Part 3



Months has passed, and it's time you had your baby now.. 
You were in your room sleeping it was 2:30Am and all of a sudden you feel something wet and warm by down there and you ask yourself "did I just piss myself ??" You said scared, but you actually know it was time so you shake Chanyeol hard and say "Yeol........ It's.... Time..." No answer from you sleeping boyfriend so you shake him harder and yell "YEOL! THE BABY WANTS TO COME OUT NOW. WAKE UP OR I'LL LEAVE YOU HERE!" With that being said, your sleeping boyfriend sprung up and helped you to get to the car, and you were in pain and you were telling Chanyeol to hurry, which he did because he knew how pissed off you can get.
You both were at the hospital now, and Chanyeol was going around yelling "MY GIRLFRIEND IS HAVING HER BABY! YOU BETTER HURRY BEFORE SHE GETS PISSED AND YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE THAT." 
Seeing Chanyeol like that made you laugh, but you were in pain to even laugh. While they were plugging you up, the baby's heart bear started slowing down fast, you were scared and doctors were running in wondering whats happening, Chanyeol was losing his mind screaming out "PLEASE SAVE MY BABY!" You were too busy scared and crying.. One of the doctors say they have to cut your stomach open to get the baby out as soon as possible but you said "No! I wanted to do it the natural way! Is there any other way?! Yeol! Please tell them I don't want that!! Please Yeol!!" But Chanyeol said to the doctor "of anything happens to my family, you better watch it... I wouldn't know what id do" with that being said, the doctors took you in the operating room, and Chanyeol wasn't allowed inside.
"It's been an hour now. What's taking so long?!" Chanyeol said waiting  outside. Just when you finished saying that a sergeant came out and said that they done and that everything is okay, but that your sleeping and that Chanyeol can have the baby while you sleep.
Once you're away "babe, look at our handsome son!" Chanyeol said so happy. You look at the precious moment happening right in front of your eyes. Family. Your family. Your boyfriend for so long, holding a beautiful child that you two both made. Once you finally snap out of that incredible moment, you finally ask Chanyeol if you can hold you boy.. Of course, Chanyeol was already so attached to the little one that it was hard to give him to you, but he did. And he too, feel into that moment, you holding the baby, a family. A beautiful perfect family. Chanyeol then said "lets go for round 2! Lets have another baby! Or why not have 4? Or 8? Or even 12?! It would be so awesome!! Plus we can have more y time~ ;)" all he earned from you is a laugh and a "pfft yeah right"
*last one will be posted tomorrow or sometime tonight! ^.^*
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