With the good, comes the bad.

Heaven is a place on Earth with you




With the good comes the bad.

Jongin’s health hasn’t exactly been looking good lately. His health is like a scale. An unbalanced scale. It tips and turns, and recently, it hasn’t been in their favours lately. It’s been three days since Kyungsoo last talked to Jongin. He’s been sleeping since his last session of therapy.  Only three months left, he heard the doctors saying.  

He looked at Jongin’s sleeping face and around the room. For the past years, he’s been all alone in this big empty room with no one to talk to. He had missed out all the years in his childhood spending it in the hospital and his parents…

His parents left him at the age of fifteen. Using all of their savings and by selling the house, they made the hospital accept him and now, the hospital’s his home. It has always been pretty much that way.

But even being here for so long, he made no effort to decorating this place up. The walls are painted white and all he had was a television with every single channel in it. A red table and chair at the side of the room in case for visitors—but no one has ever visited. Windows for light to get through and a bed with a side table. 

His clothes are just plain hospital robes and the wheelchair has been his only transport around almost anywhere. He reaches out, caressing Jongin’s face. 

“You’re lonely aren’t you? I won’t leave you like everyone else did. I promise…I’m going to do something” 

He decided that Jongin wasn’t going to wake up anytime soon so he took the time to head to a few places. Might as well settle it now just in case if there were complications, he would have the time alter his plans and make them work.

First stop was a place where all angels dread.  Αίθουσα των πεσόντων also known as Hall of the fallen. It was empty and dark and only angels who made grave mistakes are being kept imprisoned here. 

He found the person he’s been looking for among the thick fog. The place was cold and seriously, Kyungsoo hated it here. He would tear this place down if he ever got the power to do so. But he’s just a small guardian angel. 

He knelt down a few feet away from the metal bars, looking painfully at the boy behind it. That was his best friend in there.

“Baekhyun…what should I do?”

Kyungsoo talks to a boy with violet red hair, imprisoned behind metal bars with electric currents flowing through it, zapping anyone who touches it. Byun Baekhyun, was considered as a ‘fallen angel’. Not like fallen angel Satan but fallen angel because he did something really bad. He broke the number one rule of all angels.

Baekhyun smiled weakly at Kyungsoo who looked really troubled. It’s the first…no, second time Kyungsoo ever saw him like that. He’s usually the calm and composed angel, a role model for many.

“What’s wrong? It’s unusual to see you so troubled over something.”

Kyungsoo looked up at Baekhyun, almost guilty for saying this. “I’m falling in love with my human.”

Baekhyun looks at Kyungsoo, crawling towards him, chains preventing him from going anywhere near the bars. “Kyungsoo you know you ca—”

“—I know I can’t but I can’t help it. Everything in my body is telling me to save him and I can’t watch him die. He’s only twenty Baek, twenty. He has so much potential and he has dreams.”

Baekhyun tried moving a little closer. The chains refusing to let him do so, biting into his skin. Baekhyun hissed at the pain and Kyungsoo urges him to stop coming nearer. It hurts to see his best friend hurting.

“Kyungsoo, that was what I told you about Chanyeol didn’t I?” Baekhyun moved a couple of feet back. “Look where am I now? Suffering in pain and it’s not the fact that I’m being locked up here that’s hurting me. It’s the fact that I can’t see him, touch him or even to hear his voice hurts.”

He watches as Baekhyun cries. He’s been crying a lot after that incident. An incident which scarred every angel up here and even Chanyeol who had to witness it. Kyungsoo wanted to go over and hug him so badly, but the bars would probably kill him before he could even do it.

“I’ll be back Baekhyun. I will come and visit you soon and I’m sorry.”

Kyungsoo took one last look at Baekhyun and knew that the other cages here, soon one will belong to him. The next stop he went to was to Park Chanyeol’s house. He’s a human who suffered from Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a neurological condition that will lead to muscle deficiency, difficulty in speaking and lastly, it hinders with your breathing, causing a slow death. 

Knock knock.

Within minutes, the door opened revealing a man, about half a head taller than Kyungsoo clad in a white shirt and casual bermudas pants. “Kyungsoo, that’s a surprise.”

Kyungsoo smiled, nodding his head. “Can I come in? I have a favor to ask of you”

Chanyeol took a step back, allowing Kyungsoo to enter his home. Something about Chanyeol never fails to amaze Kyungsoo and that is when he loves, he loves till the very end.

The house was filled with photoframes of different kinds. Each picture showed him in white robe posing with a violet red hair boy. Baekhyun…

“Kyungsoo, did something happened to him?” Chanyeol asks as he places a cup of water on the table. Kyungsoo shook his head, thanking him before sipping down on the drink.

“Then is something wrong? It’s unusual to see you troubled over anything.”

Kyungsoo laughs, looking at the tall guy in front of him. Handsome, he’s got the height, he’s caring, he’s smart, he’s talented, he’s…he’s perfect. No wonder Baekhyun fell in love with him. “He said the same thing too. Indeed, you two are two peas in the same pod”

Chanyeol laughs, agreeing with the fact that both he and Baekhyun are always singing the same tune and liking the same things. They were perfect for each other. “Ah, sorry, I got carried away. So what’s up?”

Kyungsoo sighed, taking a deep breath in, wings fluttering from being nervous. “I need you to help me look after someone.”


Kyungsoo was unsure of whether to be worried or relieved that Jongin was still sleeping soundly when he returned. He’s been gone for more than three hours and Jongin’s still asleep. 

He vaguely remembered waiting for Jongin to wake up from his deep slumber the first time and when he did, he woke up at the wrong time. The next time he saw him was two days after. 

“Kim Jongin, wake up already. We’re not done with your bucket list.” Kyungsoo’s an angel and Kyungsoo never sleeps. But he lays himself on Jongin’s chest, the sound of his heartbeat calming him down. 

This heart must never stop beating. Ever.

Kyungsoo woke up the feeling of a finger trailing up and down his olive tattoo. He opened his eyes slowly to see Jongin smiling warmly at him, face looking much healthier than before.

“You’re finally awake!” Kyungsoo shouted. 

Jongin nods. “How long have I been sleeping for?” He looked at the calendar that was on the side of the table. 

“Almost five days. I thought you were going to break record and sleep for a week…Or worse still, I thought you were never going to wake up.” 

“Then you’ll be stuck with me forever?” Jongin asked and Kyungsoo slowly shifted his eyes to meet Jongin’s. They stared at each other for a good five seconds or so before a nurse came in. 

She looked pretty pleased at the sight of Jongin being awake but stop short when she realised that Jongin was talking to thin air. She went out afterwards, leaving the door slightly ajar, a sign that she would be coming back pretty soon.

“She can’t see me. She probably thinks that you’re talking to yourself.” Kyungsoo laughs, getting off Jongin and stretching his wings. Jongin looked at Kyungsoo’s wings. He remembered the first time seeing them against the bright light. He described the colour of his wings as the colour of innocence and purity. And even after spending close to twelve weeks with him, it’s the still same. 

Nothing has tainted this beautiful and innocent angel of his. But he knows that when he leaves this place, his relationship with Kyungsoo is over and he’ll be just another human to him. 

The nurse came back in with the doctor and the curtains were drawn, checking up on Jongin’s body.The doctors decided to break the news to Jongin about the amount of time he had left. 

When the doctors left the room, the smile on Jongin’s face faltered. 

“Hey, you okay?” 

“Three months huh. That’s…if it were me in the past, I would’ve been complaining about how three months is a pretty long time. But now that I’ve met you, I don’t want to live this place.” Jongin reached out for Kyungsoo, pulling him into a hug even though his wings were in the way. 

Kyungsoo’s heart ached. But Jongin didn’t have to die. Not unless he…”Hey Jongin?” He whispered into his ear. “You’re not done with your bucket list yet. Wish number ten. To go on a date huh? I can help you with that.” 

Several days later, when Jongin was feeling much better, Kyungsoo brought him out. Transforming him into a fine young man who doesn’t look like he only had three months to live. 

Dressed in a blue collared shirt, with a white pullover, hair slicked to the back and Jongin looked almost perfect.

“Wow, you look good.” Kyungsoo came over, dusting off the lint on his sweater. 

“You only realised that now?” Jongin smirks at Kyungsoo who rolled his eyes in response. “So? Where are we going?” 

Kyungsoo thought for a while. “What do you want to do when you actually go on a date?” 

“Walking down the park hand in hand with my lover, and then we’ll eat at a restaurant with both of us feeding each other and then a movie! A movie sounds good and I’ll steal a kiss in the middle of the show or something. Sounds good huh?” 

Kyungsoo looked at Jongin and seem pleased with the answer. He held out his hand and grabbed onto Jongin’s bigger ones. “To the park?” 

Jongin blushed at the sudden contact with Kyungsoo. But he nodded, nonetheless, making the effort to hide his blush. There were people staring, of course. Two guys walking down the street hand in hand. But Kyungsoo and Jongin fitted perfectly for some reason. 

With eyes that big and skin that smooth, Kyungsoo could easily pass off as a girl. Their heights fitted one another, allowing their shoulders to brush past each other occasionally.

They got into a restaurant which offers great steak according to Jongin who read countless of magazines reviews during his long stay in the hospital. Kyungsoo cut a small piece of steak, putting it in front of Jongin’s mouth, prompting him to eat it and hurry up, because it’s kind of embarrassing. 

Jongin smiled and did the same for Kyungsoo who munched it down with seconds with a light shade of pink on his cheeks. They got tickets for the two pm show and they hurried in because they were running late.

‘I’ll steal a kiss in the middle of the show or something’

Kyungsoo glanced over at Jongin, who looked a little too into the show to be taking notice of him. His eyes wandered off to his lips and mentally hits himself, constantly reminding himself of who he is and why is this prohibited. 

He placed his arm on half of the arm rest which Jongin didn’t take up. He sighed into his seat, making himself comfortable instead of being so uptight about something which Jongin isn’t going to do. 

Then he felt a hand over his. Jongin intertwined their fingers together, subtly, and shyly as a blush formed across his face, trying to hide his smile. Kyungsoo could see it, really clearly even though it was dark inside the cinema.

Kyungsoo relaxed and almost naturally, laid his head down on Jongin’s shoulder. Almost like a perfect fit. The movie ended and they slowly made their way back to the hospital. Jongin had a curfew given to him by the doctors. They wanted Jongin to stay in the hospital just in case if anything happens, they would be with him immediately. 

Their fingers were still intertwined and Kyungsoo walked closely beside Jongin, not taking his eyes off him. Jongin glanced over and stared into Kyungsoo’s eyes who then smiled, nudging him with his shoulders. 

“I know, I know. I’m handsome.” 

Kyungsoo scoffs and rolled his eyes, sticking out his tongue at him. “Don’t be so full of yourself.” 

“I’m just kidding” Kyungsoo felt the grip on his hand getting tighter. “It’s just that if you stare at me like that, I don’t know what I’ll do.” 

Kyungsoo remained silent all the way back to the hospital and tugged on Jongin’s hand when he opened the door. “You can do whatever you want. And that includes stealing a kiss from me which you were suppo—”

Before Kyungsoo could continue, he found a pair of lips, soft on his. He closed his eyes slowly, wrapping his arms around Jongin’s neck. He felt a on his bottom lips, prompting and asking for permission to go deeper. 

Look where am I now? Suffering in pain and it’s not the fact that I’m being locked up here that’s hurting me. It’s the fact that I can’t see him, touch him or even to hear his voice hurts.

Baekhyun’s words rang in Kyungsoo’s mind. He knows that what he’s doing is wrong, terribly wrong. He’s not allowed to fall in love with a human. But he does it anyway. He pushed Jongin away, gasping for air. 

“Stop stop. What if someone sees us?” He looks around and heaved a sigh of relief to see that there wasn’t anyone near them. 

“So you mean…” Jongin took Kyungsoo’s hand in his once more. “We can do more when we head back to the ward?” Kyungsoo laughs, muttering a ‘dream on’ before pushing him inside. 

Kyungsoo has always been a lone angel. The only friend he ever had was Baekhyun. Even after every told him off for being friends and keeping in contact with the fallen angel, Kyungsoo couldn’t care less. 

Park Chanyeol, the human of Baekhyun. He was placed under Kyungsoo’s care after the incident happened. Whatever Baekhyun did was a unforgivable sin, a grave mistake, Kyungsoo would like to call it. 

“Hey Kyungsoo? Tell me a story. You’ve been on Earth for more than a hundred odd over years. Surely you’ll have lots of stories to tell.” 

Kyungsoo looked up from the book he’s reading, wings folded at the back neatly, feathers shimmering in the moonlight. Kyungsoo decided, that this was the perfect time to tell him about Baekhyun. 

He closed his book, making a dog ear fold at the top of the page. “Remember about the rules I told you about?” 

Jongin thought about it for a while, remembering that was such a thing being mentioned before and nodded. 

“Rule number six hundred and sixty six, falling in love with a human is prohibited. Those who failed to abide by this rule, will be banished to the deepest and darkest of the high heavens.” Kyungsoo said something in Greek and Jongin cocked his head to the side.

“What does that mean?” He asked curiously.

“Αίθουσα των πεσόντωνmeans. It means Hall of the fallen.” 

Jongin nodded, more interested than ever. “Woah, that’s a fancy name to keep the fallen angels.” 

Kyungsoo smiled. “Yeah it is. That’s where Baekhyun is right now. Angel Byun Baekhyun, a taboo in the high heavens, a sinner. A fallen angel.”

Jongin removed the covers off him, now lying on his stomach with his head propped on his elbows. “Do you know him? You seemed really sad talking about him.” 

“He’s my best friend. But he made a mistake and now he’s paying for what he did. He fell in love with his human, Park Chanyeol who suffered from a neuron condition, something like yours. He’s brain would stop functioning, and he’ll die.” 

Kyungsoo took a deep breath and continued.

“Your names are all written in the book of life and death. And doing an alteration to prolong your life here on Earth is a sin. Baekhyun did that, sacrificing his life for Chanyeol.” Tears were now threatening to fall, Kyungsoo’s emotions were on overrun. 

“Then what happened? Did Park Chanyeol survived and Baekhyun he…”

“Chanyeol lived, of course he did. When an angel gives up his wings for you, you’ll probably be one of the healthiest humans in the world.” Kyungsoo laughed for a second and the serious expression is plastered back onto his face. 

“Baekhyun was brought up to court and Chanyeol was there too. You should have seen how Chanyeol’s face was when he realised he was in heaven. But then when Baekhyun was being brought in, wings clipped together, Chanyeol he…he cried, really badly. And that was the first time I’ve ever seen him cry that bad before.”

“That’s not the worse part.” Kyungsoo continued quickly before Jongin could ask anymore questions. “Chanyeol had to witness Baekhyun sacrificing his wings for him. Baekhyun’s wings were being torn out from his back and he cried in pain, it was painful and Baekhyun was so small, so small he…” 

Kyungsoo hadn’t realised that he was clenching his fist so tight till Jongin came over, putting his hands over his, asking him to relax. “It’s okay, don’t carry on. I know, I know.” 

Jongin pulled Kyungsoo into a hug, allowing him to cry in his chest. “Don’t cry Kyungsoo.” 

Kyungsoo fell asleep in Jongin’s arms. Kyungsoo rarely sleeps, seeing that he’s not exactly humane enough to have human like needs. Jongin combed Kyungsoo’s smooth strands, fingers trailing on Kyungsoo’s olive tattoo. It was beautiful. 

He wasn’t sure whether Kyungsoo would do the same for him, sacrificing his wings in exchange for Jongin’s health. He was afraid that Kyungsoo would do that. It was hard and not to mention, painful to even imagine Kyungsoo’s beautiful wings getting ripped out. It’s not worth it…at least, not for him.




A/N: I'm not good with chaptered fics, I'm sorry if this is horribly written:( 

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69Kaisoo_69 #1
Chapter 3: This needs a freaking sequel omg I sound so demanding but I really am . OMGGGGGGGGGG AHHHHHHHHH THIS IS SOOOO GOOD THANKS AUTHOR NIM
Chapter 3: at first, i thought you were going to leave this open-ended but i'm so glad you didn't and that everyone got their happy ending because everyone deserves a happy ending ;__; this was absolutely amazing and i honestly do not know what to say except thank you for writing this. it really made my day ♡
ttrinhh #3
Chapter 3: Yeah~ hands down
This is beautiful!!! <3 thanks for giving them a happy ending ^^ (btw is by any chance the title from Lana del Rey's song?)
bluefish15 #6
Chapter 3: dear lord this is beautiful, i'm cryiiiiing
and also it's a happy ending! finaly kaisoo with no angst! thank you this is wonderful!
Chapter 3: OMG SO CUTE!!!!
lordkrisdemort #8
Chapter 3: Omfg this is too perfect asdfghjkl I thought you'll go with Jongin spending the rest of his life alone or Kyungsoo dies and reborn as another person blah blah blah, I didn't expect for them to meet again and ASDFGHJKL this story is too perfect, it deserves a lot of viewers and subscribers!!! I love you and your idea authornim!!!!!! *hugs you tight*
Chapter 1: Cant wait for the next update!