My heart will go on

Heaven is a place on Earth with you

It hurts Kyungsoo to see Jongin getting weaker and weaker everyday. He knew that he had to do something fast. Chanyeol finally gave in after Kyungsoo came by his house, begging him to agree and seeing that Kyungsoo is Baekhyun’s best friend, he agreed, even though he thinks that this is the worst decision that Kyungsoo ever made.

Kyungsoo made sure he stayed by Jongin’s side every single minute. He wants to make every moment worthwhile. It would be a long long long time without him. He’s going to miss him for sure but it’s worth it. Kyungsoo thinks that Jongin is worth it.

“Hey Jongin, how are you feeling today?” Kyungsoo asked, using a wet wash cloth and wiping Jongin’s body.

“Much better now all thanks to you.” Jongin smiled. It was as bright as before but it’s okay.

“You know, during my time with you, you really taught me lots of things.” Kyungsoo propped his head on his elbows and looked at Jongin. Jongin smiled at Kyungsoo, lifting his hand to brush the fringe covering a small part of his eyes.

“You taught me love. Something that I don’t know about for the past hundred years.” He leaned down, his head now on Jongin’s stomach. “But now that I met you, that all changed”

Jongin laughs and pinches his cheeks, calling Kyungsoo the world’s silliest angel. “But I love you anyway.” Kyungsoo blushed when he heard Jongin saying that.

It was the first time such words have ever been exchanged with one another. I love you too.” And plant a soft kiss onto his lips. The last kiss.

“I love you so much”

That night, Kyungsoo released Jongin’s hands and took a trip back home. He went into the Hall of the fallen, where Baekhyun was. It was where the book of life and death was.

Baekhyun eyes widen when Kyungsoo opened the door. He shook his head, screaming out for Kyungsoo to come back to his senses. He crawled as close to the bars as possible, crying and wailing out for the other.

Kyungsoo stopped in front of Baekhyun’s little prison cell and kneeled down. “Baekhyun, you won’t have to be alone anymore. And Jongin, he’ll finally be able to live a life outside of the hospital walls.”

“But Kyungsoo, it’s not worth sacrificing your freedom fo—”

“But you’ll do it even if you had the chance to choose once again.”

He got up from his seat, giving Baekhyun smile before making his way towards the book laying on a stone tablet. The golden tattoo on his arm glowed before the books started flipping on its own, stopping at a name.

Kim Jongin, 1994-2012

He took a little quill feather out and altered Jongin’s death year, tears streaming down his face. Within seconds, there were guards at the door, walking towards Kyungsoo and dragging him out.

This scene was all too familiar to him. He was there when Baekhyun got dragged out of the room. The next moment, he would wheeled into the high heavens courts, receiving his punishment in front of Jongin.




Jongin woke up to a bright light surrounding him. He got up, feeling more energised than ever. He rubbed his eyes, looking around, angels everywhere, wearing a painful expression on his face.

Jongin thought that he finally died. He didn’t know why but he felt like crying. Was he even supposed to have emotions when he dies? He looked around, looking for that one particular angel he believed that brought him up.

“Kim Jongin”

A booming thunderous voice was heard. All angels bowing down at the sound of this voice.

“Y-yes? That would be me…sir?” Jongin replied nervously. He always thought dying would be simple. You die, your soul gets taken and you’ll be in paradise.

“You are one lucky human aren’t you?”

“I don’t get what you mean sir. Lucky because I died?”

Jongin took in his surroundings, noticing the faces of the other angels around him. Looking sad, a little depressed even. He knew that it would be a bad time to ask but all he wants, is to see the one who brought him up here.

“Where is Kyungsoo? I would like to see him please?”

An angel spoke up. “Kim Jongin, you’re really lucky to have an angel sacrificing for you.”

“Never thought I’ll ever see this again” Another one spoke.

There was a screeching metal sound when the huge gate open, revealing Kyungsoo in a cage with his wings clipped. Wings with the colour of purity and innocence, now stained with red. Jongin remembered Kyungsoo explaining to him about this certain scene before.

Kyungsoo was giving up his wings for him.


Kyungsoo opened his eyes slowly, smiling at Jongin. He winced in pain, trying to adjust himself and managed to utter out a weak ‘hey’.

Jongin took a step towards Kyungsoo. And another. And another. And another.

Before he finally reached an arm’s length in front of Kyungsoo’s cage.

“No, this is a dream isn’t it. Kyungsoo…You-Your wings.” Jongin’s eyes shifted over to Kyungsoo’s wings before back to him. He looked at him and wondered how is it possible for him to look like that when he last night he was all bright and happy.

Kyungsoo smiled again, eyes never leaving Jongin.

“Enough!” The thunderous voice spoke again. “It’s time. Kim Jongin, you will remember this day forever. The day where you get to live your new life given to you by your guardian once again.”

Jongin shook his head, looking around for the owner of the voice. “Sir, sir this is a mistake. Kyungsoo never meant to sacrifice for me. I’ll die, I’ll die so please, don’t.”

Kyungsoo grabbed onto the cage, tears wetting his cheeks. His beautiful face was now replaced by hollowed cheeks, dark rings around his eyes. “Jongin stop! You don’t deserve to die at twenty. You have a world out there Jongin.”

“No Kyungsoo.”

“A world outside of those hospital walls. My wings for your life, is a fair trade, I don’t mind giving them up for you. You aren’t meant to be confined within those four walls. You belong in the spotlight, up on stage.”

Jongin raised his voice a little. “But that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice anything for m—damn it, Do Kyungsoo you’re not allowed to do that!”

The atmosphere was tensed. It was quiet. Nobody moved or spoke a word. The angels looked at the scene with a painful expression. It wasn’t the first time they’ve witness this horrible thing that was about to happen.

Baekhyun was the first and last angel who broke the rule. Never thought that Kyungsoo would be the next.

Everyone watches as Kyungsoo was slowly being pulled out of the cage and being placed on a stone tablet. He was chained down to the floor, unable to move. There was a blinding light and the last words Jongin heard from him was ‘Go Jongin, live your dream. I’ll always be here watching over you. I love you so much.”

Before Jongin could say anything, a piercing scream was heard and Kyungsoo wings were being torn out, leaving a bloody mess with Kyungsoo unconsciously on the stone surface.

Jongin woke up, clutching at his chest, gasping for air. He looked around, doctors and nurses surrounding him.

“Jongin? Are you okay? Can you hear me?” One of the doctors shook him lightly.

Jongin sat up, looking around for a certain angel, in hopes to find him hovering over someone or to be at the little corner reading his book. But there wasn’t anyone there. When Jongin woke up this time, Kyungsoo wasn’t there. Kyungsoo won’t be here anymore.

He clutched at his chest and felt something hard. A chain. He took it out, ignoring all the other doctor’s instructions on giving him a full check up and what not. He took out the little pendant from inside of his shirt.

A little white wing.

Jongin cried hard that night and the doctors, not knowing what happened to him ordered for a CT scan immediately. What Jongin experienced was a miracle, they thought. Not only the CT scans showed that he was fine, every cancer cell in his body was gone too.

The doctors were shocked beyond words. No medical records have ever mentions of such incidents happening before. Cancer cells disappearing completely over night.

“Wow Jongin, the angels in heavens are watching over you.”

Indeed. His one and only guardian angel is up there watching him right now. It wasn’t until three days later before Jongin could finally meet Chanyeol. Kyungsoo listed Chanyeol as Jongin’s contact person the minute Chanyeol agreed to help him.

Chanyeol entered the room with Jongin lying on the bed, hands playing with the little wing pendant around his neck.


Jongin turned his head slowly to the side and nodding his head as a form of acknowledgment, not even bothering to find out who the other party was.

Chanyeol sighed sadly as he walked towards him. He wasn’t like what Kyungsoo described to be.

He’s strong, and he smiles all the time. I love it when he smiles.

“He loves your smile.”

Jongin turned his head again. “What?”

“He loves your smile and by he I meant Kyungsoo.” Chanyeol dragged the chair beside Jongin, settling down on it.

Jongin sat up, finally looking at Chanyeol for more than three seconds. “You know Kyungsoo?”

Chanyeol nodded. “I’m Park Chanyeol. I’m sure you’ve heard of me.”

Jongin eyes widened. Park Chanyeol in flesh. He’s been hearing lots of stories about him. Park Chanyeol was the first person to have his angel sacrificing his wings for him.

“I did. All the time it’s starting to get on my nerves.” Jongin gave a low laugh before his smile faltered. “But I would kill to hear all about you once more. I just missed him so much. Was this how you felt when Baekhyun left too?”

Chanyeol closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath, recalling how was it like when he couldn’t see Baekhyun for days and days became weeks, weeks became months and months became years. But the pain remains, in fact, the pain never really subside at all.

Chanyeol opened his eyes and smiled, placing a hand on his chest where his heart was. “It did. But Jongin, Baekhyun never left me. The pain is still there. But if the pain is what allows me to feel connected to him, then the pain is worth it. And besides, Baekhyun never really left me. It’s just that physically he isn’t here anymore, but his spirit, his presence remains, residing here, in my heart.”

Jongin’s hands travelled to his chest, placing them above his heart. He recalled a certain Harry Potter scene where Sirius Black told Harry how the ones that love us never really leave us. And you can always find them in here (heart).

“Ready to go?” Chanyeol got up from his chair, asking. Jongin frowned at the thought of his question. “Go where?”

“Ahh.” Chanyeol ran his fingers through his hair and sat back down. “It was a few months ago. Kyungsoo came looking for me, asking for a favour. He told me to take you in when you’re being discharged from the hospital after all, you are completely healed. The hospital would have no reason for you to stay.”

So Kyungsoo has been planning this all along. Telling him all about Chanyeol and Baekhyun to prepare for what is to come next was all part of his plan. Stupid stupid stupid.

“Jongin?” Chanyeol spoke up after noticing a slight frown expression on Jongin’s face. “Don’t. He did this for you. He returned your life to you so do it. Live your life like how you wanted to. And one more thing…I’m sure he’s watching you over you just like how Baekhyun’s watching over me.”

Jongin closed his eyes, shutting his eyelids tight to fight back the tears. His fist, clenched so tight, his nails made marks on his palms. He pushed back all thoughts concerning about how Kyungsoo would never be here with him any longer, not being able to give him goodnight kisses, watching the sunset together, sleeping together on that tiny bed.

Kyungsoo was gone and Jongin had to accept that. It would take time, but he would, eventually. Jongin got up and Chanyeol could see determination in Jongin’s eyes and knew that he had finally sorted it all out.

“Let’s go Chanyeol. I’m ready.”

Chanyeol nodded, and left the room, leaving Jongin to catch up with him while he settled the discharge papers. Before Jongin left, he turned around, giving the room one last look.

Goodbye Kyungsoo, I’ll love you, forever and ever.  

Three years later

“Chanyeol! Any burnable trash?”

Jongin called up, tying the trash bag together. It’s been 3 months and Jongin has been getting by well. The cancer cells were gone and he’s healthy once again, going back to living his dreams of becoming a dancer. A promise kept between him and his very special someone.

“No!” Jongin heard Chanyeol calling out from the toilet. He’s been trying to fix that leak all morning. Jongin tied the last bag and opened the door, revealing a boy with violet red hair, with his fist up in the air.

“Oh, I was just about to knock.” The boy blinked a couple of times and Jongin swore that the boy was giving off some form of glow. Almost like an…”Is there a Park Chanyeol here?”

Jongin slowly nodded, and without taking his eyes off him, he called for Chanyeol. Within minutes, Chanyeol appeared at the top of the stairs, in his teddy bear pyjamas and a plump his hands, hair looking a little dishevelled.

The next thing Jongin heard was the sound of something dropping and a tall guy with the height of a hundred and eighty five, zoomed past him, grabbing the violet red hair boy in front of him.

“Long time no see Yeollie.”

Chanyeol pushed him back, caressing his face and smiling, eyes a little watery. “Baekhyun, how…”

Jongin looked up at the mention of Baekhyun’s name. The only Baekhyun he’s ever heard of is the angel Byun Baekhyun. “No way…he’s Baekhyun?”

Chanyeol and Baekhyun turned around, facing Jongin.

“Jongin, I would like you to meet Baekhyun.”

Baekhyun smiled and nodded his head at Jongin. “I’ve heard lots of stories about you Kim Jongin. And you know, I really hated you when I first heard about what Kyungsoo was going to do for you.”

Jongin flinched at that name. Kyungsoo. It’s been three years since he last saw him or heard about him. It was a given rule in the house not to talk about either of the two angels. Although he does wonder about how’s he doing and he talks to him occasionally even if getting a reply was impossible.

“But…” Baekhyun continued. “I would like to thank you for teaching that idiot all about love. Before he met you, he could never understand why would I ever want to give up my wings for a human like Chanyeol and now he does.”

Chanyeol wrapped his arms around Baekhyun, smiling at him. “How was it possible for you come back? I thought you were gone forever.”

Baekhyun nodded and leaned into Chanyeol’s arms. “It’s a long story, I’ll fill you later but first, Jongin. Don’t go. There is someone whom would like to see you.” Baekhyun pointed to the door.

Jongin looked past Chanyeol and Baekhyun and his eyes widened at the figure standing there. Jongin took a few steps forward, tears threatening to fall.

“I’m not dreaming am I?”

A small chuckle was heard and soon, Jongin was being engulfed by a small pair of arms. “You’re not, stupid.”

Chanyeol held his hand tight to Baekhyun’s nudging him to give them both and themselves some time alone. Jongin led Kyungsoo to the sofa as Kyungsoo innocently bounces on it. “I thought they locked you up.”

 Kyungsoo nodded and cringes as he remembered. “They did. It was really bad when I woke up. My back was burning and all I could hear was Baekhyun crying. It was horrible.”

Jongin lifted up Kyungsoo’s shirt, and saw two deep scars on his back. “Does it hurt now?” He gentle brushes a finger along the scar, tracing it up and down. Kyungsoo laughs and squirms around. “No, but it tickles.”

Jongin wrapped his arms around Kyungsoo, placing his head on his shoulders. “Then why were you Baekhyun allowed to be released?”

Kyungsoo sighed. “On our behalf, they went up to the high heavens to beg for forgiveness. To let us go. After much persuasion, it wasn’t easy really…but they gave in. So here we are.”

“So you’re not angel anymore?”

Kyungsoo thought about it for awhile. “We are wingless angels.”

Jongin frowned and planted a light kiss on Kyungsoo’s neck. “I’m sorry you had to go through so much pain Kyungsoo. You protected me. And now it’s my turn to protect you, if you would let me.”

Kyungsoo turned around, caressing Jongin’s cheeks. “It’s worth it. All the pain, is worth it if you’re here with me.” He leaned in, closing the distance between them. “Mm, I miss this so bad.”

Jongin smiled into the kiss. “Will you be staying this time?”

“Where else would I go idiot? Once your guardian angel, always your guardian angel”



A/N: I don't think I actually wrote a good ending for this story here:( Sigh, I think i'll head back to writing oneshots instead. I like reading chaptered fics but I guess writing them isn't eactly my forte. Nonetheless, thank you for reading and subscribing.

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69Kaisoo_69 #1
Chapter 3: This needs a freaking sequel omg I sound so demanding but I really am . OMGGGGGGGGGG AHHHHHHHHH THIS IS SOOOO GOOD THANKS AUTHOR NIM
Chapter 3: at first, i thought you were going to leave this open-ended but i'm so glad you didn't and that everyone got their happy ending because everyone deserves a happy ending ;__; this was absolutely amazing and i honestly do not know what to say except thank you for writing this. it really made my day ♡
ttrinhh #3
Chapter 3: Yeah~ hands down
This is beautiful!!! <3 thanks for giving them a happy ending ^^ (btw is by any chance the title from Lana del Rey's song?)
bluefish15 #6
Chapter 3: dear lord this is beautiful, i'm cryiiiiing
and also it's a happy ending! finaly kaisoo with no angst! thank you this is wonderful!
Chapter 3: OMG SO CUTE!!!!
lordkrisdemort #8
Chapter 3: Omfg this is too perfect asdfghjkl I thought you'll go with Jongin spending the rest of his life alone or Kyungsoo dies and reborn as another person blah blah blah, I didn't expect for them to meet again and ASDFGHJKL this story is too perfect, it deserves a lot of viewers and subscribers!!! I love you and your idea authornim!!!!!! *hugs you tight*
Chapter 1: Cant wait for the next update!