
Stronger than Love - HIATUS -


„I still have bad feelings about this night.”


„I know, I do have too.”


It was only 8 in the morning but I was already concerned with the past effects of yesterday evening thanks to Yang Lu Han who couldn’t wait with his worry about his sister’s boyfriend.


„Did you see his behavior? Daebak… If I was Li Li, I would have broke up with him instantly.”


„I know you don’t like him but it was only night.” I said after swallowing some food. He called me in the middle of my breakfast so I had no choice but eating while phoning. „… And more, breaking up with him just because of his brother’s first impression is –„


„Says the girl who had complaints about his dirty money.”


My eyes widened in shock.


„You’ve heard it? All of you?!”


„Well, Eun Gi and I have. I don’t know about the love doves.”


„Ya, don’t laugh, it’s not funny!” I whinned as I heard him giggling. „If Lilly has heard it too then I’m dead. When we were in the washroom, I told her that we’ll control our protectiveness and be understanding towards that guy. She will think that I lied.”


„Why? You said the truth?”


I cleared my throat nervously. No, actually I lied to everybody, Lu, even to you too… Okay, that little car-thing wasn’t a really big happening so it in fact is not a lie but I had to be silenced about it because if I had told about them, there would have been literally no chance for Lilly’s love. Everybody would have been even more negative towards the guy. I did it in favor of everyone.


„What I said to her was right, I’m really trying to control my bad feelings. Well, more or less successfully but I’m at least trying to… You should do the same, Lu.”


„I don’t know him, how would I trust him?”


„You don’t have to have trust in him. If you have some in your sister is enough… She’s been the youngest between us but now she’s all grown up too, she knows what she’s doing. She handles it so seriously! You should have heard what she said in the washroom.”


„She’s fully in love, isn’t she?” He sighed causing me to grin.


„Yes, she’s on Cloud 9 but at the same time with two feet on the ground… I don’t think I’ve ever seen this happy yet mature before. You have?”


„No but… It’s still so weird.”


„She felt the same when you began to date Eun Gi.”


I didn’t say it on purpose, it’s just slipped out of my mouth carelessly but it was too late to take it back. I was hoping that he didn’t notice the little change in my voice – when I’m talking about them, I tend to go sad and it’s easy to feel that I’m not as happy about them as I show it. Most of the time Chan Yeol warns me about this but when he’s not around, I’m lost. Just like this time.


„Yeah, surely.” Lu Han responded a few seconds later fortunately not noticing anything. „So you’re saying that I should try to be understanding?”


„You don’t have to marry him, if you’re just a little bit nicer to him, it’s already more than enough.”


„Was I that bad last night?”


„Duh! You were like a statue. Even when you said something, it was full of sarcasm and hatred. I wonder how he didn’t run away.”


„You were no better.”


He didn’t have to remind me – everything I did lived fully in my mind. My awkwardness, my rich people syndrome…


„I know. So let’s make a deal! Both of us tries to be nicer to Oh Se Hun-ssi, no matter how hard it is. Okay?”




„No use of aegyo through phoone~…”


„Then should I go over?”


„No!” I panicked as I was sitting in the middle of my kitchen only in an oversized t-shirt and undergarment, I haven’t combed my hair or brushed my teeth so it was a time for nobody to come over. Especially not for the guy who I have a huge crush on... „I have dance lesson in an hour and still have some things to do like laundry, I’m pretty busy this morning.”


I tried to say as many reasons as I just could. Living in the neighbourhood, it would take him only a few minutes to barge in so I couldn’t risk.


„Alright, I let you be.” He was giggling again. It sounded like the bells of Heaven but this time it wasn’t enough to distract me.


„Promise me that you’ll be nice to him and I let you too!”


„I try?”


„With certitude, please.”


„Okay, I will. Have a good day, Seo!” He said sullenly and hung up. He wasn’t able to hear my goodbye but it was better this way.


„Have a good day, my grumpy little prince…”




By bus it only took eight minutes to get to the dance studio but this Saturday morning was so bright and the weather so nice that it would have been a waste to miss it – so I decided to walk even if it took twelve minutes more.


I’ve started to dance 4 years ago… yes, considering how much time needs to be a professional at it, I’ve started pretty late but my aims weren’t competions or recognition – I just wanted something which can make me busy. I needed a place where I could be alone but not alone enough to feel myself lonely. I needed a thing which can absorb my energy.


Of course it wasn’t easy at first – actually I felt like I’d rather die than going back to the studio after one practice. Every part of my body was aching, my head was dizzy and I felt stiff for a week. But being as stubborn as I am, I went back and realized that more as I go, the more as I feel myself better. Dancing turned out to be a cure, a way of healing for me and after a few years passed, it fully became the part of my everyday life just like the animal shelter.


I was the first one at the studio as usual so I drew the curtains and opened the windows to let some fresh air in. I quickly changed into my usual dancing clothes – yoga pants with a tank top – did some warming-up before the player and started to dance.


When I’m dancing, I quickly forgot about the place, my thoughts, the time. There’s just the music and me. I can ignore everything else while concentrating on the rhythm and doing the next step and that’s the best thing for me about dancing. Okay, you can have a good body from it but what can you do with it when there’s nobody who you can give it to?


Just as this thought came into my mind, Lu’s face popped into my head. No, Chang Seo Ri, you can’t think about him while dancing. You can not think about him at all. She’s dating one of your bestfriends, she’s dating Eun Gi. With this longing and daydreaming all you do is torturing yourself. Stop it!


„Good morning, Seo!”


Because I was busy with my own fight, I was unaware of the new arrival so when I heard Lay’s voice, I fell over on my own feet. He stepped to the player and stopped it.


„Are you okay?”


„Of course, Lay-ssam.” I got up. „You’re just surprised me. It’s already 9.30 a. m?”


He rolled his eyes and sighed.


„Seo-ya, do you remember what I said about this ssam-thing, don’t you?”


He doesn’t like when I adress him like this but it’s true. He’s Zhang Yi Xing, or else Lay, my dance teacher and the only Chinese person around me who I feel relieved to be with (aka no romantic feelings). And even if he’s only three years older than me, still the one who’s teaching me.


„I do… oppa.” I grunted. „But you’re my teacher, you should feel that I respect you.”


„This way I do feel it.” He smiled and ruffled my hair. „Now show me what you have done before I interrupted you!”


I nodded and went to the middle of the room again – but this time with much more nervousness. I could have said no but… I just couldn’t. When it comes to Lay, I’m not able to say no. The thing is that the first time when I came here, I wasn’t able to pay the tuition fee even it wasn’t very much. For a month I danced here for free – he is just this kind and understanding.


Soon the others had arrived too – our dance group accepts new members all the time, then there were fourteen of us under Lay’s wings. The class went just like everytime – we warmed up, practiced the moves we taught last time and tried to learn the new ones. After an hour and a half, Lay clapped and motioned us to sit down.


„Unnie, what’s going on?” Jae Sun, one of the girls asked me as we took place on the floor.


„Pass.” I shrugged. It wasn’t usual for us to sit down in the middle of the practice.


„Okay, I hope everybody realized that the next month is March.” Lay started while walking up and down. „Winter is almost over as well as our half-year so four weeks from today we’re gonna have our half-year premiere here.”


Excited whispers ran through the room. I was taken by surprise – gosh, I completely forgot about it! It was a tradition to hold premiers at the half and at the end of the year to show to everybody how much we evolved and collecting new dancers to the school.


„… so from now on besides the common choreography, you’re gonna work in groups to create your own choreography. The choreographers will be designated by me and –„


„Sorry for being late!”


All of us looked to the door where a tall guy appeared with a big backpack. He had an apologetic look on his face as he made his way to the middle of the room. He wasn’t familiar at all. Is he a new dancer here?


„I hope you have a very good reason for it.” Lay seemed entertained instead of angry. They know each other, I had no doubt.


„Heavy traffic.”


„Yeah, I guessed so.”


„Who is he?” Jae Sun poked me unpatiently.


„I don’t know him.” I whispered back.


„I’d bet he’s a dancer too, look at that those long and muscular arms!”


The stranger had indeed a nice body: he was tall, well-built and had tanned skin. If I hadn’t liked fair skinned people, I would have thought that he’s very handsome. Not that I’m racist or anything but Lu’s skin is just…


„Guys, here’s one of good friends who you should meet.” Fortunately the time when Lay introduced the guy came and I got distracted from my Lu Han-filled thoughts. „He’ll be with us for a while.”


The guy stepped forward.


„Hi, my name is Kim Jong In, I arrived here from Incheon…” He glaced at the clock on the wall. „… twenty minutes ago.”


I couldn’t help but grin at this comment and the rest was laughing too. I knew this tone very well – it was similar to Chan Yeol’s funny and extrovert one.


„I came here to dance just as you so… I hope we’ll get on well as classmates and later friends.”


„Totally dreamy!” Jae Sun was fangirling beside me and I had to admit that she had every reason for it. He really was something with his likeable body and personality.


After we clapped him – some girls did it too obviously but I couldn’t blame them -, there was still something what Lay couldn’t miss.


„Now that everybody knows everybody…” He turned to his friend. „I think it’s time for a show, Jong In-a.”


„Hyung, please!” He just played hard to get, from how his eyes were glimmering with excitement, he was ready for showing us his skills. And the girls were all ready to see him dancing too, according to their loud cheers.


„You can’t do it alone? Alright.” Lay looked around for a while then our eyes met and… No no no! „Seo-ya, the stage is yours.”


Jeez, I mustn’t have looked into his eyes, I should have known what he’s up to! I tried to pretend like I haven’t heard it but it was a false hope.


„Seo?” Jong In asked. „Which one of you is Seo?”


Jae Sun was nudging me like crazy and everybody was looking at me so I had no choice but stand up.


„It’s me.”


„Finally.” Lay rolled his eyes and stepped to the player. „What do you want?”


„You can play anything.” Jong In answered while looking at me. I tried to avoid his gaze but somehow I could see it everywhere.


„Anything?” I furrowed my eyebrows confusedly. „You mean… you will do an improvisation?”


„No. We will.”


I didn’t even have to time to process, in the next moment some song was on and he started to move.


He is incredible – after only five seconds I knew it. It was an R&B song with slow but strong rhythm and male vocals. I’ve never heard it before but it was easy to see that it wasn’t one which everyone can dance to. His moves were sharp but mild and somehow it looked like it was a choreography even though all of us know that it was an impromptu. I don’t know what was wrong with me but I couldn’t help on it – I joined him after a minute.


I’ve danced with someone else before even though it was clear for me that I do it better alone: sometimes we were paired up with somebody from the opposite practicing dancing in pairs and once I had the chance to dance with Lay himself but none of them was as special or felt as good as those three minutes what I spent with dancing with Kim Jong In for the first time.


The song ended and I laid on my back, trying to maintain my breathing. I’ve never felt myself tired yet happy at the same time before.


Jong In held his hand out and I grabbed it instantly. When both of us get theirself together, I broke the silence.


„I’m Chang Seo Ri, nice to meet you.”


„Nice to meet you too.” His smile was wide. „You can dance quite well.”


„But not as well as you… Where did you learn it?”


„He has a good friend like me.” Lay answered instead of him and just then I realized that we’re not alone. The others were looking at us. „So, I’d bet that everybody liked what they saw. I hope that at the end of the year all of you will dance like this. Five minutes break!”




„I’ve never seen you dancing like that.”




Even after the practice has ended and we went to shower, I couldn’t really pick myself together. I was still in some kind of gaze – I was tired as hell even so I felt myself happy and excited.


Jae Sun put on her shoes and nodded.


„Not that you wouldn’t be amazing, unnie but this time it was…” I saw that she was looking for the right word but finally she gave up. „It was just different.”


„Different in a wrong way?”


I could easily imagine how bad I could have looked compared to Jong In. As phenomenal as his performance was, mine could looked like some chicken on ice.


„Yah, in a good way, of course!” She shook her head. „You truly should gather some courage. You’re the best amongst us after Lay-oppa, everybody knows that.”


„Well, if you say so.” I’ve never liked to be complimented into the face because I’ve never known how I should react to it. „Thank you, Jae Sun-a.”


„Your welcome… See you next time!”




You got a message
I write down my heart…


I ran through my bag for my phone with a sigh after Jae Sun left. I was ready for my friends-in-the-same-shoes talk Round 2 with Lu Han but surprisingly it came from an unknown number.


From: 0034-9832-2356
Hi guys! I booked our table. Let’s meet in front of the Chinese restaurant at 9 p. m. Don’t be late, okay? ^^


I packed my bag and leave the studio but in mind I was all over about the text message. Who the heck did just send it? According to the friendly tone it should be one of us but I know Chan Yeol’s, Eun Gi’s and the Yang siblings’s numbers too... Yet no one else was with us last night excluding –


I remembered the answer and it hurt. Stupid me, Lilly’s new boyfriend, Oh Se Hun was there too! It’s definately his number, who else could it be? There remained only one unanswered question: Who was that idiot who gave my number to him?! I’m sure they don’t want to live anymore!




Unfortunately the night came earlier than I expected it to come.

The rest of the day elapsed with chores like doing laundry, moping, wiping and vacuum cleaning so after I did my homeworks and I was ready to begin my own war with Chinese (doing this homework takes me more time than the others take together), I realized that instead of it I should begin to get ready for the party.


Somehow I wasn’t as depressed about it as I was a few hours earlier, I even was humming when has been washing my hair. I knew that it’s because the dance lesson today – just thinking about it made me crazy. Will it be always like this from now on? Will I be always this thrilled? I knew one thing for sure – no matter what has changed, it turned out to be good.


So when I arrived in front of the Yellow Dragon, I totally understood why was everybody looking at me weirdly.


„Wow, our Soya is just glowing!” Chan Yeol even whistled when he saw me.


I was wearing a black mini dress with a little more make up than I usually wear. I was happy and it was written all over me: otherwise I would have gone in jeans a blouse like always.


„Have we missed something?” Eun Gi giggled. She completely was in party mood just like the youngest Yang.


„Unnie, do you have a date?”


„What? No.” I spatted.


„Then what’s with the clothing?”


I turned to look at Lu Han’s face – he was the complete opposite of me. His face expression got darkened, his lips were trembling and… I don’t think so I’ve ever seen him as weird as then.


„I’m trying to do my best.” I answered referring to our earlier conversation through phone but it didn’t make him happier. „Why, you don’t like it?”


Chan Yeol came up to me and put his arm around my shoulder with a grin.


„Don’t be afraid, my Soya, you look amazing! These time I regret even more that we –


„Don’t even start, Park Chan Yeol!”


Eun Gi and Lilly were giggling on us like crazy as a reaction.


„Oh, so everybody’s here… I’m glad.”


Chaebol Guy/Se Hun stepped beside her girlfriend and pecked her cheek. His presense came to me like a thunderbolt even if I knew that he was the planner behind all of these sudden clubbing.


He noticed me quite quickly.


„Hi, Seo. You look great.”


As he smiled, his eyes looked like two little crescent moons. He was wearing a simple white shirt with black trousers but… In my head the scene when he appeared in front of me after almost hitting me was replaying. I saw him then just as fascinating like now.




I would lie if I had said that this wasn’t the moment when I knew our night won’t be just a night – it’ll be a tough hard one.



A/N: Hiiiii~ guys! It's been a long time right? I know. That's just how uni works... But I can't tell you how glad I am that I came back to see new subscribers & even an UPVOTE! Seriously, you're amazing. Hi likeafool, yasmine95 and Obsessed_, I hope you enjoy the story! ^^

This chaper turned out to be shorter than the lost one but don't be sad about it, the next will be longer like A LOT. We're gonna go clubbing likecrazy! xP

P.S.: What do you think about Kai & Lay? Are you happy about them? They'll play big part later on. ;)

P.S2.: Sorry for the lame message ringtone but when I think about the word "message", the first thing which popps into my head is the song Message by MYNAME. x)


See you next tiiiime~!

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CHAPTER 4 IS UPP~! Hope you will like it, you deserve it! ;)


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likeafool #1
Chapter 3: Update Soon & fighting author-nim <3
Chapter 1: ahh, at first I thought the whole time that chanyeol was the chaebol guy in the car, haha, but now i'm guessing its sehun~ ^^
chanyeol's really nice to her, their friendship is nice :)
update soon~
also, could you please tell me what 'chaebol' means? thanks :)