chapter 8

It all started with the phone :)


"Do you think she's going to be okay" I asked Dongho as he came from Alicea's room. "Yeah she just needs some rest " he assured me. I walked into the kitchen to get a bottle if water. " Poor Alicea cried herself to sleep to night again, it's been a week since he left." I said out loud. "Yeah i swear if i ever see him again im going to make him pay" he muttered. i went to the living room to read a book. "hey want to go to bush gardens tomorrow?" Dongho asked as he sat down next to me. "Hmm...' i thought for a whlie then decided,' OMG i didnt think of that before!" i jumped up and dowgetting excited. "there is one thing Alicea loves more then Taemin" i said happly. "So youre going to bring Seunghyun here?" then he added "wait no wouldnt it be yoseob?" He looked really confused...weirdo."Uhh i was going to say the Drop Zone..'hehe' but if it was between boys you'd be number two" i said smiling knowing it was a lie....or so i think. His smile grew across his face'i knew it he likes her'  "really?" he asked. i couldnt hold it in any longer i burst into laughter. "haha no" His smile quickly faded, and he left. "ahh what a party pooper" i said while whiping the tears away from eyes. The house was quiet its was only 3. "What to do what to do??" i woundered if Alicea was still asleep so i tip toed to her room to check. 'yep omg how long does that girl need to sleep??' I spent the whole day watching TV, then that got boring so i left and took a walk. One of the elementry schools were near by so i decieded to walk there and play on the swings. As i sat down i starte thinking about Onew. He was so sweet and nice always there when i was bored and had nothing to do. I wish they didnt had to leave i miss him so much. I didnt notice till now that i was swinging really high. Just as i was trying to slow down some one grabbed me from behind and stopped me. I looked behind me and saw that it was Daniel . "Hey stranger havent seen you around" he said letting go and sitting on the swing next to me. Daniel was a friend of mine that i met visiting Alicea one summer when we were playing manhunt.


It was Donghos turn to count so me and Alicea split up and ran two diffrent ways. Her neiborhood was huge and nice so we could hide anywhere. As i ran around i found a brick wall dividing two yards and since it was far from her house i thought it was perfect. I sat there waiting kneeing on the ground waiting to jump and run if i heard something. I liked playing manhunt at her house unlike mine where the street lights were all on, on her street there were only two the ones at each end of the street. Hehe and they were dim at that so it was kinda like running around in the dark. I liked it cause it helped when hiding but it when you were the one trying to find everyone. As i thought of the random kids playing with us i heard a twig crack a few inches behind he wall so i go up and rushed to find a new hidding place. But little did i know that he crack didnt come from behind me it came from infront of me so i ran straight into someone. Before i could fall they grabed my arm and held me up. I lokked up trying to seee if i bumped into Dongho but luckly i didnt it was one of the older boys. We heard hushed voices coming from down the street getting closer by the second. By now the boy had grabbed my hand and ran. My heart pumping faster then i ever know it could go i felt scared although i know that nothing bad was going to happen. (A/N to me its kinda like when i play left4dead and im aginst the zombies and my cousins died on me and they're telling me to die but im to scared to..) He quickly stoped and pulled me to the side i was pressed against his chest and we were in a tight space i really didnt know where though. I was just about to ask where we were wheni heard the voices from earlier. "ahhh i swear i heard them running" a boy said in between breaths. "well if you did then that means that they're some where around here go back and bring Tyii and Taii to help search" Alicea said. 'oh how dare she, she told me she wouldnt help them. Traitor!' It seemed like forever had passed until we heard someone yell "OKAY WE GIVE UP!! COME OUT ALREADY!" By my guess it had probaly been the twins they never played for long before givig up. The boy ifront of me chuckled and pulled us bith out from where  we were hidding.  As we walked out i saw Taii talking to Alicea. Tyii ran up to the boy and said "Hyung im hungry can we eat already" ' this boy we ate before we started and that was like an hour and a half ago..' "yeah sure Taii just wait till your brothers talking to Alice" haha the boy called the twin by the wrong name. "His name is Tyii the one talking to Alicea is Taii" i said he looked at me confused then looked at Tyii. "Is ahe right?" he asked. He giggled "yeah im suprised youve known us since we were little and you still cant tell us apart and she just met us a couple days ago." he said getting mad. The boy next to me put his hands up. "im sorry you know how slow i can be." Tyii just sighed and walked to his brother who was now on the phone. We started walking again. "how did you know" he asked. At first i was confused cause i was thinking about food.... "His eyes" there was a pause "but it is dark how canyou see his eyes." i looked at the sky it wasnt that dark at the moment. "im serious Tyii's eyes have a little line of red in them and Taii has a little line of purple....well thats what Alicea told me i didnt see it yet"  "oh well at least ya'll can tell them apart  by the way im Daniel"  "HEY GUYS IF YOU WANT TO EAT YOU BETTER HURRY UP" Dongho yelled from Aliceas front yard. "Race?" i nodded "Ready...set...GO!" and we were off.

~end of flashback~

You now looked at the boy beside you he had darkish brown hair with dark brown eyes and the cutest smile in the world. 'wait dot think that remember Onew!' I smiled back. "so where have you been?" h asked as he started swinging still keeping his eyes on me. "I'v just got here uhh last month i think" He  just started laughing, "and you didnt bother to come over and say hi?" .."err no cause Alicea said that you werent home somethink about dreams i dont know i was trying to find my phone at the moment" i  got up and started walking to the slides across from him. "yeah i was but then they gave me a break so i came back home to talk to her about some thing, is she home i need to ask her something" hmm i wounder if he could cheer her up? nahh she laughed more with the twins i wounder where they are. "uhh shes not in a good mood right now but do you know where the twins are?" 'Please say yes please say yes!' he sat there looking confused. "what?" i asked. "uhh yeah they live right across the street," he got up and walked over "do you not remeber i mean they draged use to there house every day.." i thought for a while nope didnt remember oh well. "come on ill take you" we slowly made our way back to the street "why is she in a bad mood what did you do?" he eyed me. "haha i didnt do anything it was all Taemin" He didnt say anything after that till we reached they're house."  looked over to him and he had one evil smirk on. 'ohh great' "Come on time to awake the devils"


"Taemin please dont leave me" he grabed my hand as i started crying. "I'm sorry i dont want but i--" but before he could finish a annoying voice called my name. "ALICE NOONA!!!" I opened my eyes to see both of the twins heads above me still yelling my name. "I am NOT your damn NOONA so stop calling me that!" The twin with purple flashing in his eye snuggled next to me and pointed to his brother. "He's the one that yelled and called you i just wanted to fall back to sleep next to you" i pulled the covers from under him and noticed he was still in his pajamas as he slid next to me ready to fall asleep  "And everyone woundered why i like Taii more..He never freakin bothered me when i was sleeping" i said in a calm voice not wanting to hurt my sleeping buddies ear. "Fine i see how it is leave the other one feeling unloved" he said as he walked out of my room. He knew i was never serious so he probaly went down stairs to eat.....pig.I was starting to drift off to dreamland when Taii spoke."why were your eyes red?" I was confused. Then i remembered Taemin and the two weeks we spent together he only left me when he had to go preform. Then he would came back and hang out with me. I also remembered that night he left me. Tears started falling from my eyes again. i was pulled closer to him and he whipered in my ear, "its okay let it all out" and with that i did. I missed Tae so much but i was mad at him why couldnt he tell me he was leaving maybe then i wouldnt be so sad but im also mad at myself. He's an idol for god sakes of course he isnt going to stay here he has concerts to do fans to see i would be selfish to want him to myself.



Im sorry that i havent updated in a long time but i swear that i already did..but im glad i didnt cause at first this chap was so short but ive made it alot longer. I also went a little of topic cause last night when i was wrighting i was thinking so i just typed whatever came into my head so if it doenst make sence just tell me and ill clear it up.

I have three new characters

Tyii and Taii [ random ppl of mine:) ] and




Hehe smexie Daniel...for my story im going to say hes two years older then the girls  i really dont want any ages cause it would mess everything up, so for his group they're going to be younger then thay are right now...err i hope that makes sence.

Anyway Comment and Subscribe 

Wait i forgot both Daniel and Yoseob sing a song together!! :) Its kinda old but i still love it!

~Taemin-Lover <3

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Yeah no problem ^.^
@ Taeminluver <br />
you could help me add more detail to the next chapters so they wont be ish? :)
Can't wait~ I feel kind of useless as a co-author right now >.<
@Yamasau<br />
Because we love you :)
OMG the authors are now both taeminlover hahaha thats amazing~<br />
im so happy ^.^
@TaeminLuver<br />
Haha sure Id love to add you too the team!! :)
AWWWW TT^TT SO SAD!!!!<br />
<br />
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ok, im gonna stop crying long enough to offer to edit for you if you want. Keylove said you guys are bad with spelling and stuff and i'm good with spelling and grammar so i thought i would offer. but only if you want to... anyways, update soon please, its too sad to leave like that TT^TT
haha thanks
why?! everyone is dropping cliffhangers on me why?!
good story(: update soon ! and she's a lucky girl =w=