Our Many Firsts but Definitely not the Last

They Don't Know About Us

Chapter 7

Our Many Firsts but Definitely not the Last

(Yui's POV)

It's been a while since the last time I was able to sleep this properly. I didn't actually wake up in the middle of the night to just cry my eyes out. But this doesn't mean I'm not hurting anymore. It's just that someone made me realize that there are still things and people in this world that values me and my happiness. Yes I have regrets about what happened with my mom but soon enough I have to accept and move on right? It may not be easy but I'm willing to do it and I know there are people who will help me attain it.

I opened my eyes and remembered the person who made me feel a lot better. I smiled seeing his angelic sleeping face. I've always wonder how can a guy be this beautiful? Giggling at my own thought, I realized that I'm already touching his face. He smiled unknowingly. Blinking, it suddenly hit me, we slept side by side. Blushing, I found myself looking at his arms that were wrapped around my body as if securing me into safety.

I glanced at my wall clock and saw that it was already 8am. I gently pushed Kei's arms away from me and rose up. I smiled seeing him not being disturbed by it. He must be really tired. I felt a little guilty that I made him worry and made him do this much of an effort to visit me. But at the same time I felt really happy that he was willing to do that. I kissed his forehead before leaving the bed and proceeded to the kitchen.

First I brewed some coffee and prepared the ingredients for pancakes. Then beat some eggs which I will make into an omelet stuffed with ham and cheese. Fried some sausages and roasted some tomatoes.

When I was about to finish... "Good morning!" I heard someone exclaimed. I looked up and saw Kei approaching. He walked and stopped in front of the counter I'm working on and leaned in. He smiled at me and batted his eyes (acting cute for some reason). I laughed at him and playfully flicked his forehead.

"I'm cooking." I exclaimed, pushing him away from the counter. He pouted and walked to the side of my kitchen instead.

"You're feeling better?" He asked, poking my cheeks with his forefinger.

"Yeah I guess? I can cook again." I exclaimed. I plated the food and asked him to put them on the dining table which he obediently followed.

"Great." He said with a smile yet I can sense his worry for me.

Kei went next to me again and argued about putting some powdered sugar on the pancakes.

"Put some so it will look pretty." He exclaimed I made a face to him and pulled the plate away.

"No! I don't want sugar on my pancake." I exclaimed and walked towards the table.

"For a pastry chef you're really odd for not like sweets." I felt him poking my waist that I turned to him and held his hand. When I looked up to him, his face was only an inch away. I literally froze on my spot. I can already feel his breathing and he can feel mine yet none of us moved. Surprisingly he only moved closer, soon enough his forehead was already touching mine.

“Ahem!” As always Misa caught us again. She faked a cough and sat on the dining table as if we weren’t there. Kei and I simply turned away from each other and sat quietly.

“So…” Misa said, glancing alternately at me and Kei. She had a pancake in and a very suspicious stare.

“How’s last night?” She asked. Almost immediately after my mind processed what she said, I got caught with what I was eating. I coughed and reached for the glass of water in front of me. When I was able to get a glance of Kei I saw him doing the same thing.

“HA?!” Both of us exclaimed in sync. Misa can only laugh at our reaction. She was even slamming her hand on the table. I pouted and hit her in her arm.

We didn’t do anything but somehow it was kind of embarrassing for someone to ask about last night. It was the first time that I actually spent the whole night with him. He would stay very late after his rehearsal for a few times now but I never asked him to stay over and now that I remembered that I was actually the one who asked him to stay, I just got more embarrassed.

“Anyway, I’m glad you’re better now.” I felt Misa suddenly hugging me. I smiled at the thought and nodded my head.

“Thank you for being there.” I exclaimed as I hugged her back. Kei on the other hand just gave me a very sincere smile.

“But Inoo-kun was able to bring you out of the room ne?” Misa exclaimed with a huge grin on her face. Kei immediately averted his stare and just ate his pancakes. He’s really cute when he acts like that, playing innocent thought it’s not really that believable.

After breakfast Misa initiated to wash the dishes, while I led Kei to the living room (it’s not like it was that far from the kitchen).

“Can you wait here? I’ll just ready myself for work.” I exclaimed. I was just about to reach my room when Misa pulled me.

“NO! You will stay here and rest!” Misa exclaimed pushing me. I gave her a frown and tried to wiggle my way out of her grip.

“But I have been away for more than a week. I got too much rest already.” I exclaimed but still Misa didn’t intend to let go instead her hold only got tighter.

“No! You’re still depressed I know it! Oh come on Inoo-kun a little help here?” Misa glanced at Kei who nodded his head and stood from his seat. He then gently peeled me off Misa and pulled me back to the sofa.

“You’re staying with me today okay?” He titled his head and cutely said. I only made a face and lightly pushed his face away from mine.

“But I want to work.” I pouted and sighed.

“Don’t you want to spend the day with me?” This time it was Kei who pouted. I stared at him for a while but smiled.

“Tsk. Ants! Ants everywhere! You guys are even sweeter than all the cakes we have in the shop. I’ll prepare and leave now.” Misa exclaimed while the two of us only laughed.

As soon as Misa left, Kei pulled me closer to him and put his arms around me. I was surprised at first but when I got over the shock I snuggled to him and looked up to him.

“It’s nice to hear you laugh.” He exclaimed as he pinched my nose. I chuckled and mouthed ‘thank you’.

“Can you tell me what happened?” Kei asked in a very careful voice. He removed his hand away from my nose and swept my bangs away instead. It took a while before I can think of anything to say. I sighed a few times before I can finally answer.

“Have you ever regretted something? Just when you can finally convince yourself that you can make up for it, the chance you have just disappeared and it you’ll never be able to get it back.” I exclaimed.

“I wish I used my time wisely.” I added, trying to stop the tears that were about to fall.

“Airi and the girls told me about what happened.” I heard him say. I only nodded, knowing that Airi has to let him know.

“Mou! Now I’m crying again, thanks a lot genius!” I exclaimed as I wiped my tears away. He smiled warmly and stop my hands from what they were doing instead he used his hand to dry them.

“Let’s visit her one day when you’re ready and tell her everything you want to say. I’m sure she will be listening from above.” Kei said, somehow what he said made me feel lighter.

“You can introduce me to her.” He added as he laughed a little.

“Yeah, I shall introduce my silly boyfriend to her.” I exclaimed and chuckled. When he heard what I said his lips turned into an “O” which took my attention, before I can even ask he exclaimed.

“That’s the first time you labeled me.” He said with a huge grin on his face. As usual whenever I’m blushing I turned away from him.

“I like it.” He added while resting his chin on my shoulder. I bit my lips, trying to suppress a giggle from coming out.

“You’re such a flirt.” I exclaimed, trying to remove myself from his hold. My heart might just pop out of my chest if he continues to hold me though yes I admit it I secretly love being in his arms.

“Ah! I’m making you blush again?” But I didn’t manage to escape; instead he was able to pull me closer and trying to make me face him.

“It’s not like it’s something new.” I retorted and stared at him with a playful frown, in which he laughed at.

Surprisingly though after staring at each other for a while, he gently cupped my face and pulled it closer to him. I blinked a few times not believing that his lips were actually touching mine. I felt his right hand moving to the back of my head while the other was gently caressing my cheeks. Before I knew it I got lost in his kiss that I learned to respond. My heart was beating so fast that it might actually break my ribcage yet I can’t seem to pull away from him. I felt love, I felt a lot of affection and it was actually very addicting. As a fan I’ve always wondered how it feels like kissing Kei’s pouty lips (it’s one of his great features, isn’t it?) and now that I was actually in this position, I’ve never expected it to be this good or maybe because I’m kissing the person I love (who likes me back) that it actually makes it feel this good. Soon enough we pulled out for air. I opened my eyes and stared unbelievingly at him. He smiled gently and pulled me into a hug that I willingly accepted.

“Am I being too fast?” He whispered as he my hair. I immediately shook my head and answered.

“It doesn’t matter just assure me it’s true.” I felt his hug tightened as he replied again.

“Of course it is. But I’m just afraid that you might think that it’s too fast. We’ve only known each other for more than 2 months.”

“True, but I don’t really care that much. You’ve proven yourself enough. I trust you. And by the end of the day it doesn’t really matter as long as we are open to learn new stuffs about each other and accepting it. It doesn’t matter how we started, what matters is how we will make it last.” I exclaimed, leaning away from him a little, so I will be able to see his face.

“So far, as I learn more about you the more I like you. Each time, I just find more reason to like you, to love you. I love you.” He exclaimed it seemed like he was also surprised with his words. Upon hearing this, yet again I felt my heart beating so fast.

He just confessed.

 I did nothing but blink.

“I love you Yui.” He exclaimed again. I was lost in my thoughts for a while. Did he just say it? The three magical words that I have been wishing to hear ever since.

Slowly, I felt hot tears running down my eyes. He was confused. Oh gosh I should clear things up before he gets the wrong idea.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, wiping my tears with his thumb.

“I’m just really happy.” I exclaimed and wrapped my arms around his neck, pushing him down the sofa.

“Really?” He asked.

“Yeah, I’ve been longing for someone to tell me that. I can’t believe that it will be you.” I said, feeling his arms tightening around my waist.

“I love you.” Kei repeated again. I can feel butterflies in my stomach, flattering beautifully if that’s even possible.

For a moment I pulled back again and stared at his face. I took a deep breath and said.

“I love you too. Thank you for everything.” I managed to say to him. He pulled me back to his arms, my head rest on his chest as we lay down on the sofa.

“You’re definitely worth the risk.” I heard him mumbled which made me smile more. I know he’s in an industry that people will always have something to say. Someday he might face a pressure that involves all of this. It scares me a bit but I believe and hope he won’t let go.


For a while we stayed that way but later on I asked him if he would like to watch a movie. He said yes and so we did watch a movie. Kei stayed until dinner, we spent the whole day watching movies and teasing each other. For a moment I lost the feeling of pain in my heart and he replaced it with love and affection. We cooked lunch together and after lunch we made cupcakes and prepared dinner for the girls as well. Our dinner was actually really enjoyable, the girls took the chance to learn more about JUMP from Kei (he doesn’t really mind after all). Kei was able to learn more about the friendship I shared with the girls too. He was about to leave when I remembered the cupcakes we made. I know the girls are all in a diet well including me so the cupcakes might just go to waste and plus I really want to give them to his family.

“Take these home” I ran back to the kitchen and grabbed half of the cupcakes we made. I gently put them in a box and gestured him to come over to the kitchen.

“For JUMP?” He asked, lifting at eyebrow “You’re spoiling them too much and plus they will get suspicious that I have been giving them sweets too often.”

“Nope, for your family” I exclaimed and smiled.


“Tell them, we made it.” I said, handling him the box.

“Oh, so you want to make it official?” He said and gave me a smirk.

“Ah, ha?” I asked, he only laughed at my reaction and said.

“I’ll let you meet them soon.” I nodded, embarrassed that yet again he caught me off guard and used it to his advantage again.

“But I want to meet yours too, even your mom.” For a while, sadness came rushing to me and it seemed that he noticed it. He put the box I gave him on the counter and lifted my head that was looking at the ground.

“You’re strong, we’ll get through this. I promise.” I heard him say. I nodded, believing everything he said.

“I’m sure she’s watching over you.” He added and kissed my forehead.

“I’ll leave now; I’ll call you when I get home.” He exclaimed as he gave me another warm hug. As soon as he let go he grabbed the box of cupcakes and bid the other girls goodbye. They thanked him too because he really was able to make me feel better. He made me realize that somehow I deserve to be loved.



To love genuinely is to risk a few things once its worth is proven you won't need anything else. (credits to the owner)


Okaayyy... I'm sleepy and a bit dizzy while writing this so hopefully I managed to get the idea/message of this chapter to reach you.

Ahahaha.. So yeeaah... That's chapter 7. I hope you like it! Do leave a comment if you can. 

It really inspires me to update faster! And yes! Do tell me if you have any suggestion ne? 

(Not proofread as usual)

Yui dea~!


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Chapter 8: I need more ; A ;
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Dr4g0n0m #3
Chapter 8: Kewllll!!! Update quicker plz <3
krn_nadeshiko #4
Chapter 7: what a beautiful story, seriously, I love how u express the character feelings and how u describe it... I think u should do more stories with Inoo please!!! >/////<
Dr4g0n0m #5
Chapter 7: Another great chapter!! Lots of fluff and kei/yui moments :))) I really like the fact that the minor characters are staying minor and while adding a bit of 'flavour', aren't distracting the reader from the main characters.
How about adding a bit of twist to the story now? Something that'll cause some conflict in their relationship, to keep things interesting. And it'd be great if the said conflict isn't resolved in a single chapter, to make things more exciting for the readers.
Keep up the good work :)
Dr4g0n0m #6
Chapter 6: Awww amazing :)) keep'em comin'!!!
Chapter 5: OMG this chapter is so sweet that I might get diabetes! Heh! And did you know I had to actually google the foods you used and then you made me hungry from looking at the pics? Hahah! Anyway, I love how their relationship is slowly progressing. Kei is such a cute lovable idiot while Yui is a cute girl who's falling in love. Well, a great as per usual. Waiting for the next update! Ganbatte! :)
Dr4g0n0m #8
Chapter 5: Heeey,
Thx for the update! I like the lenght of the chapters, not too short and not too long.
Amazing plot!!!! Keep the updates coming!
Chapter 4: I love Yui's and Kei's interaction. It made me smile unknowingly and made me nervous as to what's going to happen next. I love it! Update soon! Ganbatte! ;)
Dr4g0n0m #10
Chapter 3: Update quicker plz!!!!
This is awesome :))