Quality time with my best friend

Before the Dawn
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Author's POV:

Their day together was beyond perfect. Mary has always found comfort and strength in her best friend, and Tao, although he’ll never admit it to anyone, loved being around Mary and cherished their time together. Their day was spent mostly in their favorite park, where they enjoyed the sunlight, rode their bikes, played soccer with some young boys and laughed all of their worries off. After that they went for lunch in their favorite small restaurant that was secluded enough for them to enjoy their meals and talk without being interrupted by the loud noises of the city.


They were their Ice cream cones and holding hands while strolling down the street when Tao’s mood got serious all of a sudden. The smile disappeared off of his face and his heart clenched when he remembered that the day was coming to an end and Mary will eventually go home, to Kris. This sudden change of atmosphere didn’t go by unnoticed and Mary looked up to her best friend with a puzzled look on her face. _’What’s wrong, Panda boy?’

_’Nothing’. Tao let out without looking at her.

_You are a terrible liar Tao ‘. Mary responded with a chuckle. She squeezed Tao’s hand that was still holding hers and continued.

‘_You know you can tell me anything. What is it ? 

With a sigh, Tao closed his eyes and pressed his lips into a thin line before opening his eyes again and looking straight into Mary’s’.

‘Do you love Kris?’

The sudden question took Mary by surprise and her smile wavered a bit before she pulled herself back together.

‘_Of course I do, I already told you that silly!’ Tao’s eyes closed again as he felt a tight squeeze pulling his heart out. He knew the answer to his question; he just hoped that Mary wouldn’t be so confident about it. ‘_How did you know you were in love with him?’

‘_I don’t know, it kind of just… clicked you know? Maybe it was the fact that I kept thinking about him a lot. I guess I knew for sure when he kissed me for the first time. When his luscious yet gentle lips touched mine, I knew he was the one. But why do you ask panda? Are you in love? Mary was only trying to tease Tao, but her oblivion irritated the latter a lot. He kept wondering why she never knew how much he loved her. Hasn’t he been obvious enough with his endless care and his overprotective attitude? He went all out to show her his love but then again, maybe he should’ve just confessed. Tao‘s lack of answer though, gave Mary the wrong impression.

‘Oh My God! You ARE in love! Who is she? Do I know her? When did you two meet? When do I get to meet her? Is she Hot? Or cute? … Mary kept bombarding her best friend with endless questions and Tao couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm and excitement. He wondered how things would turn out to be if

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Chapter 16: You finally updated :3
Chapter 16: Ma Fav author nim, i feel sorry for finding about this story in a very late time >< but that doesn't matter for the time being, i knew about it today and i just finished reading the last updated chapter, hopefully you will update the next chapter soon because i'm dying to know what's going to happen! i'm not a fan of this kind stories and i always try to avoid them as much as i can but i changed my mind once i started reading yours it has a different plot actually and the way you describe and your writing skills never fails to amaze me , continue the hard work, fighting ! <3
btw i'm still reading this raw :3
First im in love with the tittle <3 second its amazingggg *@* keep updating please
Chapter 11: kammalhaaaaaaaaa ;A; YOU'RE AMAZING OALLAH!! kamlha kamallha ;A;
Chapter 6: aspogrgidf Ma poor Panda T-T Don't worry I'm here for you!
I'm gonna read it as soon as I have time, this is interesting *-* and I like your way of writing!! ♥