Chapter 9

Loving you

Clumsy, messed up and little rushed maybe but the most important thing is the relationships!!!! 


I'm sorry if this chapter is boring T______T I wrote it three times. :D D:

Chapter 9:

“I expect you two to be there. It is for you after all and all my friends and relatives –same with your father – are going to be in there.” Hyesung’s mother-in-law explained sternly. “Did I mention that your nunas will be there too?”

Eric sighed. “No, you didn’t mom and we will be there. Don’t worry.”

“Yes, we will be there mother-in-law. I’ll make sure that my Shnumpkin attends this party. He will do anything to me.” Hyesung replied and flashed a convincing smile meanwhile his hands were getting busy on Eric’s upper body.  

Shnumpkin? Eric pondered disgusted.

Grace Mun grinned as she kinda invited herself in their apartment. Hyesung gave her a quizzical frown and Eric rubbed his neck embarrassed.

“Was I interrupting something?” She asked shocked. “Perhaps you were testing your new bed?”

“Good God, mom!” Eric shouted, getting redder. “No! We weren’t testing the bed and no, we weren’t thinking about adoption yet.” He added.

Grace Mun pouted, her wrinkles appearing next to . “Blaah! I am not going to live any longer you know,” She muffled.

“I know.”

“We will consider adopting as soon as we get married.” Hyesung spilled out, clinging onto Eric’s arm. “Which is still far away.” He continued when Eric gazed at him with his deadly eyes. “I think I just have to get used to being someone’s fiancé. Besides, taking care of my hubby,” Hyesung hit Eric onto his stomach again, earning a gasp from the older man, “is a job enough.”

Grace Mun smirked. “Well, then,” She said. “I guess I can wait for you to the party. Eric ah,” She pecked her son’s cheek and Hyesung’s chin. “You chose the right one. You two fit each other perfectly. I hope this will last.”

When she, finally, exited the foyer and disappeared from the apartment. Eric and Hyesung turned to look at each other.

“Perfect for each other?” Hyesung interrogated cutely.

“I don’t know what she sees in us.” Eric shook his head and they made another turn towards the living room.

But next to the doorframe there was a mirror. They startled. Their hands were intertwined and they were wearing couple shirts –by accident. Eric was only one centimeter taller than Hyesung but still he looked a bit taller. The ring on Hyesung’s finger shone and it really matched with his eyes and skin tone. They looked like a couple. They looked scarily much like a couple. And they looked happy.

“I-i-I think…I should…prepare some breakfast.” Eric stammered and jerked Hyesung’s hand off of his.

“Yeah,” the other one whispered and wiped his hand onto his jeans’ fabric. “I w-w-will go t-t-take a shower…bye.”

Eric ran to the awesome kitchen while Hyesung banged the bathroom door closed and locked it.


Andy yawned while stretching his arms. He was heading to nowhere with his not-so-protective assistant who just pushed him towards the ways he wanted to go. But since he hadn’t seen much, he just wanted to visit the park, some café and a library. Junjin found it provoking – as usual – but also kinda cuddly that the young master was so eager about everything.

Junjin and Andy were sitting at the park. The young master was next to the bench while Junjin was sitting on the bench. He had fished his phone out and he was texting cheesy messages to his boyfriend who answered almost immediately with as cheesy texts while Andy was staring at children who were laughing and running around.

Another text message came to Junjin who smiled widely and squealed.

“Sick,” Andy mumbled while shaking his head. Older man glared at him, stung his tongue out and returned to text to Hyesung. “How come you can be so cheesy? You are a man!” Andy whined.

“I am in love.” Junjin simply responded. “Have you ever been in love, Andy- sshi?”

“No,” Andy muttered, getting red, crossing his arms. “But if I were, I wouldn’t be as cheesy as you!”

“Hey,” Junjin pointed his finger. “I am not cheesy! I just show my feelings to Hyesung hyung.” He gave a short nod before he started to tap his screen and again squeal like a teenage girl.

Andy bemoaned. “You are odd.”

“I am odd?”


“I am odd? Well, I guess I don’t talk to coffee cups when I catch them or scream when I can do what I want!” Junjin defended himself, his phone beeping and beeping.

“You are odd! How come a man like you, who is so in love, lets his boyfriend get engaged to his best friend and then think it’s really normal?!” Andy yelled wiggling his fingers while speaking.

Junjin shoved his phone back into his pocket. “I did it because I trust Hyesung hyung and Eric hyung! Have you ever trusted in them?”

“No!” Andy covered his mouth instantly. The eyes on Junjin’s face were as big as dinner plates and the frown between his eyes was really deep. His jaw had dropped and it was obvious that he wanted to say something to him but didn’t. “I trust them not very often.”

Older man gazed at him. “Why?”

“If you were like me and lived the way I live, you would understand. But since you don’t, you can’t. It’s not just them, Junjin-sshi.” Andy told. “It’s everyone.”


Hyesung tiptoed away from the shower and practically ran to his and Eric’s bedroom to change his clothes. He put on his working clothes, checked whether his make-up was pretty, smiled satisfied and then exited the room. When he walked towards the kitchen, he saw Eric in front of the fridge pulling something out of it.

“Waah,” Hyesung gasped. “Smells so good.”

“Doesn’t it? I was trying this new recipe that my mom gave to me and I found it amazing. Sit down.” Eric spoke. “It’s almost done. “

Hyesung smiled and sat down, lifting his hands under his chin. He really liked what he saw. Eric cooking breakfast to him, wearing his home clothes that only suited to him. Hyesung was serious. No one else would look good in sweatpants and a hoodie that was too big. Everything fitted to Eric.

“When is the party by the way?” Hyesung asked.

“Tomorrow. Are you free then?” Eric muffled. “Or do you have a gig?”

“No,” Hyesung sighed. “I have absolutely nothing. Maybe I should leave this singer career and start doing something else.”

Eric turned around shocked. “What?”

“Don’t show that face to me, Eric ah,” Hyesung whined. “I know you’re shocked but I am not that famous. I don’t get enough money.” He said. “I love singing though.”

“You do. And that is why I won’t let my fiancé to let his dreams sink.” Eric spoke proudly. “Do you hear me?”

“I do, Eric ah,” Hyesung laughed.

“If we get married soon—“

They both cringed.

“W-w-what?” Hyesung interrogated.

“Ah, nothing. I can really give you some money if you start feeling narrow.” Eric changed the topic. “I promise.” He flashed a grin and turned around to continue the cooking.    


Junjin was doing some window shopping with Andy who had forced him to get going so the awkward silence would subside. It didn’t though. Older man had just nodded and in minutes they were walking on the streets. Junjin was absentminded and Andy was awkwardly staring at his reflection from the ongoing windows.

“Oh!?” he abruptly voiced amused.

“What?” Junjin answered, halting his steps. “Saw someone stealing a lollipop from a kid?”

“No,” Andy hissed. “Can we go to that bookstore?” he questioned, pointing at the store right in front of them.

Junjin blinked his eyes and when Andy turned to look at him with a pout and glowing eyes, he didn’t know what it was that made him nod since his brain function just stopped for minutes. They did enter the old looking shop.

The bookstore was a bit small and that was why Andy couldn’t sit on his wheelchair but on a chair that was put next to bookshelves. Junjin circled the shelves and tables where all the books were when something caught his eyes. He smirked and grabbed the book into his hands. He didn’t think twice as he walked towards the counter and asked that the book was put into a bag. The nice lady smiled and gave the package to Junjin who bowed. Andy found a book too that Junjin bought to him just because he wanted to, not really caring of Andy’s glaring.

“What did you buy?” Younger guy asked interested. “I didn’t know you read books.”

“I don’t.” Junjin responded briefly. “I just found something that woke my interest.” He flashed a grin.

“Ah, really?” Andy mumbled doubtfully.

“Yeah, really.” Junjin bowed his head while he opened the small bag a bit. He saw the title again and chuckled. ‘How to treat your disabled friend’ it said.

“Well,” Andy commented. “I am happy tha—“

“Oh, is that you Sun Ho?” Someone’s voice cut the young man. “It is you! SUN HO! IT’S ME!! SUN HO! Wait! I haven’t seen you in six months! SUN HO!”

Andy’s eyes widened as he grabbed Junjin’s hand and told him to get away quickly. Older man furrowed his eyebrows but did as the young master told him to do and ran away from the weird passbyer who stopped to her tracks and stared at the two men who disappeared behind the corner. She blinked her eyes and shrugged.

“Maybe he wasn’t Sun Ho?”


It was the engagement party day and Hyesung was nervous as a . Grace Mun had decided to hold the party in a big mansion in the middle of nowhere and only Eric knew what that mansion meant for his family.

“In this mansion Simon and I got married.” She explained to her son-in-law. “I still remember the day like it was yesterday.” She smiled eyes closed.

“Must’ve been beautiful?” Hyesung asked.

“Oh, it was.” She sighed.

Hyesung patted her shoulder and moved behind Junjin who had just arrived with Andy who had been quiet since the weird lady kept screaming ‘Sun Ho’. Junjin had no idea who this Sun Ho was but it seemed to shock Andy who hadn’t closed his eyes at all – that’s what he had told to him so he wouldn’t anger him. Junjin had just sneered.

“Hi, honey.” Hyesung whispered so silently that only Junjin heard it.

“Hi, hyung.” Younger man greeted. “How was your gig?”

“It was great. I got a contract that would give me a better future. Can you believe it?” Hyesung was shining.

“Of course! You are an amazing singer!” Junjin replied. “It was about the time for you to get that contract!” He whispered.

Andy rolled his eyes and wheeled away from them to his brother who was laughing with his sisters. Andy liked his sisters but they never really said anything to him because he wasn’t their blood brother. He was okay with it though.

“Finally you’re engaged!” The oldest sister said.

“Yeah! And with a beautiful man like Hyesung.” Said the younger sister. “I didn’t know that you liked men.”

Eric gulped. “Yeah,” he muttered. “I do. It kinda happened with my Hyesungie. He just was there when I needed him the most.”        

Andy chuckled. “How was your first night at your new apartment?” he questioned. “Good?”

“It was amazing.” Eric replied. “Too amazing.”

The disabled man frowned but then Minwoo slapped his head and made him turn around. “ANDY!”


“Did you miss your hyung?” Minwoo ruffled his dongsaeng’s hair. “Because if you didn’t, I will punish you!”

“I did miss you, don’t worry, hyung.”

“ERIC AND HYESUNG!” Grace Mun screamed.

“Yes, mom?” Eric murmured.

“It’s time for you two to meet other guests. Are you ready?”

Eric nodded and took a look at Hyesung who bit his lip. “It’s going to be okay. Trust me.”

“I do, Eric ah. I trust you.”


“So how did he propose?” An old lady asked intrigued.

Hyesung smiled awkwardly and said, “He kneeled down and told cheesy words about his love towards me.”

“Was he crying?”

Eric chuckled and replied, “He was.”

“Did he kiss you after the proposal?”

Hyesung startled and so did Eric. They stared at each other for a while before Hyesung flashed a shy smile. “I kissed him.” He commented.

“Would you like to show us a reenactment?”


“Yeah, I would love to see our Eric in business.”

“No, no! We can’t do that in here.” Eric mumbled.

“Sure you can. You’re in love.” When Eric’s sister had finished her sentence everybody turned to look at them.



“Show us how you kissed him.”

Hyesung gulped and blushed. He gave a quick glare to Eric who swallowed too and shook his head. Hyesung nodded and leaned in to quickly his lips onto Eric’s, pulling them away in a flash.

“Eyy,” people said. “That’s not a lovers’ kiss. You should kiss him properly.” Eric’s mom whispered. “I can’t believe this. Are you two really engaged?” She interrogated.

Eric’s eyes widened as he gave a nod to Hyesung who couldn’t even retreat when he already kissed him fully on the lips. Hyesung could feel slight movement from Eric as he opened his mouth and let out a gasp. Older man’s tongue brushed Hyesung’s and that made him open his mouth wider, feeling how the butterflies in his stomach decided to increase. When their tongues touched again, they felt a new, exhilarating feeling going through their bodies and they deepened the kiss, just like that. Hyesung’s arms slid behind Eric’s neck while his arms went behind Hyesung’s back, onto his waist. Younger man unconsciously let out a moan that curved a smile onto Eric’s lips and he moved his tongue so it would touch Hyesung’s and make him moan again, succeeding to do it. They didn’t know what it was that made them perceive what they were doing and so they awkwardly –since they both realized that they were getting too excited and into the kiss- withdrew each other weird feelings going through their bodies.

“Woah,” Eric’s sister gasped and Hyesung opened his eyes looking straightly at Eric who looked appalled. He was panting. “That was…wow.”

“Well done, hyung.” Andy muttered and lifted his champagne glass in the air while smirking.

“My son…” Grace Mun hailed the heavens. “My son is so handsome! And look at his fiancé.”

Eric gulped while staring at Hyesung and his swollen and red lips. He felt his heartbeat going insane when he recalled Hyesung’s hands in his hair and what his lips had tasted like. Eric widened his eyes when he felt the warmness and urge inside him after Hyesung had kissed him back and when he figured out that…

Oh, no.

Younger man’s hand found its way to the back of the chair, holding it to keep his balance when he was steading his breathing. Did he just feel Eric’s tongue in his mouth? Did he just feel his best friend’s tongue in his mouth and actually enjoyed it? Hyesung bit his lip to get the taste he had had at the tip of his tongue seconds ago. He stared at Eric’s eyes and plump lips and realized that…

Oh, no. 

Junjin was really shocked after seeing the scene in front of him. Was it just him or did it seem little too…real? He trusted Hyesung and Eric. He trusted them from the bottom of his heart but still…he had a terrible feeling in his stomach and in his heart. It stung to be honest. It hurt because he hadn’t been able to kiss his boyfriend in 24 hours! He missed Hyesung and now this engagement was taking Hyesung’s time from Junjin. They needed their privacy and time too. Junjin was sure that when Eric’s parents leave, he will have all of his time with Hyesung. It was going to be perfect. Nothing could ruin it. 

“I love you, Sung ah.” Eric murmured in front of everybody.

Hyesung’s heart suddenly fluttered and he had to tighten his grip on the chair before he smiled and said, “I love you too, Eric ah.”

Junjin literally fell apart. He couldn’t be there anymore. He was burned alive. His insides had been ripped off. He seemed like he was agonizing and that was true. He was.

How come Hyesung can’t say ‘I love you’ to him?  

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turyka #1
Chapter 30: So i'm on a RicSung fever right now and found ur story... and I love it.
Although i felt sad for Jinnie at the beginnig cause he really have an amazing heart. I glad that you pair him with Andy and that you didn't change ythe fact that he can't walk . Sad but is inspiring.
Great work ^^
Jasonlee #2
I found this fanfic.. it take me some time to find this ff coz i had forgoten the tittle. I remember the plot of this ff is about andy being in a wheelchair + a bestfriend eric n hyesung ..
ps : This fanfic was my bedtime story during college time
ps: Im a huge fan of Andy
Chapter 30: Yanno? I still hate RicSyung even tho ive reached the end of the story. Er, maybe 'hate' is a strong word but.. still.. I dont think id be able to read any ricsyung for a while cz well my heart's still hurting from the time when ricsyung hurt my dear precious Jinnie with their confusion n denial.. Maybe im TOO into the story but what can I say, Jinnie is my absolute bias.
Nice plot tho.
(Tho now im in a great need of anything Jinnie related fanfic which doesnt consist of him hurting, just to mend my STILL broken heart)
Thanks for writing.
SoulDragon #4
Chapter 30: Wonderfull! Some parts where a little bit too detailed for my tast hihi, but that's just my preference ;). I also loved the JinDy side story, could verry well be a main story!
Thank you verry much for this wonderfull story, i really enjoyed it!
Chapter 30: i cried so many times reading this fanfiction. ;_;
its so so so beautiful the jindy couple really made me adore this story, its amazing! thank you and congratulations! ♡
Chapter 20: I love this story so much, especially jindy's part.. kinda complicated but sweet :'3
Chapter 30: Ok, first off, sorry for the late comment :D
But aww, such a cute epilogue. :D
Jindy's married, Ricsung has a kid, and now a dog too. :P
And so nice of Ricsung to help them move in :D
Also, the kids name, really reminds me of Eugene from SES :P
I really realized as I read this, that I really am gonna miss the full length Jindy stuff from you :( I enjoy having weekly stuff to read from you, and comment on
wid_03 #8
Chapter 30: hohohoho...want to see yujin actually,,
but..ok,,loving you already completed..^^