3 | Meet Your Maker (Part 2)

★☆ ; Key and the 100 Days Deal



“There’s an agreement underlying why you’re here in front of me, Kim Kibum.”

I looked at God’s shadowy figure, eyes widened. I’ve already heard some seriously crazy shi – I mean, stuff – lately that I honestly was ready for whatever else He was going to throw at me. Heck, I was even ready if He was going to kick an alpaca wearing a party hat towards my way as a parting gift.

“You actually do have a second chance to go back to your original life – but it’s not going to be easy.”

“Right…” I said. God really was full of surprises, wasn’t He?

“With that being said, Kibum, you have one hundred days to convert who you currently are as a person to who you really ought to be.”

“Which means…?”

“I’m giving you a specific time period to learn: to be put in a world that is entirely different from what you are already used to. I want you to use this experience to shed that repulsive personality of yours. A man of God does not look down on His other creations as what you tend to do. I want you to learn from your mistakes and to finally grow up into a man full of dignity, integrity, and respect. Can you handle this, Kim Kibum?”

“O-one hundred d-days, God?” I quivered at the thought of living such a long time being poor.

“This isn’t exactly an ‘offer’ where you can reject or accept easily, my son. Think of it as required ‘jail time’, except I’m sure this is so much better tenfold.”

“I doubt it,” I spoke under my breath, but knowing God, He probably heard me anyway because he cleared his throat. “Oh, um, right. Well, you are God… so, I guess, yeah. I can handle this.”

“This is no joke, Kibum. You have one hundred days to learn who you should become. Do not think you can just flow through this time period without learning anything, because there’s a consequence for that.”

I couldn’t help but smirk a little. “So what, is this like ‘Beauty and the Beast’ or something? If I don’t change my ways when the last rose petal falls or whatever that is, I’m going to be poor and a stylist’s intern forever?”

“Look at you, look at you,” God returned with disappointment. “This is why you need this learning experience. You’re already talking back to Me, who has the ultimate authority.”

“Okay, okay, fine,” I submitted. “I’m sorry. I’m just a little disgruntled. Are you sure this is not a dream?”

“You’ll have to wake up in order to find out.”

“But then, what happens if I don’t become a better person within one hundred days?”

“Say goodbye to your fame and fortune. Alright, well. I think all that’s been said has been said.”

Just then God raised His arm and a large hole began to engulf beside me on the glass floor. The weird thing about that hole was that it didn’t lead down to the blue sky beneath the floor. Only a bright sea of light appeared out from that hole.

“Are you ready?”  He asked me.

I looked down at the hole which seemed to remind me of a volcano spewing lava, except only there was no lava.

“Wait, wait!” I cried, causing God to enclose the hole and stifling the light. “Um, what about Sun Young?”

“Sun Young,” God reiterated.

“Yes, Park Sun Young. You’re God, of course you know her.”

“I know that,” He replied.

“She’s my girlfriend, remember?”

“No she’s not, Kibum.”

“Okay, sure,” I admitted. “She might not really be my girlfriend… but technically, if you think about it, then she could – possibly – be my girlfriend. If you think about it – that is.”

“You and her have gotten quite too close, and you’re not even bounded by holy matrimony. That’s quite a sin for a young man.”

I shifted uneasily from where I stood. “Oh, that…”

“You’re lucky I sent in your manager to walk in on you and her.”

“What? You did that?!” I accused, quickly recalling that one and only time I tried to go beyond second base with her, only to be interrupted by Manager-hyung.

“I’m God. What did you expect?” He replied nonchalantly. “And to answer the question lingering in your mind: you met her while you were famous.”

“Right, but I don’t think that’ll really answer…”

Famous, Kibum. I think that’s the keyword here.”

I sighed miserably and then pouted. “So, no Sun Young? Am I ever going to have a girlfriend with my poor life?”

“That’s for you to find out.”

“This ,” I muttered.

“It does,” God replied unexpectedly. I shot God a look of confusion, to which He replied, while gesturing towards the hole that had once again appeared on the floor, “This hole will you in.”

“Oh…” I nodded pensively, taking a look at it.

“Well then, I’ll see you later, Kibum,” God bid. “Good luck.”


An intense white light swallowed me up and all I could ever feel was a strong, unidentifiable force suctioning me through a hollow tunnel. I screamed at the suddenness of it all, and all I could hear was the whooshing sound of a strong, blowing wind and the echoes of my screams.

And before I knew it, the lights went out.




My eyes slowly fluttered open. Just as expected, I found myself lying bed with my thick white duvet covering my body.

I smiled to myself. It’s all just a dream. I probably ate or drank something last night that gave me such a vivid nightmare, but it’s all good to know that it was probably just a dream. I’m going to have to remind Ji Hyun today to buy me some Vitamin B tablets in order to avoid crazy nonsense from interrupting my dreams the next time I fall asleep. Speaking of Ji Hyun, I should probably call her right now to make sure she comes to work today.

Still confined under the warmth of my duvet, I reached for my phone on my bedside table, only to find out that it actually wasn’t my phone.

I sat straight up, my eyes looking over the repulsive white flip phone that looks like it can apparently be bought at a cheap price from an Anycall booth inside some skeezy subway shopping center. I made a face of disgust at the phone that’s probably out of style by now, but I was still somehow comforted by the fact that whoever owned it had good taste in choosing its cellphone cover and cute cellphone charm (the owner had a large white plush bunny). I looked over at my bedside table for my familiar pink encased Samsung Galaxy S, but it was nowhere near sight.

Normally, I’d be alarmed that my phone was not there, but that seemed to be the least of my worries at that very moment.

My eyes darted at every inch of the room. This is notmy room.

It was too small to be my room. The bed I was on probably took up half the space, and there was a small closet right next to it that could never fit all my clothes. I couldn’t see Taemin’s or Onew-hyung’s sleeping bodies anywhere inside this unfamiliar room – worse yet, I couldn’t even see Taemin or Onew-hyung’s beds at all.

Realizing that I was probably kidnapped, I let out a blood-curdling scream. This isn’t my room that I shared with Onew-hyung and Taemin. This wasn’t my bed. And this ugly thing that I’m holding in my hands is not my cellphone. Was this still part of my nightmare?

In response to my panic-stricken cry, I heard someone running down the hall. Expecting to see a familiar face, I was yet to be disappointed again.

Who are you?!” I yelled at some guy who burst through the bedroom’s door before clutching the duvet up to my chest.

“Kibum?” The guy said spoke hesitantly.

“That’s my name!”

Oh, good God, don’t tell me I was kidnapped and imprisoned here by this lunatic who goes out and uses my identity. Who is he even kidding? He’s not as good-looking as me! Sort of. He was wearing a gray tank top and green cotton pajama bottoms that kinda made his masculine body look a little glorious. Oh crap. Am I fantasizing about my kidnapper?! Is this what happens when you get kidnapped? You go mental?!

“I know,” he said, mirth lacing his words. “I meant to say, ‘Kibum, what’s wrong with you?’”

“H-how do you know me?” I asked him fearfully. He was slowly making his way towards me before I added, “Don’t come near me!”

He began to let out a bark of laughter. “Wow, you’re a total catch in the morning, aren’t you? I know you’re never a morning person, but this… I’ve never seen this before.”

“Wh-who are you?” I asked again, shrinking beneath the covers.

“Seriously? It’s too early to be joking around, Kibummie,” the guy said, any traces of amusement soon depleting. “Come on, get up. You can’t be late for work. Your boss goes on this total fit if you are.”

And with that, he left me in the room, my questions still unanswered. I looked down at the phone to see if this poor excuse for a phone could give me the answers that the doofus in the pajamas couldn’t. I was surprised to see the wallpaper of my phone set to a picture of the guy and me smiling together and letting good times roll, if that seemed the best way to describe it. I progressed through the Text Message Inbox to find messages to names that seemed familiar to me, and then I felt some sort of relief – except it only triggered more confusion when the messages were too demanding for someone like me.

There were messages like ‘Come to work now’ and ‘We need your help in wardrobe prep today’ from one of the coordi-noonas that used to work with SHINee all the time. I couldn’t understand why she was asking me to help with wardrobe preparations when that was usually her job. My heart fluttered when I saw Ji Hyun’s name in the inbox, but that excitement, too, died down when I read her messages. They weren’t submissive like ‘Yes, boss’ or ‘Got your dry cleaning, sir’ as I’ve always seen them. In an odd sense, they were informal, like we were friends or something. And judging from the texts sent in from last night, I came home drunk after a long hour at some noraebang.

I jumped quickly out of bed, trying to find out where I really was or who I was for that matter. I scanned around the room I was in for some clue. Just like a struck of lightning appearing out of nowhere, a piece of lamented paper hung on the wall adjacent to the bed. On the corner of that paper, there was a gold seal. I inched forward slowly, trying to read what was on that piece of paper, but it wasn’t in Hangeul at all. It was in English. But the funny part was that I could understand every word.



To bind Kim Kibum in an impeccable, obligatory deal that will enact to change his life for the better.

WHEREAS, KIM KIBUM has lived a life too unconventional based on his self-centered desires and lack of sensitivity or compassion for those around him,

WHEREAS, his Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, has irrevocably decided to end KIM KIUBM’s egocentric way of life in a matter of focusing on his transformation back to a life of faith and goodness towards society,

WHEREAS, KIM KIBUM must comply to the deal that shall be decided from then on; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that on the 11th of May in 2011, year of our Lord, KIM KIBUM will commence his one hundred day endeavor to shed his previous lifestyle and learn the true value of life, love, family, and friendship. In compliance with the said deal, KIM KIBUM’s previous life concerning his wealth, fame, and livelihood shall consequently be expunged from history as is. He will be forced to live a simple, homely life as appropriated by His Holy Providence,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that he requires total compliance to said deal and that failure to fulfill the one hundred day obligation to change his temperament will subject him to remain in the designated lifestyle, never seeing the light of fame or wealth once again.

(signed) God

(signed) Kim Kibum



And then it hit me.

I really wasn’t just dreaming. God didn’t just appear in my dream. He was real; everything He said had come true. This deal wasn’t just a silly dream that I could forget about the next day.

Damn it. I’m screwed.





A/N: LOL To be honest, I kinda gave up on this fic as I was writing this chapter. I was like, "Blahh~ what's the use with continuing this piece of crap -__-" But somehow I pushed myself to get this update out. I got a lot of nice comments from you awesome people and there seems to be a ton of subscribers lol so I thought it would be rude to just abandon it! So yeah, that's why it's like 2AM right now and I'm updating so I can get this damn chapter over and done with so I can move on with the story! FINALLY.

Oh, and this is the Samsung Galaxy phone with the pink cover I described. :3 That boy really has a taste for everything eccentric, I tell you.

And the 'resolution' in this chapter was based off of working as an official Youth Senator during my spare time haha.



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Planning to sell this story for 40 karma points


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SHawol_Gal #1
Hey! I also know 100 days to heaven!
Ilonahaku #2
Hello, how are you? I wonder if you didnt you change your mind...
I would really love to see update... T.T
Ilonahaku #3
Chapter 4: Too bad that this fanfic seems to abandoned. T.T Because the idea is really amazing. I hope you will come back one day...
but if you decide to discontinue it, it will be very sad for me, but I will accept your decision...

I will secretly pray for your to find your inspiration again. :)
Have a nice day! ^^/
-ticklish #4
This fic is one of my favorites, I hope you find the inspiration to continue this Angela! ^^
good luck finding a good author!
Don't sell this!!! No one can ever make this story even better than the creator itself so don't sell it! ( TT ~ TT )

It's just my suggestion though...
you really need to continue this fic.
Love this so much! update soon! :D