How King Luhan Met His Queen


For the first time since Luhan started sneaking out, he came home empty handed. Oh but not quite. He had a date with Minhee. When he comes home, he listens to his father's lecture with a smile earning weird looks from his parents. When the King was done, Luhan makes his leave.

"I will have a visitor tonight," Luhan almost cheers. He calls for the royal butler then.

"Yes Master Luhan?"

"Have a simple but elegant dinner prepared at the garden," Luhan orders, a dreamy smile on his face.

"Which garden sir?" The butler asks.

"Hmm... The one with the pond and gazebo, oh... And make sure to make it... Twinkle!" Luhan tells the older man, emphasizing twinkle by wiggling his fingers before walking to his room. He practically floated to his room. He spends the day trying on different outfits before deciding on one.

An idea then pops in his mind. Luhan calls for a maid this time.

"Pick out one dress and send it to my room."


Terrified. That's what Minhee felt at the moment. Terrified and a little excited. She's practically tearing her room apart looking for one dress to wear for tonight. The Prince invited her for dinner. Is this a date?! Minhee shakes her head, dismissing the thought.

"Yah! What happened here? One minute I'm gone to take a tinkle and you do this to your room?" Jongin lectures, leaning on the door frame.

"Oh Jongin I don't know what to wear!" Minhee voices her struggle. Jongin chuckles.

"Just wear anything Minhee. Be yourself. Trust me, the Prince will see your personality and will love it. Besides you are beautiful," Jongin comments causing Minhee to blush. So, off Minhee goes to pick a dress.

Soon, it was time to meet the Prince. When the guards asks her to state her business, she explains to them what Luhan had said and they let her in. She looks around the palace in awe. It was magnificent and enormous!

"Miss Minhee?" A maid asks. Minhee nods to confirm that she is indeed, Miss Minhee. The maid asks her to follow her and so she does. They take her to a room where more maids await. They shove her into a bath and scrub her clean before they fit a dress on her. After that, they sit her down while maids work on her hair and make up.

Once done, she is taken aback by her appearance in the huge mirror. This time a man, probably the royal butler, leads her out. The evening has come and made the outside world dark. When Minhee enters the garden, her eyes grow shiny and her jaw drops.

It was beautiful. Different kinds of flowers lined a path to a beautiful lake. In the middle of the lake, a gazebo floated. It was decorated with lights, making it look magical. A white gondola awaited. The butler gestures for her to get in and slowly, a man takes them closer to the gazebo.

As it got closer, Minhee's eyes widen even more. It was absolutely stunning. A table and chairs were elegantly set in the middle. Silver trays that were covered with a dome shaped lid blocked Minhee's eyes of the food. A lady with a harp was sat in the corner, making music with it. And there stood Prince Luhan in all his glory.

He was dressed quite handsomely and his hair was styled just perfect.

"Hello Minhee."

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Chapter 4: OMG I really loved this story is so cute and adorable I like the little prince reaction of the kiss LOL XD
LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!