Drifted Away

A Cup of Sunset

Nana was sipping iced coffee flavored milk as she walked into the classroom that morning. Not only because of someone who introduced her to that taste, but also because she has been studying all night for the tests. It was revision week, the last week before study break and mid-term exams, and everyone was in a frenzy to catch up with course materials. Or maybe, not everyone.


That voice.

"Want some?"

An opened bag of shrimp crackers is offered to Nana. He always can suprise her with every little things.
She smiled and shook her head, "Where did you get this?"
"Bought it on the way. It's really good, take some!"
Nana wondered when would she be able to say no to those gleaming eyes.
"Ooooh! This is awesome!"
He laughed and popped some more into his mouth, "I'm not giving you more, then," and walked away.
Nana followed him to the back of the class, "You are so, so, so mean."
Instead of returning to his seat, he went to Nana's seat and sat down looking out of the window.
She chuckled, "Stealing my chair, now?"
"Eh, look, flying pigs!"
It took Nana a second to realize that Jimin was playing with her. She stared at him with disbelief as he laughed at her reaction, then as always, she joined along, almost spilling her milk.

Almost every morning was spent like this. Nana was not sure when it started or who started it, for she was always keeping an eye on him for as long as she can remember. Sometimes they were loud, sometimes they were quiet. Sometimes they would talk non-stop, sometimes only music filled the silence. She had recognized her feelings for him since a long time ago, but she still was not sure about what he felt for her. She dare not hope, but she was helpless; for every moment spent together seeped into the cracks of her soul.



"People die faster when they are stressed, you know."
Nana did not look up from her book, "Mmhm. Who says?"
"Park Jimin, the most handsome creature in the universe."
Nana stuck out her tongue  and went back to work.

Hearing the sound of her name, she looked up and smiled at him, "Mm?"
"This is the last day of the first half of the term. No one is supposed to be studying, let alone stay after school in the library. Let's go to that bingsu place you showed me the other day, shall we? It pains me to watch you studying so hard."
She chuckled upon seeing his desperate face. She never asked him to accompany her every day after school, but he did. It was like an unspoken agreement for them, to set aside some time just enjoying each other's presence without any disturbance. For Nana, the library provides just the place, even the librarian recognized Jimin nowadays. She enjoyed, no, she loved his playful company and randomness, along with occasional bitterness and surprising music taste.
She exhaled and said, "You could be right.... but.. I need to study. My grades have never been good enough. Unlike you, who can easily get into the top five without breaking a sweat."
"I told you, I can help you to study."
"I appreciate that, but honestly, I don't think you are good at teaching. I still don't understand the thing you explained last week.."
"You could've told me?"
"I know, I was just too confused at that time, my brain was going to explode."
His eyes hardened as it met hers, "Okay, maybe you can find someone else to study with."
Her eyes widened in shock, "What was that supposed to mean?"
He sighed, ".... Nothing. Sorry. Didn't mean to argue with you."
She tilted her head to the side and studied his agitated face. She lowered her voice as she spoke, "I'm sorry too, Jimin. I am a little tense because of the upcoming exams.."

He just looked at her, and finally said, "Nana, you know that you don't have to please everyone and live up to everyone's expectations."
She blinked and said, "I.. yeah.. but I just want to make my parents happy."
He folded his arms, "But, are you?"
She paused and answered, "I think.. I'll be happy if I can make people happy. Does that make sense?"
He thought for a while and shrugged, "Whatever suits you, suits me."




Nana could not believe who she ran into during her walk to the toilet.
"Hey, Nana! What are you doing?"
"I should be asking you, isn't your exam room on the other side of the wing?"
He scratched her head, "Yeah.. I'm finished with that so I decided to walk around, since I can't leave early.. Are you done yet?"
"Woah, lucky you.. I find it really hard to do...," she sighed.
"You'll do fine. Room B2, right? I'll meet you there when the time is up."
Her heart lifted, and sank. She said, "Uh.. about that.. I will study with some friends after this for tomorrow's test. You can join us, if you want?"
"Oh, yeah? Nevermind then, I'm good," he smiled.
"Okay.. Uh, I should get going, then," she gestured to the toilet not so far away.
"Sure, good luck!"




The dreaded day finally came: the return of exam results. Nana bit her lip as she was called in front to retrieve her papers. She could not believe her eyes - 46,5 out of 50. She flipped page by page, her eyes scanning the tidy markings of red pen beside her scribbles. She only made minor mistakes on the final calculations and she lost track of what she was doing towards the end of the test, but overall, the result was beyond her expectations. She poked her friend in front of her to know that her friend had failed, and handed her paper over for her friend to compare. Then she turned to her side to answer her other friend’s question of number 12. She was about to explain about the Pythagoras theorem when someone snatch the paper she was holding to.

"Ya, how did you score?"
"Jimin-ah! Give it back!"
He looked shocked as he handed her back that piece of paper, "Okay, here."
Nana was also surprised at herself, but before she could say anything, Jimin's name was being called by a bunch of guy classmates.
She tugged at his arm before he walked away, "Later?"
He glanced at her and replied shortly, "Maybe."

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Chapter 5: ahhhh whats wrong with JImin O_O
Chapter 5: unedited and raw
BUT finally writing again!! I miss this so much :'(
Chapter 3: omg heck its so sweet. i always wanted to scream like they do in dramas (cough) XD I wish I have someone to bring me there T_T
Chapter 2: awwwwwwwww thats so cute!! >w< i shall try drinking coffee in midday (which will never going to happen) xD
oooooooooooh another story!! muehehehe gonna have fun reading this ^O^ but im kinda confused with the you and I XD