Time to explain


                “Oh my gosh. Are you guys okay!?” I ran to each of them and started to examine their cuts and bruises. I patched up the cuts best I could and then we all sat down on the only clear spot on the floor. “Okay your all patched up now sooooo Explain. Now.” I said with dead seriousness. “Okay” Changsub spoke first. “So you remember that red-eyed demon from your memories?” I slowly nodded. “Well he’s a demon. He and his other demon friends came by to cause trouble as you can tell. They go by the name VIXX.” “Wait why would they come cause trouble for no reason!?” I’m so confused right now. I mean they’re both demons; shouldn’t they get along at least a little? Minhyuk spoke up now. “They came for you, Melodii.” Wait what!? Why the heck would they want me!? Everybody was so tensed up. Hyunsik spoke next. “They want you because you’re different. For one you’re the only human to be friends with demons. You really are one of a kind, Melodii.” He added a smile after his last sentence. Me? One of a kind? Whatttttt? I looked up when Eunkwang started to speak. “So demons live and survive off of souls preferably human souls. Now don’t worry! We are different we live off of animal souls, and they are usually old. So going off of this, they want you because they already lost you once. You are the first human to escape demons. Especially hungry ones.” I escaped? How? Did I save myself, did I save myself using the good luck charms BTOB gave me, or did they save me? I just can’t remember! Ahhhh my heads starting to pound! What happened!!!!!!


              Dun Dun DUN! Hmmmm what’s going to happen now. What happened back then? All shall be revealed in the next chapter!

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nice story ^^
Hey i might not upload anything for while. Its going to be super long so yeah might take awhile!
Alright so that's 1 vote vixx! if there aren't any other suggestions then ill use them and upload the next chapter possibly tomorrow or the day after!
Chapter 4: Ooh I would like it to be Vixx please ^0^
Chapter 3: Okay so I need you guys opinion. I'm thinking of adding another group. So I need to know which one you would rather see as demons- Exo or Vixx. I'm stumped so please pick fast! thanks love ya and byeeeee
Chapter 3: Don' worry, it's a great story! ^0^ Seriously looove it so far! (: 화이팅!!
Chapter 3: Hey guys! I hope that you'll leave a comment on what you think about it! Please don't be hateful though. I'm new to this soooo yeah! byeee
Chapter 1: Really interesting storyline! Please do update asap! ^0^