Tap. Tap. Tap. Edited

Creatures of the Day

Sulli scratched her head. What was Yuri doing? 

Their was a time limit of how long she could spend time with her man...!

Sulli needed her to wake him, and then things will all be over. 

She just thought it would be better to see an old face.

They will, won't they?


Yuri brushed her fingers from every object from the door to the side of his bed. 

He was sweetly sleeping. Yuri sat beside him and tapped upon the wood very quietly. Taking her time to wake him up. 

Sulli heard the tapping through the door, she put her ear next to the door where she could feel the bristles of wood. She wondered what had made the sound..?

Half an hour went by and the tapping was still going on. 

Tap. Tap. Tap. A slow tempo that made her quiver. 

She decided to knock. "Yuri.., what are you doing? Their is no time to stall.. We need every piece to complete the mission...!"

Yuri turned off one light after the other until she went towards the door. She left that one light open and whispered. 

"...No.. no..no."

Sulli was irritated. "Yah...yah!?" She began to rattle the door and smack the wall. "Open the door!" 

Yuri giggled a little. "I think it's a little too late..."

Yuri walked over to Minho and laid his head onto her lap. "You see..., he'll never wake up, Sulli. Just like that time.."

Sulli stopped and had to ask. "What do you mean by 'that time'?" 

Yuri laughed again. "Like the time my sister scared the wits out of you. Taking the only thing.. only person.. That accepted you."

Sulli heard her words and her eyes opened wide. It felt like she was standing right beside her. 

"Don't you remember.. precious?" 

Sulli came to her senses and knocked on the door once again. 

"Open the door and I will forget everything that happened. If you're trying to scare me.., it's definitely not working." 

Yuri opened the door. Sulli came inside. 

Sulli went forward, but the lights were off. 

Yuri turned off the last light. 

A few seconds later.. Sulli could feel a slight breeze zoom by. 

Sulli clapped her hands twice. She thought something would happen if she did. They are in an old era. 

She couldn't see anything. 

But right by the bed, one tap. And the light came on. 

"You won't ever be satisfied with me around, Sulli."

Sulli pointed at her and looked straight into her eyes. She walked towards her as she began to talk. 

"What are you!? You piece of crap... this may be your life, but for me... I work! Work to be the one who gets to fall in LOVE!! UNLIKE THIS UNDIGNIFIED SIDE OF YOURSELF. Now to put this simply, get off him before I TEAR YOU... TEAR YOU TO PIECES."

Yuri laughed. "Ooh Sassy! Now don't you get curious why Minho won't wake up? Well I did what I had to do. One kiss from me is equal to one snap of death. Now be nice before the only thing we fight for is.. 


Yuri looked at her sweetly. "Now stand there and watch me. Look at me, I am but one person. There is no past of me.., nor is there a future of me. I am one. If you see my past memories I will find one by one.. until all. Evidence is gone. And for now, why don't we start out with Krystal?"

Yuri snapped her fingers and another light came on. 

It was Krystal, entangled with a rope of thorns. 

And bound by a rule, immortals are not injured by them.. 

The only thing is.. Sulli was a new-born. Well temporarily, she didn't know most of the rules and especially this one. 

She fell her to her knees, and Krystal kept shaking her head back and forth. 

Trying to tell her not to fall for it. 

"Mmph! Mummiphhh!" 

Sulli looked at Yuri. "Why are you doing this!? You are the lowest immortal I have ever met! Sick!"

"Do you want me to wake him? Before he comes to his senses, all 'injure' myself and he'll think you committed this.. Meaning you have finally becme insane... Just like the OTHERS!"

Yuri's eyes opened wide. It looked like she was committing suicide. If she couldn't have him, no one could. 

Sulli took a deep breath. She wanted to yell for someone, but if she did, it felt like she wouldn't have the time to see him. 

Look at him alive and breathing.  

"I will let you take him. But only if you let me stay. You could erase his memories of me. He could forget everything of me.. Just let me see him smile..."

Sulli brushed her hair back and looked down. She was on her knees. Her tears fell down and stopped at the end of her chin. She then closed her eyes trying to let all of the out. Attempting to go strong for the last moment.  

"I just want to keep hearing his voice. And I also want to stay with my friends. I want to let the come back with me in due time. So endure it for now..." 

Yuri set Minho down and walked towards Sulli. She raised her chin with her ring finger. 

"..What if I told you.. I would agree? What would be the first thing you would do after you went out of this room?"

Sulli pushed her off. "I would walk forward." 

Yuri laughed. "That's all?" 

Sulli bit her lip. "Hurry Yuri.. Before this option becomes expired right from your eyes.." 

Yuri scratched her head. 

"I hope you won't regret this."

Yuri awoke Minho. "I shall let you look at him once more, before I break it."

Sulli stood up and tried to look strong. "Good Morning, Minho." 

Krystal was hurt. Her eyes shed tears in the background. 

Minho smiled. 

Yuri sent a message. "One day. I will let your friends be cured. That is what I will give you in return of your promise. You will have him for one day, but if you tell anyone anything.. Within a snap and the name. I will end the only thing, only person you love."

Sulli nodded and looked towards Krystal. Yuri understood. She put Krystal back in her bed, asleep. 

Then Yuri herself disappeared. 

"Why don't we visit the Garden. I want to see the rosebuds. I heard there nice when you see it with someone.." 

Minho stretched out his back. "This seems like it will be a day full of joy... Does it not?"

Sulli smiled warmly as they walked down towards the gate. 

And as the gates opened. She replied. 

"I'll make sure it will linger in your memories everlasting..." 

Minho held her hand tightly. "Is something wrong? It feels like you're saying goodbye to me?" 

Sulli bumped him. "I would never.. leave your side because.. I love you, Minho."

Minho blushed. "You know I love you more. More than the sun takes it time to shine for the Earth. I will love you everlasting."

Sulli raised her finger, telling him to wait for a moment. 

Yuri set a curse if she talked, not if she left hints.

She took a marble from her pocket. Then she took out her mirror. She tapped them together. Then she whispered. 

"One memory after the other. Any hint he finds first, make them all align. And that he will only be the one who will get to see the memory. Only he can break the spell. As this present becomes part of my past.. please let him recollect them.. Even if it takes my life.. Remind him of all of them Mirror. Even after everything, till the very end. My heart will be at ease. As long as his is. I will give you that Mirror. My everlasting immortal Soul." 




One Soul is an enormous sacrifice. 

I have not updated in a long time, but I'm pulling all-nighters. 

I will update soon

Thanks Fidoodly Friends!!!






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marifelhojas #1
Chapter 22: tnx authrnim for the update you made nice story pls update again and more minsul mooment pls
marifelhojas #2
Chapter 18: nope thats not true sulli is a nice girl and besides she still young at the age of 19 her popularity has been improve and its been impressive to the fact that she still young ....cheer up authornim we will just continue to support sulli no matter what tnx for the update
minsulshipper #3
Chapter 13: Gosh, this is so sweeeett authornim. Please update soon ne? i'm really curious about the next chapter. I love this kind of story. Hwaiting !!
Chapter 13: YASS, Minho saved his princess Sulli, t'aww so cute..
Hope everything will turn alright at the end for the both of them.
Thanks for the update authornim, but please update soon, can't wait for the next chapter!^^
marifelhojas #5
Chapter 10: pls update it soon!
marifelhojas #6
Chapter 9: more update pls!cant wait to read another chapter
marifelhojas #7
Chapter 8: pls update it soon
Chapter 8: who is it?don't tell me its victoria or other girl.....=(
alisson #9
Chapter 7: pls let minsul be together. pls
Chapter 7: Authornim,please make MinSul get back soon..I also hope that Taemin would not take Sulli..:)