2. A Peck Confession

Kaisoo Drabbles-by LoveKaiDO



Jongin was currently watching horror movie Kris bought yesterday, about zombie apocalypse which threatened the world coming to an end. Not all members gathered in livingroom to watch this though, only Kris, Suho, Luhan, Chanyeol, and Lay, not even his lover kyungsoo. Actually kyungsoo joined watching this earlier but he excused himself going back to room for checking few things. It made jongin whined because he had to let kyungsoo off his embrace and he hated it because kyungsoo was his eternal squishy human bolster to hug (beside he loved him very much that he couldn’t keep his hand off him). But now Jongin realized it had taken too long for kyungsoo to leave him so he started wondering. 


“KIM JONGIN, GET YOUR LAZY HERE NOW, FAST!” nice timing, kyungsoo shouted his name just before he decided to go check on him. He got off, ready to go to their room but then he thought that there’s something wrong in kyungsoo’s tone.  Jongin got bad feeling about this.


“KIM JONGIN, 3 SECONDS OR YOU’LL DIE.” Kyungsoo shouted again and jongin didn’t waste any more time to dash to their room. There he found kyungsoo staring furiously at the computer. Jongin gulped because he didn’t know what happened but then braved himself to walk toward him.


“Baby, why are you calling me? Is something wrong?” Jongin cooed sweetly.


“YES!” kyungsoo then averted his eyes from the screen  to stare directly at Jongin. “See this Jongin, read this by yourself.” Kyungsoo commanded and who’s Jongin to not following his lover’s order especially when he’s angry.


Jongin walked closer, stole a kiss at kyungsoo’s hair first (of course jongin was a skinship addict), then he looked at the screen.


‘Jongin admitted that once he pecked kyungsoo’s  lip because he was lost in Uno card game’.


 Well . I’m dead.


Jongin chickened out, pretended staring at the screen dumbly but then he heard kyungsoo “Mind to tell me how come this little secret between us and members came out to the whole world? With the words that YOU were the one that admitted this?” Busted.


“I...don’t know babyboo...” Jongin bit his lip nervously.


“Don’t babyboo me! You must be related to this somehow. Don’t lie to me,” kyungsoo glared and jongin could never lie in front of kyungsoo because kyungsoo knew all about Jongin by heart.


“I....spread it on tumblr...you know...that kaisoo tumblr secretly made by me?” Jongin spoke slowly and ready to cover his ears because he was sure kyungsoo would shout at him again and he’s right.


“KIM JONGIN! I told you to delete that tumblr but look at what you’re doing, you still run it and even spread this to fans! Although people out there didn’t know who you are but spreading this means harm to us, you know that.” Kyungsoo was fuming.


“I know kyungsoo, I know. But you have to know, I love you very much, damn much until it’s hard for me to contain this feel. It’s hard for me to not showing the world who you belong to, and the sincerity of our relationship. I’m sorry if what I did was so childish, but God you don’t know how much I want everyone to know how kaisoo is real, how they don’t even have a chance to dream of being our lover because you’re mine and I’m yours.” Jongin sighed, head down and eyes staring at the floor. Kyungsoo felt guilty for snapping at him earlier. He walked closer to Jongin and intertwined their fingers tenderly.


“Jonginnie, I’m sorry for being angry like I don’t understand you. I love you so damn much too, you know that. You can feel that.” Kyungsoo tiptoed to peck Jongin lips and he smiled because he saw jongin smiling again.”But you know we should be careful about our relationship. There will be the time when we reveal this to the world, but not now. I’m sorry I’m being too much in reacting  to this. If I think it again, you’re right, there’s nothing wrong in giving kaisoo feels to our shippers out there. It will remain as gossip out there. Let them wonder whether this is right or wrong.” Kyungsoo chuckled.


Jongin then placed his hand on kyungsoo’s waist, to feel him. He caressed kyungsoo’s cheek and was happy to see the red blush that was always there no matter how many times he had touched him. “See, there’s nothing to worry about. And I promise I’ll be careful next time on tumblr. But I won’t delete it.”


“You’re so stubborn. Okay just run it and pretend that you’re kaisoo shipper, but stay behind the lines okay?”


“I am kaisoo shipper, we’re kaisoo shipper” Jongin laughed and kyungsoo grinned.


Kyungsoo then hugged Jongin tightly,  rest his cheek on the firm tanned chest he loved the most.


“Kyungsoo, if only they know how I didn’t only peck you but kiss you fully and passionately everyday on your lips, like this.” Jongin tilted kyungsoo’s chin then they kissed. Kiss like it’s a natural habit or need for them.


When they finally broke the kiss, kyungsoo whispered, “If only they know.”





drabbles : made by @LoveKaiDO

Note : so this drabble was inspired by rumour spreading on twitter about that 'Peck' thing. We REALLY want this to be true but haven't found clear source about this info TTTTTTTTTT hope you enjoy the drabble~ 

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Chapter 2: I hadn't heard anything about this kiss rumor! I tried looking it up and found this instead: http://gaybl.tumblr.com/
There is a gif at one of the Lost Planet concerts of Kai at first maybe 'teasing' Kyungsoo by pretending to kick him...but then Kyungsoo gets angry and heads at him?! Then Kai shoves him!!! It seems very real and serious because suddenly Chanyeol runs over and pulls Soo away. And there is no smile on Channie's face...
Hopefully it is just a bit of fun....
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee XD
JiHeartMusic #3
Love all of the drabbles !!!!! Thank you guys a lot for sharing! ❤️
LoveKaiDO #4
Thank you guys for loving our drabbles ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 4: I really miss Kaisoo moment and reading this makes me happy ^-^
ittaopta #6
Chapter 2: auw, my kaisoo feels.
suddenly full of charge ^^
ittaopta #7
Chapter 1: this monologue really beautiful <3
i love this one ^^
Chapter 4: can't help but giggling while reading this ;_____; this too cute ;3;
Chapter 3: T__________T
Chapter 3: huwaa~ this is really sad.. ㅠ.ㅠ