Chapter 3

Hello Baby: Dara's Secret
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'Dara' Kris's voice could be heard through the slight ajar door.

Dara rolled her eyes. This was now becoming a daily routine with her boss Kris. They have been working for three days in a week and it seems like Kris purposely making Dara's work harder. She rose to where she was seated and walked in the room. 'Yes, Sir?'

'Bring me the reports of the departments I'm needed to sign at the end of the day and also.. make sure that the finance department will know that you'll be  accompanying me for the business trip tomorrow.' Dara note the schedule to her mind. This means that she will be gone for a day or so and she can't leave Ace to his two nanny for that is the week they had their examination in school. 'It' is rather a short notice sir.' 

Kris looked up to her for the first time she entered his office. 'You need to be notified about the trip?' Dara needed to control her eyes and face expression. 'Sir, my contract is slightly adjusted due to some personal reasons. I am more happy to bring you my contract for you to review.

'Let me clear something Dara. You work for me now, not my father. I don't care about your  boyfriend not being able to spend three days days apart from you. I will expect you tomorrow morning at the airport' Kris said dimissively and go back to his work.

Dara walked out of the door. Flopping on her desk, she immediately call for the departments Kris was asking before calling the finance department. When done, she sat back and close her eyes. 'Workinng with him is Energy Draining.', Dara thought.  Not only she needed to have to wear her professional mask all the time but, the guilt is starting to eat her alive.

Just as she was sitting on her desk after lunch, a tall red - haired gir walked in. The first thing she notice was the length of her legs that perfectly hugged by her jeans. 'May I help you Ma'am?'

'Yes, I am here to see Kris.' Dara frowned and reached for her diary. She was sure that all of her boss' meeting schedules we're finish for that day. The woman in front of Dara gave a fake laugh. 'No need to search me there, darling. I am a private appointment.' she gave Dara a small smile. 'Just tell Krystal is here.'

Dara wiped all of the emotions and the guilt inside of her as she reached the intercom. 'Ms. Krystal is here to see you, Sir.'

'Let her in.' Kris said on the other side. 'Oh! and Dara, hold all my calls.' Dara turned to the stunning woman who's busy tapping her phone and looked bored. 'Please follow me.' Dara stood up and walked a few steps and held the door open. Kris stood from in front his desk and lean on it with his hands on his pockets. Dara give him a blank look as she let Krystal pass her.

Dara walked to her chair and flopped down for the second time that afternoon. 'A private appointment huh?' She frowned at the unwelcomed thoughts made into her mind. Shaking her head she took a deep breath and head back to work.

Kris's intercom sounded and he reached it like a thirsty man needed for a glass of water. 'I said no disturbance Dara.'

' I was just informing you that I am

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athena_29 #1
Chapter 28: Please continue your story 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
athena_29 #2
Chapter 28: Authornim where are you,,?? Update please!!!!
Lalalicetae #3
Chapter 28: Waaaa more Plss_ #krisdara
Chapter 28: But i love luhan for dara here in the story. . Kris for me here is just a past, i want channie or luhannie. . love the daraexo interactions. .
Chapter 28: aww... :(
why do i do this to myself?
i keep telling myself to only
open completed works.
my never listens.
lavezjoy #6
Chapter 28: Hi. Hope you'll update your story sooner. Because i really really like ur story. ;-)
Chapter 28: is this end chapter wil have no one next,please can u say this if will end or not ;'(
Chapter 28: update please & tnx... krisdara it's my favorite shipping,i like it so much for the plot... ^_^
Chapter 28: authornim....please update
unexpectedaffreader #10
Update please