A time to remember

One vocation, so much difference

Sungji woke up really early the next morning. Everyone in the house was still asleep. She decided to go to the kitchen and start breakfast, but it was too early in the morning so she just made herself a small pack of bacon, an apple, and orange Juice. She put everything on a small plate and went outside to the beach.

It was 6 in the morning, so there weren't a lot of people outside. She liked the quiet though, it was nice. While taking a view of the beach she took a bite of the apple. 'Beautiful view.' she thought in her head. She was then interrupted.
"Mind if I sit?"
"Oh, Taekimi." She smiled. "Sure."
"So~, how are you~?" He said stealing a piece of bacon from the plate.
"Good." Sungji replied. She smacked the bacon out of his hand. "My bacon."
They laughed. "I can't believe it's been 5 years."
Sungji nodded. "Yeah~. How's your brother?"
"Taemin? Oh, he's still flashy about his memory from the accident....." Taekimi said as he sat back to relax.
"It's weird how he's the only one that got memory lost." Sungji said holding a piece of bacon in front of Taekimi's face. "Eat."
He took it with his mouth. "How did we loose contact from the crash? I've been trying to get to you for 5 years and finally randomly see your brother here."
Sungji did a little awkward laugh. Then remembered the accident and thought for a moment.


"Kimi!" Sungji yelled. "Let's go~!" and everyone got in the car and left. They were on their way to a party with a few friends that show up twice every year.
"Hyung, give me your phone. I'm gonna call Toni and say we are on our way." Taekimi said as Taemin handed him his phone.
"Kimi. seatbelt." Sungji said. Taekimi looked up and laughed then put the seatbelt on. It was Sungji, Taekimi, Taemin, Jamiee who is Taemin and Taekimi's cousin. Jamiee was driving.
After Taekimi was done with the phone he handed it back to Taemin. Taemin got bored and put on music. SHINee's Lucifer started playing.
"It's funny you look like one of the members of SHINee." Jamiee stated and laughed. "Maknae."

Taemin smiled. "It's a charm, right Kimi?"
"No." Taekimi stated right away.
Sungji laughed. "I think is funny that for a whole year anytime Taemin got a hair cut the Maknae got the same one a month later." Everyone laughed.
"JAMIEE! WATCH OUT!" Taemin yelled as a drunk driver came towards them. But it was too late. The car flipped. Taemin came unconscious, same as Sungji. Jamiee got a few cuts and burns but could move. Taekimi had no feeling in one leg and crawled towards Sungji and Taemin in the grass 10 feet away. Jamiee came to help him up and brought him to them and called for an ambulance.

Sungji woke up and saw Jamiee and Taekimi next to her. 'Taekimi.... Has crutches?' "W-w What happened?"
"We had a car crash. I'm fine." Jamiee started. "Kimi needed crutches, and you and Taemin both were knocked unconscious....."
Sungji looked back and forth to Jamiee and Taekimi. "Is Taemin alright?"
"Look." Taekimi pointed to the bed to Sungji's left. Nothing but cuts and bruises all over his body, one arm broke, and leg.

An hour later, Taemin woke up. Jamiee, Taekimi, and Sungji are signed out of hospital. They came up to him and found out he got memory loss and couldn't even remember his brother, or his name. Everyone went home after Taemin was released. Taekimi was gonna try to get his memory back. Then once they all got to their own homes. They noticed something. They don't have contact anymore.


Sungji sighed. "Didn't we all loose our phones in the grass at night?" Taekimi shrugged.
"Let's not talk about it. It's creepy that Taemin doesn't have all his memory back after 5 years but I'm happy I'm seeing you now."
Sungji looked at him. "Where is he?"
"In his room in the beach house. We thought to bring him here, to help with remembering our closest friends." Taekimi started. "He really~ doesn't remember your brother." Sungji laughed.
"Can I see him?" She asked suddenly. Taekimi looked at her weirdly. but agreed.

"Umma! Appa!" Taekimi yelled. "I brought a present!"
He found them in the livingroom. "What's your present?" His umma asked. Taekimi grabbed Sungji's hand and pulled her into his parents view. They were shocked.
"SUNGGIE!!" Taekimi's umma yelled and ran to hug her, appa right behind her.
"Ahh. It's been so long since I seen you!" Said Taekimi's appa.


Sorry for the short update. New chapter tomorrow! :)

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cathrinewee-kyurahae #1
I wanna read your story!! XD