Not a chapter

It all started with the phone :)
Hey what's up peoples??? I'm sorry I'm not updating but alot of things have come up like: For the longest time I lost my...uhhg I forgot what it's called but the stick thing that you can save stuff on and I just found like a month ago so I couldn't write. Another thing is that I'm grounded cause of umm things and after a really long time they finally let me have some of my stuff back so I've been trying to get back on the computer but it kinda died of old age so like I can't get on that and cause my laptop died along time ago we have no working computers in my house except for my dads but the buttmunch wopnt let us on it. But hopefully by the summer not only will i get off of restriction but my mom might get a new comp. ( and if I'm supper good i might get a new laptop if not I'll have to wait till school starts and buy my own) but for all that goes with this story I re-read it and I don't like so unlike my other one I'm going to re-write it And butthe time summer comes I will hopefully finished and made it alot better with more detail and longer chapters I'll probably post the link in another update saying I'm done and I love it more than this one:) So I guess until then this is duces for now... Thanks for reading this boring old thing but I felt bad cause I didn't say anything. (also 'cause there has been some one bugging me on updating) ~ <3 Taemin-Lover :)
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Yeah no problem ^.^
@ Taeminluver <br />
you could help me add more detail to the next chapters so they wont be ish? :)
Can't wait~ I feel kind of useless as a co-author right now >.<
@Yamasau<br />
Because we love you :)
OMG the authors are now both taeminlover hahaha thats amazing~<br />
im so happy ^.^
@TaeminLuver<br />
Haha sure Id love to add you too the team!! :)
AWWWW TT^TT SO SAD!!!!<br />
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ok, im gonna stop crying long enough to offer to edit for you if you want. Keylove said you guys are bad with spelling and stuff and i'm good with spelling and grammar so i thought i would offer. but only if you want to... anyways, update soon please, its too sad to leave like that TT^TT
haha thanks
why?! everyone is dropping cliffhangers on me why?!
good story(: update soon ! and she's a lucky girl =w=