
I knew that this was a super bad idea! I had been dared by my jerky friends to walk through a HUGE graveyard at midnight. The graveyard was at least a mile in each direction. The worst part was that I absolutely HATE anything creepy, spooky, or scary so that includes graveyards. I was walking timidly on the grass when I heard something snap behind me. I snapped my head backwards to see what it was but there was nothing there. I blamed it on my imagination but I kept hearing rustling and footsteps behind me and next to me. I got so scared that I started to run as fast as I could. Well as far as I could before I tripped or a tree root and cut up my leg pretty badly. It was bleeding really badly and I started to cry. A lot. I was crying a lot and I don’t know for how long until I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder. I jumped and scooted away while turning away. I saw a pair of glowing eyes staring back at me but when I looked closer I saw that there were actually 7 pairs of eyes. I was still crying but I was too scared to care. “W…Who are you?!” I stammered. The eyes seemed to be looking at each other before stepping out into the moonlight. They were all really cute/hot guys. “We are BTOB.” Who I’m guessing is their leader said. I wanted to run away from them because I knew that they weren’t human, but when I tried pain shot through my body and I fell down again. I layed there gritting my teeth through the pain and didn’t realize that BTOB had formed a circle around me. I sat up with tears in my eyes realizing I wasn’t going anywhere. One of them knelt down next to me and picked me up. I immediately knew that they weren’t going to like kill me. The one that was carrying me had a very gentle aura around him and as the others got closer I could feel the same thing from them as well. We went into a grave thing that turned out to be a secret staircase leading to a super cool house. It was as clean as it could get with 7 guys living there and it being underground to. The one carrying me layed me down on the rug and went to get something. He came back with a medical kit and applied some all natural thing to my leg and almost right after my leg felt better. Another guy wrapped my leg up and gestured for me to sit on the couch. I slightly nodded my head and hobbled over there and sat down. Most of them stood in a semi-circle around me and 2 others sat next to me. Even though they seemed nice I was still intimidated. “Okay so you know that we are BTOB but you don’t know who each of us are so we figured you might as well know. So I’m Eunkwang the leader.” The one with brownish hair said. “I’m Minhyuk! Nice to meet you! I’m the 2nd oldest.” The reddish pink haired guy said. “I’m 3rd oldest, Changsub.” The guy with a bunch of tattoos said. “I’m Hyunsik! Nice to see you, again.” He flashed me an eye smile. I wonder what he meant by ‘again’. Oh well. “Hey I’m Peniel!” He said in English. Good think I knew English. “Hey I’m the 2nd youngest Ilhoon!” the guy on my right said. “And I’m the youngest Sungjae!” the guy with purplish hair said. “I’m Kang Melodii. Nice to meet you all!” I smiled. “Oh yeah why did Hyunsik say that it was nice to meet me again?” I was really curious about that so why not ask. They all exchanged a few glances and slightly nodded before looking back at me. Minhyuk spoke up. “Do you not remember us Melodii?” I shook my head. They all sighed. “You really don’t remember then? Well after what happened I can’t blame you for trying to forget what happened back then. Your 16 now and tis all happened when you were 6 years old.” Changsub said. I tried to think back to when I was sick but when I tried pain shot through my head. Images of glowing red eyes and shadows flashed in front of my eyes before I passed out from the pain.




Ooooo Whats going on here!? What happened 10 years ago hmmmmm youll have to keep reading later to find out ^o^

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nice story ^^
Hey i might not upload anything for while. Its going to be super long so yeah might take awhile!
Alright so that's 1 vote vixx! if there aren't any other suggestions then ill use them and upload the next chapter possibly tomorrow or the day after!
Chapter 4: Ooh I would like it to be Vixx please ^0^
Chapter 3: Okay so I need you guys opinion. I'm thinking of adding another group. So I need to know which one you would rather see as demons- Exo or Vixx. I'm stumped so please pick fast! thanks love ya and byeeeee
Chapter 3: Don' worry, it's a great story! ^0^ Seriously looove it so far! (: 화이팅!!
Chapter 3: Hey guys! I hope that you'll leave a comment on what you think about it! Please don't be hateful though. I'm new to this soooo yeah! byeee
Chapter 1: Really interesting storyline! Please do update asap! ^0^