One Whisper leads to Another.

Creatures of the Day

Arriving at the castle.

Minho arrived at the entrance. He held his hand out and drew an unknown figure to the right of the gate. The gate then let out a quiet whisper. A whisper from someone familiar. 


"If you were sent, if you were invited, if you were told... Say the four words of our castle. May Collandra be forever in your honor."

Minho chuckled. He knew it was Yuri already, but he decided to play along. After all, the girl who whispered just now, is the woman whom he had shared all his cherished memories and a part of his heart with. This was his neighborhood love, Yuri.

"Honesty. Peace. Dedication. Collandra."

The gates opened and a bright figure stood in front of them. It was Yuri with a huge smile directed towards Minho. She was wearing a long floral dress of purple, blue, and yellow. She was purely amazing. She picked her dress up and walked elegantly towards the group, but especially closer to Minho.

"..My, my.. Isn't it little Prince Minho? Well aren't you going to hug me? We haven't seen each other in such a long time..., I was about to resort to taking your pictures and listening to the albums you had made for me when we were young, but that doesn't matter. You're going to stay her now.., right?"

Yuri had a huge smile on her face, Minho did not have any thoughts of refusing. Onew walked up to Yuri and directed her eyes towards Victoria.

Author's Note: Taemin understood what he had done wrong and Minho used the forget-me-not dust and sprinkled it all over his face. He then, forgot that he ever fell in love. He just remembers that they are good friends. But don't memories usually come back? 

Yuri walked over to VIC furiously.  

"Do you even realize... How much we have missed you? Even though you have done bad on earth, we will accept you any day. So don't go changing yourself when you know being yourself is actually helping others."

Yuri put her into her arms and VIC burst into tears. She wasn't happy, but she felt that she did have somewhere to go.., somewhere everyone could except that she was who she was. And no one could control that. 

Vic turned towards the guards and offered herself to them. She needed help to get better, and this was the only thing she could do. The officers took her to castle first and to the highest peak of the tower to be accompanied by her childhood friends. Locking her up would make it worst, letting her friends be with her would be the best option for now.

"I know what I deserve."

That was the last thing VIC had ever said to Minho.

Minho hugged Yuri tightly.

"Even though we just reunited, you are already a big help. Thanks."

Minho smiled happily and then Sulli kicked him on the knee.

Krystal grabbed Sulli and pushed her behind herself. She smiled at Yuri and then looked angrily at Minho.

"Don't you have someone to introduce Yuri to, Minho? Someone very VERY special."

Minho scratched his head, their goes the lightbulb. "Oh! I almost forgot! This is Sulli (he grabbed Sulli and pushed her towards Yuri). She's my girlfriend. I hope you both will be on good terms as we burden you for awhile."

 Yuri smiled with her eyes and shook her hand. She turned around and hooked onto Minho's arms. 

"I bet you don't remember where every single thing is.., including our secret play room!"

Yuri began to run and Minho followed behind without even taking a look back. Sulli had her hand held out and watched as the two of them became little specks in her eyes. Taemin quietly walked beside her and lowered her hand. 

"...It hurts, huh? When you can't have something you really ache for. It really is a burden..." Taemin patted her back.

"After awhile..., it just becomes another memory you try not to remember, but it always come back."

Sulli smiled at him. 

"...I think everything is going to be alright... After all, he's mine. I have him and only both of us can make the decision if we ever choose to end what we have. But I think it's going to last, and don't even think about how our ending will look like."

Sulli slipped on her luggage and continued on to the Castle. She had her own things to do first.

Krystal whacked his head. "You are so stupid! Yuri is someone tall in spirit and mind, but Sulli has unknown promising potential powers we don't know about. SO stop thinking about all the negative things that may come. Even if we already may know."

Had they known this whole time, the outcome of the two? Their future and fate?

Onew followed behind Krystal and messed Taemin's hair up. "Dummy." Onew said humorously.

Krystal stopped at the stairs and Onew bumped into her.

"You should tell your guards to pick up Key at an earlier time. I won't admit I miss him, I just need to finish some stuff before I begin my calm vacation."

Krystal flipped her hair and asked nicely for one of the maids to point to her room. 

Sulli folded her clothes into drawers made of bamboo and stone handles. LUXURIOUS.

After everything was prepared. A thin box was left at her door. It was a dress made of silk accompanied by a knitted sweater. The dress was short and simple. She loved it. She changed and walked towards the dining room. This castle was meant for princesses and princes, so the parents were in their actual castles. The door opened automatically. Minho was right in front of her. Helping Yuri into her chair and then him following. Yuri glanced at Sulli. Sulli smiled at her then Yuri whispered something into Minho's ear.

Minho quickly replied with a huge chuckle; he still had not noticed Sulli. Before Taemin covered her eyes, she turned the opposite direction and ran to the top of the stairs.

She didn't cry, she noticed Yuri was wearing the same exact outfit. 

Who sent her this dress.

Onew sat beside her and whispered in her ear. "I bet you don't know who sent you this dress, but I have a feeling you know someone who can tell you..." Onew points at himself.

Sulli punched him. "Where did I get this... this thing." She vigorously yanked the dress up and then down. "Tell me."

Onew pointed at the mirror right in front of them. It was just right, on top of the stairs, this mirror could see everything. "Show me the immortal who touched this dress first... Beautiful Mirror, in honor may you seek."

The Mirror started to move and a person wearing a solid silk coat came from the mirror. The Mirror dropped a scroll and the person handed it to them politely. He then spoke with his dark, love voice. "This scroll contains an answer. But be warned, the mirror has chosen to only say yes or no. Write down your question with ink of white or blue, as you can see this scroll is gold, then which any color can be picked, but this is the mirror's orders. White or blue..., choose wisely."

The man then bowed and took his leave. Sulli searched through her bag to see if she had a white or blue pen. She felt something and she took her hand out with something in her hand. "Oppa..., what is this?"

It wasn't exactly a pen, it was a small mirror. It was a small version of the same mirror on the wall. 

The Mirror spoke. ".. Since you have already summoned me, I shall guide you through your journey. Do you wish to seek this girl you so angrily think of?"

Sulli waited a few moments and then slowly nodded her head. 

The Mirror stopped before she could answer. "Onew, you should leave, what you will see, will injure your future powers. Basically, I am Sulli's posession now."

Onew scratched his head and chuckled. He smiled brightly at Sulli then walked down the stairs to the dining room. 

The Mirror continued. She showed a picture of Yuri with a bright smile. "This is Minho's main event in his life. Or more specifically, his past. Even though the woman you have encountered earlier, Victoria. She is someone special, but not as special as she... You will have the choice to fix things or leave them as it is before the crash takes you back."

Sulli was a little confused. Fix things before the crash? "What do you mean by the crash.., why will it take me back?"

The Mirror flipped back to a picture. It was Sulli wearing a light blue dress inside a kingdom made of ice. Sulli pointed at it. "When did I ever take this? This looks just how I look now. Why does it look so recent? Mirror, what are these things you keep showing me?"

The Mirror flipped to another picture and it was Minho holding hands with So Min. Sulli's sister. "This was your sister, and you know whom this man is.. Minho. You guys have a history you just had a serious injury to both of your brains. You were getting married... and then things happened. It wasn't suppost to... Here, all send you to see what exactly happened on that day."

Sulli entered the mirror to see herself in a long white gown. Her mom was standing in front of her. Sulli started to cry, her mother, she hasn't seen her in such a long time. She kept watching and her father showed up. Wearing a white tux and a blue necklace in his hand. 

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Since it was a flashback, Sulli could only watch what was happening. No words could she hear. 

Sulli's father put the necklace around her neck and kissed her on top of her forehead where her tiara had lied. The mother pushed at him and she held her hand out. Then it flipped to another place. It was Minho... wearing a nice black tux and a white rose. He was wearing white gloves that had Sulli's initials on them. 

He was fixing his suit and hair making sure everything was perfect. Future Sulli stood up and attempted to at least feel his presence, or that he could have. But right when she tried to touch him, he turned around and walked right through her. 

She wans't hurt, this was not his fault, she continued to follow him and saw Taemin. He looked like he was about to cry. Sulli ran towards the scene, she felt hurt, but she knew she couldn't do anything to help.

Minho opened his arms to him and Taemin smiled with his eyes closed. 

AUTHORS NOTE: I hope you remember what happened 'cuz this is a continuation from my first story. 

Taemin patted Minho's back and pushed him off to go. So Min joined Taemin and they sat down. Even though they were not a couple, they could at least enjoy this together.. Future Sulli was flashed to where Past Sulli was. She was just given her bouquet of roses from So Min (This was 5 Minutes before So Min sat down). So Min smiled at Sulli and walked behind her, she gathered her dress and helped her walk elegantly towards the chapel or to her father. 

So Min stopped and patted Sulli's head once more. She smiled half-heartedly and walked off. Seperating their paths again. And just maybe someday they will cross again. 

Past Sulli teared up a little, but her father had a grip on her hand meaning for her to be strong. Sulli then held her head high and the gates opened. Flowers were dropped down lightly from the balloon lamps and then the choir played another song instead of the regular here comes the bride. It was a song made for Minho and Sulli. 

I won't mention a song because its your choice! Leave comments as to what song it should be!

Sulli felt a little scared and looked at what was right in front of her. A man willing to do anything and everything to achieve her happiness. And thus, this was her happiness. Sulli showed a warm smile and walked a little more relaxed. Minho bowed at Sulli's father and then the father gave her one and only daughter to a man who he knew would treat her well despite of all the conflicts that have happened. 

Minho brought Sulli forward. Future Sulli found a chair nearby the piano (which was close) and tried not to tear up. She felt the memories coming back and overflowing her heart. It was beautiful. It was like..., she was that young girl who got to experience the sun set by the beach. 

She watched them do their vows and then share a heart-warming kiss. They then ran off to the carriage. Right to their honeymoon. Sulli kept watching and then a flash came right from her eyes. 

Their was a second where the light dimmed and she saw the person who was causing it.. It was Yuri. Wearing a dress of bright white. She had this weird glint in her eyes. It was blue. 

RIght then, the flashback stopped. Sulli saw swirls in her eyes and she was back. Right on top of the stairs. After she had calmed herself she had to ask. "How long have I been gone?"

The Mirror replied. "Not long, maybe 2 or 3 seconds. When you are with this kind of mirror, time from the past does not matter much no matter how long you feel like you are there for."

Sulli stood up. "Should I tell Minho about this? I don't know if I should wait?"

The Mirror showed another picture. It was a picture of her and Minho holding hands with their true forms showing. A man of black wings and a girl of Ice (not literally). They were shy in the picture, but they were happy. And to her, that was all that had mattered. 

While Sulli was turned around, Yuri had entered the room. She was about to walk forward to the bathroom, but heard a noise coming from the stairs. It was Sulli. She quietly walked up behind her and pushed her back. Yanking the pearls from her coat, Sulli fell backwards and landed on her arm. It was a serious injury. 

Yuri made it look like she got hurt by disguising it. She has a special power where she can make thing look perfect when they're not even. 

It had looked like she was bleeding. She then began to scream. Sulli stood up and she felt the agrivating pain coming from her left foot. She leaned on the staircase. 

Minho came running out the door. Even on instinct, he would come for Yuri. Even though her did not have feelings for her any longer, and even though they have not met in many years, he still remains the same.

He ran towards Sulli and then saw her injury, it was seriously bruised and it looked bad. Yuri yelled again and fell to the floor beginning to cry. Sulli pointed at her and laughed sarcastically. 

"You believe that? She's faking it! She's the one who had pushed me, down these stairs.. She's the one Minho."

Yuri chuckled at her silently. She then sent her a message into her thoughts. "You really think he would believe you? This is where I grew up, I know what happens everywhere, and I know how to make things happen. For intance, getting rid of little Miss Tattle."

Sulli looked at furiously. 

Minho looked at her. "Sulli, I think I would know Yuri more than you... We are really close and we will always be, but don't forget I am yours. And I am pretty sure I would knwo if she was lying to me. "

Minho has been decieved his whole life, he just never notices because of his blindness of love or his kind kind heart. 

Sulli took a step forward trying to think of something else to say, but she fell on the ground. She yelled loudly and looked at Minho. "Will you help me? You need to at least carry me somewhere. Just somewhere far from HER,"

Minho looked at her. He was disappointed. He turned around to inspect Yuri's wound and talked to Sulli at the same time. He didn't want to face her saying these harsh words. "Sulli, can you stop thinking about love for once. We can't be seperated by this one choice right? And especially, I would expect you to respect your elders, plus her injury is more serious than yours. Do you really have any patience..?"


 She had suffered from being left alone, she had to leave her parents to either start her life or just repay them. She had to keep moving and thus she had to leave her friends. And when they tried to get back in contact, they would no longer answer. All of them, would have already moved on. Her only friend who has stayed with her the whole time, was Krystal. Even though a creature, Krystal was perfect to Sulli. 

Sulli tried not to cry and stood up with all her might. She looked at him and still had a warm smile directed towards him. She was about to say, "When will it ever be enough." But she thought she was being a burden to him so she slowly walked down the stairs limping. 

After the tenth step, Minho had not known she was and walked down towards her grabbing her arm. Sulli yanked him off. "I'm fine.., I'm fine." She continued to walk again and her arm got this horrible pain and it felt like her arm had scrunched up. 

Minho was like a puppy. He just kept following her down every step. 

Sulli heard him cough and she turned around. "Get off my back. I don't want to see you. I'm going to eat dinner now, don't accompany me there..." She turned around with a sinister look on her face.

Yuri had controlled her mind starting at the quote of get off my back. Sulli took a deep breath, she was back in her body. She watched Minho walk back up sadly, Sulli was about o reach for him, but she decided to not. What would that do? 

Sulli entered the dining room and Onew was sitting at the end. "I really hope you will end up happy."


Sorry for not updating quick enough. I just want the chapters to turn out really well for you guys, Thanks for reading guys!


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marifelhojas #1
Chapter 22: tnx authrnim for the update you made nice story pls update again and more minsul mooment pls
marifelhojas #2
Chapter 18: nope thats not true sulli is a nice girl and besides she still young at the age of 19 her popularity has been improve and its been impressive to the fact that she still young ....cheer up authornim we will just continue to support sulli no matter what tnx for the update
minsulshipper #3
Chapter 13: Gosh, this is so sweeeett authornim. Please update soon ne? i'm really curious about the next chapter. I love this kind of story. Hwaiting !!
Chapter 13: YASS, Minho saved his princess Sulli, t'aww so cute..
Hope everything will turn alright at the end for the both of them.
Thanks for the update authornim, but please update soon, can't wait for the next chapter!^^
marifelhojas #5
Chapter 10: pls update it soon!
marifelhojas #6
Chapter 9: more update pls!cant wait to read another chapter
marifelhojas #7
Chapter 8: pls update it soon
Chapter 8: who is it?don't tell me its victoria or other girl.....=(
alisson #9
Chapter 7: pls let minsul be together. pls
Chapter 7: Authornim,please make MinSul get back soon..I also hope that Taemin would not take Sulli..:)