Forgetful time?

One vocation, so much difference

Kyuhyun and Sungji had the last two classes together. Kyuhyun didn't have a partner so he asked Sungji. Which she was fine with it, but she wasn't use to having a partner that asked by themselves and not set up by the teacher.
"A-Are you sure you wanna work with me?" She asked as they chose a spot to sit on the floor.
Kyuhyun was about to answer but got up to grab the pencil he forgot. "Yes."
Sungji hesitated. "Really? Anytime I'm forced to work with someone either I'm forced to do all the work or forced to not do anything at all,so I'm not use to it...."
Kyuhyun laughed. "I don't care what the other kids do. We can work of the project together. In fact, why don't you come over this weekend so we can hang out a little more while working?"
Sungji looked at him. "Where would we work?"
"Well, I use my basement as a study room, we could do it in my room so it could be quiet." He stated. "Or to make it a little fun, I live near a park."
"Oh!That sounds fun!" Sungji smiled.
"Haha, what is a place you live by?" He asked about to right some notes fro their project.
"I live by......" She stopped for a moment. "I can't think of anything. Though I do live by a store for musical things."
"Kim Joo's Musical Place?" Kyuhyun asked.
"Nae!" She replied.
"Well I was planning on going there the other day and had to change plans. How bout after I get you we go there and buy some things before we go home?" Kyuhyun asked as he sat up from the uncomfortable position he was in.
"Sounds great!"

It is now Friday. Sungji and Kyuhyun have gotten a little closer to each other. They couldn't wait to hang out later!
"Hey! I need to go home for an hour and do things before I go, that okay?" Sungji asked walking out of the school.
"Sure." Kyuhyun said opening the door for her.
They turned the corner to where Sungji was getting picked up. "What do you drive? I want to know so I'd be able to find ya!"
Kyuhyun stopped for a second. "Motorcycle."
"Sweet!" Sungji walked over to her ride. "Bye bye! Come by in an hour!" He nodded and left.
"Oppa~!" She yelled going to her brother.
"Hey~! Little one! Good day?" Taehyun asked expecting a no.
"Actually yes." Sungji clarified.
"E-really? What, did someone get in trouble?" He asked confused.
Sungji laughed. "No, in an hour I'm going to hang with a friend for a while."
Taehyun was silent for a moment. "........ Friend?"
"Nae! The new guy is actually really nice! Anytime I was left alone in a class apparently he was too so he asked the teachers if we could partner up even if we are in a different class at the time." She said all exited.
"Well how come I haven't heard about this?" Taehyun asked getting in the car.
"Well~." She started. "You're really only around me on special occasions and on Sundays, Mondays, and Fridays!"
Taehyun laughed sarcastically and started the car.

Sungji was ready 20 minutes before Kyuhyun was suppose to be there and waited. Then her phone finally rang.
"Hey. I'm tow blocks away." Kyuhyun said on the other line.
"Okay! I'll go outside then!" She said before she hung up to walk out the door.
Right as she walked out, she stood there for a second then heard a motorcycle motor around the corner.
"Hello cutie. Put this on." He said as he handed her a helmet. "Hold on!"

They got to the music store and went around to look at some Cd's. Kyuhyun thought to be funny and buy a signed picture of Sungji's favorite singer.
"Yah! Really?" She asked as he came up to her.
He laughed. "You like him right?"
"Yeah~, but....."
He looked at her. "But what?"
"He.... Use to be my MOST favorite person in the world..... Then Henry became a solo artist.... Haha, but he's still my favorite member." She replied as Kyuhyun noticed the Cd she was holding.
"Give." He held his hand out. She gave it to him.
"I'll buy you both." He said with a smile.
Sungji quickly hugged him. "OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU NOW."
Kyuhyun laughed and walked to the cashier.

After a while of joking around and what ever, they finally got to Kyuhyun's place.
"Wow! Nice place!"
"Haha, I know it's really big, I'm still not use to having a huge house like this but, ehh." Kyuhyun walked towards the stairs. "Give me your back, I'll bring them upstairs and I' come back down and make drinks and snacks."

After a minute or two, he finally came back down. "What you want to drink?"
Sungji walked to the kitchen. "A soda will just be fine."
"You care what kind?" Getting a head shake for no he went to get what ever they had.

Kyuhyun sat down on the couch with their drinks and snacks in hand. "Where should we work?"
"Hmm..... Well, personally I would say my room. It's more quiet."
Sungji giggled. "Is there anyone else even here?"
"Not at the moment. But if we are in there then nobody we'll be bothering us with a bunch of questions."
"Okay~...." and she got up right away to head to the stairs.

They walked up stairs and Sungji got confused for a minute on what was happening so she kinda  out for a minute there. She almost fell down the stairs but Kyuhyun was able to stop her.
"Woah~~! You okay?"
"Yeah. Sorry bout that. That happens a lot, haha~ my heath is really bad."
"Well, why don't you go sit down, I'll bring you something to help you not black out." She nodded.
"Wait..... If you 're getting medicine, I can't have pills." He nodded and waked down while she went and walked in the room with a black K paint on it.

Kyuhyun came back up with medicine and an other drink. "Who's room is the one with the A on it?"
"My old sister. She isn't gonna be here for the next two weeks though." He answered.
"Sister? Older?"
"Yup." He stated.
They sat down on the floor next to the mini table on the floor. Kyuhyun sat in silence for a moment. "........ What subject is this?"
Sungji laughed. "What?"
"Hahaha sorry I'm forgetful!"

They worked on the project for an hour and a half and was half way done and decided to take a break.
"Wanna go to the park?"
Sungji smiled and started out of the room. They were half way down the stairs and noticed his mom was finally home.
"Hi umma. We were gonna go to the park for a bit." Kyuhyun said grabbing his jacket.
His mom looked at him for the split second she could see him. "Oh, okay?"

On their way down to the park, Sungji ended up telling Kyuhyun a few funny stories about how dorky her brother is. "And he hugged me and I'm like ahh. I'm being hugged! He was like. 'Hey I'm your favorite singer in the world. Wouldn't you like this?' Then the last thing I remember saying was 'I know and I'm happy about that like 'Yey OMG i love you!' but at the same time I don't like being hugged unless I like you.' and he was like. 'Well good thing I'm your favorite.' Then my brother decided to keep asking questions like he was a news reporter and freaked him out."

"It sounds like both of you are dorks really." Kyuhyun joked.
"Yah!" and she hit his shoulder.
"Ow you hit hard." Kyuhyun said rubbing the spot she hit.
"That's what she said." They both ended up falling by laughing to hard after that. "And yes I know, I'm very violent towards a lot of things. Especially that one day..... ihhhh~."
"What happened?" Kyuhyun asked as they sat at a swing.
Sungji lifted her pant legs up. "The two line burns here were from a fire. That faded scar is from getting hit by a car. This was from me falling down a concrete hill. I don't know what that scrape was from. One time 2 friends of mine were walking home and one jumped on me, her way of asking for a piggyback ride, I was able to take a few steps but then I stepped on my foot wrong, I still have the mark." She took a breath and pushed up her shirt from her arms. "This, I went up north to visit my aunt and gang member came up on up and I kept getting stabbed. and last, this scar,  this scar, and this scar were from a car accident I was in 5 years ago."
"Wait.... You were in a car accident?" Kyuhyun asked seeming interested.
"Yeah.... Why?"
"I was too. My father was drunk and I was in the back seat. I had only 20% chance to live." He responded.
"W-wait.... What vehicle were you in?"
"A small black car."
"Do you remember what you ran into?"
"A van, it was dark blue, had like 4 or 5 people in it. A Girl was driving with one in the backseat and three other boys."
"I-I..... Think I remember this now......" Sungji said.
"Ever since you came here you always looked familiar but I could never know what from. I faintly remember meeting the people that were in the other vehicle. Did you by any chance have a piece of glass in your head from the windshield right here?" Sungji asked pointing to the spot she remembered the guy having the piece of glass.
Kyuhyun looked at her all surprised. "Wait..... I don't know your last name. Is it....... Park?" She nodded. "I remember."
"Remember what?"
"I faintly remember the time I was in the hospital but.... Taekimi. Does that ring a bell?" Kyuhyun asked standing up to walk some place else.
"N-n-nae...... So....... We were in the same car crash, we met each other, but we don't remember it?" Sungji asked trying to follow him.
"Apparently........" Kyuhyun replied.

Kyuhyun and Sungji started freaking out, they decided to just go back home.
Kyuhyun found his mother in the kitchen and went up to her. "Umma, can I see your phone?"
"It's in my back pocket, my hands are wet." She replied.
He took it out of her back pocket and went up to Sungji. "Remember this?" it was a photo Kyuhyun's mom took of them when Sungji visited for the first time with Taekimi. "This one has Taekimi, the next one is all three of us."
Sungji grabbed the phone out of his hand. She saw the boy she remembered lying in the bed. "haha, I remember your umma got mad that anytime she came to visit you, you were asleep, and anytime I was there you were always awake. After a while I just had the doctor call your mom. Haha." She decided to look more into the picture. "Hey! That bracelet! I think I lost that at some point....."
Kyuhyun looked at what she was talking about and gave the phone back to his mom. "That's where you're wrong."
"What?" She was pulled up stairs.

"You dropped this on your way out on your last visit." Kyuhyun said holding the familiar bracelet. "Since it's your's, here."
"No, no, no..... You can keep it." Sungji said. "Let's....... Just get back to work....."

They started working on their project for an other hour, Sungji actually fell asleep in the middle of coloring in a diagram. Kyuhyun finished what he was doing and then picked her up and laid her down in his bed and covered her up. he cleaned up their project and went down stairs.
"Hi sweetie, what you two doing up there? Its' really quiet." His mom asked.
"She fell asleep so I laid her in my bed." he replied.
"Hmm, well hey, It's almost 10 at night so~....-" She was cut off.
"Almost 10?! She should be home right now!" Kyuhyun said about to go upstairs.
"Relax! Relax. I'll talk to her parents and see since it's so late, she can spend the night. Hey, why not have her spend the whole weekend here? We aren't doing anything special."
"O-Okay.... I'll get her parent's number and give it to ya." and went upstairs to find her phone to look for the number.

'Hmm, if you were a phone where would you be?' He stopped. 'Of course in a pocket stupid!' He walked up to Sungji asleep on the bed. He puled the blanket down. He then reached for one pocket, found nothing, reached in the other, nothing. 'Oh don't tell me it's in her back pocket~!' He slowly flipped her on her side, there it is. 'Really? out of all places you choose there?' and grabbed the phone from her pocket and went back down.
"Okay found the number." He said coming down stairs.
"What is it?"
"82- 010- 6-" He was stopped.
"Just had it to me, I'll type it." His mom said.
"Okay." And went to the kitchen.

Sungji was woken by a loud noise. Then turned and saw a faint blue light. "Storming?!?!"
Kyuhyun turned around from his desk. "Only for the past 10 minutes, you have a problem?"
Sungji sat up from the bed and lowered her head. "Yes..... No matter how old I am.... I'm still scared....."
Kyuhyun looked up at her then walked up to the bed and sat down. Sungji put her legs up and held them up with her arms then put her head down. Kyuhyun leaned into hug her, but before he knew it, lightening and thunder came and she was already holding onto him.
he rubbed her back. "It's okay....."
"How am I suppose to go home? I can't stand being out there during that." She asked.
"You won't be standing anyway." Kyuhyun joked getting hit in the chest.
"You know what I mean. What time is it anyway?" She asked.
Kyuhyun grabbed her phone from the table. "Mmm, 12:47 A.M."
"W-What?!" Sungji sat up, but quickly curled back up in Kyuhyun's arms after the thunder.
"Haha. Don't worry. Once you fell asleep I laid you down then went down and told my mom, she asked me for your parent's number to ask if you could stay anyway cause it was already late." He said.

After a while of sitting there, Sungji finally fell back to sleep. Kyuhyun couldn't move though, she was still holding onto him, so he decided to go to bed too and lifted the covers from the bed and laid down.

He couldn't sleep. He was wide awake.


new chapter! Sorry it took so long! I thought I had it up but I forgot to unhindered it.......


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cathrinewee-kyurahae #1
I wanna read your story!! XD