What If?

You and I: Things That Never Change

All my worries of her disappeared as time passes by. We’re still the same. We talk profoundly like there’s no tomorrow, we baked our favorite chocolate cake, cupcakes and cookies as usual. And I just invited her to go to our house to have a swimming galore as what she called it. I’m at the pool side waiting for her. It’s still summer vacation so I just have to relax first. Because after 1 month, I will start to work on an exclusive school as a high school English teacher.

            Teaching is the dream I always had since I was a kid. And Soojung knew that from the beginning. I remember when we were kids; we used to play the teacher- student game. I will be her teacher, and she will be my student. And then we’ll just end up messing each other’s role, or goof around and just leave our mess around the garage and buy our favorite strawberry ice cream.

I was still reminiscing when someone tapped my shoulder. When I looked up, there she is. I saw that radiant smile that tickles my tummy.

“You’re minds out of the milky way.” She said laughing. “Yah! Soojung, I am not. And stop goofing around. You’re like a mentally retarded person.” I said, and then laughed just how she laughed. “Well, at least I’m still in the Earth, unlike someone out there who looked like a fool lately looking at the mid- set of the Sun.” she pouted. Oh there she goes again. That pout makes me want to kiss her. HUH??? What did I say?? I want to kiss her? No way!! Taemin, you’re really insane. You can’t do that to your best friend to the whole wide world.


“Eh???? Silent again? You know what, I noticed from the very beginning, since we became best friends, you’re always day dreaming? Hmm.. Let me guess, you’re thinking of me right? Aww, Taemin, you can just tell me you like me if you want.” She said playfully , while swinging her head from left to right mildly, like she’s listening to a song or something. But in my mind, I don’t know my true feelings. I guess she’s right. I guess I should just tell her that I like her. “What if I said that I like you? What will you do?” I asked with my fingers crossed with each other. Instead of answering, she laughed like crazy and left me in the bench in the pool side. “What the… Yah!! Soojung!! Why did you leave?” I asked confused but at the same time scared. What if she took it seriously? What will I do? Oh My Goodness!

While I was deep on my thoughts about how she reacted earlier, she came back with a banana milk shake in a tray. “Hey!! Some refreshments. I just made your favorite drink in the whole universe.” She said smiling like nothing happened earlier. I guess I just have to wash away the concerns in my very busy mind, and just go with the flow. “Thanks. By the way, what I said earlier.. Uhh.. Don’t take it seriously. It’s just a what if. I’m just looking how you’ll react with that. So don’t be so confused.” I said giving her my sweetest smile.

“What did you say earlier? I’m sorry I did not hear you earlier. You see, I am listening to the radio, and the DJ just got me laughed out loud. His joke is so hilarious that I can’t control my laugh.” She explained. My jaw dropped open. That was an Epic Fail!!! I just confessed to her, and all I got was her loud laugh, then I took back the words I said earlier, and now, of all those concerns I had lately, it was just ignored, because of a freaking radio jockey. What the Heck!! But that was close. I’m still safe for now. “Well, I just asked what if I leave again. What will you do?” I said changing my real question earlier. She stood silent, and then looked at me with fiery eyes and said, “I will hand cuff you to the nearest light post I’ll see, and leave you there ‘till you beg me to release you. Of course I’ll take pity to you because you’re my best friend. But then, I’ll handcuff your arm with my arm so that you can’t go. Well, in other words, I’ll not allow you to leave me again. Because once you leave me again, I will not wait for you again.” With those last words, I saw a glint of tears pricked in her eyes, but it suddenly fade away in just a blink.

I don’t know what to say, so instead of breaking out again on her shoulder, I just hugged her, and sway her like a child. “It’s just a joke Soojungie. I will never leave you again. And I’m scared to be handcuffed to a light post. I’ll look like an idiot there if that happened.” I said smiling at her while still hugging and swaying her around. “Good boy! Now, can’t we just go to the pool? I want to swim right now.” She said now smiling. Ahh.. I just can’t resist her smile. She’s really beautiful whenever she smiles. My precious Soojung, you’ll be forever in my heart. I will never leave you, ever again. I promise you that.

I let her go and took my banana milk shake. She can still remember my favorite drink. I’m glad to that. She run towards the pool and jumped like a child. I started to laugh profusely on her sight like a child. But then, she splashed water at my face which makes me cough. And my precious banana milk shake!!!!!!!!! Aiiissshhh!! This is it. It means war! When I look at her, she’s laughing like a child while running to the center of the pool. So that I can’t catch her easily.

“Yah!! Jung Soojung! I will not forgive you for ruining my precious banana milk shake!! Wait for me, and I’ll let you pay for that.” I said putting the glass in the coffee table near the benches, and took my shirt off. But after I get to her, she got up, and left me in the center of the pool. I saw her laughing while standing just where I stood earlier. “You can’t catch me, clumsy boy!!” she teased while laughing.

Well, at least she’s still the same Soojung I knew since childhood. Nothing changed since then. Well, I hope so.


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taestal_143 #1
Chapter 23: I expected it to end with taestal.. :3
FrancElLor_13 #2
Chapter 22: OMG. .. what a wonderful and great is this. .. !!!! I really love it to the core. . !!! But Please author-nim don't just end it like that, I still want Taemin and Krystal to end up together. . Please do end them up together author-nim ^_^

#TaeStaljjang and of course you as well author-nim =))
OMG my other OT4 <3