Fight For Me - Fight For You Part I

Our Dream


Onew was sitting in a random bus depressed, looking out of the window, watching the buildings, parks and people of Berlin. He raised the bottle in his hand to his lips and took a sip, trying to cast out her voice that screamed and cried. He clenched his eyes and teeth shut painfully, his throat tightened when a lump formed in there. Lights of the city passed by while he leaned his head against the window closing his eyes again. 

"LEAVE!"  it echoed again in his skull going all the way through his bones, limbs and reaching his heart it caused an unbearable ache. He couldn't hold it in anymore. His tears fell one after the other silently while he desperately tried to drown his sorrow away with the liquor he held with a few fingers.

His head hit the window repeatedly, with the bus moving an clattering through uneven streets, which was not necessarily contributing to ease the pain in his head. So he rolled it in his neck resting it on the backrest. He glanced upwards taking another big gulp, pain plastering his features as the picture of her crying face flashed through his mind. Her face kept weeping, tears kept flowing and she didn't seem to want to leave him alone, she was haunting him.

"What now?" he asked himself wondering what he would do without her. Before he could finish his thoughts some people entered the bus, making quite a ruckus. They were loud enough to make Jinkis brain pound painfully and his face twisted in discomfort. Forcing his head back to the front he eyed the people entering the bus laughing, pushing each other and screaming whatever they had the urge to tell everyone. All Onew understood were mixed, foreign words banging their way to his ear drums.

After the bus passed a few more stations he decided to drag himself out of his seat, groaning, wobbling, since the noise was unbearable. He felt the effects of the drinks he had before running through his system, seeing that he had difficulties managing his balance. To keep standing he gripped poles and seats, working his way to a closing door. He pushed the open button to make it possible for him to get off. Once outside he paused blinking around his vision slightly blurry. The cold night sobered him up a bit to his dismay, for she appeared immediately. Clutching his eyes again fresh tears worked their way out of the corners of his eyes as he tilted his head upwards, hitting the bottle against his lips. He drank until he felt like he was suffocating and noticed when he lowered the bottle again that only a little of the beverage was left.

Cursing he tried to take his surroundings in, looking for a conveniece store or anything alike to provide him with more numbing liquids. He realized squnting his eyes that he was in a rather quiet area, something like a park no one cared for. There was not a soul around. Again cursing he walked aimlessly around, tripping occasionally. He was lost in his own world now just wandering around, wanting nothing more but to feel nothing. He couldn't help but continue walking unsteadily, not ready to give up yet.

He rested against an old wall looking left and right, concluding that he was lost, despite his condition. He spotted a fountain which wasn't running and dragged himself down from the street, tramping through the grass leading his way. Pulling his feet forward he managed to reach the smooth stone edge of the foutain, on which he positioned his on. Throwing his shoes and socks off he lifted his legs with a lot of effort over the edge into the water, making his pants slightly wet. Looking  hazily at the surface of the water he started humming silently. Before he realized it he started to murmur the words he had memorized and sung so often already, belonging to the tune that he let caress over his vocal cords.

He felt one side of his mouth pull itself upward forming a twisted smile. There he sat singing and grinning at the irony of himself comforting his heart with a SHINee-song begging for her not to leave him but to leave him. He thought that the song fit somehow while reciting Jonghyuns lyrics. He was mad at her for not trying to make things work and wanted to push her away for that reason. But he could not possibly allow her to leave him, she was what really mattered to him and made him himself.

His voice gained in volume, so his murmuring turned into a very slightly slurred version of 'Obsession'. Singing always made him feel better. But not this time. The stinging sensation in his chest didn't seem to want to go away. He kept hurting, voicing the melody into the night.



When she arrived in her appartment again, upset and face flushed with anger, she practically ripped her cardigan off her shoulders and disposed of it on the floor, kicking it once. Thinking about what happened just now she was very calm about the whole situation at first but  felt more enraged by the second, recalling his words and the way he didn't even consider her offer. 

Deep down she knew that this was not like her at all. She wouldn't be mad at him and stand in her room to think of ways to make him regret his decision at 3:20 in the morning. She wouldn't be determined to go with her plans, feel the urge to pack up right away and leave this city, that she learned to love but could not stay at. She wouldn't kick her beloved cardigan that he had bought her for their anniversary and take in consideration to burn it to ashes when the opportunity came.

But she would cry.

She would weep her soul out, clutching the cardigan to her chest and revisit her leave. Eunyoung had that side to her and loathed it. She scolded herself for not being stronger countless times before getting even more depressed by her helplessness. She hated being weak and cry over everything, it felt like others and she herself thought she was easy. 

Truth be told, she is kind of naïve and falls easily in love. She is the faithful type though, once she is head over heels over someone she binds herself to that person only, even if other people tell her that that person is no good or that she is being played, which often ends with a heartbreak.
"No crying tonight!" she stated to no one in particular after trapping her face between her hands harshly, making slapping sounds twice. Her cheeks were even redder now, as her brows were drawn together and her hands resting on her hips. When she realized that she wouldn't be able to slip into a slumber again this night, she was about to pick up her cardigan but decided otherwise, slipping a thin jacket from the hanger in her dresser.
She had her arms folded as she walked down the street and decided to go the other way than she was headed. She noticed that she had unconciously walked towards the bus station, given that her daily routine turned into a habit as soon as she stepped out of her door.  Turning at the next corner she slowed her pace, taking a deep breath. As she wandered further she could not help but think of what had occured before, so she walked faster again. Her pace became that of a jog and turned into a sprint along streets unknown to her. After a while, as her breath became ragged and her muscles ached, she came to a halt under a huge tree, where there was wild growth behind. The place seemed like an old garden which was glorious, before the owner decided to not care anymore. She spotted several small figures, made of stone and covered in plants, crawling up their bodies. Still out of breath she walked towards the centre of this garden like place.
Walking cautiously through the cool grass which brushed her legs, reaching her knees she looked around more interestedly. This spot was amazing! Fully mesmerized by the charm of this place she proceeded towards the other end of the uneven circle that was framed by small trees, thicket and bushes. There was a flat stone plate which seemed to have been a bench before, so she took a seat and let her eyes roam over the beauty she discovered at this late hour. She just sat there taking in every little detail she was able to, before she closed her eyes and enjoyed the cool air on her heated skin. The sweat didn't bother her much at this moment, for she only wanted to focus on the atmosphere, just feel the air and smell the scents surrounding her.
In moments like these she wished that she took her camera along or at least her phone to take a snapshot. She sighed, batting her eyelashes a few times, letting the magic seep into her yet again. She wondered if he would enjoy this kind of scenery, clutching her shirt, feeling the aftermath of her useless thoughts in her chest. Just when she was about to loose it and start sobbing, right then, right there, she heard something.
She stood up immediately, turning around alarmed but curious at the same time. Her heart raced as she listened intently drawing her brows together. It was something like a thud, silence following afterwards. She got nervous and only wished to leave. Taking the same way she had stepped through the grass to the big flat stone before, she hurried back towards the tree. When she was about in the centre of the garden she stopped and listened. She could hear sounds again but this time it was more like a voice, more like talking. Was it?
Not able to resist the urge she cautiously returned to the stone, squating down and listening.
waaaaaaaaahhhhh!! I finally managed to get my over here and type this chapter up.. I'm really sorry for taking such a long time to update (again T-T)
But to be honest, I had little to no time to write anything for the past few months.. Finals are over and I'm waiting for the results, so pray to god, buddha or whoever you pray to that I'll pass,please? If I don't, I'm dead meat and no university this year.. T-T
I hope you're not too mad, since I had to study like a madman.. and yeah relax afterwards and party a liiiiittly bit?! haha sorry~
forgive me? elli~ ^^
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Chapter 4: Update soon!
pandawriter #2
update soon! i really like the poster!
hielooo #3
awww~<br />
seems like its rough for the both of them<br />
can't wait to read what you come up with next!
Gosh, this is such a good story, even if it's only 3 chapters ;)<br />
Anyway, I can't wait to read more. Please, update whenever you can! :D
ellilize #6
@esmii-pandaluver haha you're right, she is unreasonable but she had to suffer a lot because of him without him knowing so she really just wanted to break up cleanly and forget about him.. but when he came after hwaeun she had to face him again and those feelings came back, she really loves him but is hurting because of him so she had to force him to go somehow.. does it make sense? i hope it does to you ^^ and thanks for loving my story so much though it's only the beginning and commenting of course..^^v elli~
esmii-pandaluver #7
Eunyoung seems..... idk...<br />
unreasonable??? she was the one that broke up with Onew....<br />
and when he came back for her... she played hard to get....<br />
idk... is it just me or i just dun really like her???<br />
but then again... I LoVe ThIs sToRy!!!!
wahhh... awesome. I can't wait what happen next. please update sooooon ><