The Entrance of Taemin's Kittens

You and I: Things That Never Change

It’s been a while since I met Soojung’s boyfriend. Right now, our relationship as best friends stayed as it is. And this day is another day to ponder to.


            “Good morning Sir.” A student greeted me while giggling. “Oh! Good Morning.” I greeted back with a smile. Then I just caught her blushing and giggling at the same time. (Sigh..) Why do I have to be that attractive to the girls I don’t usually know? Even when I was in America, a lot of my classmates confessed their feelings to me and even tried to get me by force. But on the other hand, the only girl I love is the only girl that doesn’t dare to look at me as a man. (Another sigh..) I was wandering like that when I suddenly heard a girl squirming from the upstairs. I think she’s about to fall. Of course as a teacher, I need to protect my students. The next thing I remembered is running to catch the student from falling. Good thing I have a flexible muscle. I catch her easily without stumbling down the floor.

            “Hey, are you all right?” I asked very worried to the student. “I.. I’m fine sir. Thank you.” Well, at least she managed to say with that shaky voice. “Well, I guess a little kitten is wandering around the stairs without looking on her way down.” I said chuckling. She extremely blushed from my words, and I realized I still carry her on my arms. Well, she’s not reacting. I put her down at instant and led her to the clinic to see if she got injured or something. Well, at least she’s fine, and that’s what matters. She thanked me wholeheartedly with the most modest tone. When I left her to the clinic, I felt chills come down my spine. I felt like something humiliating and at the same time good is coming to my life. But I don’t have a clue what was that.


After school, I first went to the supermarket to buy groceries. Mom is also busy in the hospital as a physical therapist and has no time to have some groceries so I guess it’s my duty to buy some. While in the supermarket, I’ve noticed some ladies are giggling and looking at me. I overheard one woman saying “Oh! What a very handsome guy. I hoped my husband was like that when we were young.” Then giggled sweetly. I can’t help but to smile on how people say something good about me. I heard a lot of the ladies sighed deeply like they just had a breathtaking moment. I think I need to hide my smile, so I turned to the fruits section where I’ll buy my most treasured fruit, banana. I just thought of making banana milk shake later when I go home. That will leave my stress out.

            While choosing among the banana stacks in front of me, I heard someone calling my name. “Taemin!” well that voice is not familiar to me. It’s a voice of a guy. When I turned around, I saw the most envious man in the world. Jongin. He is smiling gently to me. He’s alone in the supermarket and pushing some cart just means he’s also there to grab some groceries. I didn’t see him for quite some time. I guess I just happened to bump at him this time.

            “Oh! Hi.” I greeted back half- hearted. We were not that close to chit chat about anything. It feels awkward for me to talk to the guy who grabbed my first and only love away from me. “So I guess you’re also here to go shopping with a motherly affection right? Hahaha, same here.” He said while grinning. Whoa!! His grin is y. I am a guy, but I can notice what a handsome and beautiful guy looks like. Well, if you compare me and Jongin, I am what you called the beautiful guy. Milky white skin, killer smile, perfect set of teeth, neat appearance, and a mellow voice. While Jongin has a not so tanned skin with a well- toned muscles, a lustful eyes, and a y smile. He has a husky and baritone voice. I guess he will be a great rapper or a DJ. We have also the similarities. I guess he’s a 5’10 footer. He also likes a styling jacket and tops matched with skinny jeans. Wow! If ever, we can be best friends. And the last thing that we have in similarity is the woman we both love. The only thing is that he has her, while I was still behind the shadows of my feelings.

“Well, mom has no time to do this stuff so I need to go. Or else we’ll all get hungry.” I said while smiling. Somehow, I felt at ease with him and I don’t know for what reason. “Well, same here. Mom is busy in her business, and has no time to do some house chores.” He chuckled again. Well, he is somewhat a smiley person for me. It really feels awkward to me, especially now that were walking side by side. “So, how long are you and Soojung together?” I asked out of the blue. “Hmm, she became my girlfriend for two years already. And I’ve courted her for a year. And you don’t know how many hardships I’ve had during my courting season with her. She’s like a lesbian at that time. She’s like a guy in her style, but I noticed her beauty when I saw her practicing our dance presentation for our graduation party during high school days. Then I started liking her bit by bit, until I realized that I love her already. And my courting all started at that realization. Good thing after a year of unrequited pushing, I found her weak points and I used them as an advantage. Hehe..” He explained while smiling like a child. I guess he’s reminiscing those days. I can’t help but to feel envious to him. “So it means you and Soojung were classmates since high school?” I can’t help but to ask. AHH!! What a dumb person. “Yup! I transferred to her school on our 2nd year in high school. And until college, she’s my classmate. It feels good to know that you know someone among your classmates. And Soojung never felt awkward with me, even though I’m courting her profoundly.” He narrated again. Well, he’s a talkative guy, but with a sense. “I see. Well, I’m sorry about my behavior the first time I met you. I just felt weird at that time. You see, Soojung and I never held a secret with each other, and then I saw her kissing you. It hurts for a best friend to know that your best friend hid her boyfriend. But don’t worry, no offense with that. I just wanted to tell you that. I’m sorry if it offend you.” I apologized. “No! Don’t worry, I’m not a dense person. I understand that. So do I. if I found out that my best friend hid something important like that I sure will be hurt.” He said while chuckling. “Yeah. Well, I guess I’ll give you the right to protect her with your heart, mind and soul eh?” I said while smiling. “You can count on me.” He said while saluting like a soldier. I can’t help but to chuckle with his gestures.

“So, I need to go first. My brother is waiting for me. Nice to see you again Taemin.” He said smiling while tapping my arm. At the end of the day, I think Soojung is in good hand. I went back to shopping while a satisfied smile is seen in my face.


            The next day after my coincidence with Jongin, I went to school a bit late. I overslept again after 3 months of insomnia. While walking to the cat walk, I noticed some of the girl students are in a commotion over the bulletin board. “ORO? What’s the commotion here?” I asked curiously. And I saw the post they’ve been talking to. It says, “TO ALL THE LEE TAEMIN FANATICS OUT THERE, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO KNOW OUR BELOVED TEACHER. CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE: AND GET A CHANCE TO HAVE SOME OF TEACHER TAEMIN’S SUPER CUTE STUFF’S GIFT FOR YOU. REGISTER TO OUR FAN CLUB WEBSITE AND GET TO KNOW OUR IDOL FOR LIFE.” My jaw dropped from the post on the board. “What the hell?” I mumbled. One of the students noticed me and squealed, “OH! Sir Taemin’s here!!!” And all the students’ eyes focused on me. The girls suddenly freaked out and are about to jump to me when suddenly I heard some voices that calmed the girls. “Now, now, girls, don’t be too obsessed on our idol. If you want him to respect you, first calm your nerves down and don’t nag Sir Taemin.” One girl said. That girl is familiar to me. Yeah, she’s the girl who fell down the stairs from the other day. Well, does that mean that.. she’s the mastermind in this nuisance? “Hi Sir Taemin. I am Bae Alyssa. Do you remember me? I am the student you catched yesterday from falling down the stairs.” She said bubbly. “Yes, I remembered you. But, what is this all about?” I asked feeling a little ashamed. “Because of those strong arms that carried my oh so tired and hurt body, I’ve come to realized that having a very respected teacher is like having a very soft and mushy bed that can carry you in the sweetest dream you can make. So from this day Sir Taemin, we’ll make sure that you will be one of the well- respected teachers this school will ever have. We will be your mighty fans club. And this will be named Taeminatics!” Alyssa declared mightily. I just remained shock for a few seconds, before I realized the humiliation I just encountered today. I noticed the girls are clapping their hands while listening and looking at Alyssa with teary eyes.

(Sigh).. I think this will be another chapter of headaches and laughter. I hope nothing will change.


            1 week after that humiliating incident on the school ground, the Taeminatics, or shall I call them my little kittens continue with their activities with me. I happily participated to their wants while having an agreement that they will monitor their grades until they graduate. And as an idol, they agreed with my contract whole- heartedly. And right now, I’m in front of my kittens like having a press conference. Hey, sometimes it’s a good feeling to communicate with your students in a playful way.

            “Uhh, sir, how old are you?” student 1 asked. “I’m turning 22 at July 18.” I answered smiling. I guess the students love me for my smile. (Wow! What a confidence). (Everyone sighed). I can’t hide my smile with their expressions. “Sir Emi, have you ever fallen in love?” student 2 asked with a longing look. I was startled with her question, but I want to answer them honestly. “Of course, on my age I can’t tell that I never fell in love. And besides it’s common to people to fall in love.” I answered. A lot giggled, but some of them seem disappointed by my answer. Especially Alyssa, my fan club’s president. And she threw a deathly glare to the girl who asked me about my love life. I guess I need to protect her from an early bullying. “Ahhh.. Right now I’m in love with a lot of girls. Is that a bad thing? I fell in love with Jennifer Love Hewit, Kristen Stewart, and.. Hmm.. Of course, to my lovely kittens in front of me right now.” Then in a sudden glare, all their hatreds were gone for good, and Alyssa is smiling like a child who was given chocolate ice cream. Whoa!! She’s creepy. But at least she had created me some past time in the school. I guess this club will stay for quite some time.


            A week later, I am with Soojung in our favorite donut shop, eating our favorite jelly donut. “Why didn’t you asked Jongin to go with you? I mean, he’s your boyfriend. What will be his reaction when he found this out?” I asked consciously. “Nah!! Don’t worry about Jongin, he will never think that way. And besides, he knows that we are best friends since birth, and nothing or no one can let us apart.” Soojung said while smiling. I can’t help but to smile on how she said those things. But deep inside, I’m hurt to know that we can only be best friends, and will never be lovers.




            We were in our conversation, when suddenly a girl walked to our direction.

“Uhh, excuse me. Are you Taemin?” the girl asked. Well, she’s pretty and I think she’s one of the so- called elites in town. I mean, who wouldn’t notice her like that. The Prada bag, Gucci shoes, and the way she speaks is so convincing that she’s an elite. “Uhh.. yeah. How do you know my name?” I asked a little speechless on her presence. “Well, I’m Alyssa’s older sister, I’m Suzy. And for the record, I like you, a lot.” She frankly said. I almost spilled my drink after she said that. And in just a snap, I found my lips pressed against hers. (WHOA!!!)


AN: And now is Suzy's turn to shine!! Hahahaha.. she's really not my bias, but I just like her to be my character of a rich girl with a light and spontaneous character. Just so you know guys!!!

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taestal_143 #1
Chapter 23: I expected it to end with taestal.. :3
FrancElLor_13 #2
Chapter 22: OMG. .. what a wonderful and great is this. .. !!!! I really love it to the core. . !!! But Please author-nim don't just end it like that, I still want Taemin and Krystal to end up together. . Please do end them up together author-nim ^_^

#TaeStaljjang and of course you as well author-nim =))
OMG my other OT4 <3