Chapter 27

Loving you

AN UPDATE! I' sorry if this is weird....That's not Kangta's end...Junjin needs to "revenge" somehow. I won't let him of the hook. :P lol! 


Chapter 27:

When Junjin marched through the corridors, people were glaring at him. His hands were fists and the vein on his forehead was throbbing as he wanted to get as far away as he could from Hwangbo and her stupid rumor. A rumor that was true.

Now Junjin wanted to find the other culprit. He knew that Chil Hyun would lie to him and say that Hwangbo grasped it all and started the “headless” rumor but Junjin wasn’t easily coaxed. He wanted to know where Chil Hyun had gotten the information. There was no one to whom Junjin had told about his life in South Korea. There was only Andy who knew.


The said man didn’t budge out when he heard his name being shouted. He just walked faster when he felt a hand on his wrist and forceful grasp to pull him around. Junjin knew that Hwangbo was a nice girl. They had spent so much time together in the last month.

“Junjin, please,” the voice said when Junjin jerked his hand, gave an angry glance at the one and turned around, striding on the corridor. “Please!”

“Stop pleading Hwangbo!”

The woman startled when Junjin raised his voice. “But…I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!”

Junjin tsked and kept walking until Hwangbo slid in front of him and made him stop. She stared at Junjin and her eyes were filled with regret and sorry. The man didn’t give up. He didn’t want to let her off the hook. She was the reason everyone talked about him.

“I’m not forgiving you Hwangbo,” Junjin muttered in a low tone. “You’ll have to earn my forgiving. There’s no way I’d give it to you like this.”

She bit her lip.

“I wouldn’t have waited for this from you Hwangbo-sshi,” Junjin shook his head. “And I’m disappointed. I really thought we’d be friends. Let me go and leave me alone.”

Junjin pushed her out of the way and pushed his hands into his pockets while disappearing to the game room. Hwangbo followed him with her eyes and sighed. If she hadn’t listened to Chil Hyun and his weird source of information about Park Chung Jae, she hadn’t lost her only friend.

“I’m sorry, Junjin ah,”


Eric had suggested that they’d go eat before they returned home to relax (which meant making noisy love while Andy was watching TV and not really caring) and then plan their wedding. Hyesung grabbed Eric’s hand to his and entwined their fingers while Andy was moving forward in front of them. On top of his lap, he had a brown leather bag.

“Hyung,” Andy said.

“Yes?” Eric bowed his body from the waist.

“Can I have an ice-cream?” The disabled man questioned cutely.

Eric sighed. “But we’re about to eat some lunch. I’ll buy you ice-cream after lunch. What do you think Andy ya?”

The maknae pouted and crossed his arms onto his chest. “But I want ice-cream now!”

“Andy ya, don’t make a scene, please.” Eric whined. “I promise to buy you ice-cream after lunch. Any flavor you like!”

Andy pouted even harder.  “I want ice-cream now!”

“Well, you don’t get ice-cream before lunch or else you’d get tummy ache. I don’t want you to whine about your tummy Andy ya.”

“But I want chocolate ice-cream!” Andy screamed. “I want, I want, I want!”

“NOT UNTIL YOU EAT SOMETHING PROPER AT FIRST!” Eric yelled. Hyesung looked at them and his blood started to boil. Andy crossed his arms tighter and pursed his lips.

“If you don’t buy me ice-cream, I’ll hold my breath.” He mumbled.

“Fine. If you hold your breath, you don’t get ice-cream for sure.” Eric spoke teasingly.

Andy gasped and his cheeks puffed cutely.

“Stop it.” Eric commanded annoyed.

But Andy just shook his head.

“Stop it Andy ya!”

Again head shaking. Hyesung sighed and bowed his head when his fiancé gasped too and started lose his cool.

“ENOUGH!” he exclaimed.

Andy and Eric turned to look at him.

“Of course we’ll buy you ice-cream Andy ya,” Hyesung sang motherly while smiling Andy’s cheek. Eric stared at him murderously. “Chocolate was it?”

The young master nodded eagerly and when Hyesung pushed him towards the small ice-cream kiosk next to the street, he squealed like a child. Eric followed them, arms on his chest. Hyesung grinned to Andy while passing him the chocolate good and gave the money to the seller.

“You are a cute family.” She said smiling.

“Excuse me?” Hyesung interrogated politely.

“I’ve never met a gay couple who took care of someone. Wow. This is really cute.” She answered. “Your son is really gorgeous.”

Hyesung glanced at Eric who seemed as confused as he did.

“Our son?”

Andy felt his cheeks burning. He sure looked young but that much younger compared to his hyungs? No way. A cute shade of pink colored his cheeks when Eric and Hyesung realized what was going on and they intentionally hugged the disabled one tightly.

“You must’ve been young when you adopted him.” She laughed. “Have a nice day. And you two are really cute together.” She added.

Eric smirked and grabbed Hyesung by the waist and pulled him to a sloppy kiss.

“Mommy~” Andy’s sudden whine startled them both. “Mommy~ Andy ya’s tummy aches.”

Eric sighed when Hyesung kneeled down and took out a piece of some napkin and began to wipe off that intentionally stained face. The seller girl gasped to Andy’s cute (and a bit disgusting) baby face.

“See? You shouldn’t have eaten ice-cream to an empty stomach.” Eric jeeringly.

Andy gave him a glare and mumbled, “Mommy, it hurts.”


Junjin strolled around the school but didn’t find Chil Hyun anywhere. It seemed like he had disappeared, like the ground had pulled him there. Junjin lifted his hands onto his hips and was about to walk off when someone shut the lights in the room and closed the door.

“Chung Jae ya,” said a crossly soft voice. “I heard you were looking for me.”

“Chil Hyun hyung.” Junjin gritted his teeth.

“You almost attacked Hwangbo after hearing the “rumor”.” Chil Hyun circled Junjin, fixing his dirty eyes to the man. “But I guess the people like you have the right to do that, huh?”

Junjin clenched his fist.

“Now that you’re here, I guess you want to hear how I found out about your disabled love.” The older man explained, lifting his hand under his chin. “You were kinda easy, you know. With your exercises and joggings. You were never at the dorm.” He continued. “When I locked into your room and found those pictures of you and that…unnatural thing, I made my conclusions and realized that that he was your lover.”

“What did you say about Andy?” Junjin snapped but Chil Hyun supposedly didn’t hear it.

“And now you think ‘How did he find out that I had a relationship before Andy?’”

“Don’t you dare mention his name!”

Chil Hyun chuckled.

“It was difficult, I must admit that, but then I scrutinized your phone and found the pictures of you and that slender dude. Did he leave you because some other guy?” He asked annoyingly. “Did he sleep with him and tell him that he loved him?”

Junjin felt how his teeth sank into his inner cheeks. He was so close to hit that man. His hands were getting up and his legs were ready to move when his brain gave them the orders. Chil Hyun eyed him seriously.

“You know what we do to gay people when they come into our school?”

Junjin didn’t answer.

“We punish them.” Chil Hyun whispered.

“Bring it on.” Junjin said with a low tone.

“What?” Chil Hyun raised his voice shocked.

“” Junjin replied, emphasizing each word.

Chil Hyun raised his eyebrows but didn’t think as he already ran towards Junjin, throwing his fist, aiming it to Junjin’s cheek. But when he was about to slam his face, he was pulled back by two men.

“Let me go!” Chil Hyun screamed.

“No,” that was a woman’s voice. “We won’t let you go, Kangta-sshi.”

“Hwangbo?” Junjin questioned.

The woman smiled and shoved her arm to the two big men who nodded and took Chil Hyun with them.  Junjin looked at her shocked.

“What are you doing here?”

“I followed you.”


“I thought you needed help so I asked my friends to help me out.” She grinned.

Junjin bowed his head and the look on his face turned straight again.

“I won’t forgive you yet.”

“I know. I can wait. As long as I can hang out with you and you’ll tell me everything, I’m happy.” She spoke. “I just need a real friend.”

Junjin sighed.

“I’m sincerely sorry of what he did. I tried to get the phone away from him but he slapped me.” Hwangbo muttered while pointing at her cheek. “And then I kinda planned this alone. When Kangta started to spread photos of you with your boyfriend, I pulled them off the walls. If you go to my room, I have hundreds of photos of you and Andy under my bed.” She laughed.

“Thank you.”

Hwangbo cringed.

“Thank you…Hwangbo ya,”


2 months later (still in China):

“What are you guys doing?” Junjin asked as he walked towards his and his roomies’ room. The roomies turned around, grinning from ear to ear as the other one said, “We’re watching our idol’s first live performance.”

Junjin frowned. “You have an idol?”

The boys nodded eagerly. “He’s new in the industry and actually debuted three weeks ago. But this man says that he’s debuted before but didn’t become famous.”

Junjin nodded understanding.

“This guy is really good. He does all of his lyrics by himself,” said the other eager boy.

“Come here, hyung. We’ll show you his title song and the music video.” Junjin nodded and sat down next to the boys. When the other boy opened the page of “YouTube” and made the video load and the first picture of the rapper emerged, Junjin gasped.


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turyka #1
Chapter 30: So i'm on a RicSung fever right now and found ur story... and I love it.
Although i felt sad for Jinnie at the beginnig cause he really have an amazing heart. I glad that you pair him with Andy and that you didn't change ythe fact that he can't walk . Sad but is inspiring.
Great work ^^
Jasonlee #2
I found this fanfic.. it take me some time to find this ff coz i had forgoten the tittle. I remember the plot of this ff is about andy being in a wheelchair + a bestfriend eric n hyesung ..
ps : This fanfic was my bedtime story during college time
ps: Im a huge fan of Andy
Chapter 30: Yanno? I still hate RicSyung even tho ive reached the end of the story. Er, maybe 'hate' is a strong word but.. still.. I dont think id be able to read any ricsyung for a while cz well my heart's still hurting from the time when ricsyung hurt my dear precious Jinnie with their confusion n denial.. Maybe im TOO into the story but what can I say, Jinnie is my absolute bias.
Nice plot tho.
(Tho now im in a great need of anything Jinnie related fanfic which doesnt consist of him hurting, just to mend my STILL broken heart)
Thanks for writing.
SoulDragon #4
Chapter 30: Wonderfull! Some parts where a little bit too detailed for my tast hihi, but that's just my preference ;). I also loved the JinDy side story, could verry well be a main story!
Thank you verry much for this wonderfull story, i really enjoyed it!
Chapter 30: i cried so many times reading this fanfiction. ;_;
its so so so beautiful the jindy couple really made me adore this story, its amazing! thank you and congratulations! ♡
Chapter 20: I love this story so much, especially jindy's part.. kinda complicated but sweet :'3
Chapter 30: Ok, first off, sorry for the late comment :D
But aww, such a cute epilogue. :D
Jindy's married, Ricsung has a kid, and now a dog too. :P
And so nice of Ricsung to help them move in :D
Also, the kids name, really reminds me of Eugene from SES :P
I really realized as I read this, that I really am gonna miss the full length Jindy stuff from you :( I enjoy having weekly stuff to read from you, and comment on
wid_03 #8
Chapter 30: hohohoho...want to see yujin actually,,
but..ok,,loving you already completed..^^