It was a new year. A new beginning for Sehun. He was going to start university. 
As he walked through the small way leading to the  entrance, he felt confused. He didn't know what he needed to do to achieve his main motive. Future - he wanted a future. He knew that when he steps foot on the pavement of the university block, he needed to focus. He needed good grades so that lecturers wouldn't question his intelligence and behaviour. He needed compliments, he needed someone to acknowledge him. Basically, he couldn't be himself.
High school was just a little naughty phase in his life. Funny how things drastically change based on mentality. He didn't want to be those kids with herd mentality. Instead of getting influenced, why not make people come to him? That was Sehun's mentality. 
Sehun grew up like how a normal kid would. Well, his family wasn't rolling in money but they were decent. Family was great, friends weren't. As the years go by, so did Sehun's cheerful side. He started smoking, stealing, even started gambling with all the change he had in his pockets. For any ordinary student, school was a place to learn. For Sehun, it was a place to do whatever he wanted without hearing anyone tell him to sit his down and open a book. The only thing in his backpack was a cigarette pack, a lighter and a pack of cards. 
After the impact in the last year of high school, he changed. His father passed away. Lung cancer. He didn't want to believe it. He felt it wasn't true if it was not spoken of. When he saw his mother crying - while looking at an old picture of his young deceased father, he knew. 
As he got into the university, he closed his eyes. He prayed. He needed hope, for his parents. For himself.
After months of university, Sehun bumped into a quite familiar face. Literally. He dumped his lunch all over Sehun's favourite shirt. On accident, of course. Sehun would've finished muttering a curse until he looked up - seeing those beautiful round eyes. Sehun knew he didn't like girls. Everyone of his friends knew he didn't roll the way  most people would think he would. But this stranger, didn't.
"You.. the ice cream boy!" Sehun said - accusing him with his index finger.
"W-What are you talking about?" The so-called stranger said.
"You don't remember me? Sehun? The one that helped you out in the mini market." He must've forgotten that he had a really ugly stained shirt on.
"Does that really matter now?! I just spilled my spaghetti all over you!" He argued.
"Ah . I guess I might as well throw this shirt away. It was old anyway." Sehun looked at him. "Don't worry about it."
Sehun sighed in victory. He wanted to make his victim guilty. He smirked before turning around - wearing a lost puppy look. 
"At least let me buy you a new shirt. I mean, it's the least I could do after I.." He motioned with his hands around Sehun's shirt.
Sehun scoffed. "Tell me your name."
A/N: Okay. I need to apologize to you guys. Last month was so hectic that I couldn't just sit down and write! My laptop was being such a pain in the bum. I went to Bangkok for a holiday. And I just... sorry :( plus this is such a short chapter lol. Why, you ask? I need at least 5 comments to continue. Yes, I'm being the strict(?) authornim. I feel bummed out that no one is really liking this story. And I literally feel like my literature is getting worse and worse.. so cheer me up? I've already done the next chapter... so it's all up to you guys. Heh :)
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kittyhun #1
hunhan_chunjoe #2
Chapter 4: Omg the kiss!
So romantic >.<
My ing feels!
Chapter 3: I guess it's progress for them? Well at least they got each other's names xD but seriously, PWAHAHA LUHAN SPILLED HIS LUNCH ALL OVER SEHUN'S SHIRT. Can't wait for the next chapter! ^___^
Exo365 #4
Chapter 3: Good job ^__^
hunhan_chunjoe #5
Chapter 3: >.< fighting for the next chapter
hunhan_chunjoe #6
Chapter 2: The forward is interesting wow this chapter is good I know the next one will be greater than this keep the good work fighting! :D
Ginniosa #7
Chapter 1: Good luck on your big exam.
Chapter 1: Aww, I was really excited for this. But yes, I shall wait till then! ^___^