Cha: 002

[DISCONTINUED] That Corner Hides a Pair of Eyes


I was woken up by a loud punch in my stomach. I immidiately woke up from the pain, i  sat up and hugged my stomach.  he must have used a tool in his hands, because his punch feels somewhat stronger. And indeed he did. He had brass knuckles in his hands, which made me tremble in fear. The last memory i had of him using it wasnt very pretty. 
The color red and the deep sea beneath me. That was all i could remember the last time he used it against me.
"W-why u-uncle. . ." 
He harshly grabbed a fistfull of my hair and made me face him. I wince. 
He had those terifying look in his eyes again. That look that he had when he found out that i'd be stuck with him because dad killed someone and is on the run with my mom.
"Didnt i tell you not to skip school?!" He said in an angry tone. 
"B-but i-it h-hurts!" I told him while squinting my right eye. 
He threw me back at the bed and took his belt off. My eyes widen.                        
"Are you going to school or not?" He asked
I shook my head. 
He gave out an irritated look and slashed me with his belt. I covered my face with my arm but that didnt stop him. He continued while throwing some insults.
I cried from the pain. It was always this everyday, but today. Today was exeptionally worse. 
"YOU'RE WEAK!! " he yelled and slashed his belt against my redened skin.
"N-no m-more p-please . . P-please . . " i cried. For the first time since Sunny's death, i let myself cry freely without holding back. Uncle walked away while stomping loud. I looked out the window and saw that it was starting to rain. When i thought it was over. It wasnt. He came back to my room, with something shiny in his hands. 
A blade. 
I widen my eyes in shock. 'What is he going to do with that?' This is the question that ran in my head. He grabbed a fistfull of my hair again and held the blade inches away from my face.
"Do you see this?" He said , i only tremble and cry harder.
"Those eyes of yours needs to be taken out." He declared. I immidiately stopped crying when i heard him say that. 
"W-what?" I said in a weak voice. 
He held the blade closer and closer to my eyes. As much as i hated my eyes, i dont want this to happen to me. I dont hate myself enough to let this happen to me.
With all the strenght i can muster, i pushed him away. He stumbled down and i immidiately ran away from my room, grabbed my coat and wore my shoes and ran away from the house. It was raining heavily when i went out, but i didnt care, i need to be away. I ran as fast as i could and when i turned around, he was there, chasing me. I ran harder and faster. Even though my weak heart says to stop and rest, my mind says to just run and be away from him.
 I saw a group of people with colored umbrellas and ran towards their direction so that i can let myself disappear from his sight. Indeed he followed me, but came to a halt when he lost sight of me.
I saw an alley and ran towards it. It's a good thing that the alley wasnt a dead end, or else i would be forced to go out and be seen by him. 
The end of the alley reveals a scenery of a park and a view of the sea. It would have been beautiful if it werent raining. I saw a shop with a roof and went towards it to get away from the rain. I hugged myself to get warmer, but i knew it wasnt possible. I felt a rumble in my stomach, and realised that i didnt really eat anything at all since yesterday morning. My pain made me forget about it.
I searched my pockets for my wallet but soon realised that i left it at home.
I laughed bitterly. Its better to starve in the cold than to see that monster with a blade. 
 I starred at the dark raining sky, thinking, 'the world must really hate me that much to let me be like this.' I laughed bitterly again, but this time, i cried.
I let the rain mix with my tears, its been awhile since i cried. Cried freely that is.
I feel my knees getting weak and slump down on the concrete floor while hugging my knees. hoping, that i'll be warm enough.
It was tuesday morning, and it was raining. Aisssh, i hate rain. It turns the mood all dark and stuff, but today, it kinda suits the occation, since Sunggyu isnt here. But then, i remember what i saw last night. Those eyes of his that contained fear. Those tears of his that he clearly holds back. He was trying to act all tough, but he knows deep inside, he's weak.
"Aisshh . . . It's rainy days like these is when i prefer beating the crap out of Gyu, its nice to see him getting wet and dirty from the mud " they all laugh.
I heared the last time that they did that to him was P.E . They forced him to stay outside of the building until it stopped raining, and sure enough, it rained all day. 
Why would they even hurt him?! A life is a life, a death is a death! What diffrence does it make! People die everyday, some even die in the most grusome ways. I know how it feels to lose a loved one, heck, i always see someone important to me die. Maybe this is the reason why i turned cold towards the world, the reason why i stopped smiling, because they'll just go away and leave me anyway. Death is no issue for me now.
The whole school turned grim and sad in Sunggyu's abscence. They said he needs to be punished for what he did day and night without a rest. But they didnt know, what they pray for to happen, already happens.
Day and night indeed, without a rest indeed. If only they knew how much it hurts to see everything happen, it will diffinately change their minds. I want to show everyone the video i took, but something tells me that this isnt the proper time. 
I need to find that perfect timing so that i can get this thing over with.
Sunny . .  The name that echos in my head, i didnt know that happened in the cold night of november 17 last year. The peacefull and tranquill school turned into a chaotic-malice-filled school. I didnt know a death of an individual could spark such a big change. The police knew who killed sunny, but the killer or in this case, Sunggyu's dad, were nowhere to be found and so is his mother. They ran away without him and left him with his brutal uncle to slowly die.
Sadistic, that is what everyone is. 
Merciless, without them even knowing it.
Murderers, without even trying, they kill.
Selfishness, that is what triggered everything in this cruel world.
Sinister, without a doubt, they are. Even me.
I twirl the pen in my hands, not bothering what the teacher is saying. I stare at Sunggyu's seat next to me that is beside the window. 
Rain . . 
I hate it.
This is going to be a long day.
I woke up with a light tap on my shoulders. 
"Yah, its cold . . What are you doing here?" The man asked, he's wearing a ramen chef 's uniform. He must be the one who owns the shop behind me.
"I-i'm s-sorry" i said, and immidiately stood up. My knees felt weak and fell on the tall man. He caught me without hesitation yet he looked stunned.
"Y-yah, are you alright?" He asked. I slowly nodded while facing the floor, i dont want him seeing my bruised face.
"Why arent you looking at me? Are you hiding something?! Perhaps . . Are you a thief?!" He yelled. 
I only shook my head, if i werent feeling weak, i would be laughing now.
"Yah, face me." He said, but i didnt. He held my face and made it face his. He touched my recently punched jaw and i wince in pain. He stared at me wide-eyed. 
"What happened to you?!" He yelled out.
I opened my mouth to try and speak, but no words came out. I only feel my eyes getting heavy and tried to fight the urge to sleep. 
"And your soaking wet too!!" He added. 
"Are you a beggar?!" I smiled. "But you dont seem to look like one." 
He continued to spat out questions that i couldnt comprehend. 
But then, he stopped. 
"Aisshh . . Your not even listening anymore!" He said, looking upset.
"We should go inside." He suggested.
I stopped him from letting me inside his shop, because this is too much and i have no money . . .
"N-no need" i said.
He raised his eyebrows. "Then where do you suppose you'll go?" He asked.
"Outside." I firmly said. 
"You'll just scare my costumers away!" 
I looked out the surroundings to try and find a place to go and hang out. But the rain only got strongger, preventing me from going anywhere. Besides, my body hurts too much to move. 
I looked at him again. 
" b-but i d-dont h-have money w-with me." I said.
My back shoots out pain again, making me wince. 
He smirked at me and crossed his arms. 
"Who said anything about paying." 
He gave me a towel to dry myself off before he had me sit down on his "rose wood" chairs. The next thing i know, i was being served bowls and bowls of ramen
"Now, taste this." He said, while handling me another bowl. He made me a 'tester' for his new food inventions, he said he couldnt find the right person to help him so he chose me instead, out of desperation. I spent my whole day there, eating. Now i feel a little better than before. The rain turned less harsh than what it was before. He told me his name, and i told him mine. His name, Lee Sungyeol.
"Its good" i said, while slurping on some noodles.
He checked something on the list and gave out a satisfied look. 
"Whew! Glad that was done!" He threw his fist in the air and closed his eyes, as if he were remenesing the moment. He looked at me again, obviously eyeing my bruises, but i pretended as if i were clueless. He leaned over the table and said in a serious voice. 
"Nee~ where did you get all that?" He asked, while pointing at my face.
I immidiately stopped eating and looked at him. I wanted to tell someone the truth, i need to get this out of my system. But i was afraid of what they'd do to uncle. Even though he always nearly kills me, i still need him. I dont want to be alone in the darkness.
"I-" before i can tell him anything, the shop's wooden doors flew open harshly. 
Sungyeol and i looked at the door but found a familiar sight. 
"Uncle" i whispered, and dropped my utensils. I averted my gaze from the door so that i wouldnt be seen, even for just awhile. Just enough for me to escape from him. However, Sungyeol greeted the man with a warm smile.
"Oh hello regular." He said, i bit my lip to release some of the nervousness in me. 'Regular?!' I screamed in my head.
"I want the usual" uncle said. With frustration written clearly in his voice. He sat down in a table behind me.
"What's wrong?" Sungyeol asked
"The brat i often told you about ran away. I was just trying to comfort him but he ran away, he hurts me alot but i still cared for him. Now, he made me search for him around seoul without an umbrella." Uncle said.
"Liar" i muttered.
I was the one who gets hurt, not him. 
He wasnt comforting me, he was trying to kill me!
He never cared for me, if he could get rid of me, he would have done so a along time ago.
I clench my fist in anger. He was lying, and Sungyeol was believing him. 
Decietfull . . . That is what he is. Just like my dad. And he dare call me murderous.
"Oh really?" Sungyeol asked. 
"Anyway . . Sungg-" i cut his words off with a death-glare i havent given out for awhile and shook my head slowly, implying not to tell my name. 
He grabbed a pen and paper and scribbled something on it.
'Are you that brat he's always talking about?!'
I nodded. 
'I thought you were the one hurting him?!' He wrote again.
'He was lying.' I wrote. 
"What? Sungg-what?" My uncle asked. 
I stiffen up just by hearing half of my name being called. 
"Wait . . Do you mean Sunggyu?!" Uncle blurted out. 
I closed my eyes, waiting for doom approach me. 
"N-nope!" denied sungyeol." I was talking about larra who SUNG a great song yesterday." 
"Oh" answered my uncle. 
"Anyway, i'll be cooking you're usual now. I'll be right back." 
The shop was in a deafining silence. How i wanted to just run out that door and be somewhere else. My eyes, my eyes hurt. I dont want to see him. He makes my eyes hurt. 
Sungyeol came back later with a big white bowl in his hands and layed it on uncle's table. Uncle immidiately started eating as soon as the bowl was in his sight.
"Nee, you" Sungyeol pointed at me "come to the back, i'll show you something." 
I nodded and followed sungyeol, while using the collars of my jacket to conceal my face.  He closed the door behind us that leads to an empty alley outside the shop, we were outside again and its cold. 
"Explain" he said in a demanding voice. 
I stared at my feet for awhile trying to find the perfect words to tell him everything, but all i remember was the thing that happened this morning. 
Him, with that god-foresaken blade. Me, with my weak self. 
"He's a monster." I finally said. "He did most of the things i have." I said while pointing at my bruises. I removed my jacket to show more, but sungyeol had anger and pity in his eyes. 
"Most?" He said "does that mean you get the others from somewhere else?!"
I nodded "at school" i said
"They  do this to me everyday, and whenever i do something wrong. Like today."
He only stared, but i still continued.
"I tried to skip school today because everything in me is painfull, but he hates it when i skip school." 
"Ahhh, he still values you're education"
"No" i said in a disapproving voice. "He just hates seeing my face, he doesnt like seeing my murderous eyes. So he used a brass knuckle to wake me up this morning and his belt to lash me. Then the next thing i know was, he had a blade in his hands and told me he'd take my eyes off. Then i ran away."
Sungyeol was speachless. I can see his lowerlip tremble in shock. I can feel him looking at me but i averted from his gaze and stared at the wet floor, it was still raining afterall. He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.
"What he said was full of lies . . We should call the police." He said while my hair. I miss this feeling of warmth, i used to have these things when i was younger. But now i wonder, since when did everything go wrong? Was i such a bad person to deserve such things? Am i a mistake? Is the death the reason why i'm here? 
I pulled away from his hug. As much as i loved to stay like that just a little longer, i cant. 
"I'm sorry" i said. "You cant call the police, i still need him." 
"Need him?! Need him to what? Beat the life out of you?" 
My hands tremble upon hearing those familiar words that a used to be concerned friend i use to have, use to say." You just cant." I answered.
I walked back to the shop with my right side facing the wall opposite of where my uncle sit. 
I tried to sit back down on my usual seat when suddenly, a hand yanked me from behind. It was uncle.
"Nee, your wrist is bleeding." Said uncle "where did you get that?" 
"I cut myself." I lied. 
"Oh really now, Kim Sunggyu-ssi . . . " 
My eyes widen and my hands tremble  when i heard my name. I tried not to look back and pretend as if i'm someone else. 
"I d-dont k-know what you're t-talking about." 
He pulled me harder making my body turn towards his direction, revealing my bruised face. 
"Dont lie to me" he said "you know you cant hide from me." 
He put his hands in his pocket and took something shiny out. 
The blade. 
I tried to pull away but his grip is stronger than me. He held the blade close to my face but i try to dwarth away. It only made his grip tighter, making my wrist bleed harder.
"let me go!" I shouted, he smirked.
"There's no escape boy, now i'll take those murderous eyes off." 
I close my eyes waiting for pain to come, but heared a sound of water being poured near me. I opened my eyes, to see Sungyeol. Holding a pot of hot water that he doused at uncle. Uncle loosened his grip and shrieked in pain. 
"Run" Sungyeol said. And i did. I immidiately ran out of the store. 
"YOU!" I heard my uncle said at Sungyeol. Then some loud noises, and a painfull scream from Sungyeol. I wanted to go back and help, but that would make Sungyeol's effort to help me, useless.
I ran as fast as i could. It was still raining and i feel my clothes getting soaked again. I ran to random alleys and corners. Hoping that i could dissappear from his sight. I looked up the sky, to see the lamp posts on, it must be already night time. How long was i running? 
I ran into a corner in a neighborhood that revealed a wide space for a road, although, there arent any vehicles around. I ran in the middle of it and stopped to catch my breath. I can see puffs of mist come out of my mouth again. 
"I finally found you." I familliar voice said. 
I turned around to see a man, holding a blade in his hands with malice in his eyes. He walked closer and closer, but i froze.
"Uncle . ."
The school ended, and its still raining. 
The students laugh and run along the corridors, playing as if nothing's wrong.
It was like Sunggyu never existed. I sit in my desk until i finally decided to leave and go home. I wonder what happened to Sunggyu . . . Something seems a little . . Off.
I walked towards the car with Noel shading the both of us from rain using an umbrella. I hopped inside the car and shook my clothes for any water droplets. 
This day is just so boring. 
"Noel, take me to his house." I said. 
"Yes sir" he said with a bow and shut the door and went to the passanger seat. He said the directions to the driver and off we go.
I stared at the rain-stained window of the car to see the hazy sight of seoul. It looks just like a piece of art. For the first time, rained looked good in my eyes.
I observe as people walk by with umbrellas in their hands and others, run to get away from the rain. Some people looked happy, while some, frustrated. 
We finally arrived at Sunggyu's house, but found the door hanging open. I immidiately got out if the car and walked towards his house. The place looked the same as it did last night. Bottles in the table, shattered glass everywhere. All the same. I decided to go upstairs at his room, it just got me curious. I looked around to what seemed to be a normal room, but what shocked me is that . . There's blood spatterd across the walls, and the bed sheets red. the bed looked like a mess, as if someone struggled from someone's grip. There were alot of that red color everywhere. 
I ran out of that room and head towards the car. 
"Noel, he's gone. There's that red stuff everywhere, we need to go and search for him, he's in trouble." 
Noel nodded and started making some calls. 
We drove all around Seoul hopping to get a glimpse of Sunggyu or his malice-filled uncle. We've been driving around and had no luck of finding him. Everytime we'd stop for gas, i would feel myself losing it. I dont even know why.
Is it pity from what i saw last night? Is it because he makes my school life a little intersting by getting picked on? Or is it something else . . Something entirely diffrent.
Noel's phone rang and he answered it, with nervousness in his voice.
He nodded a few times and turned it off. 
"They found him." He said. "We need to go now." 
We hurridly ran inside the car and drove at a speed that are against the law.
Noel pulled out a siren and the police gave up on the chase. 
We reached a quiet neighborhood with a wide road. There arent no cars passing by, making the silence deafning. We went out of the car with caution. 
The driver took out a gun and pointed it up the sky while his wrist were being supported by his left hand. 
'A gun?! Is Sunggyu's uncle that dangerous?!' I yelled in my head. 
A few minutes later, we heared running footsteps approaching us. The driver pointed the gun towards the darkness. The footsteps got louder and closer and we all tense up. The street was faintly illuminated by the moon and poorly lit street lamps. The rain isnt helping either, its only making us more nervous.
A figure passed by the lamp post and stopped. He had his eyes closed, trying to catch his breath and was soaking wet. He had bruises everywhere, and the corner of his right eye were bleeding. 
"KIM SUNGGYU!" A man yelled from behind. Even though it was dark, you can see the anger worn by that man, Sunggyu's uncle. He had something shiny in his hands. It was small but it  looked sharp. 
A blade.
Sunggyu opened his eyes and ran again. He ran towards the direction of where me and Noel are. It seems that he dosent notice us and he still ran into what he thought was nothingness. I ran towards him, not caring if the rain got me wet. He bumped into me and immidiately feel down on his knees, and i also fell down on my knees trying to support him. He held my arms tight, so tight that it hurts. His hands were trembling and he has his head down. Then he began to cry like crazy. I pulled him into a hug, trying to comfort him. I his hair while i notice the driver run past us and towards his uncle. Other familiar faces  rush to the scene as they try to pin his uncle down. They took the blade from his hands and he struggled to break free. I only watch as everything happen fast. 
Sunggyu let go of his grip from my arm, and covered his face using his hands. 
I watch as his uncle got dragged off to somewhere, only to pull away from the grip of the bodyguards and sprint towards us. 
 I can only watch as he grabbed sunggyu's hair and rammed his head against a wall. Sunggyu can only scream as his uncle bang his head over and over again as that red colored liquid run down his face. 
The bodyguards pulled his uncle away from him and handcuffed him and walked under the rain to disappear in an alley, then 2 gunshots were heard. Noel ran in the direction where it came from while i embrace sunggyu again and looked at his eyes to see if he was still conscious. He had a blank stare in eyes.
He wasnt responding to my desperate attemps to shake him awake. He was breathing heavily, just like the last time i saw him.  
I carried Sunggyu on my back towards the car, and i saw Noel approach us. 
"We need to go." I told him. He nodded. 
I put Sunggyu inside the car and Noel started the engine and we drove home. 
Why Home if you may ask? You see, our family has a private doctor. A doctor that we trust that can have Sunggyu's outmost attention. a doctor that can cure Sunggyu in no time. We arrived home and i immidiately took Sunggyu out of the car and headed inside the mansion. 
"Call doctor kang." I instructed one of the maids. She bowed down and made her way towards the telephone. I ran towards my room out of instinct, i figured, he'd be in my watchfull eyes if he's there. Noel seemed to have understood and ran ahead of me and readied the bed for any medical operations. I layed Sunggyu in the bed who still had his eyes open but had a blank gaze. 
Dr. Kang immidiately came and rushed to my room to find his patient, covered in blood. He grimaced at the sight but managed to retain his focus. He instructed us to wait outside and slamed the door shut. We waited patiently for anything, but after 4 hours . . . nothing. We watch as Dr.kang request machines to be carried into my room. The sight of it only made me worry more.
Noel nudged my elbow and i looked at him. 
"His uncle's dead." He said. "He's all alone now, what will you do sir?" 
I looked away. 'oh . . so he's dead now?'I thought 
i blinked my eyes and thought for awhile. 
"I dont know . . " i said. "All that matters is now." I added.
"That's not a really good plan sir." He said.
I smiled weakly and said "i'm not really good at planning" 
Noel only smiled at me.
"But . ." I said, catching his attention. "Do a background check on his uncle please? I need to know who he really is."
Noel nodded and we both stared at the white door of my room, waiting. Waiting for something.
nee~ to my readers (if i have some XD) please comment  or something XD
it motivates me to write more, gomawo~!!! 
And please dont be too harsh, it will make me cry ;__; KIDDING!! 
But srsly,dont be too harsh
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khaulabear #1
I love every bits of this story..the way you write makes my heart broke.. pleaseee update i'll be waiting! Im an angst lover and this is a perfection
Chapter 18: Hope you can update soon authornim!!! Fighting!!!
Chapter 18: hoya have feelling to gyu....????
Chapter 12: i luv this story authornim.... so keep writing. coz this great story
Chapter 18: Hey there ^-^

So I just found your story and got about 2h of sleep because of it, bless you!
I am a fan of angsty highschool drama stuff and I literally just wanted to kill Woohyun in the last chapter xD And I actually think Hoya isn't as bad as he seems. Because I like Hoya and he can't be bad!
I'm writing a comment because I got into your story and you build up a nice suspence and I hope, that maybe the next update will come soon. I really look forward to it ^-^
btw I think Hoya will have a clue whose Hyuns friend really fast and I think if maybe Hoya and Hyun are going to be friends, he'll leave Gyu. Or Hoya is like the 2nd male lead.
About Sunny, I think Gyu really couldn't do anything and he definitely didn't do anything on purpose, because he liked her and let her go with Hoya.
Oh, what's with the cousin who should have arrived by now I think? He hadn't appeard yet. And somehow I belive it's L ~
Well, looking at the other comments, this is quite long but I'll hope for another chapter so... You did well ^-^