Chapter 16

Loving you

HOLA! QUÉ TAL!!?!?!?!?

Really really really confusing I know. T____T 

Hello new subscribers! Saranghae! ^^

Oh, and special thanks to CLUMSYBLUE because you've been helping me so much lately! ^^ <3 I really owe you sooooooo much! There aren't words that could describe my gratitude. :/ 


Chapter 16:


“Wait…who’s this?” Eric’s father interrogated confused. “Andy?”

“This isn’t Andy.” Junjin breathed out. “This is his caretaker Junjin.”

Eric’s father went silent. “Umm…where’s Andy?”

Junjin blinked his eyes. “He’s in the lavatory.” He answered. “I can give the device to him if you want, sir.”

“No, there’s no need for that. Can you just tell the news to my son? It’s kinda important. He is going to be the best man.” Simon Mun explained.

“Sure, Mr. Mun. I’ll inform Andy-sshi.” Junjin mumbled and put the phone down.

Wedding? Junjin thought. The glass in his hand started to crack and in seconds there was nothing else left than Junjin’s bloody hand. Wedding? A ing wedding?

“Jin ah, I think I forgot my pho—Hey, what’s wrong? You are bleeding!! Jin ah! Jin ah! What’s wrong with you!?” Andy screamed while wheeling closer to him.

“A wedding,” Junjin muttered angrily.

“A what?” Andy snapped when he was taking a napkin and grabbing Junjin’s hand into his. Younger man startled when Junjin jerked his hand off and glared at him angrily.

“Don’t touch me!”

“W-w-what is it Jin ah? What’s the matter with you?” Andy slid back when Junjin moved away from him to the sink.

“How long did you know about this? Do you think it’s funny to play with me, huh?” Junjin murmured. “Was it funny to laugh at me, Andy-sshi?”

“What are you talking about? What did you hear?”


Andy’s eyes widened as he stared at Junjin, waiting for him to laugh and tell that this is all just a bad joke. Although Andy was very fond of dark humor. But unluckily Junjin’s face didn’t stir nor did he even smile. Andy lifted his hand onto his mouth.

“T-t-they’re…getting…married?” He stammered his question out.

Junjin eyed him seriously and gradually his face softened –realizing that Andy didn’t know about the wedding plans - until he began to cry. He kneeled to the floor and bit his lower lip so he wouldn’t muffle or howl but it was hard. He hadn’t cried in weeks.

“Jin ah,” Andy whined. “Don’t cry. You make me feel awkward.”

But that only made Junjin cry even more. Andy uncomfortably went next to him and lifted his hand onto older man’s back, it in a relaxing pace. It seemed to relax the other one since he pulled Andy closer and hugged his waist in a seriously awkward (and romantic) position. Andy’s face felt hotter and his hands were sweating but Junjin just wept and tightened his grip around the disabled man.

“Jin ah,” Andy whispered, hand stopping its . “Please, stop crying.” He said. “You can’t cry.” The said man lifted his head from Andy’s lap and stared at him with teary eyes.

“Why?” He asked.

“Because if you cry, I want to cry.” Andy replied embarrassed. “And it makes me sad, really sad.”

Junjin blinked his glowing eyes.

“You have to talk about it with hyung. You love him and Hyesung would do anything to have you. I don’t want to see you mournful, Jin ah. Talk to him. You deserve each other.” Good God how much that hurt Andy! The last sentence came out of his mouth as a breath and Junjin could hardly hear it. “I want you to be happy, Junjin.”

The caretaker finally flashed a smile that was filled with sadness yet happiness and Andy felt deeper than he had ever felt in his life. He was going to regret what he had said.


“Our wedding?!” Hyesung interrogated again when Eric had asked his sisters to enter the apartment. “What the Eric ah!?”

Eric shook his head. “I’m really sorry! I swear the God that I didn’t plan this. My mom decided to plan it by herself and then she called to me and told what she had done. I really opposed this Sung ah!” he babbled.

Hyesung closed the door and turned to glance at his best friend. His heart was still beating after that scene in the kitchen and to be honest he was so angry at Eric’s sisters. Who would interrupt something so…so…hot and beautiful?

“Fine,” Hyesung gasped. “It’s just that…I’m not really sure about this thing anymore Eric ah.”


“I mean…you said that nothing would change but so far everything’s changed.” Hyesung responded.

“What are you talking about?” Eric asked trying not to sound too eager. What was Hyesung about to say? Perhaps he felt the same?

“I don’t know, Eric ah.” He cried out. “I don’t know. I just feel…feel…” Hyesung bowed his head when Eric clasped his hands onto his shoulders, asking him to lift his head up. “I…feel…”

“What?” Eric questioned but when Hyesung just gazed at him bemused, he pecked him onto his lips, unintentionally.

“Eww…Get a room brother.” said Eric’s older sister amused.

“I agree. Get a room, please.”    

Even though it was a short kiss, Hyesung had closed his eyes and let out a sigh that flew onto Eric’s face. Older man glanced at him deeply before he took Hyesung’s hand into his and turned to his sisters.

“Oh, shut up.” He spoke.

“Hyesung ah,” said the second oldest sister. “Can I see your engagement ring? I didn’t have a proper look at it at your engagement party.” She explained.

Hyesung nodded and lifted his left hand.

“Wow,” she said. “That’s really beautiful. Eric ah, you are spoiling Hyesung ah.”

Eric smiled awkwardly, hand tightening its grasp on Hyesung’s. “Well, I just love my comet that much.”

The sisters squealed like a seal or something and Hyesung’s stomach was tingling. He turned to look at Eric whose grin was uncomfortable.

“How did you know that Hyesung was the one you love?” The oldest nuna questioned. “I mean you two were best friends for years and now suddenly, after six months of dating, you proposed.”

Eric took a deep inhale as he looked at Hyesung with his dark eyes. “I just love him.” He said. That sentence made Hyesung’s heart skip a beat. “I love everything about him. His eyes, nose, mouth…lips…everything. The way he moves awkwardly around when his nervous, his blushing face when I kiss him, his cuteness and kindness, I love them all.” He confessed.

Hyesung’s heart was near of explosion.

“I can’t confidently say when I fell for him but I started to have these weird vibes after he had kissed me for the first time.” Eric explained.

“Really?” Hyesung suddenly interrogated.

Everyone turned to look at him. “Really,” Eric replied. “I love you, Hyesung ah.”

Hyesung would’ve jumped onto Eric, for some reason, if his sister hadn’t been present. Besides, he didn’t know why he was so freaking happy over Eric’s fake love confession. He just knew that he wanted it to be true. He wanted to be someone Eric loved. Eric loved no one.

“Woah,” said the younger sister. “You know what we’re going to do today?” She questioned. “We’re going to shop. You need wedding rings…and outfits.” She answered immediately. “Or else…you’re not welcome to mother’s wedding party.”

“Another party?” Eric whined. “I have working to do!”

“Come on! It’s going to be fun. Besides…it’s just mom, dad, Andy and his possible caretaker, you, your fiancé, us and our families.” The older sister boasted. “And don’t forget the alcohol.”


Minwoo sat in his and Eric’s office when his secretary entered the room, looking solemn.

“What is it?”

“Mr. Lee is here.” She responded, bowed and opened the door so the said man could come in. When the guest was in the room, Minwoo nodded to his secretary and she exited the room, wishing them good afternoon. Minwoo got up from his chair and went to greet the other one.

“Andy, how’re you?” He asked. “Everything’s okay with you?”

“Yes, hyung.” Andy grinned. “I am fine.”

Minwoo pulled a chair and adjusted it in front of Andy who instantly leaned closer. “Is your caretaker outside?”

“Mm…He won’t disturb us. Jin ah’s a good boy.”

Jin ah? Minwoo pondered. “Good.”

“What is it hyung? Why did you ask me to come here? I had to reschedule my meeting with the doctor.” Andy mumbled so no one would hear him.

Minwoo laughed. “I think you know it, Andy ya. It’s about your idiot brother.” He said.

“Oh, not again. What is it now?” Andy interrogated. “Did he finally perceive that the engagement is a bad thing?”

“Sort of.”

Andy frowned. “What do you mean by ‘sort of’?”

“He’s in love with Hyesung.”

Andy felt how the land under him disappeared and he burrowed into it, pulling every single lie with him. He couldn’t believe it.

“Are you serious?” He muttered quizzically.

“I wouldn’t lie on this matter, Andy ya. Your brother called me and asked for a one nig—noon stand. Apparently it didn’t go well, since Mandy told me that Eric’s ‘roommate’ interrupted them.” Minwoo stated. “God knows what happened next.”

Andy shook his head. “This can’t be happening, hyung. Jin ah’s already in pain because of the wedding news. If he knew that Eric hyung is in love with his boyfriend, everything will go wrong.”

“Wait! What? A wedding!?” Minwoo exclaimed.

“Ah, you didn’t know?”

Minwoo raised his eyebrows. “Does this look like I knew?”

Andy wanted to laugh but he couldn’t. “Eric loves Hyesung. It’s about time, I must say! But why couldn’t he do it earlier before Junjin arrived?! They’re going to hurt him.”

Minwoo furrowed his eyebrows. “Junjin’s not a problem. We can get him out of their way.”


Minwoo widened his eyes. “Oh, my god Andy! Don’t tell me.”

The maknae blushed.

“You like Junjin?”

The disabled man nodded slowly and Minwoo palmed his face. “What’s wrong with your family?”


“Why do you keep falling in love with taken men? I can see that you two are related.”

“Except…” Andy mumbled. “I am adopted, you remember?”

Minwoo smiled. “Don’t worry, Andy ya. We’ll find a way that doesn’t hurt Eric, Hyesung or Junjin. I promise.” He murmured and hugged Andy.

“Hyung,” He whispered and answered the hug. “I just really want to be with Junjin.”

And in that second the door opened. “A-a-Andy ya…”

The said man withdrew from Minwoo and turned to look towards the door. Junjin, he thought.

“I’m sorry,” Junjin grinned bitterly. “Did I interrupt something?”

“Ah, no, no, no!” Andy nervously threw his arms around. “He was just hugging me…because…um…”

“Andy got a rapping gig. Can you believe it, Junjin-sshi?”

Junjin raised an eyebrow. “Really? A rapping gig?”

Andy bit his lip and wrinkled his nose while looking at Minwoo with his death stare. Why would someone say something like that as a saving? Totally stupid and it needed to be fixed.


“Yeah,” Andy said awkwardly. “I got a rapping gig and that is why Minwoo hyung was hugging me. That’s it.” Wait! Why did Andy explain the previous situation to Junjin? He didn’t have to. It was Junjin who entered the room after all. “I can rap.”

Junjin pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes in suspicion but when he could only see Andy’s awkward smile and Minwoo’s mischievous glare, he let it be.

“Okay,” Junjin muttered. “I was just a bit shocked you know. Seeing you, Andy, hugging other guys.” He continued.  

 Andy nodded heavily and then turned to look at Minwoo. “Let’s talk about the gig later.” He said. “Call me…tonight.”

Minwoo showed his thumb to him and grinned. “Fine, Andy ya. I’ll call.” See you at the gig. The audience will love you.”

Andy rolled his eyes and wheeled next to Junjin who frowned. Andy can rap?


 “What do you think about these?” asked the oldest sister while showing some rings to her sister.

“I don’t think so. Unnie, what do you think about these?” questioned the younger sister and pointed another pair of golden rings. Eric and Hyesung were just following them silently, walking hand in hand and on and off they answered to their eager nunas’ questions.

“No,” said the oldest girl. “That doesn’t fit in Hyesung’s engagement ring.”

Other sister pouted. “Shopping with you is stupid. Eric ah, what do you think about these?” She turned to look at his brother who was startled from his dreamlands.

“What? What do I say about those, huh?” He stammered. “They’re great nuna.” Eric replied.

“Yeah, I like them too.” Hyesung commented smiling. “It’s simple yet beautiful.”

The oldest sister tsked behind the younger one when she showed her rings to the two. “What do you think about these?” She questioned, emphasizing the last word.

Hyesung gasped when Eric’s oldest sister opened the small box and two silver, diamond covered rings emerged and shone in the light. They were as beautiful as Hyesung’s engagement ring.

“Wow,” Eric murmured.

“Those are…amazing.” Hyesung said.

“Try them on!” She commanded. “Try them on! Try them on!” She gave the box to Eric and he slid the smaller one into Hyesung’s and younger man took the bigger one and slid it to Eric’s finger. Their eyes were fixed to each other.

“And now you’re husband and a…husband.” spoke the other sister amused. “You may kiss the bride.”

Eric was more than willing to kiss Hyesung again. He was so in freaking love. He had once been in love but that hadn’t gone well. That girl had broken his heart. That girl had broken his heart by dying onto his arms. Now Eric was in love again…and this time the other one wasn’t dying. This time the one was a man and his best friend. This time his heart won’t get broken. It was sure. Hyesung was going to be his.

And just when they were about to kiss, Eric’s sister pulled them out of the shop to another one to see wedding suits and outfits.

I hate my sisters, Eric pondered.


Andy was quiet when Junjin drove him to their next destination. The disabled man was thinking about Minwoo’s words anxiously and he found himself mumbling things out loud. Junjin didn’t hear them though. He just kept driving when suddenly he switched off the engine and turned to look at Andy who blinked his eyes in confusion.

“Hey, this isn’t the bar!” Andy whined. “Why did you stop in the middle of nowhere?!” he added.

“I want to know something.” Junjin whispered.

Andy gulped. “What is it?”

“Why rap?”


“Why do you rap? I think your voice would be okay for ballads too.” Junjin spoke. “It’s so soft.”

Andy turned red and answered, “I have sang ballads too but then I heard Hyesung hyung’s voice and decided to debut as a rapper.”

Junjin’s eyes became bigger. “You’ve debuted?”

“I did when I was 20 years old. But then…I’ve only gotten like couple of concert offers since, you know,” Andy pointed at his legs. “They are really exhausting.”

Junjin nodded.

“I write lyrics too.” Andy explained eagerly.

Junjin just smiled when he took a note that Andy got excited when talking about his other hobby. That was really cute.

“You do?” He asked.

“Yup, but…I’ve never really sung them to anyone.” The young master responded. “I record them and then listen to them over and over again.”

“Rap something to me.” Junjin spilled out.


“I want to hear your rapping. Can you, please?” He pleaded.

Andy bit his lip and his hands were clinging onto each other awkwardly. “O-o-okay,” he said, cleared his throat and began, “I don’t wanna see you with another man, I don’t want to just watch over you anymore,” Junjin was amazed by how Andy’s English pronunciation was so good and how his eyes fixed onto him as if he was feeling comfortable through the rap, “I want you more and more, I won’t hesitate anymore, let me take your hand,” Andy motioned with his hands like a rapper should and Junjin just kept glancing at him. “Baby be my girlfriend (I want you), Let me be your new man (I need you)” Older man wasn’t even surprised when Andy sang girlfriend instead of boyfriend since the lyrics were so strong and meaningful. It felt like Andy sang to him which was crazy. “He doesn’t suit you; you don’t really love him either,”

Andy ended his rap with a ‘yo’ sound and embarrassedly bowed his head, feeling mortified. Junjin was still thinking those last words of the song like they had been straightly pulled out of his life. But that couldn’t be.

“Wow,” He sighed. “That was…”

“Terrible? Awkward? Embarrassing?”

“…awesome! You are really cool Andy ya!” Junjin shouted. “Can you send me those recordings?”


“I need something to listen to when I run.”

“O-okay.” Andy answered.

“And can you record a ballad song too? I would love to hear one of those.” Junjin commented vigorously. “You have an amazing voice.”

“Thanks.” Andy whispered and blushed again.

If only you could realize…


Hyesung was crammed into a fitting room as Eric’s sisters were helping them to get dressed to their supposed wedding outfits. Hyesung was waiting in the small and hot changing room for his when Eric’s younger older sister came into the room.

“Nuna!” Hyesung yelled embarrassed.


“You can’t come here if I’m !!”

“But you aren’t . Besides, I’ve seen men before and I am married. And you are gay.” She laughed. “Let’s get you into this dress.”

Hyesung’s eyes widened. “Into what!?”

“A dress! I really want to see you in a dress. Just try it on and I will get you your suit.” She showed her aegyo. “Please, Hyesung ah.” She hummed. “I know you’re interested too!”

“No, I am not.” Hyesung lied.

“Aaah, you are blushing! Of course you want to see this on you. You’ve seen Eric too.”

Hyesung blushed. “Nuna!”

“Oh, yeah. You were the sensitive one. Sorry. Let’s pull this on.” She stated while putting the dress onto Hyesung. The man turned around whenever Eric’s sister told him to and he lifted his arms when she closed the corset with the ribbons. “Turn around.” She commanded.

Hyesung did as told and when he was facing the woman, she gasped.

“Oh, my god! You are so beautiful in it.”


“You really look like a princess.”


“I’m gonna take my camera and take a picture. But I can’t show it to Eric since seeing your bride in a wedding dress, brings bad luck.”


But she had already run out of the changing room. “Nuna,” Eric mumbled when suddenly someone collided with him and fell on top of him. “Sung ah,”

“Eric ah,”

“Where did my nuna go?”

“To get a camera.”


“She likes the view of me in a wedding dress.”

“A dress?” Eric pushed Hyesung off of him, got up from the floor, pulled Hyesung after him. “You’re wearing a dress, Sung ah. And it’s…”

They both blushed to the view of Hyesung in that white princess-like wedding dress that accentuated Hyesung’s slender body and those slim arms that held the dress in place. It was simple and it didn’t have any sleeves which was great since it just presented Hyesung’s shoulders and the long neck. If they had been alone, Eric would’ve attacked him and covered that whiteness with purplish marks. But they weren’t.

“Sung ah! Here I am!” yelled the eager sister, holding a camera. “Let’s take—OH NO!”


“Oh, no! NO! NO! NO!”

“What! What! What!”

“Eric, what are you doing in here!? You shouldn’t be here! Seeing the bride in her wedding dress before the wedding, brings bad luck. Hyesung, let’s go back!”

 Hyesung was dragged by his nuna away from Eric who just stared at Hyesung like seeing him for the first time. How is it possible to fall in love with someone more and more?


The weekend finally came and it was the day of Eric and Hyesung wedding party –whatever that is. Eric’s parents had asked them to come for a one-night-visit and after coaxing Junjin, he had let them go. But since Andy was of course invited, was his caretaker too.

Andy’s sisters were still –after 21 years – awkward whenever Andy was present. It wasn’t like they hated him. No. They loved him as a brother but it seemed that everything they did, affected Andy somehow. The young master –as Dongwan usually called him – didn’t think that the sisters were rude to him. He understood them.

Their kids though…They hadn’t ever seen a man who was sitting on a wheelchair so when they saw Andy for the first time, they started to call him ‘Disabled uncle’. That nickname amused Andy though.

“How’s it been with our Andy?” Grace Mun questioned in private when Andy was talking with his nephews and nieces.

“Oh, it’s been amazing. I really like working with him. He’s been telling me so much stuff. You can be very proud of your son, Mrs. Mun.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s a great rapper and a cook.”

“A rapper? A cook? Our Andy likes rapping and cooking?” Grace Mun answered. “I didn’t know.”

Junjin frowned.

“I guess he’s opened up.” She said. “You could be proud of yourself Mr. Park. You managed to open our Andy up. You know more about him than we all do together. He’s been kind of a mystery after all these years.”

Junjin nodded heavily. “I see.”

He hadn’t known.


On the dinner table, Junjin, of course, couldn’t sit next to his boyfriend but he had to sit opposite of him because that belonged to the etiquette. Junjin shuffled next to Andy and slumped down to the chair.

‘I’m sorry.’ Hyesung mouthed with a smile.

‘Don’t be.’ Junjin mouthed back and took some side dishes from a tray.

“So,” Simon Mun spoke. “Did you find the rings and the suits?”

Junjin almost dropped the tray when Andy touched his forearm as if saying ‘everything’s going to be okay’. But it wasn’t going to be okay. His boyfriend was getting married with a man who Junjin didn’t know whether to hate him or not.

“We did,” said one of the sisters. “It was difficult at first since those two agreed to have anything. But after spending two hours in that shop they chose the ring I had chosen.”

Simon Mun smiled his dad-smile. “And what about the suits?”

“We found the suits too. Don’t worry, dad. I even got Hyesung to try on a wedding dress.”

“You did?” Grace Mun interrogated.

“I have a picture of it.” stated the younger sister.

Junjin slid his hand under the table as he was it hard. He was so angry. He was so pissed. He was so infuriated that he got up from the chair and said, “I need some fresh air.”

Everyone turned to look at him when he walked to upstairs into the guest room. There he stormed towards the balcony to take a breath.

Now he realized how much he hated lying.


Hyesung excused himself as he got up from the chair and hurriedly followed Junjin into the room he had entered.

“Jin ah,”


“Jin ah, please…”


“Park Chung Jae,” Hyesung said seriously.


Hyesung cringed when he heard the trembling and the anger in his voice.

“What is it?”

“I hate this. I hate that I don’t see you anymore. I hate that you smile to all of them so sincerely and I hate it how you act happy. But you know what hyung?” Junjin turned to look at him. “It feels like you aren’t acting anymore.”

Hyesung startled.

“I’ve noticed it, hyung.”

“You’ve noticed what Junjin?!” Hyesung raised his voice. “Can you please tell me what you’ve noticed?”

“That you don’t consider yourself as a best friend anymore.”

Hyesung couldn’t utter a word.

“I will ask you a question and I want you to answer to it sincerely.” Junjin stated sternly. “Do you love Eric hyung?”

(Author’s note: Continues in the next chapter.)


Eric saw something that totally burst his heart and made him gasp out of breath. He saw his fiancé with his boyfriend on his parents’ balcony, kissing and cuddling. That seriously broke his heart. He knew that he wasn’t going to have Hyesung to himself. He knew it too well. And that was why he couldn’t marry him. That would be wrong. Hyesung apparently didn’t love him and their fake marriage would just hurt Junjin. How didn’t he get it earlier? Of course it would hurt Junjin. He had to be there and pretend like he didn’t love Hyesung. He just acted.

And that hurt Eric too.

He wanted to have Hyesung to all by himself and then kiss the life out of him and make love to him endlessly, but it was just Eric’s fantasies. His dreams never came true.

Eric lifted his gaze up to the balcony and saw how his best friend, secret love, fake fiancé kissed the one he loved, romantically. With Eric it was always just passionate. With Junjin it was romantic. It was clear that Hyesung loved Junjin. And he always will.

The fury rose inside Eric as he shoved his cigarette to the ground, stamped it and hurried back into his parents’ house. He was done.

Eric threw his bag onto the bed and started to toss his clothes to it feeling so angry that his arms were trembling from fingers to the shoulders. He wanted to scream and shout but just couldn’t. He was so furious. He was so pissed off that he didn’t notice Hyesung who entered the room quietly.

“Eric ah,” He whispered scared when Eric threw his clothes onto the bag not even looking at Hyesung. “What are you doing?”

“Can’t you see it?” Eric mumbled angrily. “I am packing.”


“Because,” Older man snapped. “I can’t take this anymore.”

“What are you talking about, Eric ah?” Hyesung sang trying to hide the shivering in his voice and the aching in his heart. “Why are you angry?”

Eric shook his head and kept tossing his shirts and jeans to the big bag when Hyesung lost it, ran towards Eric and pushed him to the bed, straddling him with force, capturing his wrist and pressing them next to his body, staring at him with his commanding eyes. Eric tried to fight but Hyesung was surprisingly strong.

“CALM DOWN!” Hyesung yelled at him. “Breathe in and out and tell me what the hell is wrong with you!” he continued tightening his grip on Eric’s wrist.

“Nothing,” Older man blushed.

“Tell me Eric ah.” Hyesung murmured leaning closer to the man.


“Tell me.”

“I won’t.”

“Please, tell me. Maybe I can make it better.”

Eric bit his lip and shook his head.



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turyka #1
Chapter 30: So i'm on a RicSung fever right now and found ur story... and I love it.
Although i felt sad for Jinnie at the beginnig cause he really have an amazing heart. I glad that you pair him with Andy and that you didn't change ythe fact that he can't walk . Sad but is inspiring.
Great work ^^
Jasonlee #2
I found this fanfic.. it take me some time to find this ff coz i had forgoten the tittle. I remember the plot of this ff is about andy being in a wheelchair + a bestfriend eric n hyesung ..
ps : This fanfic was my bedtime story during college time
ps: Im a huge fan of Andy
Chapter 30: Yanno? I still hate RicSyung even tho ive reached the end of the story. Er, maybe 'hate' is a strong word but.. still.. I dont think id be able to read any ricsyung for a while cz well my heart's still hurting from the time when ricsyung hurt my dear precious Jinnie with their confusion n denial.. Maybe im TOO into the story but what can I say, Jinnie is my absolute bias.
Nice plot tho.
(Tho now im in a great need of anything Jinnie related fanfic which doesnt consist of him hurting, just to mend my STILL broken heart)
Thanks for writing.
SoulDragon #4
Chapter 30: Wonderfull! Some parts where a little bit too detailed for my tast hihi, but that's just my preference ;). I also loved the JinDy side story, could verry well be a main story!
Thank you verry much for this wonderfull story, i really enjoyed it!
Chapter 30: i cried so many times reading this fanfiction. ;_;
its so so so beautiful the jindy couple really made me adore this story, its amazing! thank you and congratulations! ♡
Chapter 20: I love this story so much, especially jindy's part.. kinda complicated but sweet :'3
Chapter 30: Ok, first off, sorry for the late comment :D
But aww, such a cute epilogue. :D
Jindy's married, Ricsung has a kid, and now a dog too. :P
And so nice of Ricsung to help them move in :D
Also, the kids name, really reminds me of Eugene from SES :P
I really realized as I read this, that I really am gonna miss the full length Jindy stuff from you :( I enjoy having weekly stuff to read from you, and comment on
wid_03 #8
Chapter 30: hohohoho...want to see yujin actually,,
but..ok,,loving you already completed..^^