Luhan was walking around the mini market - looking for that cookies and cream flavoured ice cream. His hand found its way to many kinds of ice cream. He picked one up and squinted his eyes to read the foreign writing as he was still new with the whole 'language' thing. 
"No.. this is not the one." He mumbled.
He tried seeing the pictures on the containers - like a pre-schooler would. 
"Do you need help?" A helpful voice.
Luhan looked at the person. The voice coming from the person thought Luhan was younger, based on his informal speech. Luhan blanked out for a moment, thinking whether he looked young or was this stranger just being a total idiot. Luhan knew this person was definitely younger than him judging by his high school attire.
"Uh... I'm looking for ice cream."
"Well, it's right in front of you." Thanks for stating the obvious.
"No. I'm looking for a flavour but I just can't seem to find it." He said - in his awkward accent.
"This flavour?" He picked up a container. It was the right one. Was he trying to be a psychic or something?
Luhan slowly grabbed the container while nodding positively. This person was starting to creep him out. 
"Before you say anything, I knew you wanted this because you kept mumbling 'cookies and cream' the whole time." He said. Luhan just stayed quiet. "You could at least say thank you, right?" The boy continued. Luhan stared at his nametag before answering him.
"Fine. Thank you.. Se.. Sehun." He read the nametag. "But honestly, I didn't need any help. I was just distracted, that's all."
Sehun scoffed. "Why are you so stubborn?" 
"Excuse me? You just met me and heck, you're even younger than me!" Luhan pointed at the boy's attire. "The one who's stubborn is you! You think you ca-"
"You have a weird accent." Sehun interrupted him - being rude, again.
"..So? What's it to you?" Luhan retaliated.
"You're not from here?" He asked.
Sehun expected for a more detailed answer but instead he received a push on the shoulder. Luhan walked away without turning around. Sehun saw the foreigner paying his items and left without a single trace.
"And all I wanted was a name."
Luhan walked back to his dorm - holding a bag of groceries. Usually, he would put on his earphones and let his imagination run free while enjoying what nature has prepared for him. But today, only one thing was on his mind. One person. It was a normal thing for Luhan. He would think about someone who left a big first impression. Until he understood the person. But all Luhan got was his name. Just a name. Yet, there were so many questions running through his head.
Why was he so rude? Why did he care about my accent? Why was he so curious about a guy who only wanted to buy ice cream?
Luhan ruffled his dark hair in frustration. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. 


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kittyhun #1
hunhan_chunjoe #2
Chapter 4: Omg the kiss!
So romantic >.<
My ing feels!
Chapter 3: I guess it's progress for them? Well at least they got each other's names xD but seriously, PWAHAHA LUHAN SPILLED HIS LUNCH ALL OVER SEHUN'S SHIRT. Can't wait for the next chapter! ^___^
Exo365 #4
Chapter 3: Good job ^__^
hunhan_chunjoe #5
Chapter 3: >.< fighting for the next chapter
hunhan_chunjoe #6
Chapter 2: The forward is interesting wow this chapter is good I know the next one will be greater than this keep the good work fighting! :D
Ginniosa #7
Chapter 1: Good luck on your big exam.
Chapter 1: Aww, I was really excited for this. But yes, I shall wait till then! ^___^