chapter 5

Dancing amongst the daffodils





Just a few months ago, I would need to stare intently at the sky for a good few hours before I can appreciate its brilliant blue. I would need to stand amongst the falling leaves fluttering around me to appreciate the tranquillity of autumn. I would need to lie amongst the fresh grass to appreciate the smells of fresh spring. I need to do all this, as proof that I am living, existing, and that this world that I live in is real, and not a surreal imagination. But now I feel like I don’t need to do that anymore. I have lost all tracks of the changing seasons. These days, I would simply wake up, gaze out the window, see the clear sky and gentle sun and say, “Ah, this is a good day to run errands”. Or I would look outside the window and see a greyish weather and abundant clouds crowding in eager to burst with rain and think, “Taemin needs to wear more clothes”. Things like caring for someone, thinking about others, smiling because you’re happy, I have to intentionally try to learn with anyone I can get close to because no one would teach me, no one would show me. But I find all that effort has come to nought. When there is an actual person you care about, you want to take care of, and you want to live together with, there are no set rules. It is a path that many people can walk and laugh together and whatever will be, will be.  So this is how it feels like to have someone I can smile sincerely to. To care for. To live in this world together. To be recognised that I am existing.







“What are you doing?” a familiar voice rang in my ear. Needless to say, the dubu was lying on thin air, his hands beneath his chin and eyeing me queerly, “Nice weather isn’t it? Nice and windy. Good for hugging Taemin. Haaaa....remember the days when...hey, come to think of it, you’re nearly late for work! And you haven’t even made breakfast and send Taemin off to his classes yet!– Yah, where are you going?”   

“I’m going to make breakfast, like you’ve asked,” I answered the dubu.

God, because I am the only one who can hear him, he seems to be acting more and more like Key, a chatterbox that never stops…nagging. ARRGHHHH!

Since Taemin have been extremely obedient these days, I decided to make his favourite, pancakes. Perhaps I’ll treat him to meat for lunch too, smiling at how his mouth drooled and his eyes become pan-sized, looking obediently at the mention of meat.

But two swinted, smiling eyes and a slopey smile ruined the moment.

“What are you thinking of?” Onew asked teasingly, “Some girl, perhaps? I don’t believe a flirty bastard like you don’t have at least three chicks tied to his hands. Come on, spit it out. Is she hot?”

 “Well, then believe it. I don’t have anyone.” I retorted.

“Ah, the beauty of an unrequited love.” Onew sighed dreamily, “Do you want me to help you?”

“Are you getting bored?” I snapped.

“Yes, in fact I am. Watching you guys sleep, watching you guys eat, watching you guys bath –“


“Ah-umm...I mean, watching Taemin bath. It’s like a never-ending cycle. You’re bound to die of boredom.”

“You’re already dead.”

“I feel like I’m dying a second time. The least you can do is to share some funny stories of your life. Don’t be selfish.”

“I feel like you’re the selfish one. You’re very vile today aren’t you?”

“I’ll become a dark spirit soon if this keeps going.”

“Then pass the in’ gate,” I retorted.

“And because of who do I need to pass a stupid gate in the first place?!”

“I give up. What do you want me to do?”

“Ah, if only I can actually touch Taemin,” the dubu sighed, hugging himself and looking up at the ceiling with a dopey smile, “To watch him and can’t touch him. ARGHHH!”

I left the dubu in his own little world and hurriedly came to wake Taemin up.

 “Taemin-ah, time for breakfast.” I said, but the pile of blankets wiggled and whined.

Knowing the drill, I forge to pull the blankets off him only for him to sit up in bed, pull the blankets back up and said, “I’m awake! I’m awake!”

I smirked. As expected, he hates the cold morning dew.

Rubbing his eyes cutely and with his mushroom hair poking up like a little chick, I couldn’t help but stifle my amusement. Should I take a picture of this? Taemin seem to know I was laughing at him. His faster at picking these things up day by day as we live together. Probably because I too much, I thought with a wicked smile playing on my lips. 

“What is hyung laughing at?” he said, his large eyes became small Chinese eyes as he can’t open them fully because of the bright light outside.

“Nothing.” I said, holding my demeanour.

“Yes there is!” He shouted, puffing out his rosy red cheeks in frustration with his silky blonde hair still sticking out on top, which was the bomb.    

I couldn’t hold my laughter and burst into guffaws, managing to take out my phone as I did and took a shot of it, then ran out quickly, pretending I needed to change clothes for work.

Taemin was banging at the bathroom door, “Hyung was laughing at me! Hyung took a picture of me! I want to see! Let Minnie see! FROG PABO!”






“Have you got your gloves?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he said, holding both of his hands up proudly for me to see his red gloves.

It was extra chilly today, even though it was just the beginning of autumn. Taking out a blue patterned beanie, I pulled it roughly onto his head.

“Because it’s getting cold” I said, looking away.

“Okay,” He said simply, which made me kind of disappointed. I’ve never spent so long choosing a clothing item in my life and he simply looked at it indifferently. He doesn’t like getting dressed, so maybe he doesn’t like clothes in general?  

Then he hugged me and looked up with his smiling eyes, bubblegum red cheeks and plump lips and chirped happily, “Because it’s getting cold”.

“YAH! Minnie-ah, you can’t hug him like that! How can he get to hug you when I can’t?! Hey you, get your paws off him now!”

I grinned dopily at Jinki, and spread my hands out, “Does it look like I’m holding him to you?”

“Yahhhhh…hyung is really warm.” Taemin said, digging his face into my chest.

It looks like Jinki was ready to pull his hair out, considering he can’t do anything about it.

Just to piss the dubu even further, I Taemin’s silky soft cheek, leaned forward and whispered huskily into his ears, ignoring a rather dark spirit behind me, “Okay Taemin. Shall we hold hands so it will be warmer?”

“YAH! You indecent bastard! You’re playing dirty! What the hell are you doing?!”  

“Yeah,” Taemin answered, taking my hand without a second thought.









It was pouring furiously outside and the sky was cracking with thunderstorm. And I am late. And Taemin is probably still waiting for me. Outside. In this rain.


I couldn’t have stuff it up anymore then this…well...I could, but the dubu won’t let me rest in peace if I did.

I can see the worst case scenario right now as I’m dashing in the rain with a raincoat to protect me. Taemin actually waiting in the rain and doesn’t even think of finding shelter because his obedient like that. You tell him to wait somewhere he’ll either wait exactly there and never leave…or follow another stranger home. Yes, he was obedient like that. Dammit! Taemin if I catch you follow someone home just for candy, I’ll make sure you don’t have candy for a year!!...or maybe a month...Second case scenario: Taemin gets freaked out by the thunder storm and runs off. My expression is becoming more forlorn by the minute. Jinki is floating next to me, and his not helping.

“This is all your fault, you punk! I told you not to piss off your boss!”

I ignored him.

Finally, I can see Old Jung’s flat nearby, but my expression turned grim. There was no one there. No one was sitting by the park near the music store across the street. No one. No Taemin.

I ran up to the park anyways, searching and calling his name, looking under the slide he used to play if he gets out of Old Jung’s class early. Looking into the tree hollows in case he likes pranks as much as I do.


I burst into laughter, scaring Onew.

“Now, Now Minho. We need at least one sane and living person among us, or we can’t find Min.”

This isn’t like me, losing my composure like this. This isn’t like me playing pranks on another person either. Or making fun of them and laughing together with them. Or worrying about them…

This isn’t Minho.

Quickly, I knocked on the music store door to see if anyone saw a 16 year old sitting by the bench, but the shop was empty and closed.

Decidedly, I ran back the other way.

“I’m going to get a bike!” I shouted to Onew through the rain, “It’ll be faster to search for him that way!”

“You have a bike?!” Onew shouted back.

Running back home, I ran into the apartment just in case Taemin have went home by himself. As expected, he wasn’t there.

Key caught me on the way out again, “Hey, where are you going? I’m cooking hot pot tonight. Come eat.”

“Have you seen Taemin?” I asked.

“Taemin? No. Why? His not with you? Didn’t you pick him up from Old Jung’s place?”

“I came late because of work, and now, I can’t seem to find him.”

Then I pushed Key out of the way and dashed into Key’s apartment, taking his bike.

“Hey what are you doing?” Both Key and Onew asked at the same time.

“Don’t tell me this is the bike that you said you were getting.” Onew stated, floating after me.

“I never said it was my bike I was taking.” I said, grinning, and before heading out I shouted back to Key, “I’m just borrowing it!”

“Hey! Wait!” Key shouted, “Call me if you find him! I’ll check up with the police station!”

Riding in the rain, I couldn’t help but laugh at my own stupid actions. All for this kid. Getting so emotionally distressed for a kid that can’t even eat without help. What to do?

Is he alright? Is he hurt? Was he caught in the rain? Did gangsters took him because they think his a girl?...Are they doing him right now?

The possibilities.

What do I do? There was no Taemin. The streets were empty as everyone has hurried home. Night approached quickly.

What do I do?

……………I don’t know….





Hello! chap 5! yay! hihi

tell me wat u think of it pretty please...with cherries on top, lols XD

ur comments keeps me motivated to post ^^

thanks for reading :)



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krazi_Muzique #1
Still a cute read! ^^
aoiworld #2
Your story really interesting,,,,
Please continue....
krazi_Muzique #3
>///< no matter what, Taemin iZ still incredibly cute!!<br />
^-^ i ADORE the way you have written Taemin'Zz personality. <br />
All the small detailZz when he fumbleZz with hiZ clotheZz make me squeal!! <br />
8D 8D 8D<br />
<br />
“Hyung..Frog hyung is not a bad person.”<br />
Taemin tugged at my sleeve and whispered, “Jong hyung is not a bad person.” <br />
<br />
itZz a small detail but i LOVED that part. <br />
<br />
DUN DUN DUN!! i waZ waiting for Jonghyun to make an entrance!!<br />
O_O Key Umma Crying. . . AND smiling? <br />
<br />
^3^ KiSSEz!!
CharmmyKitty #4
Ohhh. the last gif was cute! *__*<br />
I liked the chapter! :D
patchiee #5
yeayyy jonghyun showed up!
patchiee #6
taemin is so adorable!
CharmmyKitty #7
CUUUTE! *__*<br />
Awww ♥
It's love ;_;
theBlackcat96 #9
Nice chappy!~ Update soon!<br />
miku247 #10
@CharmmyKitty: yep, there's a girl XD