
Our Dream



Tic. Toc. Tic. Toc.

Time's up.

She stood up, grabbing the keys and her bag in the process and made her way towards the door. She grabbed the handle but didn't feel like she could open it. Her hand just refused to move.

"Five more minutes" she thought as she sat back down.

With each passing minute she felt the knot in swell, suffocating her. Angrily she wiped her tears away but more kept coming and she begann sobbing. Why couldn't he just come and comfort her? Why couldn't he be the way he was before? Why couldn't he just be loving and caring?

It didn't matter anymore. She gave him a chance, he didn't take it. She looked at her watch when her sobs died down.


Eunyoung had waited more than she thought she would. Now utterly pissed with herself she jumped up from her seat, slamming the door behind her, locking it. She rushed to the bus station and stepped inside as the huge vehicle arrived. She got off at the station near her home and inhaled the chilly air, impatiently taking one step after another. She fumbled with her keys and cursed when she found her hands shaking and unable to slide the right metal object into the keyhole. "No, it won't work this way." she mumbled before composing herself and taking a deep breath. She pulled the door closed after finally managing to open it.

Leaning against the hard material of the door she closed her eyes, feeling the urge to cry again. A new wave of anger overcame her so she brushed her palms over her face repeatedly  to regain her cool. She gulped the lump forming in down before dropping her bag on the floor  and stripping out of her coat, stepping out of her shoes while doing so.

In her bathroom she filled her tub with steaming water mixed with her favourite scented bath oil preparing for a relaxing ritual. Anticipating the pleasant feeling she stripped out of her remaining clothes and got into the tub.

Soon she realized that it didn't help at all. Her muscles tensed at every attempt to loosen them up. After about half an hour she sighed and decided that it was meaningless, so she took a quick shower and slipped into her pjs. She ruffled her hair with a towel, drying it and flopped onto her bed, lying down. Exhaustion got the better of her and she drifted into a light slumber.



"What are you doing here?" She asked not believing that he actually stood in front of her. She was so shocked that her falling tears didn't bother her. He just glanced back at her, sadness clearely written in his features.

"Why do you think I'm here?" He counterquestioned calmly. Hwaeun didn't answer but cried more when hearing his voice. He had followed her. He really had followed her. It felt so unreal! When he closed the door she snapped out of her trance and became angry. Onew stepped forward cautiously and rose his hand wanting to make physical contact with her. She backed away, turning her face to the side slightly and grabbing her elbow.

"Get out." She said. Onew withdrew his hand hesitatingly and puzzled. "What?" 

"You heard me, get out, go." she repeated harsher than before.

He blinked twice, confused and frowned "Do you really think I came all the way out here to leave right after you tell me to go? Without further explanation? I came here so we could talk! What were you thinking disappearing like that? Do you know what I-" 

"Just leave already!" She cut him off, close to her breakdown. He felt his insides clench and tears threatened to fall. He held them back. "Hwaeun, I can't just go like that, we have to talk! We can work this out, we have to! please just give me a chance to make things right.." He pleaded.

Her sobs filled the apartment and he felt like dying again. Had he worked so hard for this last week concealing his sorrow on stage and those variety shows so he could go after her and make her cry again? This wasn't what he had planned. His sorrow was reflected on his face as his nails dug crescent moons into his palm.

"Why are you here? Why did you follow me? Don't you know that you're making it harder for me and for you? There's nothing you can do about my decision. Do you understand? You can't change my mind now." she hissed surpressing a whimper. She couldn't take it anymore. He had to leave. He had to leave or else... She could already feel how her legs pushed her forward and her arms itched to circle his form.

"No!" she thought holding herself back just in time when the rims of his eyes began to redden, tears forming and threatening to roll down his cheeks. She forced herself one more time to speak coherently and without sobs inbetween. "There's nothing you can do" she whispered "so leave already."

He made another attempt to approach her, this time desperation moving his limbs in her direction.

"LEAVE!" a piercing scream emitted before she sobbed loudly. He jumped in surprise but inched closer nonetheless. He wanted to soothe her, calm her down.

"GO AWAY! LEAVE ME ALONE!" she screamed again grabbing random objects from their places and throwing them violently on the ground, breaking and shattering some of them.

Onews eyes widened as he saw what he had caused. He had hurt her so badly without even noticing it. She was breaking down. Because of him. He wanted to comfort her, hold her, sing her a lullaby and tell her that it all was just a nightmare, that she'd wake up soon with everything the way it was before. He wanted to tell her that when she woke up she would be happy again. With him next to her.

"What's going on here?!" disrupted a tender voice from behind him, obviously confused.

Hwaeun looked past Onews shoulder and recognized her cousins petite body despite her blurry vision. She stopped weeping surprised just to continue immediately, rushing into her relatives arms, burying her face in her equally petite neck. That small figure frowned glancing at the side of the weeping girls head before averting her gaze towards Onew.

"Is that him?" she asked silently patting Hwaeuns back soothingly. Hwaeun just nodded as a response, glued to her neck. That girl who was a stranger to Onew glared at him which startled him and forced hm to look away. He guessed that she was the owner of this apartment and he was afterall in her home without her approval. He heard her murmur something  guiding Hwaeun deeper into the apartment and coming back shortly after.

"Follow me."  she ordered simply. Onew wanted to oppose but she cut him off. "Now!"  She stressed on that short word giving him goosebumps. He obeyed and went after her through the door outside.

"Long story short," she began not wasting any time on introductions. "She's been here like what, a week? And she's feeling pretty much like so you better leave right now, before it gets worse." she fumled with the hem of her shirt but looked straight in his eyes. "I already have a hard time caring for her even without you appearing in my home and helping her remember why she left Korea in the first place. I'm asking you in place of her mother, for she passed away long ago-" she bowed deeply and stood up again. "Please leave."

She turned around and was about to step in again when she turned her head and bowed lightly. "The name's Choi Inkyung by the way."

She closed the door and shut him out, leaving him alone in his misery.



Eunyoung groaned rolling to her side as her phone rang. It stopped. And started again. Whoever it was seemed to be quite persistent. Seeing that it wouldn't stop anytime soon she pushed herself up and dragged her feet to her phone picking up.

"Hello?" she croaked still half asleep. She checked the time and cursed. 3AM.

"Eunyoung, we need to talk.Come out, I'm waiting." he hung up. It was him and he dared to call her up at this time.

She threw a cardigan over her shoulders and stepped out of the door grabbing her keys.

"What do you want?" she asked glaring at him as soon as she spotted him. He turned around and gave her a once over. He looked in her eyes afterwards before turning to her completely also frowning.

"What's up with you breaking up with me over the phone?" he spat tucking his hands into his pockets. Her glare just intesified. "You put this all to an end, not me. You've had your chance and now we're through." she turned around wanting to leave but decided otherwise and turned back around. "Do you know how long I've waited? I told you I had to tell you something important but you still didn't come, so don't you dare blaming me for beaking up. It's your fault." she wanted to turn and leave again when he grabbed her arm stopping her.

"Then tell me now. Babe we don't have to end it like this. Just because I couldn't make it there in time you want to leave me?" She took a deep breath facing him again. "I'll forgive you. One condition though." His face lightened up and he nodded. "I'll be leaving for Seoul to stay there for good next week." she looked at him blankly "Come with me."

His eyes widened and he released her. He looked confused for a second but his gaze hardened eventually. "You know what you're  asking me for don't you?" the man in front of her asked. "You ask me to give up my life here, my job. You know how hard I worked for my position there. I can't just give it up. You ask for too much and what do you mean living there? I don't even know the language!" he yelled finally.

She became teary eyed but kept her stern expression along with a steady voice "So you refuse to?"

"I just can't. You shouldn't go either, stay here. What's the use of going that far away from me?" Eunyoung shook her head in denial. "I will go, even if you don't come along."

She turned around and made her way back to the staires when she heard him spit. "You'll come back to me crawling anyway."

She turned her head to face him again her eyes wide but could only glimpse at his leaving back.

Scowling she murmured to herself watching him go away.

"We will see who will crawl back to who."





hello~ my dear readers

first of all I'd like to apologize for not uploading for such a long time -///-

had a lot to take care of and hope you all will forgive me..

2. I had quite some trouble writing this chapter don't know why but the words just didn't flow.. writers block?

and last but not least please comment or give me a feedback, I'd like to know what you think while reading or if you even like it this far or not.. constructive comments are welcomed also, I'd like to improve my writing so hope you'll help me out~

thanks, elli~

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Chapter 4: Update soon!
pandawriter #2
update soon! i really like the poster!
hielooo #3
awww~<br />
seems like its rough for the both of them<br />
can't wait to read what you come up with next!
Gosh, this is such a good story, even if it's only 3 chapters ;)<br />
Anyway, I can't wait to read more. Please, update whenever you can! :D
ellilize #6
@esmii-pandaluver haha you're right, she is unreasonable but she had to suffer a lot because of him without him knowing so she really just wanted to break up cleanly and forget about him.. but when he came after hwaeun she had to face him again and those feelings came back, she really loves him but is hurting because of him so she had to force him to go somehow.. does it make sense? i hope it does to you ^^ and thanks for loving my story so much though it's only the beginning and commenting of course..^^v elli~
esmii-pandaluver #7
Eunyoung seems..... idk...<br />
unreasonable??? she was the one that broke up with Onew....<br />
and when he came back for her... she played hard to get....<br />
idk... is it just me or i just dun really like her???<br />
but then again... I LoVe ThIs sToRy!!!!
wahhh... awesome. I can't wait what happen next. please update sooooon ><