Part 2 (UPDATED/FINISHED[Iguess??])

One Last Goodbye, 6 more Hours

As the light breeze gently the man’s face a little shiver ran up his spine and then a small smile formed on his lips. He lifted his head up and then he allowed to the soft air to touch his face more. He himself liked this gentle feeling so much that even his eyes started closing slowly, until a voice echoed in his ears like a melody. This voice he had missed so much, just called his name.

“Tao.” At this soft call the young man opened his eyes and turned his head to the side a bit, looking at the other figure by the corner of his eye. The smile of his lips spread wider and his eyes curved into a cute eye-smile.

“Kris.” He whispered back before standing up from the bench. He was feeling kind of nervous as he slowly looked at the other, but he tried to smile in the right way. Once their eyes met a moment of silence was created with the only sounds being the waves that crashed on the rocks, the air that embraced every standing body in sight and the song of the birds that flew above them. Nothing else could be heard but only the whispers of the nature which surrounded the males.

No matter how much Tao loved this moment, Kris was the one who interrupted it by cleaning the back of his throat and then looking away. With a small smile he looked back at the younger again and then he walked closer to him. The distance was breathtaking for the other and he couldn’t help but smile even wider and then just tightly hug the taller man.

“I missed you so much, Kris.” Tao whispered with his face buried inside the elder’s chest, inhaling the sweet scent that he had never really forgotten. His arms were weakly wrapped around the giant’s waist but the hold was still an able hug which soon was returned.

“To be honest, I missed you too Tao.” The elder said with the same smile on his lips and then he gently pulled away. Unsure about himself and his feelings he just had to pretend for now, he had to pretend that they are just friends and nothing more, that he has no such things as feelings for the younger.

“But remember, I am here only because you asked me to.” He added seconds after and Tao just nodded his head a little. Even if Kris didn’t love him, this little meeting and these last 6 hours with the elder, was everything to the younger and for sure it was the last thing he would ask for.

“I know.” The younger replied back and then pointed at the beach.

“Come on! We still have only 350 minutes to spend!” As Tao said that, Kris had to blink a couple of times in confusion. He lowered his eyes to the watch around his wrist and then he looked back at the younger with slightly widened eyes.

“This is exactly 5 hours and 50 minutes in minutes…” He muttered and then gasped softly in disbelief.

“I can see you have become a good mathematician.” The elder said while chuckling and Tao couldn’t but blush slightly.

“That’s not true… I am just a minutes-counting maniac.” The younger replied with a small laughter and then he gently gripped Kris’ hand and pulled him along as he walked towards the beach. Kris instantly blinked curiously at how cold the other’s hand was, but he just let it pass, thinking it might was because of the nervousness, because he was slightly nervous himself and when he is nervous his hands get colder.

“If you say so…” The elder replied with a smile and then he just let the other pull him towards the beach. Before they could step on the sand, Kris stopped abruptly and pulled gently Tao back, shaking his head with a small grin.

“We take off our shoes first, except if you want sand in them later.” He said and then bent down to remove his shoes as said. He blinked and watched the younger doing so as well, but in a pretty slow motion as if he was in pain and couldn’t do this simple thing.

“Let me help you.” With that said Kris bent down again and this time he removed Tao’s shoes and then placed them close to his, he removed the shocks as well and he put them inside the shoes, not forgetting to remove his own ones too.

“Now we can go” Then both men walked in the sand, Kris being a few steps ahead from Tao as the younger preferred the slow walks. Not seeing the other beside him made the elder blink and look around till he could spot Tao behind him.

“Come on Tao” Kris chuckled and slowed down a bit so the other could reach him.

“I don’t like walking fast when being in the beach…” The younger muttered with a shy voice and then lowered his head slightly. Kris just chuckled again and shook his head a little in disbelief.

“You are just the same as before.” The elder muttered under his breath and then he kept this slow pace so he could be side by side with the younger.


“Damn, we have been walking for like 35 minutes without saying anything. I tried so many times to say something, open up a new conversation, but I would just sigh and Kris would sigh as well” Thought the younger as he kept on walking by the taller man’s side.

“I don’t know why but I can’t even think of something to say right now. For some reason all I want to do is grab his chin and make him look at me before kissing him. For God’s Sake! Why would I think something like that?” Kris thought to himself while rubbing the back of his head and slowly walking beside the other.

“Let’s sit down a bit.” The younger suddenly said turning his head to look at the elder with a small smile curved on his lips. Kris blinked a couple of times and then he just nodded his head slightly. Even after the younger nodded as well, they both kept on staring deeply inside each other’s eyes; being lost in each other’s shining orbs. Seconds after realizing that, Kris turned his head and looked towards the sea while biting down on his bottom lip softly. Tao sighed silently and then tugged briefly on the other’s shirt.

“Here.” He said and pointed down at a nice spot on the sand. Kris just nodded his head and then sat down, patting the spot beside him for the other to join him. With another small and quiet sigh Tao slowly sat down beside the other, bringing his knees up so he could rest his chin on them.

They both stayed silent for once again and the only possible sound around them was the calm waves of the sea. Both males were staring into the distance of the ocean ahead and their words were literally lost.

“20 more minutes passed just like that. I really need to say something, come on Tao! Think of something! You haven’t seen him in a while so you are supposed to start making a lot of questions” The younger thought while nibbling on his bottom lip. After a few more seconds he turned his head to the side and looked at Kris with a small smile.

“So, how have you been this month?” Was all he could think as a question, not that good but at least he had started a good conversation. Kris replied with a simply “good” and a small smile.

“To be honest I am not that sure if it was good enough for me. It felt like something was missing.” The elder thought deep inside his mind and then he chuckled softly at himself.

“Why would you chuckle then?” The younger asked him confused and Kris just shrugged his shoulders.

“Nothing, I was just thinking of something, but indeed I was good, how about you?” The elder decided to ask back, trying to avoid any other questions from Tao about his weird behavior or about what he was thinking.

“I…” It took Tao a while to reply but he finally found a huge smile to put on his face and a few good words to say as an explanation.

“I was fine~ Just the usual to be honest. I was going out for walks all day and I was coming here all the time… Just that.” With that said Kris could only nod his head and then turn his head to look away.

“So I guess that after that day you have been just fine uh?...” The elder muttered under his breath, but loud enough for the other man to listen to every single word of his. Biting on his bottom lip Tao just shook his head and looked down.

“I am fine. I am really fine, because I understood, I was just a toy to you am I right?” At first his words would come out really cold and steep but once he noticed that he cleared the back of his throat and then he shook his head again with a bitter smile.

“But like I said, I understand Kris…” He muttered after and the elder was left speechless, not having a word to say and afraid that he might say something stupid like he did that day with lying.

“Tao… I-“

“I said it’s fine, so just shut up and let me enjoy these last 270 minutes, okay?” The younger chuckled in a sarcastic way and then he just looked at the other with a small, yet still bitter, smile. Not knowing what else to do, Kris just nodded his head and then hanged his head down, hiding all this regret and guiltiness.

Minutes after both males sighed synchronized and looked at each other silently before chuckling slightly and then turning their heads away, staring into the deep of the sea ahead. First of the two to speak was Kris with a small clearing of his throat.

“So, have you really been good lately? I mean…” He trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly as he looked at the younger. Tao shook his head while still looking into the sea and then he just looked down.

“I have been great!” He lied with a small smile on his lips and then he started caressing the warm sand, sticking his hands inside it and then raising them up till the millions grains would completely fall down through his fingers’ gaps. Kris watched as every little grain fell down and then he suddenly took one of the younger’s hands in his, caressing it gently.

“W-What are you doing, Kris?” Tao looked at the other and said with slightly widened and surprised eyes. Seconds after Kris let go of the younger’s hand and he shook his head with a small smile.

“Just checking something…” He said with a soft voice and slowly stood up, wiping the sand off his pants and then stretching his hand towards Tao.

“Let’s go have one more walk, okay?” He said and Tao blinked a couple of times before slowly taking the other’s hand and standing up with a silent groan. He dusted his clothes off as well and then both males walked away, along the seaside. Kris with one hand stuck in his pants’ front pocket and Tao with both of his hands deep inside his jacket’s pockets.

“What did you mean when you said ‘just checking something’, Kris?” Tao suddenly asked out of blue as they silently kept walking, wondering strongly why Kris would say that. The elder blinked a couple of times and then he just lowered his head, watching how their feet drew footprints in the sand.

“Like I said, I was just checking something okay?” He chuckled softly and then looked at the younger with a small smile.

“Let’s go over to this huge rock, we can climb up and then sit there. I remember how much you loved standing at the edge.” Kris said, trying to change the subject when he saw how confused Tao looked.

“Okay then.” The younger replied with a silent chuckle and then he grabbed the other’s hand and pulled him over to that rock. They both climbed on it and then with slow and small steps Tao walked till the edge, just standing there. Kris couldn’t but smile at the small flashbacks in his head.

“It feels so nice when the air hits your face gently and ruffles your hair, getting it all messy after.” Tao muttered under his breath, closing his eyes slightly and then opening his arms widely as he stood there with this enjoyable feeling he described seconds ago. With small and silent steps Kris got closer to the younger till his body was an inch away. He cupped gently Tao’s shoulders and then he slowly trailed his hands on his arms till his slender fingers could finally touch Tao’s trembling ones.

“I remember how this felt, it was always so nice and it made me happy to see you enjoying it like that.” Kris whispered against the younger’s ear before tangling his fingers with his. Tao was trying so hard not to burst into tears at the sweet memories of the previous month.

“Why…” He just whispered with a shaking voice and then he slowly closed his arms, bringing Kris’ ones around him before resting his head on the elder’s chest, his eyes still closed as the air hit him softly.

“Why about what?” The other asked softly, gently placing his chin on top of the younger’s head, inhaling the sweet scent of him that was left on that woolen cap.

“Why did you end this when it was so perfect?” Seconds after Tao whispered, his voice getting a little cracky as his lips and body trembled slightly. It took Kris a long while till he could reply back to the other.

“I was afraid…” He whispered with a deep and at the same time shy voice, sighing softly after. Tao didn’t really say anything; he just gulped this dry lump of saliva down his throat and then he decided to do nothing but to enjoy this moment, this one moment he would never forget, this and the other ones.

“The sunset…” Tao muttered after a short while, opening his eyes and looking straight ahead with a small smile creeping slowly on his face. He had almost forgotten about the time when the sun will set, and for the first time after a month he was be able to watch it with Kris, who looked straight ahead too, watching the sun with the other.

“Do you love me, Kris…?” Tao silently asked as the sun was almost down but he didn’t get any kind of response. He sighed softly and then shook his head slightly.

“I don’t care if you do or not, or if you don’t even know. I just need to make happy moments, with you and only, these last 240 minutes…” The younger added after some silent seconds.

“You speak like it’s the end for you tonight. Like you are going to die…” Kris whispered and slowly pulled away. Then Tao turned around and looked up at him with a small and sweet grin as he caressed the elder’s cheek lovingly.

“Don’t say such things you pabo, I won’t die… I will just go away for a long while and I want to keep treasured some good moments…” The younger said with a soft voice, staring deep inside Kris’ eyes before looking down.

“Let’s go walk some more for now, okay?” He said with a small chuckle escaping his lips and then he rubbed his arms briefly with his hands to warm up himself a little, feeling a small chill inside him. Kris nodded, head full of thoughts and questions while still looking at the younger carefully. Seconds passed and he eventually looked away with another nod, helping Tao to get down before getting down himself. Then they just started walking towards the direction from which they came from, once more along the seaside. Not long after Kris took Tao’s hand in his and he smiled down at him when he looked up confused.

“Happy moments, I can do that.” The elder said and then he gently squeezed Tao’s hand, making him smile back with a shy glimpse. After 20 minutes of slowly walking Kris abruptly stopped and pulled the younger slightly closer.

“Let’s go swim.” He bluntly said with a serious and soft voice, making the younger look at him with widened eyes and a mouth almost dropped open.

“What? But it has gotten dark and—“

“Oh shut up~ let’s just go! You wanted some happy moments, and I couldn’t but notice how intensively you were staring at the sea, so let’s go swim. I bet the water is going to be warm and not that cold.” Tao had to think about that really hard, but he eventually nodded his head with a grin. When Kris got the ‘yes’, he instantly started taking off his clothes, starting with his shirt and ending with his pants. He stayed in his boxers though and he had left all of his clothes down on the sand.

“Come on! Take off your clothes.” He said when he saw that Tao was still under all these clothes of his. The younger bit down on his bottom lip and then he shyly nodded before removing his jacket and pants only. He stayed in his boxers and thin white t-shirt.

“Not the shirt?” Kris asked him and Tao just shook his head silently. He didn’t really want to take off the t-shirt as well; afraid that the other might notice the scars from the treatments he was doing for a short while, before deciding to stop them.

“I am a little cold so I will keep this on me.” He said with a small smile and then he just walked towards the water. Kris followed and then he stood beside him.

“I will count to three, and we will both run inside, okay?” He said and looked at the younger with a wide grin. Tao just nodded with a brief grin and then he started nibbling on his bottom lip, feeling the water touching his feet already and making him shiver.

“Okay, 1, 2, 3!” Once Kris shouted 3, both males ran inside, but only the taller one jumped inside the water. Tao once the water reached his knees he stopped abruptly and watched the other while laughing. After resurfacing, Kris looked at the younger with a small pout and he punched the water, shouting:

“Unfair! Get inside now!” He demanded playfully while laughing and Tao started shaking his head.

“Aniya! I don’t want to! It’s cold.” He said while slowly backing away and by the time Kris noticed that, he walked fast towards the younger, literally chasing him when they were both out of the water.

“Yah! Come back you little brat!” The elder shouted while laughing, speeding up and slowly getting closer to the other.

“NOOOOOOOO!” Tao whimpered like a baby and then he screamed as Kris caught him and held him tightly inside his wet arms.

“I got you!” Kris said and then picked Tao up in his arms, walking towards the sea again with the younger squirming and shouting that he didn’t want to go in there. Eventually Kris just got inside the sea again and then he threw Tao in it as well, laughing in victory.

“Kitty just got a nice bath~” He said when the younger resurfaced with a face full of cuteness.

“Yah! I told you I didn’t want to! Why would you throw me in when I didn’t want to do it?” The younger started shouting in a playful tone, pouting like a blowfish after. Kris couldn’t but laugh his heart out as he slowly walked closer to the other. Hopefully they could still press their feet down and the water was only up to their chests. After a few minutes of dry laughing and cute pouting, both males got used to the water’s temperature.

“See? The water is warm like I said.” The elder said with a small smile, pinching the younger’s cheek gently.

“Yeah, but it was cold when you threw me inside” Tao muttered under his breath silently, earning a small chuckle from Kris.

“Aigo, you are such a whiny kitty! Come here, I will be your warm blanket.” The elder said as he slowly spread his arms and then waited for the younger to come in them. Tao had to think this first, but he so wanted it and this was going to be a really good moment to remember as well. So, he just smiled and then dashed into Kris’s arms, wrapping his arms instantly around his neck and then burying his face into his heaving chest.

“Warm, isn’t it?” Kris whispered softly as he gently hugged the younger. He kissed the wet woolen cap on his head and then he pecked his cheek briefly. Tao just nodded and hummed in response before closing his eyes. Seconds after, he hadn’t even noticed it when Kris took his thin legs and placed them around his waist. Now it was more possible for the younger to just burry his face inside the elder’s neck, and that’s what he did. He inhaled softly, treasuring the other’s scent before exhaling happily.


Not just a few minutes, but almost an hour had passed when they were still inside the water, just hugging tightly and relaxing as the sea embraced their bodies. The moon was proudly raised above their heads and it wasn’t alone. It had the millions stars which all shined together. A few more minutes passed and Kris slowly looked at his watch on his wrist. The time was exactly 9pm and at the sight of this he sighed, not sure if he wanted to have more than 3 hours with Tao, or less.

Seeing that the younger suddenly shivered and clung on him tightly, Kris caressed his back gently up and down, whispering in his ear to wake him up.

“Tao, you are so cold. We need to get out…” As gently as possible the elder cooed and Tao shook his head slowly, shivering more.

“I don’t want to move… I want to stay like this with you till the end…” Tao muttered through quivering teeth and then he rubbed his face a little on Kris’ shoulder. The elder sighed and decided to take the younger out no matter what; he just had to keep him close and warm.

As he slowly walked outside, his arms tightened around the younger protectively, and when they were both out of the water, Kris quickly headed towards their left clothes. He slowly and carefully sat down with Tao still clung on him and then he picked up the warm jacket and with It he covered the younger’s body.

“Does this feel any better, Tao? Are you still cold?” Kris whispered silently and the younger just nodded his head, calming down a bit. Kris didn’t mind that he was now the one getting cold, because he was still half , all he wanted was to make sure Tao will be fine.

Eventually the younger fell asleep again, now in a bit warmer place than he was before. Kris held him as close as possible, rubbing his hands on some parts of his body to keep him warm. This continued like that for a really long while, so long that at the end Kris fell softly asleep too, having his face buried inside Tao’s neck while the younger had his own face buried inside Kris’ warm chest. His heartbeat was more like a lullaby to him and the more it beat, the harder Tao was sleeping.


The woolen cap was all soaked with cold water, and slowly a few cold drops rolled from it down to the younger’s nape, making him shiver slightly and then flutter his eyes open. It seemed like a dream to him that right at that moment he was inside Kris’ arms. He felt protected and he didn’t want to move away from this warm and tight embrace. A smile crept on his lips slowly as his eyes caught sight of the tattoo the other male had on his arm. Tao could clearly remember the day when Kris got this tattoo, because he was there as well. With slow and silent moves the younger moved his hand up to caress the mark with the tips of his trembling fingers, soon after the elder started waking up.

“Damn” The younger thought, blaming himself and his shaking and cold hand for waking up the other. After blinking his eyes open and removing his face from Tao’s neck, Kris gently looked at the younger and caressed his cheek with his finger.

“Do you feel any better?” He asked with eyes full of concern and then he tilted his head slightly to the side, raising his eyebrows. Tao just nodded his head a few times and then he wrapped his arms around the elder’s waist while rubbing his cheek softly on his shoulder.

“I feel perfect.” The younger whispered with a wide smile. Kris then rubbed the younger’s back soothingly and he nodded his head in understanding.

“Just please tell me if you are not fine…” He then whispered before kissing gently the younger’s neck.

“Your hands are still so cold…” He whispered silently, but Tao could still hear what he said. He started nibbling on his bottom lip, and then he pulled away to look at the other.

“I know… They will get warmer soon.” He said softly before gently throwing his head back and looking up at the night sky. A wide grin decorated his face beautifully like the stars did with the sky.

“It’s so beautiful…” Tao whispered and right after he could feel a soft touch trailing up from the base of his neck towards his jaw line. When he looked down again he faced Kris who was planting soft kisses all over his skin. The younger couldn’t deny this; he liked it way too much to stop it. He just smiled and gently cupped the elder’s face with his trembling hands. He looked deep into Kris’ eyes and so did he. They were both lost for once again into each other’s orbs.

Before he knew it, Kris had leaned closer to him and their lips were just half an inch away from each other. Their hot breaths met, crashing together and making their soft and wet flesh of their mouths dry. One last blink of his eyes and then Tao had leaned closer as well, locking his lips with the elder’s ones.

A few brief minutes of sweet and passionate kissing passed, they were the best moment the younger, but Kris as well, would keep forever in his memories. No more pain for him, right now this so wanted kiss made the pain fly away. He didn’t feel as sick anymore, he felt more than alive, he felt loved. Even though he wasn’t sure if Kris really did love him, these hours he passed with him were enough to make him at least a little happy, and these few seconds of kissing, made him go in heaven before his time. At least that’s what it felt like to him, before Kris would pull away slowly. He blinked a couple of times, opening his eyes, and then he tilted his head while looking at the other. Kris shook his head slightly right and left, giving this look to the younger, the look that told him everything. That he wasn’t sure himself, that he didn’t know the answer even though he wanted to get it quickly. Tao just smiled, not bitterly, he just smiled and nodded his head in understanding before pecking lightly the elder’s lips. After this little peck he lowered his head, hiding his blushing face.

“I know…” Tao whispered with a faint voice and Kris gently cupped his chin and lifted his head up again. He looked deeply inside the younger’s eyes and then he smiled sideways, with the tip of his thumb caressing the other’s bottom lip. A silent chuckle escaped from his lips and right after he leaned back and grinned slightly.

“You put makeup on your face, Tao?” The elder asked, trying to ‘break the ice’ of the awkward atmosphere around them. The younger blinked and then looked away, placing both of his palms on his face. Everything got washed away when Kris threw him in the water, and now his sick and pale face was visible. Hopefully it was night and it wouldn’t be noticed that easy.

“Maybe…” The younger muttered and then he slowly started moving away from Kris’ lap, pushing himself up, or at least trying and then almost falling down. The elder was shocked and he instantly stood up and gripped Tao gently, keeping him close.

“Are you sure you are fine?” He asked in a worrying tone and raised both of his eyebrows. Tao gulped silently and then he nodded his head slightly, trying to keep his face hidden, but Kris had to act affectionately again and make the younger look at him. He stared at his weak face for a few seconds and then he sighed.

“Damn you Tao, why didn’t you tell me?” Kris cursed under a really heavy voice and then he pulled the younger into a tight hug.

“I am sorry, it’s my fault.” The younger was a little confused now. He wasn’t sure if Kris had noticed that he is sick since the very beginning, or if he got sick now from something, but the elder’s next words gave him the answer.

“I should have listened to you. I shouldn’t have thrown you into the sea if you didn’t want! Now you got sick because of me…” Kris kept on saying, apologizing strongly as he kept on tightly hugging Tao. The younger just bit on his bottom lip slightly and then he pulled away gently.

“It’s not your fault.” He muttered with a soft voice and a small smile plastered on his pale face, making it look less sick.

“I am totally fine, let’s walk a bit more. We still have half an hour…” The younger added seconds after with a silent voice, he didn’t want this to end yet, but he had promised that this will last only for six hours. Now the six hours were almost gone and deep inside him, even Kris, hoped the time could go back.

“Let’s go now…” With that said Tao took the other’s hand and he gently tugged it to make him start walking. Seconds after blinking, Kris finally started to walk while tightly and protectively gripping the younger’s ice cold hand. He would keep on silently muttering how sorry he was for making him sick, and Tao couldn’t but feel guilty for not telling Kris the truth, for not telling him that he has been sick since they were together. His heart felt weak and his words were lost, he didn’t know what to say, how to start and how to bring this up without shocking Kris. He just decided that waiting for a little bit more wouldn’t hurt, so he took a breath in and then he sighed softly.

“Are you okay?” Kris instantly asked, raising both of his eyebrows in concern and at the same time caressing the younger’s palm with his thumb.

“You get colder and colder…” He added seconds after, sighing softly and briefly looking away.

“I am so sorry….” Kris muttered and right after the younger shook his head and squeezed the elder’s hand weakly.

“I said I am fine, and even if I am not, it’s not your fault.” Tao said with a shattering voice and then he gently rested his head on top of Kris’ shoulder. Not having any more words to say, Kris just let the younger do so and together they kept on walking, slowly being able to see the bridge which popped out into the distance. Even if the older wasn’t speaking, in his mind he had so many questions that he wanted to ask, and so many words he needed to confess.

Minutes after Tao wasn’t really feeling good, and he was getting colder, which Kris noticed. With a simple step the older stopped abruptly, stopping the other male as well and then pulling him close to him.

“Tao, you are not fine and I know it. Just tell me what’s wrong.” With a serious and concerned voice Kris said, looking down at the younger who surprised looked back at him.  The words were about to come, but as soon as Tao opened his mouth to speak the only sound that echoed was a loud hiss of pain. A sudden and long pain shout through his whole body and head, and the younger couldn’t but shut his eyes tightly and grit his teeth.



“Tao!” The elder shouted softly, the fear increasing inside him. He had gripped the younger gently and then he gently laid him on the wet sand, holding with one of his hands the back of his head. Protectively he held Tao’s waist with his other hand and then he caressed softly the cold cheek with his trembling thumb.

“What’s going on!? Tao!” Kris kept on shouting, trying to make the other move or speak, do something to show him that he was still alive. Suddenly Tao started coughing and seconds after blood was covering his lips. The elder had freaked out and the only thing he could do at his own state was to stare down at the other with widened eyes. It didn’t take long till Kris would finally do something else, than just stare down at the younger. He started speaking, trying to keep him awake.

“Tao! Come on, open your eyes Tao!  D-Don’t go away… I know you are still here! Open you freaking eyes! Damn it, look at me!” He shouted louder and louder, shaking gently the younger’s body. He was so desperate that even just a little blink would raise his hopes. And indeed, as Tao fluttered his eyes weakly open and then looked up at the other, Kris couldn’t but smile widely and briefly hug him.

“Kris…” The younger said with a faint whisper and then he started coughing again. More blood covered his lips, filling them with the sticky crimson liquid.  His face was pale like the clouds and his lips, the only colored part of his body, were red like two withering rose petals.

“I-I can’t feel my heart beating…” Once again he weakly whispered and then gulped. His chest heaved up and down fast as his lungs tried their best to work and produce him more oxygen, while his whole body was shivering.

“S-Shhhh. Don’t talk Tao. Honey, don’t talk.” Were the only words that Kris could say. His eyes were filled with tears, and he really tried his best not to let those tears fall down. He tried not to lose his faith. He had to keep on hoping that Tao would be fine, even when it was obvious that it was almost over.

“Kris… I-I can’t see… P-Please talk to me…” Tao muttered, blinking his eyes which instantly started producing hot tears. His vision was really blurry and the only thing he could do right now was to listen. Listen and silently cry, knowing that he was nearly at the end, but hopefully he had managed to do what he wanted. He had treasured a lot of good moments, and even if it was sudden, he is ready.

“W-What do you want me to say?” Kris muttered silently before blinking a couple of times. He looked around him briefly and then his eyes fell back on the younger. A small smile appeared on his lips, but seconds after it just disappeared.

“Do you remember our song baby? Our song, do you remember it?” He gently whispered, caressing softly Tao’s cheek. The younger nodded a few times with a faint smile before coughing as he tried to speak.

“Take it easy baby.” The older said and kept on caressing Tao’s ice-cold cheek. Seconds after the younger had managed to steady his breathing and with a small sigh he started whispering.

(this is the song they are going to sing click!)

“You walked with me, footprints in the sand. And helped me understand where I am going.” With some effort he was able to sing those lines, and not long after Kris had started singing along with him as well.

“You walked with me, when I was all alone. With so much unknown along the way. Then I heard you say.” Both males kept on singing softly this song. Their voices matched completely and the words were just so meaningful that neither of them could hold back his tears. Though, as Tao carried on whispering the words, at some parts his voice would crack, and at some other parts his voice wasn’t even audible. Kris gently his face and then he touched his crimson lips, stopping him from singing anymore. He carried by his own, singing the song without any stop, remembering all of the lyrics while at the same time his tears were rolling down his cheeks. The moonlight would make them look like falling diamonds, but it was just the reflection of the moon inside them.

The closer he got to the end of the song, Tao tried to sing again and whisper.

“You’ll find my footprints in, the sand…” With a completely cracking voice the younger breathed out, almost losing the sync of his breathing. Seconds after there was just silence, the only sound that would echo around was the sea that nearly managed to touch the men’s bodies.

“I am so sorry Tao… Please, don’t go… Don’t go.” Kris suddenly started repeating; bringing the younger’s body closer to his and then hugging him tightly.

“Please, don’t go.” He kept on saying, the tears never stopped. A small chuckle echoed around, and the elder instantly looked down at the other male with confused eyes. Before he could say anything, the younger used his last breath to speak.

“Pabo, you were keeping me alive all this time, and when you walked away I got worse. Now that I saw you again, I was able to stay alive a little bit more… Don’t apologize…” With these last words his eyes slowly closed and the last hot tears rolled down his pale and weak face. His body was still and cold and his lips were dry and red.

“D-Don’t… Please! Tao, don’t go… I love you!” Kris desperately shouted, shaking the younger’s body aggressively, trying to bring him back so he could hear these words. But before he knew it, his time was up.

A/N: So, I updated this chapter, but don't expect too much guys... I am sorry, but I have been quite off. To be honest this isn't even something I wrote recently (talking about the updated part) it's just what I had written ages ago and now I just found out that I had almost finished this story. I am sorry for giving this story such an abrupt and sudden ending, but I don't even remember how I wanted to end this. Anyway, this is probably the end and actually I am in a serious writter's block too, so I wont be writting anything for now....

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Why is my name in the description
Purple68 #2
Chapter 3: I love this story.. I finally found it after not finishing it.
skylaryse #3
Uhm, hi, can I ask you about the description because i think there is some problem what my computer and i cant read it. thanks
lemon-deulop #4
Chapter 2: Ohmywhat?!
This was such a lovely update. I just want to huggle with Kris right now, the poor guy. And Tao-- the poor baby!
This was such a lovely piece, I enjoyed this very much.
Thank you for completing it. yay~
Chapter 2: Omg I really love this story!! The situation is completely sad but so gripping, and this cliffhanger ugh >__< I cannot wait till the next part! Hopefully updated soon(:
lemon-deulop #6
Chapter 2: When we think about it; time sure goes quickly and flies by. I can just imagine what Kris will feel when he'll know what's really happening. Tao is going to break his heart, after Kris broke Tao's... This is so sad. ;-;

I just want to huggle with them both.
let's huggle, you and me, okay? [:

/huggles you, should you want to or not/
Chapter 2: its sad so sad ~ its a sad sad situation ~ kris will regret everything he was done when he broke up with tao T^T
Chapter 2: Noooo a cliffhanger!!! Plz don't make Tao die plz plz plz!!! Make then fall in love with eachother for real this time!!!! Plz I will start crying if Tao dies !! TnT
Chapter 1: Ah, it really is wonderful, BTcup! Thank you so much for this angsty and great one-shot that was too long for an actual one-shot, haha! I'm starting to like them together... ^^
SelcyMorimoto #10
Chapter 1: I need an update pls author awesome nim.... jaebal~~ looking forward to itt