(A/N) Not an Update

One vocation, so much difference

Hello again! Sorry to keep you guys waiting for nearly a year! I hate to leave you guys unexpectedly and not even done with a story.. Anyway.
Because of my long absence, I have decided to do story requests. (Go and look on my story The Babysitter). If you would like to do story requests, go to my authored stories and look for my newest one titled "Story Requests- Sujulovers15". All information is on there, if you would like to know anything else ago it and it has not been listed, ask me.

Again sorry for keeping you guys waiting forever.
I promise I will get started on a new chapter for you all tomorrow. It will be up in the next 2-4 days. Goodbye now, hopefully I get requests!


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cathrinewee-kyurahae #1
I wanna read your story!! XD