WHAT!? I’m going to tutor him!?

Starting A new Life ^^( Sharing a Dorm with BoyFriend )

 So you tried to guess who, but you just fall into a deep sleep.  

4 weeks later…

You won on any music programs for four weeks in a row now and you were given a week of holiday from your promotions. You got up early in the morning to go to school.

You take a shower first before you wake the others up since it was still early. You wear your casual clothes first before you wear your school uniform. You walk out to the kitchen to prepare them breakfast.

After you prepared the food, you organized the plates and cups on the table and heads off to dooli’s and hyunmi’s room then you’d go to joohyun’s and minjoo’s room then to your room to wake minji up.

You ate your breakfast first then you’d wear your school uniform, wear light make-up, put on your shoes and wait at the living room until the other finish up. When you were waiting for them you listen to song on your music player but suddenly your phone vibrated. “Oh! It’s my secret admire” you spoke out but you were alone in the living room.

You both have been always in contact for the past few weeks but you still can’t guess him. You opened his message and read it.

Secret admire: “Hyeonji-ah! Annyeong~ how are you?? Oh and Good Morning!! ^^

You replied his message with a smile on your face.

You: “annyeong!! I’m just fine, how about you? ^^ and Good morning too”

Secret admire: “I’m fine too. I think it’s already been awhile we contacted each other..”

You: yeah~ why? Do you want to stop contacting me?”

Secret admire: no, that’s not what I meant.. Are you busy today? Do you have any performing to do later on?

You: then what do you mean? No and no, why do you ask?

Secret admire: I still want to be in contact with you. If I don’t contact you, I’ll miss you ^^ nothing. I’m only asking.. are you coming to the company later on? I’ll watch you at school later okay? ^^ hehehe.

You: really? How sweet of you~ ^^  nae~ yah!! That’s not fair. I want to watch you too!! >.<’

Secret admire: maybe you will watch me later on ^^

You: oh? What do you mean?

Secret admire: nothing.. ^^ I’ll text you later, I have arrived at school. Annyeong~ ^^

You didn’t reply his message after that. “ Is he going to tell me who he is soon?” you thought. All of you have already finished getting ready and drove off to your school.

Soon you’ve arrived at school and all of you went out the van. As all of you were walking into the gate, people surrounded you and started complimenting.

“ the twins is so cute!!” “Hyunmi looks pretty today!”

Leader Dooli is looking y nowadays!!” “Joohyun and minjoo grows more cuter than before!” “Girlfriend!! Would you be our girlfriends!!!??”

All of you just walked until you reached your locker. You got lots of fan letters for the last few weeks and today too. You would read all of them but sometimes you would keep it until you have the time to read it. You opened your locker when suddenly a letter fell out of your locker.

“oh? What’s this?” you thought to yourself and decided to open it.

“Annyeong hyeonji-ah~ It’s me your secret admire ^^ I just feel like I want to write this letter to you ^^ Saranghae~”

You were shocked when you read his letter. It was the very letter he gave to you. He even decorated it nicely. You just giggled to yourself and kept his letter in your bag and heads off to your class. You walked into your class when suddenly you saw youngmin smiling brightly at you.

“He’s so cute!!” you screamed in your head. His smile melt you and you just kept on staring at him. He suddenly wave his hand to you, you woke up from staring him.

You waved backed at him and staggered to your seats. When the teacher were busy explaining, youngmin would stole a glance on you but when you turned around he was pretending copying out the notes from the board.

You finished up your class and went to your next class which is English. You were really good and fluent in English and so does minji and minjoo.

All of you greeted your English teacher named miss jang and sat down. In English class you were sitting in a group with minji, minjoo, minwoo, kwangmin and youngmin.

Miss Jang: Youngmin, minwoo and kwangmin, could you come up to the front please. I wanted to talk to the three of you.

Youngmin, minwoo& Kwangmin: “nae sonsaeng-nim”

The three of them walked to the front. They were scolded by the miss jang because they failed their oral exam. They kept pronouncing the given words wrong.

Miss Jang: From now, I’ll assigned minji, minjoo and hyeonji to tutor the three of you since they got perfect score on their oral exam. I’ll assign minji with kwangmin, minjoo with minwoo and hyeonji with youngmin. So girls, teach them well. I’ll give you extra credits for teaching them well. I’ll give you girls three days to teach them until your re-oral exam.

The three of you were out-spoken. “What!!? I’m going to tutor him!!?? You screamed in your head and hit your forehead one time.  They just smirked at the three of you and walked back to your group table.

You: youngmin o-pp-pa~ when do you want to start studying?

You still stutters when you called him oppa. Youngmin found it cute and started smiling secretly.

Youngmin: let’s start today. We’ll meet at the company later on, okay?

You: o-okay.

All of you decided to start tutoring that day too. Your next class was free classes until school ends. But Donghyun, dooli, hyunmi, hyunseong, jeongmin and joohyun doesn’t have any free classes for the day. So you the six decided to go bsck to your own dorm and take a rest.

You went inside your and wear something comfortable and lied on your bed and take a nap. Soon the clock struck in the afternoon and you decided to take a shower and wear something comfortable and heads off to the company and went in the rehearsal room since you will be continuing with your other promotions starting next few weeks.

The three of the boys that you three were going to tutor were already at the rehearsal room waiting. The six of you decided not to practice that day since you just want to teach them only.

And the lesson has started.

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kissingyoulove #1
certified BESTFRIEND! :DD
GirlFriend_Hyeonji #2
FANTASTIC! :)<br />
SEQUEL!!! Plzzzzzz...~
Wah Wah super good. funny i have a cousin in korean named hyeonji lol.
lov4ever #5
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
Hanonymous24 #6
MAKE A SEQUEL PLEASE I <3 this story make a sequel!! ¡)<br />
youngwoo #7
wow!i <3 this
StarryNight99_ #8
I love thisss (:<br />
GirlFriend_Hyeonji #9
thank you subscribers and silent readers for reading my fanfic :))