

"oh you come at the perfect time!" mrs hwang said to the new students as she turn around to me.

"oh sehun, this is tao he'll show you around the school later." i widened my eyes. "i-i.." damn you stutter. "i cant.... i have to go home and help my mom" i lied of course. my mom ing died long time ago how could she suddenly comeback.

"oh then tomorrow?" she tried again.

"i have work everyday...." i say silently as i saw his eyes looking towards me and clearly judging me. he must think im so disgusting

"mrs hwang can he just show me now since we have like an hour left before school end?" the new student said.

"of course you can but is that okay for you zitao?" she looked at me. she didnt even think about that when she asked me to show him the school. i nod anyway and she give two of the school-special passes to us. this would allow us to skip class.

"we'll be going now mrs hwang, thank you" he said and he hold my wrist which i flinch from the pressure on my cut and i swear he must feel it cause he's tense for a while before relaxing and began taking me somewhere.

i dont even know where we're going as my heads only see the ground and he suddenly stop which make me look up to him.

he bring me to the park at the back of the school i didn't even know exist.

he sit down on a bench and pat down beside him motioning me to sit and i sit beside him.

he then slowly holds my wrist and raise them up. at first i didn't know what he would do with that but then he did the last thing i wanted.

he fold my uniform sleeve which reveal all of the cut in my wrist.

"so you're the same" he said in a stern voice. probably meaning that im the same as all the other trash out there.

i pulled my hands back quickly and stand too quickly that i feel myself getting a bit dizzy before i fall back to the bench.

"are you okay?" he look concerned.

"no. ing get away" i figured out maybe he would leave me if i were cold to him.

"no i want to get to know you" he said while coming closer to me.

"ing why" i glared hard at him.

"because of this" he showed me his wrist and to my shock

it wa no better than mine.........



you can kill me now im totally should quit writing xD

anyway, this wednesday is going to be my big exam so i just want to apologize if i ever did something wrong to you!

also pls pray for me!! ><;

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Dyemolink10 #1
Chapter 6: Hey update quickly pls it has been..A..4years? Since u updated
dyemolink1 #2
Chapter 6: Update pls
Saakura #3
Chapter 6: Pls update soon im really curious abt wat kris is goin to say
Chapter 6: Lol I read it HAHAHAHA
Chapter 4: Cries I feel exactly like sehun. Cries.
Ajtequilla #6
Chapter 2: I really love it
Cant wait for the next chapter