Chapter 15

DISCONTINUED: You can't hide who you truly are

A/N Hey guys! I'm back!!!!!!!! Anyway wow! look at those subbies and votes! Thank you! :DDDD Anyway here is a chappie for you! Enjoy reading again! I also sort of edited the story again but not much so there still might be some mistakes somewhere or something....meh.


“Come out, we know you’re there” said a cold voice, Ji-eun froze and her breath hitched. She didn’t dare turn around, her heart banged against her rib cage repeatedly. She saw a blur out the corner of her eye and then, in front of her was a muscular handsome guy in all black attire with red eyes. He grinned, showing off his sharp fangs. He's a vampire, Ji-eun recognised and stumbled back.

“An angel huh?” he laughed darkly, “what’s a little angel like you doing here?”

He advanced towards her and she toppled backwards, her back hitting something. She turned around and there was the leader, he was a handsome vampire in black and had small red eyes, baring his fangs at her. She gasped and pointed her staff at him, keeping a close eye on the other vampires watching her every move. The way they eyed her, made her uneasy, it was like they were observing their prey waiting for the right time to pounce.They're aura was equally suffocating as Exo's, maybe even stronger. 

“And what exactly do you think you are going to do, with that?” The leader leered at her, he slowly stepped towards her like a predator advancing towards its prey. Ji-eun kept her eyes on him, she gripped her staff until her knuckles turned white. I should run, but she didn’t move. 

“Why aren’t you saying anything?” he was near the end of her staff by now, his red, hawk-like but small eyes held her gaze. Gradually, he reached up to grab her staff but she saw it and swung the staff out of his reach. She turned around and bolted, she ran for only a few metres and suddenly stopped.

What’s happening to me? She tried to move but only her head could. It was like she was paralysed from her shoulders down. Frantically, she glanced around to see 7 good-looking vampires surround her.

“What did you do to me?!?” she shouted glaring at the leader.

“Ah, the little angel talks and here I was almost afraid she was mute” he chuckled.

Then, the vampire that abruptly showed up in front of her, stepped up and smirked. “I restricted your movements, so I wouldn’t suggest you struggle because you’re going to strain your muscles and I’m sure you don’t want to do that, it can be very painful.”

“What do you want from me?” she demanded.

"Hyungs, could she be the one we're looking for?" A feminine looking vampire said, studying her closely.   

"Tell me, who are you and what are you doing here?" The leader commanded.

"And why would I tell you that? Let me go!" Ji-eun yelled.

"It's not going to help your case if you continue being that way, I could use other methods to get information out of you against your own will." He said triumphantly.

Ji-eun stubbornly screwed her lips together and just glowered at him.

"I see," the leader looked straight into her eyes, and she couldn't look away, it was like her head was frozen along with her body. What's he doing?!? Ji-eun felt a surge of panic rise up inside her. Then she felt it, her head started to throb, it wasn't painful but it was irritating. It felt as if something or someone was poking the inside of her head, Ji-eun's eyes widened in horror, someone was in her head! Get out! Unconsciously, Ji-eun's shield appeared, blocking the leader from reading her mind. She felt her body return to normal as she was able to move again.   

The leader stayed composed but Ji-eun could see the flicker of surprise in his eyes, whereas the other vampires gaped at her. How did she do that?

Ji-eun raised her staff, I have to try fighting them off and run, at least she knew now that they couldn't hurt her with their powers, or so she thought.



She swung her staff at a vampire nearest to her who was a tall skinny, vampire with cute chubby cheeks. He jumped out the way and grabbed her staff with lightning speed. Ah man, I forgot they're really fast, she frowned and tried to kick him. He spun, dodged the kick and sneered at her "you think you can beat me?" he said mockingly.  

Annoyed, Ji-eun aimed punch for his gut, he grabbed her wrist planning to yank the staff away but she aimed for his head where he grabbed her other wrist. She kicked him in the side, he grunted and pushed her away. She looked around and the other vampires were just standing there watching them fight in boredom. If she kept fighting, she would get nowhere, she was no match to these vampires in fighting and she couldn't defeat them with her powers, she was utterly lost.

"Fine, I'll tell you!" She said.

"About time, just realised you couldn't defeat me hey?" the tall vampire said.

Ji-eun inwardly scoffed, "My name is... In na and I came here to erm... find some darklings to fight and vent out my anger" she said quickly without thinking twice about the words she was saying. 

The vampires looked at each other then back at her doubtfully.

We are wasting time, let's just knock her out and take her with us the leader's word's echoed into the other vampire's heads.

"But how do we do that? She has a shield, you can't make her go to sleep, hyung" a buff vampire said to the leader.

Huh? What are they planning? Ji-eun thought anxiously.

"We can fix that. Myungsoo" he ordered as another vampire stepped up and Ji-eun looked at him closely, he was absolutely breath-taking but his gaze was as hard as steel, he had a very dark aura surrounding him despite his striking looks.

Ji-eun knew then that she must escape away from the vampires quickly because she didn't know what the said vampire was going to do to her but looking into his eyes, she didn't want to know.

She struggled to get away, when a hard voice spoke, "stop"

She immediately stopped running, obeying his command.

"Turn around"

She turned against her will, she couldn't speak or move, at first she thought it was the first vampire who was restricting her movements again, but it was actually a different feeling. When the first vampire restricted her movements, she felt frozen however, this time she didn't feel frozen, she just felt numb and the voice, it was the voice that filled her senses and commanded her to obey it.

"Take down the shield"

Ji-eun's shield disappeared and she had no control over it. Then, she felt the same throbbing in her head and knew that the leader was tampering with her mind again and she couldn't do anything about it.

"Sleep" said a different voice and this time in her mind. The voice suddenly sounded soothing and alluring. Ji-eun felt her eyelids grow heavy and all she saw was the leader catching her before she fell into complete darkness.




"What are we going to do with her?" Dongwoo asked Sunggyu watching Ji-eun sleep peacefully in Woohyun's arms. "We take her along with us to Endless town" Sunggyu said, walking ahead of them. "But why?" Sungyeol questioned. Sunggyu stopped and turned around to face them, "don't you guys remember what grandfather said? Anyone could be the witch, she could be the witch in disguise or maybe she could somehow be related to the witch and don't you guys find it suspicious that she was in Silent City? No-one comes here, grandfather knew that this area could be a good hiding place for a witch besides Endless town that's why he ordered us to search here."

"She's seems to innocent and naive to be a witch though," Woohyun said, gazing at Ji-eun's flawless face. Sunggyu nodded glancing at her as she let out a soft cute snore and the corner of his lips tugged upwards the tiniest fraction, it was even hardly there. "True, but the witch could still be connected to her in some way, besides she is the only clue we have in finding the witch."

Sungyeol walked closer to Ji-eun and chuckled a little "she's so cute," he poked her nose gently.

Hoya groaned "can you not be a choding for a moment and just grow up?"

"Sunggyu hyung" a hard quiet voice was heard, the rest of the vampires head's snapped to Myungsoo.

"We're wasting time, lets hurry up and go to Endless town and search for more clues, we can also rest there and when the little angel wakes up in the morning, we can question her then."

The leader agreed, "alright then, let's go" he paused and his eyes travelled back to Ji-eun, "careful with her Woohyun, we don't want her dead, yet." He added and Woohyun nodded, his arms tightening around Ji-eun's body.

Then, the 7 vampires all dashed into the forest with great speed on their way to Endless town.


Did you like it? Cuz I sure did while I was writing it! Anyway, stay tuned for the next chappie!!! :DDD



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hey guys! Im back! Im so happy, i've been waiting for ages to write my story again. Im not going to update anything yet BUT i will very soon. Plz wait for me!


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somehow_sunflowers #1
Chapter 34: *reads V* *has a spasm attack*
nikihca #2
Chapter 40: i'm subscribes both version of this story .. Revised one and this, so that i know which one u will keep update.. the choice is yours =) i just can't wait for the ending and i'm support your decision that ji-eun will end up with one guy only .. yeay !
KimChi27Mochi #3
Chapter 40: Can you please not delete this story? It's one of my favorites.... Probably rewrite a new one?
joyjesoh #4
Chapter 40: Ahhh... im feeling so sad youre discontinuing this story. This story is tagged "Favourites" under the stories i read. Sighs... not sure what to choose, but you decide then. Probably not delete this and rewrite a new one.
Chapter 39: now i really curious about jieun power. and D.O! why you so blind!
update soon!<3
Chapter 39: I love your story! Please update soon author-nim~
Chapter 39: Yes I am still waiting for your updates.
i'm happy that you did and wow, looks like her with powers helped her again.
and the boys just came so late but well, the evil fairies are taken care of.
poor Eunji, she's like been tortured.
the bonding with Luhan, it makes it more exciting. Now, he have to resist getting closer to her.
Can't wait to find out more or if others will bond with her too or what will they do if they found out that Luhan already bonded with her. Too many things that are making me curious.
I guess the idea of them being in love with her and she with them sounds nice but of course.
Only one will end up with her. Looks like the next chapter will be more exciting.
D.O. Still thinks Sorin is the singer that he's been looking for and the drugs about Chan, that made me laugh. I hope I can see more of Chanyeol here even he's not the lead coz he's my oh so lovable bias. I wonder what will you do to the other boys who will not end up with her. Hmm..
Anyway, hope you update soon.
Chapter 39: What happened??
Jieun's bracelet saved her??

Omo! Update soon.