I fell in love with you


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Up2ADJoXChI   *Listen to this ^^


It was the day when you and your oppa went your separate ways. You guys were in the airport. Your dad has a business meeting so he couldn't drop you guys off to the airport...


"Yah! It's time for my flight,I'll be going.. And call me if there's any problem,don't let dad find out and make sure you're cautious at school. If the school finds out that you're a girl,we're dead-meat !"said your brother.


"Arasseo ! This is just the last year in High-school,make sure you come back directly after your fashion course in Paris is done !"you said.


"Okay,I get it,Bye sis ! Love ya!"said your brother. While you had to wait for 1 hour for your flight to Korea.


You checked if all your document and stuffs were packed and good enough to make you perfect enought to study in an all-round boys school in S.Korea.


You werent scared at all because you know how your brother's personality really is like.


After an hour,it was time for you flight....


"Genie High School,here I come,"you mumbled...




"The plane will soon be landing in Incheon Airport,Passeners are asked to fasten your seatbelt to ensure your safety when the plane is landing,Thank you"


The plane landed on Incheon airport.... When you got there,you were looking for your luggage at the luggage collection area,Your luggage was really heavy because there was many things needed. Then someone helps you take out your luggage and you froze on your spot...It....It was ...Oh Sehun.... He bowed at you politely and smiled and left you there dumbfounded.


"D-did Oh S-sehun just help me take out my luggage ??"you thought.


But anyways,you dragged your luggage and took a taxi to your home where you guys lived before as ONE BIG FAMILY,which was now just a memory...




After you got home,you threw yourself at the couch... *Haiss,I will be living in the dorm there anyway... *you thought. You took out a transparent folder where the school tranfer document were.. 


*Park Yunho*You whispered.


"Starting from this moment on,you are not Park Yunha,but you're Park Yunho,"you said sitting in front of the mirror holding a pair of scissors and cutting your hair.


After you transformed yourself from Yunha to Yunho,you were ready to set off to your new school. Once again,you took a Taxi there.




"Genie High School,"you mumbled when you got to the gate.


"Oi,student? You're so in trouble,today is not dress casual day,why are you dressed up like that? Drop it and give me 50 "yelled a man.


"Ehh? Sir,you mis-judged me,I'm a new transfer student here !"you said.


"Psh,what proof do you have ?"said the man.


You took out your documents and showed it to him,which made him gasp.


"Follow me,I'll take you to the principal's room and he'll tell you everything."said the man.


You followed the man to the pricinpal's room,when you got in the school,your mouth opened wide....




*This school sure is big* you thought.


"This is the principal's room,knock on the door and have a good talk. And by the way,I'm the school's discipline teacher,my name is Mr.Lee Kwang Soo,"he said.


"Oh,nae,I'm Park Yunh-Yunho,"you said letting out a nervous laugh.


You knocked on the door and was called inside.


"Oh,so you're here Daniel,"said the Principal.


"Yes,sir."you replied.


"Well,welcome to Genie High School,I'm he Principal,Mr.Yoo."said the Principal.


"Ah,nice to meet you Mr,Yoo. I'm Park Yunho Daniel,"you said.


"Well,it's nice to have a student like you to be transferred in our school,both good at studies and sports,"said the principal.


"It's an honour to be a student of this school,"you said,


"Well,you'll start to attend school from tomorrow on,and since you're good at sports,I've assigned you to Dorm 2. The all-round atheltics dorm there. You'll be sharing your room with Oh Sehun,which in room 205,"said the principal.


"Oh,thank you,"you replied.


"The Dormitory Captain will tell you the rules of the dorm,"said the principal.


You got up and started looking for your dorm when you bump into someone...




"Watch where you're going !"yelled that guy.


"I'm sorry,I'm new here..I'm llong for the Dorm Captain of Dorm 2 ...."you said.


"Ahh... You must be the transfer student for Rondon?" he asked.


"London,"you corrected him.


"Yeah,whatever,I'm Eunhyuk. " he said.


"Nae,ahnyeonhassaeyo,"yousaid giving a polite bow.


"O-okay,now your room is right opposite to Luhan,you'll get to know him later.. You're Sehun's roomate unfortunately..."said Eunhyuk.


"Why? Is it really bad to be a roommate with him?"you asked.


"you'll find that out soon,in the meanwhile,thank the god,cuz Sehun's will not be here for a week,"said Eunhyuk...


*Is it really scary to share a room with him*you thought...



Authour's Note: 

There you go,Chapter 1 ^^


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i hope you update soon :) i'm so excited to read :)