4. Another Step Of Life

Kaisoo Drabbles-by LoveKaiDO



“Daddy, why mommy and Jongsoo taking too much time in bathroom?”the 7 year old girl named Kyungin asked his dad, Kim Jongin, while continue strawberry ice cone. They both currently sat at ice cream stall, waiting for Kyungsoo and their 5 year old son to come back from the bathroom because earlier Jongsoo protested, saying he needed to pee in near end of cartoon movie.


“Wait a little more sweetie, they will come back soon,” Jongin patted his daughter’s head, glad because she stopped complaining and busy eating her ice cream. After few minutes, Jongin finally saw both of them walking from far, with Kyungsoo held Jongsoo’s hand tightly. Jongin chuckled seeing their little boy stepped happily and tripped sometimes but there’s Kyungsoo to scold him to be more careful in walking.


“Done hyung?” Jongin welcomed them and easily slipped his hand on Kyungsoo’s waist, peck his cheek fast while Jongsoo hurriedly take a seat beside his noona.


Kyungsoo blushed after the peck. He knew Jongin love public display affection, not that he mind it. “Yes, now where are we going Jongin-ah? Home?”


“Daddy! I want ice cream too! I want two scoops of chocolate ice cream, so mine will be bigger than noona. Please buy me oneeee,” Jongsoo pouted so cutely while using his aegyo. Jongin went near him and crouched down, caressing his cheek and asking,”Okay daddy will buy it for you. Wait here and take care of your mommy and noona okay?”


“Jongin, I’m a man even I know I’m a mommy here, i’ll be the one that protect our children” kyungsoo rolled his eyes and crossing his arms at his chest.


Jongin got up and cooed,”I know kyungsoo, I just want to teach our son so he could grow up to be a good man with manner. Wait a minute I’ll go buy it.”


Jongin then walked away to buy the ice cream. It only took 10 minutes and now he’s heading back to his family. From far he could see three of them sitting together, finding Kyungsoo wiped kyungin’s mouth with  napkin while kyungin offered jongsoo a bite of her strawberry ice cream. Jongin smiled, widely, because he’s grateful for having lovely family in his life. His world used to be Kyungsoo and only Kyungsoo. But now their two adopted children adding the definition of Jongin’s world. He had no regret the day when they chose to retire from entertainment industry and decided to get married. After their own dreams of being artists were accomplished, their next and final dream as a couple for building a family should be accomplished too. And they felt thankful for receiving support from family, fans, and society even it wasn’t easy at first. It’s all worth it.


“Daddy you’re back!” Jongsoo’s eyes twinkled after seeing the chocolate ice cream jongin held in his hand. “Here you go, eat slowly okay. We should go back home now, remember grandpa and grandma are waiting for us.”


“Ah yes daddy is right! Grandpa and grandma promised us to give presents! Let’s go home Jongsoo!” Kyungin got up from her seat and held her brother’s hand. They walked together happily with Jongin and Kyungsoo trailed behind them. Jongin and kyungsoo realized how quite many people staring with awe at them, no matter what they used to be a very popular dancer and singer in a boygroup. They decided to retire in quite young age and lived as normal people with Jongin being high class teacher in an academy institute and kyungsoo opening a bakery he always dreamed of. Their love were strong, and they’re persistent to convince society how they destined to be together. They smiled and nodded at the people who called their name while keep watching their children.


“Another step of life I will treasure. I’m glad I share it with you and our children by my side. We should design a new dream” Kyungsoo smiled to Jongin with heart shaped smile and eyes turning crescent moon. Jongin took kyungsoo’s hand and intertwined their fingers firmly.


“I feel more than enough for living with the biggest dream of my life, but finding a new one with you and them sounds good.” They laughed together and four of them continued walking ahead towards their car, going back to place they called home.





kaisoo parents au for you, hope you enjoy reading this, see you in next drabble! :)

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Chapter 2: I hadn't heard anything about this kiss rumor! I tried looking it up and found this instead: http://gaybl.tumblr.com/
There is a gif at one of the Lost Planet concerts of Kai at first maybe 'teasing' Kyungsoo by pretending to kick him...but then Kyungsoo gets angry and heads at him?! Then Kai shoves him!!! It seems very real and serious because suddenly Chanyeol runs over and pulls Soo away. And there is no smile on Channie's face...
Hopefully it is just a bit of fun....
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee XD
JiHeartMusic #3
Love all of the drabbles !!!!! Thank you guys a lot for sharing! ❤️
LoveKaiDO #4
Thank you guys for loving our drabbles ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 4: I really miss Kaisoo moment and reading this makes me happy ^-^
ittaopta #6
Chapter 2: auw, my kaisoo feels.
suddenly full of charge ^^
ittaopta #7
Chapter 1: this monologue really beautiful <3
i love this one ^^
Chapter 4: can't help but giggling while reading this ;_____; this too cute ;3;
Chapter 3: T__________T
Chapter 3: huwaa~ this is really sad.. ㅠ.ㅠ