
Woo-Ya's Text Messages

Woo-Hyun: You want to know what this women said to me on Facebook?

Ho-Won: No....

Woo-Hyun: Ho-Won, what happend to you saying, "Come talk to me, if you have a problem," and I have a problem!

Ho-Won: Fine....

Woo-Hyun: Don't "Fine...." me!

Ho-Won: Okay, I'm sorry....please, tell me your problem....

Woo-Hyun: She called me a HAGE!

                So, I deleted her from Facebook.

Ho-Won: Do you know what that means?...

Woo-Hyun: Probably something insulting, which is the reason why I deleted her.

Ho-Won: Oh, wow, it means 'Have a good evening'....

Woo-Hyun: It does not.

Ho-Won: Haha, I'm serious....look it up even....

Woo-Hyun: I feel bad now.

                Not that missunderstood her, but the women who said that to me was my aunt.

Ho-Won: Your aunt from your mom's side, or your dad's side?...

Woo-Hyun: My mom's amd I never even met my dad's side of the family.

Ho-Won: Ohh~ That males sense....

                Not sure how though, but it does....

[A/N: Hello! I was able to go school today, but suffered from a headache. Yeah, I still have the sniffs, but I'm feeling a little better! YAY! *throws heart-shaped confetti*]

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Gemina_De_Silva #1
Chapter 72: In all honesty in reality if I ever got there numbers.............. id probably do what you just did-_-
Chapter 72: oh woohyun is calling me there ♡ XDDD I see what u did there
Chapter 71: Ok, seriously. When I first read chapter 65, I was shocked... Just HOW my nickname came out right there?!?! Then I realized that maybe "Pappolo" wasn't a sooo original nickname (I though it was, tough ^^ even if I've just chosen the first name that poped-up in my mind ) and that someone else could obviously have used it before me. But still, it was pretty fun reading my nickname chitchatting with Howon (my bias) so before to be surprised, I'm really tankful to you!! (it seemed like I was talking with him ^^) And also Woo using that nickname... it isn't disappointing at all! XD Thanks again for the chapter! Byeee~
Chapter 71: OMG!! OMG!! Marine? My username!!
If it was hoya I would definitely argue with him, it sounds fun~
Bubbaboo #5

For a moment there...i forgot how to breathe! >///< lol!