New life

Before the Dawn
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6 months later, I was changing my mind about fairytales. I was head over heels for Kris and that kind of love turned over my entire world and made me second guesses everything I’ve ever loved or hated. Everyday after work he would pick me up and we would go on a romantic dinner. And on weekends we would spend the whole day together. Life was finally smiling to me and I got everything I ever wanted: my dream job, my perfect house, and the love of my life. He was the one, my friend, my lover, and my dad. Growing up without parents was really hard, and remembering nothing at all about your life with them, or even how they died, is way harder. The doctors said that I went into a shock, that my brain couldn’t process what I witnessed that horrible day, that it erased the whole entire memory, leaving me with nothing to cherish of my beloved parents and my sweet little brother. But when Kris came along, I started to feel that hole in my chest beginning to heal.

I did not, however, tell Kris about my family. The only person who knew about my loss of memory and my inability to remember anything about my family’s death or my life before that day was Tao. It took me years to trust Tao with those information and it only made our friendship stronger since he never judged me or pushed me into talking about it. He knew it was a sensitive subject and he has been nothing but supportive. And for those reasons, I couldn’t imagine telling anyone but him about my tragic story, not even Kris. But that was about to change, since for the first time in the course of our relationship, Kris decided to ask about my past.

It was a Saturday afternoon, and we were in Kris’s penthouse, the one he inherited from his wealthy deceased father, when Kris gave me

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Chapter 16: You finally updated :3
Chapter 16: Ma Fav author nim, i feel sorry for finding about this story in a very late time >< but that doesn't matter for the time being, i knew about it today and i just finished reading the last updated chapter, hopefully you will update the next chapter soon because i'm dying to know what's going to happen! i'm not a fan of this kind stories and i always try to avoid them as much as i can but i changed my mind once i started reading yours it has a different plot actually and the way you describe and your writing skills never fails to amaze me , continue the hard work, fighting ! <3
btw i'm still reading this raw :3
First im in love with the tittle <3 second its amazingggg *@* keep updating please
Chapter 11: kammalhaaaaaaaaa ;A; YOU'RE AMAZING OALLAH!! kamlha kamallha ;A;
Chapter 6: aspogrgidf Ma poor Panda T-T Don't worry I'm here for you!
I'm gonna read it as soon as I have time, this is interesting *-* and I like your way of writing!! ♥