathy." You replied to Chanyeol.

"Can we hang out with you guys?" Chanyeol asked.

"Sure." You smiled and welcomed him and his friends.

They all introduced themselves. *Exo M and Exo K <3

Chanyeol seemed like he was interested in you because he was talking to you only, and you seemed to be interested in him too,

On the other hand Kathy and Lay was talking and getting to know each other, while Linda and Kai were buddies. And the rest of Exo's were just talking to each other and watching their friends hit on girls, *which the girls were you guys*

You guys decided to go on rides with them, the first ride you guys went on together was the super shot. Your heart pound faster each time you went higher and you held onto the bar on your chest as hard as you can. Right before the shot, Chanyeol grabbed your your left hand and held it.

"Don't worry, I'm here for you." Chanyeol whispered in your hear.

You tilt you head and looked him in the eyes, and smiled. You held his hand back letting him know that you were there for him too.

Just then, you felt the drop happening, you closed your eyes and squeezed his hand. Trying to not scream but you did anyways.

When the ride has stopped, you opened your eyes and took a deep breath. Chanyeol, then helped you off the seat and continued to hold your hands.

"Chanyeol," you called.

"Hmmm?" He then turned to look at you.

You looked at your hands that were joined together, giving him the sign of 'you can let go now'.

"Ohhh," he quickly released your hand.

Just then you realized that you have lost Linda and Kathy, and it was just the 2 of you alone.

"Oh my gosh! Where's Linda and Kathy and your friends?"

"Don't worry, they all went on their own, we'll find them later. Lay likes Kathy, I can tell. So we need to give them their own time."

"Ohh I see,"

Then silence carried on for the next few minutes making the both of you uncomfortable.

"Ahhhhh....... So are you from here?" Chanyeol asked breaking the awkward silence.

"Yeah, I live a only few blocks away from here."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, and you?"

"I'm also from here but I moved to Korea and I only came to visit my family, and my whole group wanted to tag along."

"Ohhh I see," when are you going back?" You asked out of worry and concern .

"In a week from today."

"Ohhhh" it suddenly got quiet again, for some reason you felt sad although you have just met him, you felt like you didn't want him to leave.

"Let go on that ride!" Chanyeol exclaimed dragging you to the Foot Loose ride where they hang you upside down for a bit and takes you in a circle.

"Ready?" Chanyeol asked

You nodded.

He then held your hands again and this time you held his right back.

You felt the ride starting to move back and forth smoothly, just then you were already hung upside down. And each time you got hung upside down you screamed as loud as you can, clinching onto his hand as hard as you can and closing your eyes shut.

Then the ride started to slow down and stopped, to both got off the ride while still holding hand, this time you both didn't let go of each others hand. You both walked around for a while. Finally Chanyeol stopped at a shooting game booth.

"Did you want anything?" Chanyeol asked you

You looked at all the stuff animals that were hanging to the walls behind the targets.

"Mmmm that one!" You pointed to a huge teddy bear that was hanging at the very top.

"Okay, how can I get that one, sir?" Chanyeol asked the man who was in charged of the booth.

"You just have to shoot all the 12 targets with exactly 12 bullets."

"How much?"

"10$ for 12 bullets."

Chanyeol handed the man 10$

Bang bang bang*

"One..... Two.. Three... Four... Five... Six.... Seven..." The man counted each time Chanyeol hitted the targets. "Awww sorry better luck next time."

Chanyeol then reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet again, you grabbed his hand trying to tell him 'forget it'.

"Just one more" he said, smiling at you.


He then gave another 10$ to the man again.

"One... Two... Three.. Four.. Five... Six.... Seven.... Eight.... Nine.... TEN... ELEVEN......... AND TWELVE!!! DING DING DING!!! WE'VE GOT A WINNER!!!" The man exclaimed. The man allowed Chanyeol to go inside the booth and claim the huge teddy bear that you wanted. Chanyeol climbed up the ladder  and grabbed the huge teddy that was hanging at the top. He jumped down and walk towards you with the teddy bear I'm his arms.

He then presented the teddy bear to you. You were so happy, that when you reached to grab the teddy bear, you slightly pecked Chanyeol on the cheek, without realizing it. Just then you grabbed the teddy bear and pulled back.

"Oh my gosh!" What did I just do?" You thought to yourself as you looked down at your feet. Then you looked back up at Chanyeol in the eyes and you both just giggled.

Ring ring*
"Yes, Lay?" Chanyeol answered his phone. "Okay see you later." He then hung up.

"What happened?" You asked

"Lays taking Kathy home so I'll meet him at my parents house later."

"Oh they left already?"

"Yeah, he said Kathy had to go home, and she wasn't feeling good."

"Oh, Kathy isn't to good with rides."

"Well it's getting late so one last ride and we'll go home okay?"

"Okay," you answered quickly

The last ride was the Farris Wheel, you both waited in line for your turn, while waiting in line you both talked about random things such as school, friends, the past, and things you guys did. Finally it was your guys turn, you both sat on the same side on the Ferris Wheel, while the teddy bear sat on the opposite side of you guys.

It grew quiet as the ride went on. Chanyeol glared at you, and you notice that he was waiting for you to look back at him. You tried to avoid making eye contact with him because you knew it was going to be even more awkward if you made eye contact with him. You looked down at your feet trying to avoid his eyes, just then his hand lift up your chin, and he pushed his lips against yours, you gasp and tried to pull away but his other hand wrapped around your waist not letting you free.

You then closed your eyes, and kissed him back. Finally you pulled back and Chanyeol leaned close to your ear. He whispered "you are so beautiful, will you be my girlfriend?"

You smiled and leaned towards his ears and whispered back, "yes."

You both looked into each others eyes and smiled. The ride has finally come to a stop. You grabbed the teddy bear and made your way out of the ride. Chanyeol held your hand, giving you support so you won't fall while trying to get off the ride.

"Where do you live?" Chanyeol asked you

"Down the street, 3 blocks away."

"I'll take you home okay?"


You gave him direction to where your house was and when you got to your house, you thanked him and opened the door, slowly stepping out of the car. Just then when you were half way out of the car, his hand suddenly pulled you into his arms, hugging you.

"I had fun today," he said while still hugging you.

"I did to."

He then let go of you and you sat down on the passenger seat again.

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Mmmm maybe just stay home."

"You want to go to a get-together with me?" He asked

"Oh.... Okay,"

"I'll pick you up at 4 okay?"


"And bring Kathy and Linda too"


"Can I have your number?"

You nodded and took out a pen from your purse. You grabbed his hand and wrote down your number on it, then  you left with the word "goodnight" lingering on your lips.

You then went inside your house and found Linda already home.

"When did you get home?" You asked Linda

"Like 20 minutes ago."

"Who brung you home?"

"I came home alone because I didn't want Kai and the others to have trouble taking me home."

"So what are you and Kai?" You asked Linda.

"Just friends. Why you ask?"

"Just wondering."

"What about you and Chanyeol?"

You grew quiet and a smile appeared on your face.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you guys kissed huh?"

You nodded with a shy smile on your face.

"And he asked you out huh?"

You nodded again.

"Chanyeol wanted us to go to their get-together tomorrow at 4."

"Well then you better get ready for tomorrow," as she pushed you to the restroom, giving you a sign to shower.

All you could think about when you were showering was about the moments that you had with Chanyeol at the fair and tomorrow.

After showering you head off to bed with Chanyeol filled in your head.

- I'll update as soon as possible.

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Ahaha i like it very much Muahaha <3
Chapter 1: Nice! Do update soon. I wonder where the get-together will be at. XD